  • Report:  #366042

Complaint Review: Richard A. Whitehouse Esq. Executive Director Governor Ted Strickland Ohio State Medical Board - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Mayfield Heights, Ohio,

Richard A. Whitehouse Esq. Executive Director Governor Ted Strickland Ohio State Medical Board
30 E. Broad Street, 3rd Floor Columbus, 43215-6127 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
State Medical Board of Ohio can just suspend woman physician licenses if they make too much' of bad care done to themselves by colleagues, i.e. without any patient problems or complaints about their care of patients. Colleague complaints are used in Ohio to silence women physicians bringing women's medicine care diagnostic & care problems to the Board's attention. Women's medicine is practiced poorly in Ohio and at the Medical Board level; everything and every symptom is reduced to psychiatric,' while the woman physician is judged as making too much' and needing therapy, counseling, and evaluation as her fractures collapse - no blood work allowed in Ohio or at the Board. In 1991 I complained about inadequate fracture care and an inability to get the medical records to the consultants trying to save my hand function and find the cause of the fracturing. The cause was finally found in 2001, with complete thyroid function testing in Washington DC (not Ohio), but not before the suspension of my medical license, and 4 ordered evaluations' for 'making too much' of the deficient care and protesting that the complications needed care and that blood work/work-up be done. Blood work wasn't allowed done for years as then I couldn't order it on myself - as no one else cared.

Once the women's medical license is suspended, The Ohio State Medical Board can then order her to unending psychological evaluations at administrative whim discussing her sex/dating life (the Board then assumes the power to order the women MD to otherwise unindicated 'evaluations'), or for any reason, i.e. just to see what the evaluation will show (so they have something to discuss at Board meetings & statistics). Such a woman physician, whose medical license was voted suspended,' loses all power over her live and health care decisions - which the Strickland Board of physicians, lawyers, and consumer lay person Members makes for her (some practicing without a license literally). Evaluations are re-ordered for another 'go' to re-instate an Ohio license or just to see that the woman physician doesn't ever sue or try to get the facts about the missed diagnosis (and colleague complaint against her) causing the non-healing stress fractures that she gets over' the bad care, lack of blood work, and the colleague cruelties - even if she dies before the diagnosis of the cause of the fractures is found. You have to have 'aequanimitas' while you are being mistreated, suspended, and left to rot. And initially The Mayo Clinic thought that I had multiple myeloma, but no workup was allowed to be finished before 2001. In my case in 1992, the Ohio Board did not allow me to get care even for multiple fracture complications, after very negligent care from colleagues who thought that I was fracturing bones to get their male attention or just plain unlucky.' Bone pains, which continued, were thought or assessed psychiatric,' as a 'pain syndrome' or worse DSM psychiatric name-calling, without any complete blood work ever being ordered. Blood work done 10 years later finally disclosed a very easily treatable thyroid problem causing bone weakening and increased bone turnover. A cousin has the same bone/thyroid problem, but no one takes a medical history in Ohio.

In the interim, I was just supposed to work in a lab doing research, not making very much money, and not able to get health care coverage to treat the pre-existing untreated bone problem causing 5 more fractures. My personal life was just lost' and forfeit to my trying to save myself and my hands - as I didn't 'understand' Dr. Nice as his wife didn't (what I was supposed to do with my Ohio MD & license). The Ohio Board doesn't care that the diagnosis (blood work) took 10 years, and at this point just wants another sixth evaluation before thinking of returning any license even if this is not indicated or ordered by my current physicians - as the cause of the bone pains has been finally determined and NOTHING WAS PSYCHIATRIC. And one complete set of blood work in 1990-2, would have probably found the cause,' but it wasn't allowed; to save the physicians that goofed, care and diagnostic workup was obstructed by University Hospitals and Hillcrest Hospital physicians - my competition. The Cleveland Clinic wasn't allowed to consult with a complete PHYSICAL/MEDICAL evaluation of the medical/orthopedic situation before the suspension. Now in 2008, I'm supposed to say that everything is fine,' that my health is fine,' and my life is really ruined in every possible way including health. And I couldn't stop the mess, but they want me to tell a new 'right' Ohio psychiatrist that everything is fine. The bone problem went to serious osteoporosis, and is only recently stabilized with treatment of the thyroid condition and the other associated endocrine problems caused with auto-immune thyroid disease = not a psychiatric illness and nothing strange' was done by me except to object to the non-sensical care, i.e. fractures left to rot to excrescence before casting. The woman physician, myself, hasn't been able to order the blood work on herself or help treat herself for 16 years even though I knew at one point what was causing the problem = had lost all personal & professional credibility with my license, and had made no patient mistakes = the usual criteria for medical license suspension, but not in Ohio. I only wrote letters to Drs. Nice & Keith as trying to confront them, that I couldn't work the way that they left me, was interpreted as 'seductive' or 'hysterical.' There was only one woman orthopedic in the Cleveland area at that time and she refused to help me or interfere.

The Ohio Medical Board needs to return my medical license with all privileges so that I can get a decent job and get the bone condition treated, and stop their nonsense with medical licensing decisions. This isn't psychiatric, and I can't say that anything is 'fine' until I have a chance at a life and care for the bone problem, which everyone has tried to block; I literally barely exist any more. Taking women physician licenses to hide care problems, and/or make sure that the physician-patient hurt by the negligence doesn't sue anyone, or get the complete blood work to find the cause before 10+ years, needs to be stopped. The missed diagnosis is/was a several million dollar miss;' a miss which the Ohio Board & Governor Strickland want to continue to hide as physicians can't sue physicians in Ohio nor say that they made a mistake' even - to just get on with their life in another state. Non-physician patients collect big-time if their physician misses this diagnosis, and University Hospitals of Cleveland has physicians that testify against community physicians, but not UH, if they 'miss' things. In my case my medical license was suspended as I didn't deserve' care or workup it was hard to get any physician to help me for years, even friends were suddenly not friends as their license mattered more than my life. Medical licenses are political in Ohio.

