  • Report:  #304539

Complaint Review: NOSS123.com NOSS123 NOSS Number One Success System - Kapolei Hawaii

Reported By:
- Virginia Beach, Virginia,

NOSS123.com NOSS123 NOSS Number One Success System
PMB 156 590 Farrington HWY #210-156 Kapolei, 96707 Hawaii, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To each and every one of you who are considering NOSS123, also known as Number One Success System, NOSS123.com and/or NOSS, who have unknowingly, to some, went under names such as True Wealth Today, Real Results Today, RRS123, World Of Wealth Today, Uptoyouwealth, and a host of other facades to keep their scam afresh, I will be exposing this opportunity from the inside out.

I will update this page as needed; for I am certain that there is a new name change in the making.

I am here to give you some very informative facts concerning this opportunity, as well as the other copycat gifting activities mirroring this organized crime.

Before I begin, let me give those of you who want their meat and potatoes first, the information needed to make an educated decision as to whether you find NOSS operation deceitful and fraudulent. I challenge each and every one of you to do something meaningful for 2008.

This challenge is for those of you who are considering this opportunity, as well as those who are actively working this operation.

Take this program to your local attorney general's office and not limited to a personal attorney who practices business law: Be certain to base your concern on how the program is being presented with its specifics.

If you are actively working the program and do not wish to divulge your participation at this time, present your concerns as if you were considering the opportunity.

DO NOT generalize the facts of this program. Present the program in its rawest form by providing the website address and password, the gifting statement and non-solicitation forms. Include the fact that you will not be paying taxes based upon the IRS gifting tax law. If the representative is open to listen, direct them to the on-demand informational call where Ken explains it all.

After following these specific instructions, if any one of you can prove that an authorized governmental official has told you, that this program is legal, and if you can provide me with circumstantial evidence confirming this fact, liberally contact me personally at 206-6 6 6-3 1 1 3, and I will send you a true gift of $3500.00. No strings attached.

I am going to enclose some additional facts that you will find helpful. In fact, you will be most grateful that you did your due diligence and fell upon this information before carelessly packing your 100 dollar bills inside of an FEDEX envelope to the strange recipient anxiously awaiting your cash with his tongue dripping wet with greed.

I will also expose some of the psychological tactics that this organization uses to keep their participants brainwashed and bound by the spirit of greed. Hopefully this information will prove resourceful for you when considering your next business venture.

Upon listening to NOSS informational call, your first indicator that something is amiss should be the highly regulated fashion in which they operate. In addition, you will notice a lot of hype. This hype is practiced -- from the enthusiasm that is created on these conference calls to the testimonies given at the end of the call. Nothing here is authentic.

Be aware. Every thing about NOSS is pretentious. What looks like a pool of support, is really a false impression of Watch my back and I'll watch yours. At all cost, let's get our next buck together!"

On NOSS' training calls, exclusively for members, you are taught how to become the next best scammer. There are techniques shared, which teach you how to manipulate your character to persuade others that you are the leader they would want to follow.

You are also taught how to give a testimony. Would someone be so kind as to share with me how a testimony can be still called a testimony, if it does not flow from the core of your heart? This is called control.

The training calls are highly regulated. You have the fat cats, the trainers, and then the lay members. The fat cats give the trainers -- most of the time -- divine access to dominate the call. There are certain features on these training calls which allow the "leaders" to control the atmosphere of these calls at all times.

If you are a member of NOSS, unless you are listening blind, you know exactly what I am referring to. If you have ever attempted to ask a question and wondered if you were heard or if anyone was listening because it appeared that either their was a malfunction in the reception or that you were being ignored, it was the latter. Your question or statement did not fit the criteria of the environment. So, yes, you were undeniably being disregarded.

The training calls are designed to keep the members blindly committed to NOSS. NOSS reaps a huge benefit from this. The hope is that the member will continue to maintain his annual web hosting fee and also to continue purchasing the leads offered in their back office. The fat cats are profiting from the both of these promotions. Let us remember that fat cats have fat pockets.

Many people who join these organizations are insecure and have a void in their life. NOSS selects their trainers very carefully. You can rest assure that it is not because of your strength of character. Usually these trainers will be manipulatively pimped for the purpose of leading the blind into a darker ditch.

In return, these trainers are put on untouchable pedestals. Surreptitiously their egos are stroked as they are looked upon as the guru who is making it happen.

The lay members, however, can be heard privately pleading within themselves, If only I could touch the guru's garment right now, maybe, just maybe, I can make this work too. Once you become aware of this senseless mind game, it is unbearable to stomach.

