  • Report:  #397223

Complaint Review: New Platinum Advantage - Platinum Advantage - National Consumer Services - Largo Florida

Reported By:
- Houston, Texas,

New Platinum Advantage - Platinum Advantage - National Consumer Services
3665 East Bay Dr. Largo, 33771 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Platinum Advantage contacted us on 11/06/2008, unfortunately my hubby thought this was the company I had been doing business with, and the "agent" asked to verify info, so he gave it out. We had been looking into "payday loans", and this agent knew this, and had Hubby's basic info. So Hubby verified our banking info by repeating it to the agent. When I walked in, Hubby told me what was going on, and I took over from there because I wanted to hear details of the offer given to Hubby.

Offer was for 7,500 credit limit, with 1,000 available for cash advance, at the APR of a little over 8%(I can't remember exactly). I asked the agent how he got Hubby's info, he stated that he had seen we were on the internet looking for cash advances, and that he could help us. I informed him that we did not need his services, as I had already taken care of our needs. He then went on to ask "aren't you interested in helping your husband's credit with a Mastercard?" I informed him that Hubby's credit was good, even better than mine, and that we were not in need of his services.

Again, he went into his sales pitch, and again, I declined. I informed him that since he and Hubby started the application process, did he need Hubby to decline the services. He stated he did not, and that he would stop the process. I asked if he was sure everything was being cancelled, he assured me it had. I thought that was that.

On 11/11/2008, I was going through our account online, when I saw 100.00 had been debited from our account on 11/10/2008. I called the number shown next to the business name, only to be told that they were an ACH for many different companies, and that she couldn't help me. So, there I was frustrated. Told Hubby that the guy took the money out after all, but that I didn't understand how, as I didn't give him our info. Hubby then informed me that he gave the agent our info. All our info! Right before I walked in.

I began to investigate National Consumer Services (ACH) online and bumped into ripoffreport.com. This site gave me info on this company. Read a rebuttal from a National Consumer Services "employee", who gave contact info on New Platinum Advantage, asked Hubby if New Platinum Advantage was the name of the company that guy worked for, "yeah that's it."

Looked up New Platinum on ripoffreport.com, the BBB, and another consumer board. Scary! I attempted to reach New Platinum at the numbers that were posted. Had luck contacting the "processing center", but they could not help, "I'm sorry, we only process your account, call the following number, it's 'customer service', they can help you there."

Great! Called the "customer service" number only to get voicemail, left my info and Hubby's info as he was point of contact. Given the "voicemail number" again and the customerservice@newplatinumadvantage email. Left an email, contacted BBB, contacted my bank. Began this horrendous process.

Bank investigated, they refunded my money, bank manager was great and a big help to me! They did charge me a "stop payment" fee, though. Continued to leave messages for a week and a half,at Platinum Advantage's supposed "customer service" line, continued to call the "processing center" to get someone to talk to about the incident/mistake/error. Have yet to receive any response from them.

They did respond to my BBB report. Accused me of not attempting to contact them. Funny, my email states it was sent on 11/12/2008, and AT&T verifies that I began to call Platinum Advantage's "customer line" the night of 11/11/2008. Platinum Advantage stated that my bank "stopped payment" on November 7,2008. How my bank knew to stop payment before I even knew of the debit(11/11/2008), or even contacted the bank about it(11/12/2008), is beyond me! Maybe some of the employees at my bank can see into the future? I should hit them up for stock advice!

Well, I have just responded to their silly statement to the BBB, I am asking for the reimbursement of the "stop payment" fee, 34.97. Now I just wait to see what their response will be. If anyone knows of any lawsuits being brought up against this company, let me know. Respond to this report. Sorry, don't want to give out personal info, been there, done that!


Houston, Texas


13 Updates & Rebuttals


new platinum advantage---lesson learned

#2Author of original report

Tue, January 06, 2009

Hubby learned the HARD way about giving out sensitive info. It was all about the principle, not the measly dollar amount. I really detest crooked companies! YES, Hubby messed up and was irresponsible in giving out info, and it will NEVER happen again. And I will file reports at the sites you provided Laurie, thanks. It disgusts me that they do business in a dirty way. I requested 2x that the process be canceled, I was assured it would be, but they continued with the process anyway. That's what burns me up. Ahh, life goes on, Platinum didn't get ANY of our money. That's my silver lining.


Platinum advantage

#3Author of original report

Tue, January 06, 2009

just an update on my complaint....to the commentators, you're absolutely right about consumers taking responsibility. I do, in everything I do. Now Hubby has learned the VERY hard way to not give out info. I was really upset at having to dish out any money, even if it had been less than what I was upset about. At least Platinum Advantage didn't get any of the funds! That's my silver lining. But still, have you seen the new reports filed since mine? They continue to do "business" and it really ticks me off. My case was based on principle, not on the monies. I expect every business to be legitimate, and have integrity. I guess my expectations are too high. Believe me, I will look into the sites provided, and I will file reports. I really detest crooked companies!