Governor Strickland goes along with the current State Medical Board Members falsifying psychological tests and diagnoses to produce inflated physician discipline statistics, and to protect friends' of Board Members from any disciplinary actions for inadequate treatment of physician-patients, especially women MDs. There are right' physicians in Ohio, who need to be protected and ensured referrals = Dr. Nice. Reforms are needed at the State Medical Board of Ohio to ensure due process that allows women physicians care-to-function' before having their licenses pulled for care disagreements with male physicians about rare endocrine diagnoses. Women physician-patients get far worse care than non-physician patients in Ohio, and can't do anything about it; if they complain the State Medical Board of Ohio will take their license for making too much.' Making too much has to stop being a reason to take a woman physician's medical license in Ohio, or for 16 years of discipline without any patient problems just a colleague disagreement over her own care and the male harassments. This is not the way to handle medical or orthopedic mistakes on women MD patients; you admit the mistake and refer to the experts in time to save the woman's hands or license but not in Ohio.

Governor Strickland, supposedly a trained psychologist, needs to look into the misuse of psychiatry, psychological testing, and evaluations by the State Medical Board of Ohio abuses of practice that he allows the Medical Board to order' without review or censure. Evaluations of women physicians are ordered for saying No' to male colleagues in Ohio. No one reviews or is in charge' of the State Medical Board of Ohio and how they interpret the law or misuse their powers and privileges in physician disciplines even the Ohio Court of Appeals can't get the Ohio Board files to review or hear cases.

Nothing at the Ohio State Medical Board is about patient complaints or improving medical care in Ohio these evaluations on women physicians never discuss their patient care just in my case Dr. Nice and why I didn't go along' and like him in a personal' way (= married with 2 children). The Executive Director, Richard Whitehouse, just summarizes that it is a confidential' system - and 16 years of my life have been lost to this confidential' system where you can't prove your innocence because you don't know what you are accused of or who signed the complaint your competition = the guy physicians, and the women who go along,' who won't even do vitamin D levels on you hoping that you keep fracturing (the orthopedic dream broken multiple fracture woman'). The first reliable vitamin D level was done in 2007.

Orthopedic malpractice, and experimental' care, on women physicians in Ohio is encouraged and allowed practiced by Members of Governor Strickland's Democratic administration Medical Board for discipline statistics because you will try to save yourself. Complaints by woman MDs are handled' by suspending that woman physician's medical license, before adequate care or workup, when as a woman wanting a life you object. Every black and foreign physicians can have a family and children, but you can't as a white woman professional with a rare medical problem that was a missed diagnosis. The State of Ohio then orders evaluations' over 16 years saying it's state law,' hoping that you die from whatever was causing the fractures, while the state changes the confidential' files - you have to tell them the diagnosis they missed, and say that everything's fine' while you continue to fracture and the statute of limitations expires for Drs. Nice & Keith (=boys being boys'). It's literally kill the competition' in Ohio for women physicians, while the guys, including the legislators (Dolan & Grendell), just party.

Women physicians are advised not to practice in Ohio, not to try to get orthopedic care in Ohio, and to order a complete set of blood work on yourself when you get sick as the guys won't tell you the results. Nothing will ever be fine' again in your life and you'll probably never practice medicine again if you dare to question, or make too much,' of the care. It's uncertain at this point, whether my bone condition will ever be treated, or if I'll ever practice again, and I did nothing wrong to patients in the short time I was allowed to practice in Ohio. Even the Cleveland Clinic and Dr. Licata are just letting me rot, or 'melt' as the Mayo Clinic put it in 1991 - because other Cleveland Clinic Members tried to hide things for University, i.e. Dr. Utian and Dr. Chad Deal - who both knew in 2000 that 'something else' that needed treatment medically was wrong and didn't care.

Finally as a note: the State of Ohio Medical Board causes all kinds of problems for massage therapists in Ohio dictating unlike any other state that massage is a luxury' while other states allow medical students to study massage as therapy' under substantial NIH funded curriculum grants, e.g. Georgetown University Medical School. And in my case, the severe muscles spasms caused by the poor orthopedic casting did respond to massage treatments which were not covered by medical insurance, but done better than any of the orthopedic care. Women and massage therapists need to practice elsewhere.


Mayfield Heights, Ohio


30 Updates & Rebuttals

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
She's off her Medication again...Mainic Phase gone wild

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Hi Friends. Reading this trying to figure things out....Well here's what my buddy John put together....Read the medical report first...then you'll get the REAL idea of what's going on her. And be glad when you're mom is sick and you get placed in the hospital, this person will not be "assigned" to her. The Delta Report below will have you laughing in the street. Board Report: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf Rita's other posts: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm Enjoy, Enjoy.


Mayfield Heights,
Anger management problem is not a physician trying to get another physician to a discussion of a problem, or finally saying that things are upsetting/abusive

#3Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2009

Anger management or personality problems are being abused at the State Medical Board of Ohio - as excuses for medical mistakes - which you handle in a different preventative pro-active way. Women physicians, trying to get male colleagues to discuss a case, without the bantering/comments/sexual references - are not 'anger management' problems/cases or personality 'disorders' - it's not diagnoseable if you disagree with a more 'senior' male colleague in any other state - the guy is supposed to 'deal' with it responsibly in a guy way. My personality gets along with patients better than any Member of the current State Medical Board or any of my physicians - past or present. But that wasn't the issue - the issue was my orthopedic care. Physicians or physician-patients or patients have to be able to DISCUSS the 'case' with the physician before a Medical Board action is taken against the victim of the malpractice for 'making too much.' Asking for the records and a discussion is 'making too much.' And the Medical Board Member (Dr. Carla O'Day) - whose salary, contract or bid acceptance, depends on the physician being complained about (Dr. Nice) - cant be running the case, appeals,and findings of fact 'confidentially.' Anger management is not finally, after two years of every 'Nice' mental, emotional, physical and public abuse - saying something - even if patients are in the room and overhear. Because when you try to say something privately to these male physicians, you are suddenly accused of 'seductive' - when they can't answer the questions. And getting 'angry' about patient abuse, bad care practices, or poor quality care and cheating on medical records, with another physician, is not a DSM diagnosis. Every physician who does a bad job, makes fun of a patient, has care with multiple expensive complications, etc, causes the whole 'group' of physicians to be seen in a 'bad light.' And the Medical Board in Ohio won't disciplining for bad results or bad care - Dr. Nice can do whatever orthopedics care he wants that day - like a Nero, Caligula, or Claudius of old. The Medical Board, Governor Strickland, and the state legislature under Armand Budish just wants the physician upset with the way things are to get 'therapy' to accept the problems, morbidities, extra surgeries, mistakes and disabilities. Not something that anyone went into medicine for. Medical Boards in every other state have a pro-active approach to mistakes and discipline the physicians who don't refer or handle their mistakes - they set care standards and don't do 'confidential' things.


