  • Report:  #363852

Complaint Review: Pom-derosa Poms Tammy Price - Dixon Kentucky

Reported By:
- Somewhere, Indiana,

Pom-derosa Poms Tammy Price
www.pom-derosapoms.com Dixon, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am writing this with a very broken heart... For the past month I have been on a journey of much pain and suffering with the cutest, most innocent, cuddly pomeranian puppy you could ever have met. I want to say before I begin, that I am not writing this to bad mouth Tammy Price (the breeder of our baby). I want everyone to be aware of our little guys story so it doesn't happen to another innocent puppy, or the unsuspecting buyers.

After deciding we wanted a companion for our dog at home, and I deciding I wanted a pomeranian puppy because I've always been in love with the breed, we started our search. Tammy Price was recommended to us by a breeder in our area, so we checked out her website, made an appointment and made our journey to see the puppies she had. She is located about 2 hours away from where I live. I have always been a huge animal lover, dogs and puppies especially.

After my first pomeranian the breed stole my heart. So they whole way there, I was so excited to possibly find our new baby. We drive up to a small brick house, with a huge sign in the front yard reading "Pom-derosa Poms", as we pull in the driveway we also notice a large barn in the yard. Upon walking up to the house we hear tons of tiny barks, and are greeted by a pom with almost no hair... Tammy comes outside and we introduce ourselves.

From the corner of my eye I notice about a dozen poms at her door begging to come outside and meet us (this should have been my first clue)... She then leads us to the barn, where outside I see in 3 long cage runs with 40+ pomeranians all standing on their hind legs yapping to be let out. This should have also been a clue, but they had plenty of room, the building and their cage conditions were very nice, the dogs looked nicely groomed and in good health, so I pushed the voice yelling "get away from this place" out of my mind.

First we are taken to a room where she shows us 6 older puppies, discusses their history, pricing, etc. We are shown around the barn a little more where there are probably 20 or more pomeranians in total, in different rooms either in cages or being groomed, again should have been another sign to get out of there! I did find an older puppy that caught my eye, but wanted to see the younger ones first. She tells us she has two inside, a 10 week old little boy and an 11 week old little girl.

She takes us in her house where we are greeted by a dozen or more full grown pomeranians that she says are mostly "pets" and not used for breeding. All great temperaments and sweet personalities. She takes us downstairs first to a room with about four litters and mommies with puppies that were just born that day.. This AGAIN should have been a clue. But I was blinded by the excitement of bringing home a new baby.

Finally she takes us to the room where we see him, a beautiful chocolate brown 10 week old baby boy. He was perfect in every way and I immediately fell in love. He had the prettiest green eyes, and the sweetest spunkiest personality a puppy could have. We played with him on the ground for about 20 minutes. There was no question about it, this was my guy.

After learning he was 800 dollars (a little more than we were looking to spend) we decided to leave and think about it for a bit. We parked somewhere right outside town, talked for about 30 minutes and decided we had to have him. We were a little hesitant to buy a puppy from a place like that, but pushed those thoughts out of our minds. Since it was past 5 all banks were closed so we went to an atm, took out as much as we could, called her and she said we could pay the rest through paypal on her computer.

I remember how excited I was the whole time driving back, and while we were purchasing him.. I couldn't wait to bring our new baby home! That first nice was perfect, lots of licking and cuddling on the way home. We took him by my parents house where he played vigorously with their poms, and then took him home where he met his brother and played some more. Finally we fed him and put him t o bed... I could hardly sleep anticipating going to PetsMart and getting tons of things to spoil him!

The next morning when I woke up, I noticed our little baby was having a bit of a hypoglycemic attack (or so we thought).. I gave him a little nutri-cal and he perked right up. (I have experience with hypoglycemia in my other small pom so this was nothing new to me). We spent about 200 dollars on our little guy that day at PetsMart, stocking up on everything we could possibly need. We even got a baby play pin for him to be in when we were gone, or when he was sleeping.

The first few days went by wonderfully, he was playing and eating normally and we couldn't have been happier. We had about 5 names picked out for him, and couldn't decide between them! Wicket, Beckham, Simba, George, Harlow... We loved the thought of having a new puppy at home. The one morning, another slight hypoglycemic attack (or so we thought), but nothing major and the puppy bounced right back.. About 3 days after that, I come home to find the puppy unable to move, eyes rolling back in his head, and kicking his legs in a seizing type manor.

I panicked, got him out of his pin, started syringe giving water, nutrical, wet puppy food and finally after about 10 minutes got him back. I thought for sure I was losing him. It was really scary. This is where the heartache begins... That night the puppy wasn't quite the same. He would seem normal for about a half an hour, and then fall back into lethargy, dizziness, head shaking type fits. I was up all night with him giving him support and making sure he had everything he needed.

The next morning, first thing we went to our vet who said it was just hypoglycemia, recommends Karo Syrup, gave us a can of A/D and some syringes and sent us on our way. The vet didn't even do a blood glucose to make sure it actually WAS hypoglycemia.. A day after our visit, he started vomiting up his food. I called the vet immediately and all they wanted to do was give us an Rx for Cerenia to stop the vomiting. Our puppy still wasn't quite the same.

Going back and forth from being normal, to his dizzy, lethargic fits of not moving or wanting to do anything at all. He was not even the same puppy we purchased only a week prior. He wasn't eating on his own or drinking and I was having to syringe feed and give him water from a syringe. Also giving him some Karo every now and again to make sure his blood sugar was up. After two days of this, and the puppy not seeming to get better after he ate (which is exactly what hypoglycemic dogs SHOULD do).. I took him to another vet, they told me the same things basically, kept him all day for observation and gave him IV fluids..

While my baby was at the vet that day, I learned that the breeder had a history of having puppies with Strongyloides and was told to have my vet do a fecal smear to try and find the parasite because it was very deadly and dangerous to the puppy. I talked to a lady who's puppies life as actually taken from the parasite. When I went to pick the puppy up, I discussed my concerns about the parasite to the vet, asked for a fecal to be done and he wouldn't do one. Frustrated that this was the second vet who told me it was hypoglycemia when it obviously wasn't and when you could see the puppy was VERY sick, I took my baby home.

By this time I had taken the puppy to my parents, because my mom is very gentle and caring, home all the time and I knew she'd be a huge help during this. My mom and I alternated feeding the puppy every 1 1/2- 2 hours to make sure he wouldn't get low. We gave the puppy more love than he could have standed, and made him feel very comforted. The same evening he went to the second vet, he really started deteriorating.. Not only was he shaking, lethargic, hazy eyes, but he was drooling excessively, clamping his teeth, and not swallowing well. His eyes were huge like he was going into shock or something. We rushed him to the emergency vet right away.

As soon as we got their they did a blood glucose and determined in was NOT hypoglycemia (FINALLY someone that actually had PROOF!), the vet then suggested liver shunt. While at the emergency clinic my poor baby kept losing control of his bladder.. It was heartbreaking to see this poor little animal fight so hard for his life. I told the doctor about the parasite I was concerned with and he was very hesitant on the idea, but I finally got him to do a fecal smear and he found one worm that was infact a threadworm (also known as Strongyloides!)

I was SO relieved and thought we had finally found a solution. The vet administered our first dose of meds, we took the puppy home, and still continued the round the clock feeding. He actually was improving some. I was so relieved. The next morning we took him to another vet who was recommended to me by the lady who lost her puppy to Strongyloides. While there, the FOURTH vet we had been to found Spirochetes in our baby. He prescribed Metronidazole and Albon for the parasites (on top of the Panacur we were already giving).

He also gave us Pet Tinic which is a supplement that helps develop the kidney and liver. Our puppy was so tiny and so sick he needed all the help he could get. Since our baby was so wobbly, the vet gave him an injection of Dexamethasone (a steroid), and said if he appeared to be normal after this, that might be an indication that there was some sort of inflammation in our little guy and that would take care of it. Our puppy indeed did seem much more stable and active only 10 minutes after the injection, so we were given a low dose of Dexamethasone to also help our baby through all of this pain.