It is very interesting to note that this is how all the cash gifting programs operate. The winners are only those who are willing to sacrifice their integrity for greed. This is what separates the winners from losers and those who make a gifting program work and those who deem the program a failure.

If you find that you are kicking yourself because you cannot seem to get the Fedex truck to deliver cold hard cash to your door daily, consider yourself a person who has not yet exchanged your intergrity for the spirit of greed. What a blessing.

It reminds me of the mega evangelical church that hypes their members up with the get-your-next-breakthrough-blessing sermon before asking every one in the pew to drop a seed in the ground for their next miracle. The preacher is praised as hundreds of thousands of dollars are left on the table while empty hearts drag back to their broken homes -- hopeless.

This vicious cycle is repeated as the finances of these individuals are pressed dry, while the hearts of the greedy fat cats are made fatter. Unfortunately, since the preacher's sermons are shallow, so are the followers hearts. They return again and again for a refill of emptiness only to remain dismayed, broken and disappointed in the end.

By profession, I am a court stenographer. I am not an editorialist who likes to enforce my views and opinions onto others. I would much rather provide facts and challenge you to do your due diligence to prove otherwise.

It is important that you base your findings upon evidence. I dare you to challenge your doubts, if you still have them at this point, by plugging into one of NOSS exclusive training calls yourself.

You may access this recording by dialing 218-936-1005, Part 1 (39:14) pin no. 60649#, Part 2 (2:40) pin no. 60847#. There is a 30-second delay, so be patient. Press # (pound) to increase the volume and * (star) to decrease the volume of the recording. This recording is available 24 hours a day at your discretion.

One more issue that I would like to address before closing. Why would NOSS unplug a person for starting an additional business or program? What security would this give its participants? How has a person violated any guidelines or protocols by starting an additional business? This spells intimidation.

Here is a clear indication of how controlling and manipulative NOSS' orchestration is -- from their highly regulated training calls to their semi-live informational calls. This is simply because NOSS is rooted in GREED -- G-aining R-uthlessly E-ach and E-every D-ay...

Any other legitimate biz op or "opportunity" would encourage multiple streams of income. These individuals are plagued by the spirit of greed. Remain mindful of this, if you are currently in NOSS or if you are considering this opportunity. They can rip your "back office" from underneath you at any time without explanation.

NOSS is insecure and they have earned every right to be. Believe it or not, insecurity is a marked trait that would draw one to such an opportunity to begin with.

Open your eyes. Remove the mud from your vision.

For any of you who have listened to me on the training calls, I would like you to judge carefully by your own discernment and your personal interaction with me. I have no reason to maim a person's character. I did not list names or try to attack anyone individually. You are aware of who they are, just like I am.

I would also like to note that I have been receiving threatening calls from people inside of NOSS to cease and desist the exposure of their illegal campaign. I am ruefully ashamed of my former affiliation with NOSS. It is time to sound the alarm. I will continue to be used as an instrument to do so.

Rumors have it that I am trying to exploit NOSS at the expense of promoting my own home-based business. Isn't it interesting that I have never made one reference or attempt to promote "a new program", if I had one? This is not my intent. Enlightenment and exposure is my sheer motivation.


Virginia Beach, Virginia


6 Updates & Rebuttals


My personal experience

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 30, 2010

I have been a member for a while and the only thing I have to say is, I am completely satisfied with the results I have gotten from this program. I have been in other programs before and everyone has a cry because something didn't work for them.

I have referred people to this program and gave them the exact process I used to be successful. Some were very successful and others were not. That is the case with everything in life. Some blame someone else and others get better and succeed.

If You don't want to do something, just don't do it, but I bet whatever one does in life, some will always complain when they fail, unless they change their mindset and learn the skill needed to be a success.

Don't blame others for Your failure, learn from it and strive for excellence, and You will make it to the top of anything You do.


Ft Myers,
In response to your threats

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 12, 2008

The only threats you been recieving are right here in writing and it will not stop you are a low life thief.And as long as you have my money and still think you can do what you like I will keep right on attacking you,You want it to stop quit being a scumbag and a thief but we know that wont happen as you have a new program you and your scam partner Barry Gilliam with this new low life program the welloffnetwork So once again you have confessed to being a scumbag then you act like you can use rip off report as a way to promote your new scam and thats a sad try even for you Mal I wonder when the ripoffreport will wake up and see that and finally put the last nail in your coffin for you


Virginia Beach,
Desperate To Keep Illegal Gifting Scam Afloat NOSS123 Threatens Ex-Member