Mayfield Heights,
The following was sent to Senators Grendell, Coughlin, and Rick Whitehouse. . .the case needs the files opened and some discussion.

#4Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

12.11.08 Senator Coughlin, Senator Grendell, Mr. Rick Whitehouse: From what I can tell, what comments have been dropped over the years: the Ohio State Medical Board is ordering investigations of physicians based on confidential' complaints that don't prove anything except that there is a care disagreement - my case. The physical therapy was not done, and the blood work was not done but the fracture results were suable (i.e. not good for any 36 year-old woman, not even for fishing in the Chagrin River like Dr. Nice and his son like to do). There had been neglect in the transfer of the care when things went wrong. Then the Board Members voted on preliminary partial hearsay evidence in an Emergency Session - extra money for taxpayers -to suspend my medical license, to make a quick case.' The State Medical Board of Ohio has subsequently spent nearly two decades trying to prove the false case, that they acted on in haste, with unverified information - and where one of their friends was involved and refusing to DISCUSS the care with the physician-patient = Dr. Timothy Nice. It is estimated that this walkabout, for discipline statistics, has cost the State of Ohio at least $500,000 in legal fees and services, at a time when Ohio can't pay its unemployment tab. No one wanted to sue anyone, but the conspiracy of silence' was interfering with correcting the mistakes in care in a timely way so I complained and tried to get the records and official transfer of the care. No one could get the medical records, a go' to takeover the case (Dr. Nice threatens physicians who steal his patients'), or a straight story as to what went wrong with initially simple' fracture care and referral to a hand surgeon. Dr. Suppes, a neighbor and drinking buddy of Dr. Nice's, has been a kingmaker' for Ohio Board Members for decades now - influencing who gets appointed or the gubernatorial short-list - and doesn't matter which party is in power. And, I'm sure that Senator Grendell knows Dr. Suppes from some cocktail party. Anita Steinbergh DO, and Lance Talmadge MD, are Dr. Suppes designees = they do what Dr. Suppes asks regarding suspensions, disciplines, and which physicians get their supposedly confidential' complaints. Dr. Suppes is a former Past-President of the Ohio State Medical Association, but my pediatrician is/was his close friend (Dr. Pelegrin), and my brother went to University School with his son - so this is a case that puts neighbor against neighbor in Gates Mills. This is a case where the neighbor MD orthopedic should have transferred my care when it became complicated,' as Dr. Nice was too close to the situation and not trained or certified in Hand Surgery. Dr. Suppes endorsed Dr. Nice's weird' version of what happened - before talking with my pediatrician or anyone else more objective. Dr. Suppes then threatened me in a phone call as to what would happen' if I didn't lie like he [Dr. Suppes] wanted me to Dr. Suppes didn't care what happened to my fracture or the cause of the fracturing. And Anita Steinbergh DO said that the Board wasn't responsible' for these threats. Dr. Suppes' son didn't get into medical school because he partied from high school on otherwise he would have been a sure admission' much surer than my admission to CWRU Medical School was. There are a lot of emotions, turbulence and vindictiveness here that are under the radar' = the soccer Dad thing = destroy the neighbor's son or daughter because your son, who screwed it up for himself, didn't get into CWRU Medical School. Where I worked hard for what I got - and studied hard for my wasted Boards in Internal Medicine in Gates Mills it is the partying that counts. Maybe Dr. Suppes' son can still get into medical school, but not by trashing me and showing the whole State how 'crazy' things get in Gates Mills Ohio. The State Medical Board of Ohio had a conflict of interest in my case Dr. Nice goes around telling you that he has friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio, and that he can see that you NEVER practice medicine again = power. It has cost me and my family at least $300,000 to defend against this confidential' hearsay neighbor case, and the Board must have docked the taxpayers at least that so far the Board has involved multiple sets of lawyers, filed all kinds of unique documents, and even made new Rita' laws regarding accepting only Ohio psychiatric opinions in physician impairment cases, etc. even when the Ohio opinion is the product of a pile of conflict-of-interest and self-interest. Gates Mills is an expensive township. My family has no more money to bailout' the State Medical Board of Ohio with another $5000 Ohio psychiatric opinion on me where the MONEY goes DIRECTLY to the STATE MEDICAL BOARD by CERTIFIED CHECK. That's Dr. Talmadge for you; $. FIVE previous evaluations should have ended this case, IF there had been a case. Yet I'm a published impaired' physician, with no patient complaints, who wouldn't be allowed to leave a patient in my waiting room with an unstabilized fracture; even not being an orthopedic, and horribly maligned, I would have had to stabilize and refer IMMEDIATELY or face sanctions that don't apply to Dr. Timothy Nice because of Mrs. Nice and Dr. Suppes. Before the early 1990s, the Medical Board of Ohio had to have all the evidence or criteria for a case, or impairment, before they voted on anything. And the information had to be public,' so that the information could be verified, and witnesses could come forward other than the secret complainer(s) - to say what really happened' before 16 years. Now fast forward to 2008, the Board just votes, to get statistics, and then refuses to reconsider unless the physician agrees to admit the false case. It's blackmail under another name, pretending to be for patient care standards, when as my case illustrates there are no standards for physician-patients, ie anything goes and you have to refer yourself. From what I understand, and the threats to me, there is no case except that I complained about Dr. Nice another physician when he wouldn't send the medical records or discuss the situation for months to years now. This complaint of mine which was a complaint only because the Medical Board has no HELP LINE was never investigated, but used to stir up all kinds of trouble against me to obtain, or arm-twist, the confidential' complaint signatures and most of the hired signatures' have never agreed to testify publicly so that they can be cross-examined, or depositioned, as to what REALLY happened so that their signature can be legally tested. Why not have confidential' complaints? because individuals, even physicians, sign things when they are threatened, or in need of money, or just to cause trouble for their competition (ie Carla O'Day MD). If a complaint is signed, the signer could be held for defamation of character,' and this publication allows other witnesses or observers to come forward to say something before 18 years so everyone is more careful to verify facts if the complaint is NOT CONFIDENTIAL. There needs to be transparency at the State Medical Board of Ohio as to what is going on. So in my case I don't think that there was evidence to start any investigation without further verification, and the confidential' complaint needs to come out to see what was going on. If the case should not have been started, then the case is over nothing else that the Board finds objectionable,' regarding my trying to defend myself with letters, is admissible because the Board made that sequence of events happen with a false suspension of a medical license and publication of piles of lies in public records (seductive'?) the Board destroyed my practice, my life, my credibility, a potential marriage and children = everything, and then wonders why I wrote letters or protested for years - even to President Bush. When Dr. Nice was sick,' I stopped at his house, when I fractured he destroyed me just because he could. Five evaluations haven't proved that I did anything wrong to patients, and only that I had a very difficult fracture care situation with a lot of physician turbulence.' That turbulence is just part of medical practice these days nothing psychiatric' of mine. There are courses now being offered for physicians about HOW TO DISAGREE WITHOUT BEING DISAGREEABLE and it's difficult especially in the situation that I was in - with a missed diagnosis causing the fracturing and non-healing and the physicians unwilling to admit that they were missing anything. You all placed me in an unwinnable situation, with an undealable hand of cards dealt (can't do what is in the cards) nothing that I could work with including the fracture care. And it's still that way after 16 years of waste. This would not have happened in ANY OTHER STATE; this is an Ohio men situation = the legal lobby' in the Ohio State Legislature, ie Senator Grendell, Representative Dolan. Senator Coughlin you head the Senate Health Committee, and rubber-stamp the appointments to the State Medical Board of Ohio because you can't make a law to take those appointments even partially out of the hands of the Governor's office, and you won't make a law to limit the appointment terms of Members on the State Medical Board of Ohio - yet you seem a nice' guy. Rita Kralik MD