We were given Tresaderm because on top of everything else the puppy was having some hairloss on his nose and around his mouth. (none of the doctors we went to could explain this).. I was very heartbroken to have to give such a small puppy so much medication, I even questioned his quality of life and if I should put him down. But I had to fight for him, atleast give it a few days.

To everyones surprise after only two days on all of the medications our puppy was coming back strong! Not so wobbly, bouncing and playing around, eating better, firm stools and urinating normally. We were so happy to see he was back and thought for sure we were in the clear and on our way to a clean slate of health. We still continued the round the clock feeding (a mix of babyfood, puppy food and Karo syrup, with plain cooked chicken.) We were giving Pedialyte by this time as well.

We continued medications as directed and finally made it to the 5th days where we were finished with Panacur and Metronidazole.. The next evening the puppy vomited once, and was kind of wheezing. He then went into a state of depression, and not wanting to eat. From this point on it was a nightmare... The puppy went back and forth from being playful, happy and "normal" to being depressed, dizzy, very lethargic (but not quite as bad as he was before the medication).

We were so attached by now because we were hand feeding and nursing him back to health. He always wanted to be next to someone or be held. If he was on the ground he was constantly cuddling up to one of the other dogs, or next to someones feet. We spoiled and babied him, and gave him everything he wanted. He knew he was loved. The last few days of his life were terrible and traumatic for me and everyone involved, including the puppy.

He was going down hill day by day, and got to the point where he wouldnt get up at all. When he did try to get up he would fall over and stumble around because he was so weak. His eyes were so sad and confused. All I could do was hold him, tell him it was ok and love him. I was dying inside and it was killing me to watch this. The day before he passed, we took him to the vet because he wouldnt move, and was drooling.

He also wasn't urinating or having bowel movements. The vet did tons of labwork, gave him fluids, and told us all we could do was give him as much support as we could and make sure he was comfortable. We would have the labwork results the next day.. When we brought him home, he briefly stood up, but fell right back over. I laid with him for hours on the bed. I syringe fed him accordingly.

About 9 pm I went to bed, and put him in his play pin. At 11 I woke up to check on him, and found him on his side breathing heavily, drooling with his tongue hanging out. My heart was breaking for him. I knew it was time to let him go in peace. I wrapped him in his warm blanket, and laid him on my chest. He laid like that with me all night. I couldn't sleep because I was so sad and hurt for him.

His breathing was becoming raspy. My chest was covered in drool. I kissed him, told him how much he was loved and that it was ok to go.. He passed the next morning before we made it to our vet to euthanize. I was relieved he was not longer suffering, but very very heartbroken over his loss..

I called the vets office and left a message for the doctor to call me back so I could tell him he had passed and get his bloodwork results. I wanted to know what killed our baby. The news the doctor gave me later that evening was horrifying.. Our puppy had been suffering from several severe congenital conditions.. He had portosystemic liver shunts, his kidneys were failing, and he had a muscle deficiency that was affecting his heart. On top of all that he was suffering from an internal infection. The doctor said his levels were sky high, off the charts and that he had probably been suffering his whole life.

That even I called Tammy to tell her what had happened, and she was very apologetic and seemed oblivous to the problems our puppy had. Stating none of her dogs have ever had any of those issues. She then offered me a new puppy of same value ($850) to replace him. A new puppy is the very last thing on my mind! I can't even think about a new puppy now or anytime in the near future. This experience has traumatized me. After talking some more she agreed to refund the puppies cost after seeing the medical records as proof. Its not even about the money to us. We went through tons of pain and suffering as well as this helpless animal. We spent thousands of dollars on medical bills.

This is where things get kind of sketchy.. When we purchased our puppy, his medical records said he had been given Metronidazole for "mild diarrhea".... Now, when we were giving him Metronidazole along with the other meds for parasites, he was miraculously bouncing back.. Days after finishing the dose, he went down hill day by day.. A few days after his death I am researching the problems he had on the internet, and read all over that Metronidazole is used to treat and help keep liver disease/liver shunt dogs comfortable. Tell me if thats not just to coincidental?

Another frustrating thing in my story is, we had to take our baby to FIVE different vets before anyone could really help us. Everyone kept throwing his symptoms aside as hypoglycemia which it obviously was not. If anyone would have taken the time to do routine bloodwork, we could have learned of his conditions before the severe suffering and let him go peacefully. No puppy deserves to die and endure the pain he did. If you have a strong feeling of something thats going on with your pet, and the vet doesn't want to hear it, be persistent! Yeah, they are supose to be the experts but take my case as a wake up call..

Our little guy was such a fighter! Even through his sickness he brought me much happiness and will always hold a special place in my heart. Please don't let this happen to you. Check out the breeder you are purchasing your puppy from, and if you have any bad feelings DON'T ignore them. It might save you from the heartache I've gone through..


Somewhere, Indiana


23 Updates & Rebuttals


Union City,
United States
My experience is the opposite.

#2General Comment

Sun, May 06, 2018

 I was surprised to see this report. I or my family have owned Pomeranians off and on since I was 9, in 1975. I have purchased Pomeranians from successful show breeders. Of those, two were dead from heart defects before 18 months old. Another had a heart murmur that was undisclosed to me. Tammy is not a "show breeder.” However, I learned that her dogs are treated as well or better than I’ve seen dogs treated by show breeders. Her facility was one of the nicest I’ve seen, after being involved in showing dogs for thirty years. She knows what she’s doing and it is obvious that she pours money into caring for her dogs. The breeding dogs were even groomed and her helper candidly told me those dogs get their teeth cleaned by a veterinarian, twice a year. I believe it. I found Tammy to be completely honest in disclosing even potential problems with her puppies for sale. More than two years after purchasing from Tammy, our Pomeranian is extremely healthy and both physically and mentally sound. She’s also, gorgeous. We are returning for a second Pomeranian from Tammy and frankly, comparing to past experiences, have no desire to go anywhere else.


I am a Recently costumer of Pomderosa Poms (September 2013)

#3General Comment

Tue, November 05, 2013

(Personal experience of this year 2013)


Many pages of breeders are fake, unsafe, or have lack of ethic. Of course the fact of that actually I has only two things on what I can trust:


...when you are thinking in buy a Pomeranian dog you already know that you will spend a generous amount, and it is a hard know on who trust and in who not. After read that report that made me have a LOT of doubts, but I decide to trust anyway! And to be honest, I don’t have any regrets of take that decision! 


All start on June 2013, I start to ask her about a white Pomeranian with pedigree, and Of course she answer me quickly and friendly. I left pass one time, because to be honest I still have some doubts. While the time past, I was talking with her about to get a puppy, how, prices, etc. But something that got my attention was that her absolutely attention and concern was of if I would be a good breed of him (Yes, right now I have a precious and HEALTHY male!).


I am a college student from Texas, and Tammy Price is from Kentucky (Is pretty far). We start the "deal", I send her the deposit, and then the other half... and Guess what!!! There was a Horrible situation and bad bad news... She told me that it was totally impossible send me my puppy because on here is pretty hot, and to send him on delta cargo was impossible and they haven't routes here, I cry when she told me that and she was willing to give me back my deposit and the rest. And here is the Best Part. 


She contact someone of "puppy air", And Guess what!!! After of that for one month or two we was troubles, after of for a moment I was thinking "When tammy will cancel.." (Because I has a previous experience and for the SAME reason Deborah [A breeder of other state] cancel me the shipping)

After all the troubles! Her friend come to Harlingen PERSONALLY and give me my little and beautiful Pomeranian! And expect all what I could think! Absolutely little! Adorable and fluffy! And Veeeery playful, and energetic! She gave me my puppy with snacks (I still have!), a bag conveyor of dogs (red), the papers, two little bags of food Enough to adapt him to the new food, and a vitamin gel (he LOVE IT).