#4Author of original report

Mon, February 11, 2008

I deem it necessary to expose that I have been receiving threatening calls by NOSS members to cease my efforts to expose their illegal gifting scheme. One member, in particular, who would only identify himself as Chris, left a voice message on my office number threatening to smear my name and my companys name, Well Off Network, Welloffnetwork, on the Internet, unless and until I stop exposing the fraudulence of NOSS. He was belligerent in his speech, making it clear that I was stopping him from making money. His message has been recorded and archived. We must ask ourselves this question: Members of NOSS have posted several rebuttals that their operation is legal. Why, then, have their dismay heightened? Why is there a level of fear? If NOSS were abiding by the laws of the United States Government, my information and exposure, at the very least, would become a promotional tool for their program, aiding the growth of NOSS123. The handwriting is on the wall. The legs of NOSS123 are weakening. The pyramid is crumbling. Members who had the unfortunate experience of joining NOSS at its latter stages will lose money. Before I conclude, let me enlighten anyone who is unaware. Bribing and threatening, in this capacity, are felonies. Any member of NOSS or any other individual who wants to become creative in this way, be advised that I will travel great lengths to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law for your actions.


Virginia Beach,
Mal Is Not A Slut

#5Author of original report

Sun, February 10, 2008

Chris, I do not know who you are. However, your claim has some validity. Yes, it is true. To my chagrin, I was a member of NOSS123, NOSS. My intentions were to make a lot of money. Blinded by greed, my insensitivity to people's needs was exacerbated by the potential to make a quick buck. Needless to say, you have made a misrepresentation of the Well Off Network. The Well Off Network is not a gifting program at all. The Well Off Network, also known as W.O.N., is a legitimate business, whose parent name is Georgia Mid Atlantic Capital Corporation. You can verify this information by going to Georgia Secretary of State Corporations Division. What is the Well Off Network? The Well Off Network teaches you how to make money online using the Internet. How is this accomplished? This is accomplished through online marketing, personal development and education in the practice of leveraging your money and time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the founder directly. Barry Gilliam, Well Off Network, Founder 7 7 0 - 9 6 2 - 2 2 5 5 Malchishuah J. Giddings-Phillips 2 0 6 - 6 6 6 - 3 1 1 3


Ft Myers,
mal the slut at work

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 08, 2008

This scumbag mal as she is known took my money when she was in a program called noss then tried to say the folks at noss were all theifs when shes is the thief.The folks at noss helped me when she took my money and abandoned me and posted all the negative s**t she could on noss and the whole time tried to make everyone think she was doing it to be a good person.That she hadnt started a new program or anything well heres her new gifting program that simplys shows shes a liar and a thief and yes mal i will follow you anywhere to tell the world what kind of s**t you really are your are nothing but a criminal who trys to use the lord as a sword that makes you the worse kind of scumbag your new program the http://welloffnetwork.com/index.php will be a failure just like you anyone who reads this should know this ladys a scumbag crook who has done nothing but lie to damage other programs to help her new one of the ground well mal when you pay back me and the many others you stole from then you can play how high and mighty you are in the mean time your just another slick s**t at work. mal is a bullshit scammer who lives in pa and heres all her info ill post a new thread on her new program as well and im coming after you w***e bag im going to get my moneys worth from you that you can count on Malchishuah Giddings Malchishuah Phillips 512-505-6832 http://welloffnetwork.com/index.php 757-497-0887


I've got news for you, NOSS gets none of the "GIFT"!!

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, February 07, 2008

In a pyramid scheme its organization and organizer/s benefit from every transfer of money. People pay the organization 1st. This means that the organization then controls who gets what as incentives to attracting other "associates" and their money into the organization. No one makes money except the top few. NOSS gets none of the "GIFT" given privately between 2 people among consenting adults. If you join and you fail to attract people to give a gift, then NOSS does not fail. This is because NOSS does not Gain Ruthlessly Each and Every Day no matter how how many teleconferences it holds for its members. If you teach someone HOW to fish, then they will each forever. If you PUSH people who show interest in gifting to give more than they're willing and able to give, then that is your sin and no one elses. People who are riddled in guilt always blame others for their sin or failure and even for their success. Yes, to BE SUCCESSFUL in most religions is nothing more than sin. Yet, ask any Pastor in any religion if giving to the church is sinful. Isn't the snake biting its own tail here? However, those who are successful in attracting other gifters, do gain in ways that constantly puts them on the receiving end. It IS TRUE that it is better to GIVE than to Receive, because through GIVING, Receiving comes abundantly and naturally. That is the true meaning of this SPIRITUAL LAW.

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