Mayfield Heights,
Richard Whitehouse hasn't spoken to me ever, just left messages THROUGH OTHER PEOPLE -

#5Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

For the last 5 years, I've offered to sit down with the Board's choice of expert - Dr. Resnick (even though I can't stand the man) - to discuss the suspension of MY medical license for disagreeing with bad orthopedic care - an 'anger' or personality problem of mine? But a 2-day 16 hour marathon evaluation' when I didn't do the wrong care? Orthopedic care should be kind of like 'auto-pilot' robot for orthopedics out-of-training 10 years - except in Ohio where a lot of orthopedics don't have the skills as I found out - but is that my psychiatric problem? Dr. Nice was asked to refer on November 19th, 1990 and was still on record in June, 1992 to testify that I was this horrible seductive' patient. This was avoidable, unnecessary, and cruel he didn't have the expertise and all you do is call and refer to the Cleveland Clinic 2 minutes for most physicians who talk fast. The problem was mistakes, then changed records, then piles of lies obscuring the missed diagnosis, and ending the physical therapy and my career. It's not my personality problem that physicians goof, make mistakes and blame the patient - even a physician-patient can't 'fix' everything in the care today. Why blame me because I'm the woman, the more mature, the older sister type? But I complained in 1991 to get my records to the consultants, and to stop the lies and harassments, and after SIX MONTHS of trying to talk with the orthopedic NEXT DOOR in the office building and SIX MONTHS of trying to talk with Dr. Keith (my mother, my father, also tried, etc). Dr. Nice threatened my father, asked my other physicians for my records without consent, and refused to call the Mayo Clinic or Cleveland Clinic to refer and consult - 5 minutes of his sex time maybe. A psychologist was hired to speak with Dr. Keith, the University Orthopedic who does 'experimental' casts, and a law firm to speak with Dr. Nice - both were fired from the care, but testified to the Medical Board that I had a personality/anger problem about what they did to me - well, the problem is that the State Medical Board of Ohio allows this kind of care and the complications - that someone has to say that you have to cast a fracture, reduce a fracture, use cast padding, take an x-ray and follow the fracture instead of walking in and charging the insurance for nothing while you dance around the room. A psychologist knew that I filed this complaint, was consulted, and said that 'nothing would be done' except if the care continued and more patients complained - so I thought that I was helping get something done instead of destroying myself. It wasn't anything 'pathological.' Three out-of-state psychiatrists have told the State Medical Board of Ohio to stop - that there was no care, problems with care and bad personalities of the orthopedics. Ohio doesn't want to accept these experts as psychiatry is practiced 'differently' in Ohio - just like orthopedics. So how can I go to another evaluation without knowing what this is about anything that I say will be held against me as not the facts as I don't know the real facts of what happened here except that it's a waste and the woman physician has to accept the discipline for the male MDs who can't do their work. Accepting the result is not something that I need the Medical Board's help with, moving on is, nor can I refer other patients to these physicians until they stop this kind of care - not yet apparently. It's Christmas 2008. The Board has cheated twice on evaluations, told me twice that re-licensure was contingent on my referring to Dr. Nice (who's bought them off somehow), and this case is personal, political and unjust - just like what is going on in Illinois with the Governor selling Obama's Senate seat. Everything is contingent on legal, personal, and political - nothing about patients or my patient care. The files need to be opened, there needs to be some transparency of complaints at the State Medical Board of Ohio, and physician colleague complaints about care disagreements need to be solved IN ANOTHER WAY the Ohio Court of Appeals told the State Medical Board this in 1993 but they are still trying to find another case with another go' at me where I'm at a disadvantage not having the files to defend myself = fair is fair guys. But the TURBULENCE in medicine is not my psychiatric problem, nor do I have a few 'fries missing' - I saved a number of Dr. Nice's patients, from his intentional neglect, and had to do everything but the surgery for the one referral patient to Dr. Keith - he was incapable of day-to-day care after the surgery or speaking with the patient and family for more than 5 minutes. Medical physicians can only do so much and aren't conflict solvers; honesty is needed. Mr. Whitehouse you have to make the first stop in resolving this - the 'confidential' file needs to be opened and there needs to be a discussion as you advise everyone else to do on your website. DISCUSS - follow your own advice first please or no one else can or will. Christmas 2008 and it might as well be Baghdad. I didn't set my fractures wrong after days of fooling around, didn't forget the blood work or x-rays, and wasn't the one cutting out for sex or beer rounds accountability needed in Ohio as well as Illinois.


Mayfield Heights,
The Board is going after me for reporting what other woman MDs are reporting; that care has gotten harried, neglectful, and full of mistakes that are not the physician-patient's fault - Medical Board attention needed.