It was a GOOD experience, if you will buy a puppy with guarantee, Healthy, commitment and kindness. Tammy price is the best Option! She went before with the vet to tell me if he was healthy, she give me the guarantee and she understood that I was having troubles to go with a vet check to check my puppy again to made valid the guarantee. The Last month (October 2013), when I went with the vet check he told me that he was absolutely Healthy, without contentious illness.


I don’t know why “Somewhere Indiana” told that… I has an awesome service and friendly! I am still surprised by the commitment to come to my state and give me my puppy to me in hand!!!! Maybe she made a mistake on 2008… But my own experience is Spectacular! 

Report Attachments


Crown Point,
Pomlover lies vs. her own original report

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, October 05, 2012

What the heck?  You came here to make another post just to say she never offered you a refund:
"I am only here to make something clear, because apparently some people have the wrong idea.. to be clear I was NEVER given nor offered a refund by Tammy Price."

But in YOUR OWN WORDS in your original report you said she did:
"She then offered me a new puppy of same value ($850) to replace him. A new puppy is the very last thing on my mind! I can't even think about a new puppy now or anytime in the near future. This experience has traumatized me. After talking some more she agreed to refund the puppies cost after seeing the medical records as proof."

Yeah, I think you're listening to those voices in your head again that you mention so many times in your original report.

PS - we just went back this summer and bought another puppy for my husband from Tammy so that we both would have one of her wonderful dogs.  Few breeders have as nice an operation and as good morals as Tammy.  It was well worth the very long drive for us - both times!


United States of America
Tammy Price

#5General Comment

Sun, May 06, 2012

I would like to comment on my experience with tammy price i have bought a pom from her and i paid 1000.00 for her she is just like in the picture that i have received from tammy, she is so beautiful and i am so so happy with her i would by more pom from her if i needed too. maybe you had you dogs round your puppies that were sice or just like the one i had bought from another person in Colorado i kept it inside with us, but when i let her go outside i did not know that when a dog is sick and a puppy steps where there were they will also get sick because there system is not strong like a adult dog in a few days later i took her to the vet and she had gotten provo and 2 days later she died.
 we had to bleach everything and not bring any pets to our house till after 1 year to make sure the parvo is gone.
believe me it hurted us because we loved her so mush she was just like part of our family.
1 year and 1 /2 later that is when i found Tammy Price i fell in love with a pom she had but it was already sold to someone in alaska, she said she didn't have anymore like that but if she does she will call me well she keep her promes.
she called me that she had a pom just like the one i wanted i was so suppressed that she calle me back after a total of 2 years and thats when i got the pom from her..
all i am saying is that its like people we look and feel ok but then all of the sudden thing change i am sorry to read what happened to you but you honestly can not blame her in my oppion i now for a fact that all her pom are beautiful and in great health. but like i said you can not really blame her for that..i know if she did give you a puppy that was sick she would not even take the risk to sell a pom like that thats her reppuation.
and i'm pretty sure that if that was the case you could have talk to her and returned the puppy back after you had the puppy checked out within the 72 hours you received it she would had given you another puppy but you had to prove that it was.
 i am very very happy with her services.
i am speaking an  customer .
what would have happen if the shoes was on the other foot what would you have done if you knew the puppy was in great health and this happen to someone else and they reported you what will you do.???
i am just saying fom the experience that i had with her and the other persons that i also recommend to buy a pom from her..
we are very happy.
that is just to say i speak for her as a coustomer i would continue to buy pom from her and everyone else that asked me where i got my pom i would tell them.. 

Report Attachments


United States of America
Just randomly checked this post...

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 10, 2011

And although it has been years and I have since moved on from this horrid situation, it still haunts me. What my poor little baby went through, what I went through... I will never forget the pain of the whole situation. I am only here to make something clear, because apparently some people have the wrong idea.. to be clear I was NEVER given nor offered a refund by Tammy Price. I was ignored. I was out $800 plus vet bills which was the least of it... The worst part was the suffering my poor puppy had to endure, and then to be treated the way I was by a loving breeder who sold me a puppy with a liver condition. All in all heartbreaking. I did EVERYTHING I could to help save this puppy, as soon as the issues arised. Just now years later I am finally in a place where I can even consider getting a new puppy, and I'm still scared because of this nightmare.


United States of America
WOW!! From the view of a Breeder and Vet Tech

#7General Comment

Mon, February 28, 2011

As a breeder with more then 10 years experience as a Veterinary Technician, I just have to say WOW. First, I do not know any of the party's involved and I am sorry to hear the puppy was lost. But you really should be complaining about the Veterinarians.

You say the puppy was 10 weeks old when you got it, he seemed healthy for the first week, making the first episode happend at 11 weeks of age. Hypoglycemic puppies generally out grow it BY 12 weeks of age, that should have been the first big red flag. Even if hypoglycemia was the first thought, blood work still should have been done just to have a guideline of what his blood values are. Had the Vet done this, you (and the puppy) may have been spared a lot of pain.

To blame the breeder is out of line, you, yourself, state the puppy was / seemed to be healthy for the first week, how was the breeder to know that there was going to be a problem. You also state that the puppy's records show he was on Metronidazole. Did you know that metronidazole is used for MANY reasons. I use it on my dogs to treat various bowel disorders, such as Giardia.

It is impossible for a breeder to prevent parasites 100%, we do what we can.  But unless you keep every puppy CAGED by itself and are able to clean the fecal matter the second it comes out, they will cross contaminate!!! 

I too, keep my dogs kenneled, this is for their protection and to ensure the integrity of my breedings, if all my dogs were loose, I would not be able to control who each b***h was bred to.

About the hairless pom, did you ask what the story was?? As an adult, you should be asking questions, when you have reservations. Myself, as many other breeders, take in rescues. Is it possible that could have been the case???  

I also have to ask, what more did you expect of the breeder?? She offered a replacement, but you did not want one, so she gave you a refund. Did you want her to clone the puppy for you???


Crown Point,

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

Well this is really odd. I never expected to read a report on this site and have it convince me TO buy from a particular business. But reading about the kennel's clean, happy, groomed & handled puppies & dogs with individual medical records, it was pretty easy to differentiate this business from a "backyard breeder".

Obviously the person writing this article (Pomlover) has NO idea of the conditions & poor quality animals used in a backyard breeder or hoarder situation. AKC certainly won't certify a place that isn't clean, well organized, with happy dogs that it takes excellent care of.

I am MORE than happy with the puppy I bought from Tammy, and very impressed with the care she takes of her animals and her business - AS IS my vet. He was very impressed with how well my puppy had been raised - he'd obviously been handled and groomed a lot and all of his needs taken care of.

And the best part of all of that is how confident he is in new situations (we've been to a couple of horse shows & a horse wellness clinic, and of course the park & Petsmart!) - he's been given the right upbringing and handling to trust "his people" & not be fearful of new people (even kids!) meeting & petting him, crowds, other dogs, noise - anything.

That isn't the type of personality that comes out of a bad kennel situation at all. I think the person writing the article needs to worry more about those voices in their head they were talking about than any non-existent problems with this breeder or their program & premises.

On 8/17/08 the writer "Pomlover" posted a rebuttal to his/her own ripoff report article saying: I just want to say again, I am in no way trying to bad mouth Tammy Price, she was a nice lady. I just want people to be aware of things like this so they don't experience the same thing!

And on 8/19/08 you posted ANOTHER rebuttal to your own report, saying: want to say AGAIN I am not saying Tammy sold us the puppy knowing it had all of these problems, or that she gave the Metronidazole knowing he had liver problems.