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, December 18, 2008

THEY ARE A COLLECTION AGENCY or working with one- As soon as I saw the reference to BAD credit - I knew exactly what it was. Its a scam used by SOME collection agencies to restart the clock on old out of statute of limitations debts - that the collection agency bought for pennies - but they cannot collect on because it is too old. IT MAY NOT EVEN BE YOURS! They use the ploy of a new credit card that require you make payments upfront before you receive the card. Once you make that first payment - you have restarted the clock on the statute of limitations - called RE-AGING. And its illegal to not tell you upfront that this is a collection activity. They had your personal data because they bought the debt. VAL - file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission. www.ftc.gov While on the FTC website - read the FDCPA Fair Debt Collection Practice Act. Federal Law that collection agencies are required to follow but many do not. You can also file with the Office of Thrift Supervision - this government agency is responsible for overseeing Credit Card Companies. www.ots.gov Another excellent resource for you is www.budhibbs.com - A consumer advocate website that specializes in protecting you from debt collecters. COLLECTION AGENCIES DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS SITE! Because it EXPOSES ALL THE NASTY ILLEGAL TRICKS THEY USE - like bogus credit card offers. NEVER COUNT ON THE BBB TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM - They usually side with Dues paying members because they want to keep the money coming in. they have stopped being an advocate for the consumer long ago. A good BBB rating is not worth the paper it is printed on anymore.

Elizabeth Pili

Boyton Beach,
Dear Val

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 18, 2008

Val it seems you really need to have a long conversation with your husband. As for the Better Business Bureau complaint. Anyone can file a complaint and being your claim being closed within 30 days tells me a few things. 1. This company complies with the BBB and responds immediately to rectify matters against them. 2. Your claim was not supported and from experience was probably closed "Administrively" due to just seeing how you can't accept the denial over $34.97. 3. Since the BBB requests for ANY company to provide documents, tapes etc to prove their case. Once again from my experience they HAVE that proof to provide. In all honesty, since this company DID NOT break any law. I would take this a lesson learned. Do not apply for any type of credit over the internet, phone or mail system. DO NOT provide any private information which may include your social security number or checking account information. As a consumer it is YOU that must take that responsibility. I can assure you this company just may be a crooked one. Yet, its only the consumer not using common sense not to give their private information over a phone that can be blamed in the end. Btw a civil suit over $34.97 would just make the judicial system laugh. Don't embarrass yourself or waste any more money. Besides to continue a fight over the amount your wasting your energy on now must mean you need every penny. Good Luck


platinum advantage

#6Author of original report

Tue, December 16, 2008

After first filing a complaint with the BBB, they have decided to close the case, it's been 30 days. Platinum Advantage never responded to our emails or our messages, but they were quick to respond to our complaint with the BBB. Since our complaint date with ripoffreport.com, we have observed new complaints filed on this same company. According to Platinum Advantage, they have done nothing wrong, but these complaints sure do look the same. Please respond to this post if you have any info on lawsuits against Platinum Advantage, we will be looking into starting one. Although they weren't able to keep any of our money, we love our bank!, they continue to take other people's money, and it needs to stop!


RE: to Platinum Advantage employee

#7Author of original report

Tue, December 16, 2008

If my complaint to the BBB was not legitimate, it would have never been filed. This is the first complaint I have filed. In reading your posts, I wonder where your professionalism is? Yes, the BBB has closed this complaint after we have gone back and forth for the last 30 days, but it doesn't mean your company was in the right. Again, I ask for the tape of the whole conversation. As for classifying my comments on ripoffreport.com as harassment, I suggest you look up the First Amendment. I also have the right to form a civil lawsuit against your company, which I am currently looking into. Wow, have you seen how many more complaints have been filed since mine? We all must be doing something wrong, and your company must be the only one doing something right.

Platinum Advantage Customer Service Department

To Val Concerning Your Harrassments

#8UPDATE Employee

Mon, December 15, 2008

As we have responded to the BBB complaint filed by you. Your $34.97 stop payment charge made by your bank is denied. You as a spouse chose to place a stop payment on a recorded verbal contract YOUR HUSBAND applied to have done. You don't even have your facts straight on our terms and conditions of the program we offer people like your husband. People who have BAD credit due to not paying their bills. At this point, it is you harrassing our company over $34.97. You will not get a refund for a fee not caused by our company. Sincerely, Customer Relations Dpt.