#6Author of original report

Mon, December 08, 2008

Pamela F. Gallin MD FACS, director and professor of pediatric opthalmology at Columbia University in NYC, is the author of HOW TO SURVIVE YOUR DOCTOR'S CARE - but she was lucky' enough to be allowed care of her hand surgery problem, and a change of cast in 1988, after medical neglect and error. In 1990 in Cleveland, Ohio, I wasn't so LUCKY - where after Dr. Nice neglected my R wrist fracture, colleagues at Hillcrest Hospital conspired to 'cover it up' by not allowed recasting and prompt transfer, consultation, and workup at Cleveland or Mayo Clinic. 20 other orthopedics, including a HAND SURGEON that Dr. Nice regularly consulted for every other patient after the family demanded it, on the Hillcrest Hospital Staff were not ALLOWED to help me. Dr. Botti told to get counseling so 'that I didn't sue.' That still is the ANSWER, and after 16 years Catholic' Dr. Botti can't tell the truth. Then my license was taken for 16 years while I continued to fracture bones - and there's no resolution BUT taking my license for the problems in the medical system in Ohio - which need addressing by Rick Whitehouse. Is Rick even on the job? You can't put a cast on and not check neurovascular function - Dr. Timothy Nice 'trimmed a cast' after he put it on after 5 days of watching it get EXCRESCENT (allowed in Ohio by Rick, Lance, Anita and the 'gang' of Board Members), but did not recognize the carpal tunnel or check an x-ray for fracture alignment = he didn't have to do this in Ohio in 1990-2. Then Dr. Keith didn't have to do anything but an 'experimental cast,' and when he went to party over New Year's in 1990, I ended up at Mayo Clinic ER. Making too much?' I don't think so - and Dr. Gallin wrote a book about this, but didn't lose her credentials and life = the difference between NYC and Cleveland Ohio is a bit of common sense. Physicians have to be able to disagree without 5 psychiatric evaluations, and a 6th is not the answer. If this rule' was applied to politicians, President-elect Obama would never have gotten elected between evaluations.' My bone condition needs treatment, and I need my job back in medicine to pay for it. While not being a 'perfect' physician, I try not to neglect patients and make mistakes; when a mistake occurs I try to refer, consult, transfer and send the medical records before months, years, and a physician's or patient's career wasted. The State Medical Board of Ohio needs to be held accountable for its neglect and mistakes also no due process, secret confidential' files that are constantly changed, and letting cases go for decades because the case is false and can't be proved. Here's Dr. Gallin's story and her advice, the [] are added: Four days after I had hand surgery in 1988, I had incredible pain. The surgeon, thinking that I was OVERREACTING, wouldn't even give me an appointment to see him. I did get in to see one of his colleagues, who immediately took off the cast [without suspending her hospital privileges for objecting]. It had been put on too tightly and was damaging nerves and impeding circulation. It took six months for the nerves to recover - and worse, I could have lost the use of my hand [my nerves took 2 years to 'recover']. Advice: Time pressures, cost-saving measures and the endless maze of insurance bureaucracies all guarantee that mistakes WILL happen. So now it's up to patient to make sure that mistakes don't happen to them [but in Ohio when a physician-patient tries to do that, she is a 'personality disorder' and an 'anger' problem - when NO ONE wants to complain, or get, bad care]. Mr. Whitehouse I challenge you to sit down with me and discuss the care problems in Ohio. Complaining is hard thankless work and NO ONE WANTS to say bad things about another physician, approach them about a mistake, or report the situation to the State Medical Board but no one at Hillcrest Hospital would sit down with Dr. Nice and tell him to stop = the harassments, the refusal to send the records, the requests for referrals when I couldn't use my R hand. Sloppy care works only for a minority of patients the miracle patients. NO PHYSICIAN OR PATIENT WANTS TO CAUSE PROBLEMS, DISAGREE, COMPLAIN - BUT I COULDN'T WORK THE WAY THAT DRS. NICE AND KEITH CARED FOR ME, AND NEEDED HELP WITH THE COMPLICATIONS, A WORKUP, AND FURTHER CARE TO STOP THE FRACTURING (NOT ALLOWED BEFORE YEARS). THE WORKUP IN OHIO WASN'T ONE BLOOD TEST JUST A PILE OF RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THERAPY' SO THAT I DIDN'T SUE.' THAT'S NOT WHAT I DO TO PATIENTS TO ANSWER THE QUESTION ABOUT MY BEING PERFECT.' NO PHYSICIAN IS PERFECT,' BUT MOST OF US ARE MORE CAREFUL AND TRY TO RECOGNIZE MISTAKES AND GET SOME CONSULTATION, SECOND OPINION, ETC BEFORE THE PATIENT ALMOST LOSES A HAND. AND THAT'S THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PATIENT IN THIS DAY AND AGE MUCH AS THE PATIENT WOULD RATHER NOT CONFRONT THEIR PHYSICIAN ABOUT MISTAKES TAKES A HUGE AMOUNT OF ENERGY TO TAKE THE INSULTS AND ANGER OF THE DR. NICES AND DR. KEITHS. AND I'M NOT THE ONLY HAND TO BE ALMOST LOST AT HILLCREST THERE'S A PILE OF THESE SAME PROBLEMS WHICH THE OHIO BOARD HAS CHOSEN TO IGNORE [ONE WOMAN LOST BOTH HANDS TO THIS LACK OF CHECKING OF CASTS]. The answer is not evaluating me for the 6th time that I finally 'read my orthopedics the riot act.' That took a huge amount of energy and pain. It shouldn't have gotten that far: Dr. Nice should have casted before 5 days of EXCRESCENCE, he should have reduced the fracture in the hospital and checked the fracture alignment before going to a party that night, he should have followed the fracture and referred IMMEDIATELY to CCF [Cleveland Clinic and his old boss Dr. Culver] when things went bunk instead of blaming my personality, and saying that I didn't 'deserve' care as he was neglectful and sloppy. He did this for every other patient except me as a physician who irked him, he took it out on me personally. Mr. Whitehouse the problem is that you are not doing YOUR job, not monitoring or improving care standards and the number of medical mistakes, and blaming the wrong person. I'm a lovely personality when medical/orthopedic care is not neglectful or a pile of mistakes - and I couldn't do my own orthopedic care to 'cover up' the mistakes of the guys - like I do the medical care that they omit or are too busy partying/playing to check on. Dr. Nice won't come to Hillcrest on Sunday as he is riding horses or if he comes it's for 5 minutes with dirty filthy riding boots. My medical license needs to be returned with all privileges ASAP. Some improvements, reforms, and MISTAKE LAWS for the Medical Board and physicians in Ohio need to be considered by Senator Coughlin's Senate Health Committee. That means that Mr. Whitehouse has to start doing his job, checking the medical mistake statistics (and Dr. Nice's results), and stop blaming the physicians that try to bring the problems to his attention because they nearly lost their R hand and fractured 5 more bones unnecessarily. The pain was unbelievable or I wouldn't have complained. Mr. Whitehouse doesn't allow physicians to question their care or diagnosis without penalty, does not allow blood work, and doesn't recognize the escalating problem of medical mistakes in Ohio. Governor Strickland needs to find someone else, and allow some reform instead of just scheduling his speaking engagements and mouthing clich political pundits or clever one-liners. It's just a game in Columbus = a deadly one as far as medical care mistakes. My one expert, DR. ANDREW SKODOL, was from Columbia Presbyterian - where medical mistakes are recognized and treated without license penalties to the physician 'mistake.' Being 'critical' is not something that I'm very good at, but I have a lot more compassion and humility about mistakes than most physicians or Board Members. Mr. Whitehouse is an arrogant, self-serving 'jerk' who can't even DISCUSS things as his website advises; Mr. Whitehouse needs to follow his own advice.