But in your report you OBVIOUSLY imply that Tammy knew he had a liver shunt with your extremely snide comment about Tell me if thats not just to coincidental?

And you also spew all that junk about the voices in your head telling you to get away, and comment on one of Tammys personal pets that has hair loss (which was apparently explained in yet another rebuttal on here and isn't even from Tammy's breeding).  How exactly is it horrible that she keeps Poms as pets after retiring them from breeding, or if they're not breeding candidates?  Were you trying to imply she was breeding animals with hair loss problems?  Or had some disease causing hair loss?  You say yourself that you are NOT, but I don't see the point of bringing up all of the points in your story if you weren't.  It's pretty obvious you are trying to imply any bad thing you can possibly think of.  So someone else has to come on and explain that that dog was a pet, and spayed or neutered, and doesn't have a disease. 

Your protests that you arent trying to "slam" this breeder are COMPLETELY contradicted throughout your story.

I see that when you took the puppy to the emergency vet, he suggested it was a liver shunt, but you never did a thing about that and if you had, you could have had him operated on instead of letting him die with his body filling with toxic waste as he struggled for breath. You waited until the day before he died to get him back to the vet, even after DAYS of him being "depressed, dizzy, lethargic, vomitting, wheezing, stumbling, and finally couldn't even get up".  The more I read this report, the more disgusted I am with the way YOU/"Pomlover" handled the whole thing, including reporting the breeder. Next time wear some head phones to drown out those voices in your head.   I'm really sorry for that puppy and what he went through, and your reaction was completely inappropriate.


Thomas Craven

South Carolina,
You are wrong to post this IMHO

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, June 13, 2009

You stated that you are getting a full refund, you were not RIPOFF.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
Thought I'd put in my two cents on the flagyl issue

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, January 18, 2009

Well, I knew early on in this story that that puppy was very likely going to show up with a liver shunt. It has become my habit to ask everyone with a new super tiny puppy to have their vets run the test. I knew when someone who appeared experienced with caring for hypo animals could not keep him 'up'. This has always been a major sign to me. Also, did he not start to turn yellow (eyes, gums, ect.)? If the two happen in conjunction, DEFINANTLY a liver shunt to me. While sometimes it is simply the puppy whom goes 'hypo' often, and no problems exist, it most definantly signals a need for testing to me. And sometimes just because the animal is so much smaller than is typical for it's breed can signify a need for the test for liver shunt, even when they are showing little to no signs like would be apparent in the tiny breeds who appear to go 'hypo' in alot of cases(seen this in bulldogs and such). I would like to address the issue of the Metronidazole, AKA Flagyl. I do not believe (though can not know) she was aware of the problem based on that. While I have never seen it used for a liver shunt, I have seen it used thousands and thousands of times to treat and prevent parasites. If you walk into your local pet shop and ask to see the records, you are likely to see it on alot of them, if not all, given either preventativly or as treatment. It is used to prevent and treat giardia most of the time, things like that. We are talking about one of the most commonly prescribed medications for diarreah. So it makes sense. I also use it on my fish for certain things. So, I am sorry for your heartbreak. I have been through it, and I know how much it hurts. Good luck to you. *just my opinions*

Ripoff Reporter

You are correct Pomlover

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, January 17, 2009

Pomlover, its funny that I came across this. I searched under Heavenly Terriers and this report came up. Heavenly terriers sold Yorkie pups WITH PARASITES to my California breeder.....hmmmmm. Makes all those people who defended her and mentioned the word "slander" are being proven that they are incorrect. I also read all the comments on here and think that all the people "defending" her actually make her look worse in my eyes. You never made comments about her character, just your experience. As a bystander, that is clear. If someone were TRULY innocent they or any of her "friends and colleagues" wouldnt see the need to post on here and argue with you. The fact that they take offense is prrof enough that the TRUTH about Tammy hurts!! Im very sorry for what happened to you and will spread the word so people dont have to go through what you did. Terry sold Yorkies to Kim Hinkle, from what Kim says that all had parasites and in turn Kim's whole line at My Elegant Paws had parasites. Kim also sold her pups KNOWING THEY HAD PROBLEMS to people and walked off with their money....are all backyard breeders alike? I sure wish there was some type of authority to investigate these people....and do you think they pay a bit of taxes on all these pups worth $800 and up????? Im glad you post your story and know others will read this and think you were nothing but honest, never nasty like the rebuttals were.



#12Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

And finally, anyone wanting to accuse me of libel or slander needs to do a little research. Libel and slander both constitute of something FALSE/UNTRUE being said/written/spread about an individual and/or business. However, if the TRUTH is spread, and the individual and/or business's reputation suffers from this- it does not constitute as slander or libel. As I have said many times, everything I have said in any of my posts is nothing but the truth. I have plenty of people (witnesses, DVM's, resources, veterinary reports, research, etc) to back up every statement I have made. Thank you :)


Just one more to back up my statements.

#13Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

NOTICE HOW THIS ARTICLE ALSO STATES METRONIDAZOLE AS A TREATMENT COURSE FOR LIVER SHUNT PATIENTS, AND STATES SYMPTOMS RESEMBLE THOSE OF HYPOGLYCEMIA. Website: http://www.dog-health-guide.org/caninelivershunt.html Canine Liver Shunt "A canine liver shunt is a problem where the liver is bypassed by the blood stream. Since the liver cleans the blood, a shunt needs to be corrected to remove toxins that may accumulate. Treatment options include medications and surgery." A canine liver shunt (portosystemic shunt or PSS) is a blood vessel that bypasses the liver, carrying blood from the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and spleen to the heart before it has a chance to be filtered by the liver. The liver cleanses blood of things like protein, sugar, bacteria, and toxins. When a liver shunt is present, the liver doesn't get to do its job. Shunts can be present at birth (congenital) or develop after birth (acquired). Liver shunts are particularly common in certain breeds such as: * Yorkshire Terriers * Irish Wolfhounds * Maltese * Australian Shepherds * Labrador Retrievers * Toy Breeds The true cause of this condition is not known. Canine Liver Shunt Symptoms Symptoms of liver shunts in dogs usually show up at an early age and usually impact the central nervous system or the gastrointestinal system. Symptoms include: * depression * failure to grow at a normal rate * behavioral changes (things like staring into space, circling, and disorientation) * weakness or lethargy * seizures * inability to gain weight * too much weight gain * vomiting * diarrhea In some cases, signs of a canine liver shunt don't show up until a dog is older, when kidney and bladder problems such as stones develop. Canine Liver Shunt Diagnosis Symptoms of a liver shunt in dogs are similar to symptoms of some other illnesses, such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hydrocephalus (water on the brain). Tests must be done to rule these out. Blood tests will then be done to check liver function. There are a number of blood tests that can be done to check for the possible presence of a shunt, including tests that check for protein, albumin, blood urea nitrogen, ammonia, and bile acid concentrations. Abdominal x-rays will probably be taken to look at the liver. It will usually appear under-developed. A special x-ray with contrast called a portogram will show the actual shunt. The shunt will also be visible by ultrasound, or by a nuclear scan called scintigraphy. Canine Liver Shunt Treatment Liver shunts in dogs can be treated medically or surgically. Most often they are treated medically until the dog is well enough to undergo surgery. The dog is fed a diet low in protein, and medications such as lactulose and metronidazole or neomycin are given to prevent the manufacture and absorption of toxins such as ammonia. Some dogs do just fine with medical treatment only, but the majority do not. The liver continues to shrink and eventually fails. In most cases, surgery is needed. Since the liver has not developed normally, the shunt cannot always be completely closed. Instead, the vet partially closes the shunt. In many cases, this is sufficient to relieve the symptoms of the disorder and the dog no longer needs the special diet and medications following the surgery. Success rates for surgical treatment are greater than 80%. There is also a device called an ameroid constrictor. This device is a ring that is placed around the shunt. It slowly constricts over a period of four to five weeks, giving the liver time to adjust to the new blood supply. Herbal remedies also show some promise in supporting liver function. A good source to research is PetAlive Liver-Aid Formula which is made specifically for this purpose. Discuss this and other options with your veterinarian. Sources Portosystemic Shunts Karen Tobias, DVM Pet Place Diagnosis of Portosystemic Shunts Daniel J Brockman, BVSc Cert VR, Cert SAO, Dipl. ACVS, Dipl ECVS ILTM MRCVS Senior Lecturer, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Royal Veterinary College. University of London, United Kingdom


