  • Report:  #1191213

Complaint Review: Puppy Land - san tan valley Arizona

Reported By:
Robert - San Tan Valley, Arizona,

Puppy Land
2510 E Hunt Hwy #4 san tan valley, Arizona, USA
(480) 882-1222
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My wife called to make an appointment for our three dogs for haircuts. The call was placed Thursday or Friday to Puppy Land and they gave Her a scheduled appointment for 11 am Sunday the 23rd of Nov.

My wife arrived at 1045am Sunday morning and dropped our puppies off. The girl went over how they were to be cut and went over each dog's info. Wife asked what time she should pick up the dogs and the girl at the counter said we will call you when we are done with them. They took the dogs in the back and my wife left and came home. That was the extent of the conversation that took place during the drop off.

Normally on previous appointments each dog takes about 1 1/2 hours. Wife called puppy land at 330pm which was 4.5 hours. There was no answer another call to puppy land 15 minutes later still no answer. I tried to call three more times still no answer.

At this point I drove to Puppy Land to get our dogs. Upon arrival the doors were locked and lights were off. I knocked and called the number on the door only answering machine. I left a message requesting a call back. I waited 25 min no call was returned. I went to the business next door and asked if they had the owner’s number, they politely checked but didn’t have one. Wife wanted me to call the police but I didn’t want to go that far and waited another 30 minutes.

Now over an hour and 20 minutes waiting I called the Sherriff’s office requesting the owner’s number. The officer answering tried to call owners but they didn’t answer. i asked if i could get the number he said they couldn’t release that information. I asked if there was anything they could do and the officer said no we would have to wait until the next day.

My wife arrived at Puppy Land at 745am to pick up our dogs as they open at 8am.I get a call from her saying they want to charge us an additional 56 dollars for boarding our dogs for the night. At that point I headed to Puppy Land to see what was going on. I arrived at 815am and my wife and the counter girl were in a heating conversation. I stepped in and asked to speak to the owner. The girl replied to me "That isn’t going to change anything he will agree with me.”

I said I still wanted to talk the owner please. She walked into the back room and came out and said the owner was on his way. I told my wife let’s just pay the charge and never come back here again. My wife didn’t think it was right because they never called us to let us know that the dogs were done. 

At this point the Owner arrived and Wife was still upset so I spoke to the owner and this is what he said.

“First of all your wife showed up 3 hours late for the appointment." my wife said the appointment was for 11 am not 9am  "Second we closed at 1pm and i had to pay for 2 employees to stay after for 2 1/2 hours. And they spent allot of time on your dogs." wife said the girl at the counter never said what time they were closing.  "My employees tried to call you multiple times and there was no answer." my wife said what number do you have owner pulled out a few cards and showed them to us it was a number we hadn’t had for over a year and a half. But we have our dogs cut every 2-3 months for the past year and they have called our current number multiple times but now they didn’t have it anymore.

I asked the owner i realize there was a lack of communication and that we've been going to Puppy Land for over 1 1/2 years getting our dog’s haircut. Is there any way we can forgo the boarding fee? We still were paying 120 dollars for the haircuts. 

He said "No we are going to charge you the full boarding fee and the cost of the haircuts." at that point the owner pointed out that the sheriff officer had arrived the girl in the back must have called them because we didn’t. My wife got upset again and started telling the owner he was ripping us off and the police said ma’am calm down. At this point I was tired of arguing and told my wife I’ll just pay the 173 and change and we will never come here again.


Ok now my Opinion. I believe my wife and if she said the appointment was for 11am then it was.

Here’s my question/questions? 

If she was late and three hours at that why did they even take our dogs? If a cut takes about an hour and a half per dog then how did they have our three dogs done at 1pm? How is it that I've received calls for previous dog visits on my cell but they don’t have our numbers?  The employees are lying to the owner and he's adamantly believes everything they say. I think this is all too convenient and what a way to make extra money. And one of our puppies we bought from them. What a way to treat customers.. for a $56 dollar boarding fee he lost $120 every 2-3 months for the next what maybe 3 or 4 or 8 years. So Mr Puppy Land enjoy your fifty six bucks. I'll take my $3480.00 somewhere else\

BEWARE LIARS WORK HERE!! And the owner believes anything they say.

Go somewhere else or suffer the deceit within.

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