Mayfield Heights,
Mr. Whitehouse knows what Mr. Dilling knew - that there were a pile of false cases in 1999, mine included, which some 'higher up' said that the Executive Director could not open and resolve for reforms.

#7Author of original report

Fri, December 05, 2008

In 1999, Mr. Dilling, the then Executive Director of the State Medical Board of Ohio, admitted that there were a pile of physician cases that needed to be opened up for 'reforms' - probably false or had legal errors. My lawyer and I agreed to this, and this offer was gone in 5 minutes - apparently Mr. Dilling was told to try more 'goes,' more years, more harassments, etc. to get me to admit his case (even a false case that they can't prove, there's no dropping of a case) = that I caused the bad care done to me, the missed diagnosis, the beating up in Dr. Keith's office? I'm a very careful physician. The problem seems to be in Ohio medicine. I had no problems at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC getting orthopedic help, no problems with the gynecology department at Columbia-Presbyterian - no problems except that they couldn't 'educate' the Ohio physicians as to what they missed and omitted. There's no care in Ohio, there's a lot of faking it, and faking of cases of physician 'impairment.' I'm only impaired in Ohio when I disagree, point out something, ask for a consultation, find out that the physician is 'faking' it or didn't take a history. Dr. Nice was reading the orthopedic textbook as he tried to cast my second fracture. That's ok but no in front of another physician. One wrist was casted straigt, and the same fracture was casted in fairly severe flexion on the other side, and he had no explanation = caught in the act. The point is that the Executive Directors of the State Medical Board of Ohio have known that there are a pile of false physician cases, which the Legislature doesn't question or do anything about, where the physician's can't prove their innocence - or what the case was about -without opening the 'confidential' file; cases where the Board persists for years, decades, in trying to find another case. Call Eilleen and she'll say that they think they now have a 'case' without the 'confidential' file - with what? My letters protesting as I've not been practicing to do one iota of harm to anyone? It's ridiculous. And the Board is obsessed with proving, finding, lying about something that I'm supposed to admit to save them all their jobs and get my license back to do the same 'excellent' care that I did - you can't do excellent care with loss of credibility and piles of lies in a record that has been made public. Now again the 'anger' - I went to Dr. Nice's office and asked why - that's just what any patient would ask. The personality - I have a lovely personality as long as you don't lie to me. Then, like everyone else, I try to stop the lies and this personality problem is only with physicians, orthopedics, surgeons who do what I didn't agree to - who 'wing' it for money or because they are lazy or just because they are a guy and will do what they decide to do. The first evaluation was thrown out by the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1993 - when the Board wouldn't give the 'evidence' to the Court of Appeals - would have ended the case in an objective way but the Board wouldn't do it. The personality disorder, I spent 1.5 hours with that chain-smoker - who told me to find a good psychiatrist to rebut him. We did, and the rebuttal was that the personality disorder was made up as a diagnosis = complete fabrication. Now I think that the State Medical Board of Ohio can do better, have transparency, etc. I'm willing to take responsibility for what I did, said or have - but none of it represents any IMPAIRMENT to practice medicine; I have to be able to disagree, to question the blood work, to ask for a second opinion on myself or another patient, and to evaluate the evidence and come up with a diagnosis that maybe the guys won't agree with - but I was known as one of the best diagnosticians at Hillcrest and saved a few of Dr. Nice's mistakes - just I couldn't save myself. This file is apparently showing signs of being infected with an unidentified virus - probably originating at the State Medical Board of Ohio - wouldn't put it past them.


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding 'evaluations' posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio (from 1992 & 1995). . .blood work on women physicians. . .