Websites where articles were found

#14Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

The last two articles I posted were found at: http://lowchensaustralia.com/health/pshunts.htm AND http://stfsc.bizland.com/health5.htm


Another great article

#15Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

AGAIN, refer to treatment options, which INCLUDE Metronidazole. PORTO SYSTEMIC SHUNTS IN THE DOG AND CAT Clinical signs are similar to those seen with hepatic encephalopathy. The most common clinical signs are: chronically ill, exhibiting ill-thrift, reduced growth rates, and poor hair coats. Neurologic abnormalities: impaired vision, circling, ataxia, gate abnormalities, behaviour changes, seizures, and head pressing. Signs may wax and wane. Gastrointestinal signs: vomiting, diarrhoea, and anorexia. Are intermittent. A frequent clinical sign in cats is pytalism. Some animals are also reported to be PU/PD, and have intermittent fever. Because the signs are often mild and come and go, some animals may not be diagnosed until they are anaesthetized for spay or neuter operations, whereupon they will have prolonged recovery from anaesthesia. Portosystemic shunts (PSS) are vascular communications between the portal and systemic venous systems that allow portal blood to reach the systemic circulation without first passing through the liver. PSS can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital PSS are usually single shunts that can be either intrahepatic or extrahepatic. In most cases, congenital PSS represent retained fetal vascular anastomoses, but can also occur when compensation for portal vein atresia results in formation or retention of collateral connections to adjacent veins. Examples of congenital PSS include persistent sinus venosus and direct portal vein connection(s) to the caudal vena cava or azygous vein. Acquired PSS are secondary to portal hypertension and are typically multiple extrahepatic shunts that connect the portal system to the caudal vena cava. Congenital PSS are most frequently diagnosed in purebred dogs (Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Irish Wolfhounds, Old English Sheepdogs and Cairn Terriers) and mixed breed cats. Some diagnostic features include central nervous system (CNS) signs (disorientation, ataxia, blindness, seizures), poor growth, non-specific gastrointestinal signs, cryptorchidism in dogs and cats, polydipsia and polyuria in dogs, and heart murmurs, seizures, ptyalism, and copper iris color in cats. Large breed dogs usually have intrahepatic shunts whereas small breed dogs more often have extrahepatic shunts. Laboratory findings include a mild nonregenerative anemia with microcytosis and poikilocytosis, mildly elevated ALT and ALP, low BUN, hypocholesterolemia, hypoglycemia, hypoalbuminemia, and hypoglobulinemia. Ammonium biuratecrystalluria and urate calculi may be seen in up to 50% of the PSS cases. Diagnostic tests can be used to determine liver function. These include sulfobromophthalein (BSP) retention testing, fasting ammonia concentrations and ammonia tolerance testing (ATT), and serum bile acids (SBA). BSP is difficult to obtain and, due to many inadequacies associated with the use of organic anions for estimation of liver function, BSP is not commonly utilized. A normal fasting ammonia concentration does not rule out PSS since dogs and cats with PSS may have normal values. If the concentrations are above normal reference values an ATT is unwarranted. An ATT is a reliable test to detect hepatic insufficiency. One drawback of the ATT is that it is a labile test which requires immediate assay samples for diagnostic accuracy which is not feasible in all veterinary practices. ATT is contraindicated in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. High resting and postprandial SBA concentrations are good indicators of portosystemic shunting. The postprandial SBA concentration is the most dependable diagnostic test for detection of PSS in routine practice. Abdominal survey radiographs may reveal microhepatica and renomegaly. Abdominal ultrasound, especially with Doppler capabilities, may reveal a small hypovascular liver and a shunt. Renal calculi may also be detected. Portography is the gold standard for documentation and anatomical location of the shunt. A liver biopsy should be collected to ascertain the presence or absence of hepatic fibrosis and acquired hepatobiliary disease. When portal blood circumvents the liver, the liver fails to develop normally. Hepatic hypoplasia is recognized histologically as atrophy of hepatic lobules, compressed hepatic cords with dilated sinusoids, close proximity of portal triads, portal vein hypovascularity, hepatocellular degeneration (vacuolization, lipidosis) and proliferation of the small vessels, arterioles, and lymphatics. If the animal had hepatic encephalopathy (HE), on necropsy, brain lesions would include bilateral symmetric polymicro-cavitation of the brain stem and diffuse neuronal necrosis throughout the cerebrum and cerebellar cortex. Diagnosis of PSS should be made based on historical and physical findings, laboratory findings, and diagnostic tests. Treatment of PSS includes medical management (lactulose, neomycin, metronidazole), dietary therapy (high carbohydrate, low protein) and surgical intervention (amaroid ring constrictor, suture attenuation). Complete surgical ligation of the shunt has an excellent prognosis. Partial occlusion of the shunt usually results in improvement, but has a more guarded long-term prognosis. Exclusive medical management results in continuation of signs, but the patient may still survive for years. In some cases, a combination of surgical, medical, and dietary management may be necessary. By Grace Steenburgen, Class of 2001 - edited by Evan Janovitz, DVM, PhD, ADDL Pathologist