RE: to Platinum Advantage employee

#9Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

Then it would be correct to assume the whole conversation was recorded? Including the part where your agent stated that the the card was a Mastercard? And where I asked that your agent please cancel the transaction, twice, also where I asked if he needed to have my husband verbally cancel the transaction? Is there any way I can get a copy of the WHOLE conversation, or conveniently, will it only show where my husband gives permission, or will I not be able to obtain a copy of the recording? Please don't compare your company to these companies you used in your rebuttal. Complaints lodged against you company here on ripoffreport.com, and the Florida BBB speak plenty!

Platinum Advantage Customer Service Department


#10UPDATE Employee

Wed, December 03, 2008

Dear Mr. Andrew Rodriguez, Please explain to your spouse what you applied for with our company. Also, as noted in the BBB complaint # 67127835 we did an investigation and have corresponded with the BBB. You will receive a letter from the BBB with our response. Due to the privacy of your account its best you contact our customer service department if you would like us to explain to your spouse the account details. We will need your authorization to speak with her since she is not on the account you applied for with our company. Mrs. Rodriguez, On behalf of the company Platinum Advantage ( We are NOT affiliated with National Consumer Service or Alternate Credit Solutions) I would like to say that no one is ripped off, people only hear and believe what they want even if the truth isn't what they want to hear. We have an extensive process of opening all new accounts. 1. Sales reps explain all information including ALL fee's to the consumer. 2. A Verification PreRecorded message (done by 3rd party, which is UN-editable, UN-alterable) states all terms and condition, with the first statement " Your Platinum Advantage Merchant Finance Account that you have been approved for is issued by Platinum Advantage." It does NOT state this is a Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express or any other Major Bank Card at anytime during the process. Definition of a Merchant Finance Account:A finance company or institution that offers merchant account services to traders or individuals. It processes on site and online credit for products and electronic-commerce transactions in exchange for a fee and/or the right to collect on the credit debt given by the merchant owed by the buyer. 3. A verifier asks the consumer if everything that was heard on the pre-recorded message was CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE, Without any noises or interruptions, and gets full authorization to debit the consumer on dates agreed and recorded to present to the bank, BBB, Attorney General etc if requested. THIS PROTECTS Our company and Consumers who may have had their identity stolen. 4. Before ANY ACH debits are submitted to any financial institution a final QC Verifier listens to EACH and EVERY recording before releasing it in a computer for debit processing. How can any one claim that they have been ripped off? Here is How: There are customers who are trying to get something for nothing, and there are customers that are NEVER happy, no matter what it is. We maintain less then 1% of unsatisfied customers and there is nothing we can do to satisfy someone who is out to get something for nothing,PERIOD. For example, check out complaints on the following companies. Everyone trusts them, they are blue chip companies. DELL WALMART VERIZON WIRELESS US BANK WACHOVIA BANK CAPITAL ONE DISH NETWORK EBAY RAMADA BBB AT&T CIRCUIT CITY EXPERIAN GEICO PAYPAL T-MOBILE GMAC That is only a few mentioned...go ahead and run your favorite national chain store or business that you are happily doing business with, buying products or services, and you will be surprised that most of them have unhappy customers. People like you should say: SHAME ON YOU-RIP OFF REPORT FOR NOT VALIDATING ANY COMPLAINTS AND NOT TAKE THEM OFF THE SYSTEM WHEN THEY ARE FRIVOLOUS.


New Platinum Advantage/Platinum Advantage/National Consumer Services

#11Author of original report

Wed, December 03, 2008

Did I mention that as of today, the numbers I had as contact points are either never answered or are disoconnected? I found a 1-877 number at the BBB, I wonder how long that will last? Oh yeah, Platinum and National Consumer work together scam-wise! National now goes by Alternantive Consumer Services, according to the NCS number I found.


New Platinum Advantage/Platinum Advantage/National Consumer Services

#12Author of original report

Wed, December 03, 2008

Did I mention that as of today, the numbers I had as contact points are either never answered or are disoconnected? I found a 1-877 number at the BBB, I wonder how long that will last? Oh yeah, Platinum and National Consumer work together scam-wise! National now goes by Alternantive Consumer Services, according to the NCS number I found.


New Platinum Advantage/Platinum Advantage/National Consumer Services

#13Author of original report

Wed, December 03, 2008

Did I mention that as of today, the numbers I had as contact points are either never answered or are disoconnected? I found a 1-877 number at the BBB, I wonder how long that will last? Oh yeah, Platinum and National Consumer work together scam-wise! National now goes by Alternantive Consumer Services, according to the NCS number I found.


New Platinum Advantage/Platinum Advantage/National Consumer Services

#14Author of original report

Wed, December 03, 2008

Did I mention that as of today, the numbers I had as contact points are either never answered or are disoconnected? I found a 1-877 number at the BBB, I wonder how long that will last? Oh yeah, Platinum and National Consumer work together scam-wise! National now goes by Alternantive Consumer Services, according to the NCS number I found.

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