#8Author of original report

Sun, November 23, 2008

The blood work, if allowed to be done at all, or finished (would have taken a week at most in April 1992 - June 1992), would have shown the cause of the fracturing or some problem - after ONE fracture even probably. No Medical Board Member would order it, or allow it ordered. Why was the blood work from Dr. Fred Lafferty (University Green Road = University Hospitals of Cleveland) in 1991 never found; neither I, my father or my lawyers could get a copy of it? Blood work that doesn't show anything doesn't vanish. At the point where I couldn't order my own blood work, no one would help me in 1992 had planned to get it done in St. Louis with Dr. Louis Avioli who was supposed to review the whole situation while I did my Fellowship. Things were turning up lost or altered in Ohio to support Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith's minimal care that didn't work. The Ohio State Medical Board doesn't believe in blood work on women physicians or patients, nor do Ohio orthopedics; they want women to be 'orthopedic dreams' = multiple fracture factories. Osteoporosis is rampant in Ohio, vitamin D levels are extremely low in women when tested, and the State Legislature does nothing about this. Osteoporosis costs millions in health care dollars, and there are decent treatments and bone density tests. Orthopedics in Ohio do not believe in bone density tests, and won't readily order them. Dr. Michael Keith had to be 'educated' what they were in 1990-2; he told me that he was 'learning from my case' = his excuse (his workup: a bone biopsy but that didn't deter the Medical Board from taking my license without it). That's the knowledge of University Hospitals of Cleveland Orthopedic Group - and they have conferences that tell them about the workup and bone density testing. The orthopedics just do not do the workup, or don't go to the conference = Ohio orthopedics don't have to do anything per The Ohio State Medical Board. The evaluations posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio in my 'case' are fraudulent, disproved long ago with lengthy legal arguments, and from 1992 and 1995. Three out-of-state evaluations, over months, have cleared me of any 'impairment' to practice medicine, but the Ohio State Medical Board won't accept anything that they can't manipulate and won't release the final piece of paper that keeps this going' to these experts (two are still in practice). The first evaluation that I was ordered to in 1992 was conducted without any due process protections, monitoring of the Rorschach ordered (an unreliable test to take a medical license on the basis of), or opening of the 'confidential' file - to see what the accusations were about and who were the signers - colleagues, and not patients - that part is known. Basically, I couldn't defend myself and my whole life was the target, ie that I existed and didn't like Dr. Nice's care. Opening that file at this point, should be allowed - apparently I can't sue the signers anymore, and this is not about patient care or names = what that 'confidentiality' is supposed to protect. The psychiatrist and psychologist were very 'strange' people; older, the psychiatrist had some kind of a neurological disorder, and the psychologist had 'chicken' pictures on the walls of his office over a Chinese restaurant = the best that Ohio can offer. The conclusions of the 1992 evaluation/opinion, including an opinion from a deliberately falsified Rorschach test (with no answers recorded), were thrown out by the Ohio State Court of Appeals in 1993 - after The Ohio State Medical Board refused to disclose the 'confidential' file, and their sources, to the Ohio Court of Appeals as requested (the evidence). The Ohio Court of Appeals couldn't evaluate the case, and generally the Ohio Court system won't directly tell the State Medical Board of Ohio that they are wrong or fine them for abuses. But, the falsified Rorschach is a standing 'joke' in Columbus for the last 16 years = Board Members and Executive Directors (e.g. Tom Dilling) laugh openly about this maneuver, or 'take' of me, my license and my life = they one-upped me 'good.' The Board Members/Staff make a joke about this even in front of State Senator Grendell - who looks 'stern' for a minute and then laughs with them. Ohio Medical Board disciplines are all about 'getting' women doctors on something (gets rid of the competition, and there's a double-standard of investigations - women get investigated without patient complaints), or irritating and humiliating the good physicians, not improving bad care practices. Public humiliation of me and my family has been the joke here. The second evaluation took place in 1995. Was required to go to an office outside of Columbus and interviewed for 1.5 hours - the physician told me that he was 'sorry' that I couldn't/didn't get care for the fracture, but that he was going to 'give me a diagnosis' and I'd better get a good expert - bone pains/fractures continuing he didn't care about - just 'getting' me on something for reimbursement/money = answering the question without the facts. The Ohio State experts are hired after they assure The State Medical Board of Ohio that they will give the evaluated physician the diagnosis that the State Medical Board of Ohio wants. These experts have to be 'approved' by the State Medical Board of Ohio, they are not objective,' nor the best experts, for any physician they owe allegiance to The Ohio State Medical Board who controls their license to practice medicine. So these experts' will make up anything that they have to and the Ohio Board will publish this evaluation. So this second evaluation report of an alleged 'personality' disorder - the personality disorder that the expert (he) defined doesn't exist - and therefore I can't get treatment for it, but it gives the Board the 'excuse' for another 'go' at me as they call it until they find something.' The State Medical Board paid for this fraud, ? did they know about or invent that fraud, but that 'evaluation' has been disproved since 1995-6. The Ohio State Medical Board couldn't even vote to accept that evaluation, but they use it to get back at me or offer another Ohio evaluation - which will surely be 'fixed.' And this all started with bad fracture care - that orthopedics in Ohio can't cast wrist fractures adequately, follow them, order physical therapy and do some blood work = orthopedics 101 for most training programs = this does not happen in Rhode Island where I trained, nor Hawaii where I worked. The 'confidential' file has continued to remain 'confidential,' even though it alleges some medical 'impairment' to the practice of medicine (part of my medical records then, which should be requestable so as to get sorted) - which can't be evaluated without knowing what is the interaction with Dr. Nice 'problem,' and who alleges it by signature (Dr. Nice and his friends who can't do casts, physical therapy, or blood work?). This is the 'anger management' and 'personality' whatever; things that I would have to get 'irritated about' for any other patient that I cared for/was responsible for. This case is only about the interactions of my fracture mess, ie only have problems with physician colleagues who can't do their job for myself or other patients, and have 'friends' on The State Medical Board of Ohio. There are other good physicians, who haven't said anything, who have treated the subsequent fractures and tried to help - but I can't list their names. That's what The Ohio Board forgets to mention on their website, and you can't get treated for a diagnosis that isn't in the DSM by definition, has no code, and doesn't exist. Anger management for getting irritated that you can't your medical records, after multiple signed requests and hiring a law firm, is not anger management - this is malpractice that the Board needs to address. Nor can you get treated for an 'evaluation' where the evidence doesn't exist. Any evaluation without the evidence, or 'confidential' file, won't be valid legally for the Ohio Court of Appeals. The problem is that I disagree with physicians who try to do things that won't work, are not standard, or where they assume that I want a surgery that was never discussed, or consented to, or an 'experimental' cast that never worked. It's just the mess that medical care has become for the dollar; the mess that the Ohio State Medical Board has become = a 'Reign of Terror' where you go to an orthopedic for fractures and get your life ruined. Medical mistake laws would have encouraged the orthopedics to refer in a timely manner - what this situation needed; some discussion, some rules.


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding 'evaluations' posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio (from 1992 & 1995). . .blood work on women physicians. . .