Another great article on portosystemic liver shunt by Thomas K Graves DVM

#16Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

PORTOSYSTEMIC LIVER SHUNT by: Thomas K. Graves, DVM LIVER MALFUNCTION IS MORE COMMON THAN YOU THINK The term portosystemic shunt has a scary sound it, and perhaps rightly so. A portosystemic shunt is a congenital malformation of the veins that bring blood to the liver. Unfortunately, it's not a malfunction you can see with your eyes or hear with a stethoscope or feel with your hands. What makes it scary is that it's so incredibly vague. It usually affects puppies, but not always. It can be the bottom-line reason for that one that's doing poorly in the litter, but not always. It can be the explanation for unexplained death but not always. It can be the reason the puppy just can't seem to be housebroken, but there can be a million and one other reasons for that. One thing is for sure: It's more common than we think. In a normal dog, blood travels from the intestines through the portal vein to the liver. There it is detoxified and travels to the heart by way of the vena cava. (See above photo.) In health, the liver's job (among many) is to process the blood. After a meal, blood bathes the intestines, soaking up proteins and their by-products ammonia, for instance) minerals and various other molecules. It collects at a central point in the abdomen and pours into the portal vein. The portal vein then sends this blood which is laden with the by-products of digestion (many are toxic), to the liver. In the liver, the blood is detoxified before being sent to the vena cava, the large vein that carries blood to the heart. Thanks to this circulatory scheme, the blood arrives in the heart to oxygenated and then to the hungry cells of the brain, muscles and other organs is free of toxic by-products of digestion. In patients with portosystemic shunt, circulation through the liver is abnormal. There are many different specific malformations that can occur. Most commonly, blood flows from the portal vein directly to the vena cava, bypassing the liver. This is called a portocaval shunt, and can happen with the majority or only a small part of the portal blood, depending on the severity of the defect. When this happens, the blood that is sent to the lungs, brain, cardiac muscles and every other body tissue has not been detoxified. The result is a poisoning of many of the body's cells. Clinically, that can mean just about anything, from poor weight gain to excessive sleepiness and mental dullness to vomiting to blindness to seizures. The longer the shunt goes undetected, the worse the prognosis. I have seen portosystemic shunts in many breeds of dogs. In my opinion, it occurs commonly in Maltese, Toy Poodles and Shetland Sheepdogs. I've seen it in Labrador Retrievers, Cocker Spaniels, Springer Spaniels, Pugs, Shih Tzu and once in a Corgi. I wouldn't rule it out in any breed, and the fact that it occurs far more commonly in pure-bred dogs than in mixed breeds points to a genetic cause. THE CLASSIC CASE The classic picture of a portosystemic shunt patient is that of a puppy. It's smaller than its littermates and has never done well. It sleeps more than usual. It may have a poor appetite and may vomit occasionally and have a little diarrhea from time to time. It may have periods of normalcy, but the pup is at its worst just after eating (that's when toxins in the blood are at their peak). As time goes by the signs of disease become worse. It may progress to periods of poor coordination and blindness. Seizures are common, especially after a meal. Neurological dysfunction caused by liver insufficiency is referred to as hepatoencepholopathy. This can cause any degree of neurological problems including lethargy, dullness, decreased learning ability, weakness, stumbling, blindness, circling, seizure, coma and death. The last portosystemic shunt patient was not at all like that classical case. It was a two-year old Shih Tzu, a beautiful, typy little b***h with an outgoing personality, a nice topline, four good legs, a very cute face and a ton of coat. The dog was brought to me because of a urinary tract infection. As I discovered the urinary tract infection had been caused by stones in the urinary bladder. The stones were composed of urates, crystalline compounds that build up in the blood when the liver does not function properly. Urate stones form when the levels of urates in the urine are so high as to cause crystals to clump. (See Bladder Stones in Dogs, in September 1992 GAZETTE). This is the same type of stone commonly found in Dalmatians, but with a different cause. The stones in my patient were due to inadequate liver function. And the inadequate liver function was due to a portosystemic shunt. Thankfully, the shunt was surgically treatable. If you or your veterinarian have any suspicion of a portosystemic shunt, the dog should have a full diagnostic workup. The longer it is left untreated, the worse the prognosis. The liver needs the blood supply from portal circulation in order to grow and regenerate. In dogs with severe long standing shunts, the liver is often shrunken and almost completely non-functional. In such cases, treatment is often impossible. The diagnostic starting point (once a thorough history and physical examination have been evaluated) is a chemistry profile, a complete blood count and a urine analysis. Urine is often overlooked as a diagnostic fluid in veterinary medicine. The reason is the difficulty of obtaining a clean sample. We can't just ask our patients to go into a bathroom and collect a sample as aseptically as possible in a little plastic cup. In fact, voided urine samples in dogs are not very useful. Usually, by the time the urine has traveled through the vagina or prepuce and through the dog's hair, it is useless as a diagnostic specimen. And if the urine is collected from the floor forget it. I routinely collect urine by cystocentesis; sticking a needle through the skin on the abdomen and into the bladder. This seems drastic to most human patients, but is a routine procedure in veterinary medicine and is safe, almost painless and allows us to get uncontaminated urine samples from our patients. If I had not collected urine, I would not have made the correct diagnosis in the Shih Tzu. All of the other tests on the dog's chemistry profile and blood count were normal. Changes can be seen in levels of liver enzymes, cholesterol, glucose and many other factors, but the results of screening blood and urine tests can only suggest a portosystemic shunt; they can never offer a definitive diagnosis. To more adequately assess liver function, we do a serum bile acids test. This test involves taking a blood sample after the patient has fasted for 12 hours. The dog is then fed and the blood is retested after two hours. This tests the liver's ability to clear bile acids (which are secreted by the liver in response to feeding) from the blood. Any abnormality suggests liver dysfunction. If post-feeding serum bile acid levels are normal, this excludes the diagnosis of portosystemic shunt. DIAGNOSTIC X-RAYS The next step in diagnosis is a trip to the radiology department, where a variety of tests can be done. I usually start with a set of x-rays of the abdomen. I'm looking for changes in liver size (the liver can be smaller than normal in patients with portosystemic shunts). I can also look for bladder stones or kidney stones. The next step is usually ultrasound of the liver. This test is advantageous because it is non-invasive, perfectly safe and can help rule out other types of liver disease. if it is large enough and if the ultrasonographer is skilled enough, a portosystemic shunt can sometimes be seen with ultrasound. Another test I use commonly when ultrasound has been inconclusive is rectal portal scintigraphy. It sounds really awful, but it's very safe and usually quite definitive. There is no discomfort or danger for the patient, and the information gathered can be vital. To perform the test, a radioactive substance (with a very low level of radiation) is placed in the dog's rectum via an enema tube. The radiation is taken up by the intestinal circulation and a gamma camera is used to watch the flow of blood by detecting areas of radioactivity in the dog. In a normal dog, the radiation travels from the intestine to the liver to the heart to the kidneys and beyond. In a dog with a shunt, the radiation travels from the intestine directly to the heart, bypassing the liver. The liver lights up sometime later, and the diagnosis is made. Unfortunately, nuclear medicine facilities are not always available for veterinary patients. However, most university-based veterinary teaching hospitals are equipped to perform rectal scintigraphy. SURGERY The last, and most invasive test is saved for the surgery department. The patient is placed under general anesthesia and a look of gut is isolated through an abdominal incision. A radiographic contrast agent is injected into an intestinal blood vessel and x-rays are taken. The contrast agent allows us to see the path of portal circulation and abnormal vessels can be seen quite easily. Often this test is done at the same time surgical correction of the problem is planned. There is only one way to cure a portosystemic shunt--surgery. Most veterinarians refer patients with portosystemic shunts to soft tissue surgery specialists. Surgical treatment of the disease involves identifying the abnormal blood vessel (shunt) and closing it. Of course, it's not that simple. It all depends on the degree of normal circulation left and the condition of the liver. Sometimes, especially in long-standing cases, once the shunt is tied off, there is nowhere else for the blood from the intestines to go. Because there are not enough normal vessels, the blood cannot circulate through the liver and pressure builds up in the intestinal circulation. If this pressure is too high, the patient will die. In such cases, partial closure is attempted. In some cases, no closure is possible and medical management is the only option. Medical management can help ease the symptoms, but it is only temporarily effective. It should only be used with patients in which surgery is impossible. Medical therapy is also valuable before surgery. Depending on the degree of illness, various treatments re used to help decrease toxin production in the gastrointestinal tract and toxin levels in the blood. Low protein diets are an essential part of medical management. Various antibiotics are used to decrease how much ammonia is produced by bacteria in the gut. Lactulose is used to trap ammonia within the intestine and keep it from diffusing into the bloodstream. In severe cases of hepatoencepholopathy, repeated enemas may be needed to reduce blood ammonia levels. Obviously, long-term intensive medical management is difficult, expensive, impractical and, arguably inhumane. LONG-TERM PROGNOSIS If a patient survives the first few weeks after surgery, the long-term prognosis is usually excellent. Occasionally seizures that can be extremely severe, develop following shunt closure. The reason for this post-surgical complication is not understood, and the prognosis is very poor. The majority of patients, however, do well following surgery, and they go on to live normal lives. Like so many diseases of pure-bred dogs, the key to success is early recognition of the problem, aggressive diagnosis and expert care in treatment. The key to prevention is awareness and responsible breeding. Thomas Graves breeds and exhibits Pekinese, is an instructor/resident in small anima l medicine at Michigan State University and is a frequent contributor to the GAZETTE. This article was printed from the January 1995 Gazette with permission from the American Kennel Club.


Article from wikipedia on LIVER SHUNT...

#17Author of original report

Sun, September 07, 2008

REFER TO TREATMENT WHERE YOU WILL CLEARLY SEE METRONIDAZOLE IS IN FACT OFTEN USED IN PSS PATIENTS. Web address: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portosystemic_shunt Portosystemic shunt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A portosystemic shunt (PSS), also known as a liver shunt, is a bypass of the liver by the body's circulatory system. It can be either a congenital (present at birth) or acquired condition. Congenital PSS is a hereditary condition in dogs and cats, its frequency varying depending on the breed. The shunts found mainly in small dog breeds such as Miniature Schnauzers and Yorkshire Terriers, and in cats such as Persians, Himalayans, and mix breeds are usually extrahepatic (outside the liver), while the shunts found in large dog breeds such as Irish Wolfhounds and Labrador Retrievers tend to be intrahepatic (inside the liver).[1] Acquired PSS is uncommon and is found in dogs and cats with liver disease such as cirrhosis causing portal hypertension, which is high blood pressure in the portal vein. Contents [hide] 1 Pathology 2 Symptoms and diagnosis 3 Treatment 4 Heredity 5 References 6 External links [edit]Pathology Congenital PSS is caused by the failure of the fetal circulatory system of the liver to change. Normally, the blood from the placenta bypasses the liver and goes into circulation via the ductus venosus, a blood vessel found in the fetus. A failure of the ductus venosus to close causes an intrahepatic shunt, while extrahepatic shunts are usually a developmental abnormality of the vitelline veins, which connect the portal vein to the caudal vena cava. Thus in the juvenile and adult animal with PSS, blood from the intestines only partly goes through the liver, and the rest mixes into general circulation. Toxins such as ammonia are not cleared by the liver. Most commonly, extrahepatic shunts are found connecting the portal vein or left gastric vein to the caudal vena cava.[2] Congenital shunts are usually solitary. Acquired shunts are usually multiple, and are caused by portal hypertension in dogs with liver disease. This is most commonly seen in older dogs with cirrhosis, but may also be seen in younger dogs with liver fibrosis caused by lobular dissecting hepatitis.[3] [edit]Symptoms and diagnosis Symptoms of congenital PSS usually appear by six months of age[1] and include failure to gain weight, vomiting, and signs of hepatic encephalopathy (a condition where toxins normally removed by the liver accumulate in the blood and impair the function of brain cells) such as seizures, depression, tremors, drooling, and head pressing. Urate bladder stones may form because of increased amounts of uric acid in circulation and excreted by the kidneys. Initial diagnosis of PSS is through laboratory bloodwork showing either elevated serum bile acids after eating or elevation of fasting blood ammonia levels, which has been shown to have a higher sensitivity and specificity than the bile acids test.[4] Rectal portal scintigraphy using 99mtechnetium pertechnetate, a technique of imaging involving detection of gamma rays emitted by radionuclides absorbed through the rectum and into the bloodstream, demonstrates the blood vessel bypassing the liver. Surgery definitively shows the shunt if it is extrahepatic. [edit]Treatment Surgical treatment is best, when it can be performed. Pressure within the portal vein is measured as the shunt is closed, and it must be kept below 20 cm H2O or else portal hypertension will ensue.[1] Complete closure of extrahepatic shunts results in a very low recurrence rate, while incomplete closure results in a recurrence rate of about 50 percent. However, not all dogs with extrahepatic shunts tolerate complete closure (16 to 68 percent).[5] Intrahepatic shunts are much more difficult to surgically correct than extrahepatic shunts due to their hidden nature, large vessel size, and greater tendency toward portal hypertension when completely closed.[6] When surgery is not an option, PSS is treated as are other forms of liver failure. Dietary protein restriction is helpful to lessen signs of hepatic encephalopathy, and antibiotics such as neomycin or metronidazole and other medicines such as lactulose can reduce ammonia production and absorption in the intestines. The prognosis is guarded for any form of PSS. [edit]Heredity The intrahepatic shunts found in large dog breeds are passed on in a simple autosomal recessive way, while the extrahepatic shunts of the small breeds are inherited on a polygenic basis.[7] [edit]References ^ a b c Ettinger, Stephen J.;Feldman, Edward C. (1995). Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 4th ed., W.B. Saunders Company. ISBN 0-7216-6795-3. ^ Miller J, Fowler J (2006). "Laparoscopic Portosystemic Shunt Attenuation in Two Dogs". J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 42 (2): 160164. PMID 16527918. ^ Agg E (2006). "Acquired extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in a young dog". Can Vet J 47 (7): 6979. PMID 16898115. ^ Gerritzen-Bruning M, van den Ingh T, Rothuizen J (2006). "Diagnostic value of fasting plasma ammonia and bile acid concentrations in the identification of portosystemic shunting in dogs". J Vet Intern Med 20 (1): 139. doi:10.1892/0891-6640(2006)20[13:DVOFPA]2.0.CO;2. PMID 16496918. ^ Frankel D, Seim H, MacPhail C, Monnet E (2006). "Evaluation of cellophane banding with and without intraoperative attenuation for treatment of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs". J Am Vet Med Assoc 228 (9): 135560. doi:10.2460/javma.228.9.1355. PMID 16649938. ^ Adin C, Sereda C, Thompson M, Wheeler J, Archer L (2006). "Outcome associated with use of a percutaneously controlled hydraulic occluder for treatment of dogs with intrahepatic portosystemic shunts". J Am Vet Med Assoc 229 (11): 174955. doi:10.2460/javma.229.11.1749. PMID 17144820. ^ Rothuizen, Jan (2002). "Molecular Genetics-Diseases of the Liver". Proceedings of the 27th WSAVA Conference. Retrieved on 2006-11-14. [edit]External links Portosystemic liver shunt article by Dr. Thomas K. Graves Categories: Dog diseases | Cat diseases | Hepatology



#18Author of original report

Fri, September 05, 2008

Joann, being a breeder yourself I would hope you know dogs with liver shunts can live up to years with the disease depending on severity.. Our puppy only lived for almost 3 months of his life. You also would know that liver shunt symptoms can resemble hypoglycemia in many cases. We had blood and liver testing done on our puppy that confirmed the portosystemic as well as some other internal issues (kidney, heart, infection). Everyone coming at me is thinking purely on the business side of things, rather than emotional and worried said breeder would lose a sale over this. Notice how anyone with anything negative to say is also a breeder who has dealt with her? I never said she was a dirty person. Never said negativity about her at all. Maybe also before you come at me with your petty attempt to make what I said seem wrong or dirty whatever you want to say, you should say things in correct context. Slander is an untrue thing SAID about another person, not written. That set aside, everything I've stated is nothing but fact. I will scan and post vet reports if I have to. I'm not some dense person lying and trying to hurt someone, I am a person who went through a very heartbreaking experience and thinks it should be known. If you want to bad mouth me because of that, be my guest. Your opinions don't affect me, and they certainly don't change my very true story. Unfortunately, we still haven't seen the money we were promised from the breeder.. Our phone calls are being ignored..



#19Consumer Comment

Wed, September 03, 2008

This was a very disturbing report to read as I have delt with Tammy on a few occations and have been to her place to pick up puppies and adults. I am a breeder in Florida and have bought puppies and adults alike from Tammy and have never found a better breeder. I have had a few puppied shipped to me wth things from worm to Parvo (and yes, it did kill the puppy that was shipped to me) but never, have any of the dogs/puppies that I received from Tammy had any health issues what so ever. I do know of the time when she had a problems with sick puppies but, they did not come from her house but, of another breeder. When Tammy was going though Chemo theropy, this breeder took a few of her females that were bred and whelped the litters at her house and kept the puppies there. This particular breeder lost several of Tammy's puppies due to these parasites. Tammy did go and get her dogs and puppies when she found that this was happending. I really can not believe that someone would write horrible things like this about her, I myself have experianced liver shint in a puppy before and the only way to know if they have it is to do blood test and test for specific liver functions. If the puppy did have liver shunt, the puppy would not have lived without knowing it for as long as he did. If you are that ready to slander someone for this puppy and want to warn the public of a bad experiance, then I sincerly suggest that you also mention the names and address of the vets and the names of the clinics that told you that is was just Hypoglycemia. I think that people have the right to know of these bad vets as well then. I really think people ought to think before they speak. What If I would want to talk to you as well? why don't you say who you are? instead, I guess it is easier to not give a name or location. In any case, as I HAVE stated, Tammy has a very nice set up and I do know that AKC is VERY strict on there policies and since she has passed with FLYING colors for the past several inspections and they have not found her to be the DIRTY person that you are callikng her; Then, I guess she is just fine and that it is just you.



#20Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008



In response to Charolettes post

#21Author of original report

Sun, August 24, 2008

I really find your posting amusing.. How funny it is how peoples stories can turn around when brought to the public eye. I first want to start by saying one of the vets I went to is one of YOUR very own veterinarians... Remeber, you recommended me to him? Secondly, although your trying to retract it now, when my puppies symptoms first arised and I called you- you told me of your puppy who had the parasite, told me Tammy had a history of having dogs with the parasite, and warned me of what I needed to do to find out if he had the parasite that killed your puppy. You even told me if I ever mentioned that you told me that, you'd never speak to me again... Now your trying to change your story around a little bit.. Even admitting to me that you were caught in the middle and did not want to go to court over this. (The only person who threatened a law suit was you, telling me Tammy could sue me for slander, when she infact has no grounds to considering everything I have said is fact.) The threadworm was found in a FECAL FLOAT at the emergency vets- not a smear, I have proof in the records if you want to dispute that. When a smear was done only Spirochetes were found. It has also been VERIFIED by a licensed VET that my puppy did not die from any of the parasites he had. When he was taken to the vet the last time no parasites were found. But his health was still declining. I'm not really sure what grounds you have to say that I don't know for a fact that my puppy had a liver shunt? If you would like to see the records we recieved from the vet with the results saying he infact did have a portosystemic liver shunt, your more than welcome. Let me remind you he had more than ONE congenital issue. I'm pretty sure you haven't seen the records, weren't present and really don't know what testing was done on the puppy. You have nothing to back up anything your saying besides what you know about Tammy. This situation has nothing to do with you. The only way and reason you are involved is because you have involved yourself. I said in my first posting the puppy was PERFECT when we got him, for perfect for a week or so after we got him. We all know congenital problems do not develope overnight.. So even though the symptoms werent present right away, does not mean the problems weren't there. As I have said before, the money is not important. Yes, it is only right we do get our money back (even you told me that yourself), but that doesn't make up for the pain and suffering we and the puppy endured. I never said Tammy was a dirty person, or a bad person. The person making the biggest issue of this is you. Not Tammy or I... You were a huge help for me during some of this terrible situation, but please before you say anything make sure you know exactly what your talking about and have proof to back it up.


There are always two sides to every story

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, August 20, 2008

Hi I would like to start by saying how sorry I am that she and her poor puppy experienced these things. As a breeder that works very closely with three licensed VETs and as a person who has bought several poms from Tammy I can attest to her cleanliness and conscious attempt to do PREVENTIVE CARE on all her dogs. Tammy has several helpers that are paid to keep the kennel as clean as heavenly possible. All the puppies that I have purchased from her kennel have on their health records PREVENTIVE Care meds as listed. By that I am refering to flagel (metronidozole) Strongid along with the normal shots and bordetella/Kennel Cough. All these meds are recommended by her vet and also my own. I strive to be as good of a breeder as she is..... She is AKC inspected yearly and is very professional. She stands behind her dogs/puppies 100% Oddly enough a friend of mine and I where at Tammys house just two days before this puppy was purchased. We held him and commented on how precious and tiny her was. He was smaller at 10 weeks of age than my 6 week old puppies. Which does put him at higher risk to have a weaker immune system. I was there picking out my next female to add to our family. The puppy had no visible signs of illness. He was very active and appeared strong. He was perfect acting and looking. I did not see any visible signs of poor health nor conditions. The problem with this report is that people whom read this young ladys story are going to think the breeder tammy is a dirty bad person whom is hurtfull to animals and that would rip you off. The parasites listed are commonly associated with dirty living conditions which is not always the case. Whether or not she meant to make it sound like that the fact that it is on A RIP OFF REPORT website says enough. What if someone reads her report and then decides not to purchase a puppy from Tammy? Tammy has done nothing wrong. Why should she and her future puppy off spring be punished because of her report. I feel the report facts are correct but not in the correct context....... In knowing this person I felt compelled to write a statement so others wouldnt get a bad impression of a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL LOVING BREEDER. I truly feel Tammy is an awesome breeder and I strive to be like her... She works so hard to do preventitive care with her dogs/puppies to give them the best chances of a happy healthy life. The lil white pom that had no hair is NOT from a breeding of her own and is fixed and strictly a pet. She does NOT have a communicable issue. If Tammy was just in it for the money she would have sent her away or worse had her put to sleep... Intestinal parasites are normally in the intestinal tract in low numbers. With a healthy immune system these bugs rarely raise their ugly heads. But with a weak immune system a puppy/adult are suseptable to infestation. Most of all the nasty infections that our poor lil babies get are kept in the intestines normally just in manageable levels. Humans also have several intestinal bugs that when our immune systems are low or the good florra in the GI tract gets killed off with over antibiotic usage named CDIFF. Thus those nasty lil parasites run rampit in the body making havic. Possibly even killing the host/puppy/dog/human. With time the number of puppies increases and the chances of irregularities thus hereditary abnormalities increases. Just like people. People pass hereditary issues through several generations and no one knows until it pops up. The barn she is refering to is a very nicely kept new construction kennel that has AC heating running water. A top knotch kennel. Just ask AKC whom has inspected her several times. I feel the true problem lies in the fact that the first few vets did not see the warning signs in the first place. HMMM.... fecal float vs fecal smear... it really only takes gram staining to see the microorganisms so why is Tammy mentioned by name and her business but not the vets that she took him to. They dont get marked as being mentioned on a ripped off website. THERE IS AN ISSUE ALL TO ITSELF. I can understand that the writer believes he has a shunt due to the fact that the vet told her in his opinion he had a shunt. The truth of the matter is that if she did not have the VERY SPECIFIC TEST DONE nor a AUTOPSY then the vets are only working on assumptions/opinions. The fact that liver enzymes where out of wack can be explained by poor health of that that he had been experiencing. So we will never know for sure. A liver shunt is a diagnosis that I have heard all to often. THe vet recommends the test. The test is done and no shunt.... I understand we all have opinions but to say with definety that this pup had a liver shunt is NOT GOOD JUDGEMENT. Her vet may think it was a liver shunt but their where no test done to conclude those findings. Thus this young lady has gone through all of this spent her time and money and is now getting the cost of the puppy back even though the breeders contract states all she is entitled to is a puppy with the conclussion of an autopsy with diagnosis. She is getting her money back for the puppy but All without CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE. Does this sound like a ripped off buyer or seller....? Unfortunely the poor puppy did die. For that I do understand placing a blog that the intentions where to educate that public but I sure wouldnt have place the breeders name and business name in the article OF A RIPPED OFF WEBSITE if I truly where not ripped off... My hope is that someone whom is experiencing these issuer will read the article/rebutle and learn from it and save their puppy/dog... being in constant contact with the breeder, picking a trusted VET and doing the correct testing is key...



#23Author of original report

Tue, August 19, 2008

I want to say AGAIN I am not saying Tammy sold us the puppy knowing it had all of these problems, or that she gave the Metronidazole knowing he had liver problems.



#24Author of original report

Sun, August 17, 2008

I just want to say again, I am in no way trying to bad mouth Tammy Price, she was a nice lady. I just want people to be aware of things like this so they don't experience the same thing!

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