#9Author of original report

Sun, November 23, 2008

The blood work, if allowed to be done at all, or finished (would have taken a week at most in April 1992 - June 1992), would have shown the cause of the fracturing or some problem - after ONE fracture even probably. No Medical Board Member would order it, or allow it ordered. Why was the blood work from Dr. Fred Lafferty (University Green Road = University Hospitals of Cleveland) in 1991 never found; neither I, my father or my lawyers could get a copy of it? Blood work that doesn't show anything doesn't vanish. At the point where I couldn't order my own blood work, no one would help me in 1992 had planned to get it done in St. Louis with Dr. Louis Avioli who was supposed to review the whole situation while I did my Fellowship. Things were turning up lost or altered in Ohio to support Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith's minimal care that didn't work. The Ohio State Medical Board doesn't believe in blood work on women physicians or patients, nor do Ohio orthopedics; they want women to be 'orthopedic dreams' = multiple fracture factories. Osteoporosis is rampant in Ohio, vitamin D levels are extremely low in women when tested, and the State Legislature does nothing about this. Osteoporosis costs millions in health care dollars, and there are decent treatments and bone density tests. Orthopedics in Ohio do not believe in bone density tests, and won't readily order them. Dr. Michael Keith had to be 'educated' what they were in 1990-2; he told me that he was 'learning from my case' = his excuse (his workup: a bone biopsy but that didn't deter the Medical Board from taking my license without it). That's the knowledge of University Hospitals of Cleveland Orthopedic Group - and they have conferences that tell them about the workup and bone density testing. The orthopedics just do not do the workup, or don't go to the conference = Ohio orthopedics don't have to do anything per The Ohio State Medical Board. The evaluations posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio in my 'case' are fraudulent, disproved long ago with lengthy legal arguments, and from 1992 and 1995. Three out-of-state evaluations, over months, have cleared me of any 'impairment' to practice medicine, but the Ohio State Medical Board won't accept anything that they can't manipulate and won't release the final piece of paper that keeps this going' to these experts (two are still in practice). The first evaluation that I was ordered to in 1992 was conducted without any due process protections, monitoring of the Rorschach ordered (an unreliable test to take a medical license on the basis of), or opening of the 'confidential' file - to see what the accusations were about and who were the signers - colleagues, and not patients - that part is known. Basically, I couldn't defend myself and my whole life was the target, ie that I existed and didn't like Dr. Nice's care. Opening that file at this point, should be allowed - apparently I can't sue the signers anymore, and this is not about patient care or names = what that 'confidentiality' is supposed to protect. The psychiatrist and psychologist were very 'strange' people; older, the psychiatrist had some kind of a neurological disorder, and the psychologist had 'chicken' pictures on the walls of his office over a Chinese restaurant = the best that Ohio can offer. The conclusions of the 1992 evaluation/opinion, including an opinion from a deliberately falsified Rorschach test (with no answers recorded), were thrown out by the Ohio State Court of Appeals in 1993 - after The Ohio State Medical Board refused to disclose the 'confidential' file, and their sources, to the Ohio Court of Appeals as requested (the evidence). The Ohio Court of Appeals couldn't evaluate the case, and generally the Ohio Court system won't directly tell the State Medical Board of Ohio that they are wrong or fine them for abuses. But, the falsified Rorschach is a standing 'joke' in Columbus for the last 16 years = Board Members and Executive Directors (e.g. Tom Dilling) laugh openly about this maneuver, or 'take' of me, my license and my life = they one-upped me 'good.' The Board Members/Staff make a joke about this even in front of State Senator Grendell - who looks 'stern' for a minute and then laughs with them. Ohio Medical Board disciplines are all about 'getting' women doctors on something (gets rid of the competition, and there's a double-standard of investigations - women get investigated without patient complaints), or irritating and humiliating the good physicians, not improving bad care practices. Public humiliation of me and my family has been the joke here. The second evaluation took place in 1995. Was required to go to an office outside of Columbus and interviewed for 1.5 hours - the physician told me that he was 'sorry' that I couldn't/didn't get care for the fracture, but that he was going to 'give me a diagnosis' and I'd better get a good expert - bone pains/fractures continuing he didn't care about - just 'getting' me on something for reimbursement/money = answering the question without the facts. The Ohio State experts are hired after they assure The State Medical Board of Ohio that they will give the evaluated physician the diagnosis that the State Medical Board of Ohio wants. These experts have to be 'approved' by the State Medical Board of Ohio, they are not objective,' nor the best experts, for any physician they owe allegiance to The Ohio State Medical Board who controls their license to practice medicine. So these experts' will make up anything that they have to and the Ohio Board will publish this evaluation. So this second evaluation report of an alleged 'personality' disorder - the personality disorder that the expert (he) defined doesn't exist - and therefore I can't get treatment for it, but it gives the Board the 'excuse' for another 'go' at me as they call it until they find something.' The State Medical Board paid for this fraud, ? did they know about or invent that fraud, but that 'evaluation' has been disproved since 1995-6. The Ohio State Medical Board couldn't even vote to accept that evaluation, but they use it to get back at me or offer another Ohio evaluation - which will surely be 'fixed.' And this all started with bad fracture care - that orthopedics in Ohio can't cast wrist fractures adequately, follow them, order physical therapy and do some blood work = orthopedics 101 for most training programs = this does not happen in Rhode Island where I trained, nor Hawaii where I worked. The 'confidential' file has continued to remain 'confidential,' even though it alleges some medical 'impairment' to the practice of medicine (part of my medical records then, which should be requestable so as to get sorted) - which can't be evaluated without knowing what is the interaction with Dr. Nice 'problem,' and who alleges it by signature (Dr. Nice and his friends who can't do casts, physical therapy, or blood work?). This is the 'anger management' and 'personality' whatever; things that I would have to get 'irritated about' for any other patient that I cared for/was responsible for. This case is only about the interactions of my fracture mess, ie only have problems with physician colleagues who can't do their job for myself or other patients, and have 'friends' on The State Medical Board of Ohio. There are other good physicians, who haven't said anything, who have treated the subsequent fractures and tried to help - but I can't list their names. That's what The Ohio Board forgets to mention on their website, and you can't get treated for a diagnosis that isn't in the DSM by definition, has no code, and doesn't exist. Anger management for getting irritated that you can't your medical records, after multiple signed requests and hiring a law firm, is not anger management - this is malpractice that the Board needs to address. Nor can you get treated for an 'evaluation' where the evidence doesn't exist. Any evaluation without the evidence, or 'confidential' file, won't be valid legally for the Ohio Court of Appeals. The problem is that I disagree with physicians who try to do things that won't work, are not standard, or where they assume that I want a surgery that was never discussed, or consented to, or an 'experimental' cast that never worked. It's just the mess that medical care has become for the dollar; the mess that the Ohio State Medical Board has become = a 'Reign of Terror' where you go to an orthopedic for fractures and get your life ruined. Medical mistake laws would have encouraged the orthopedics to refer in a timely manner - what this situation needed; some discussion, some rules.


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding 'evaluations' posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio (from 1992 & 1995). . .blood work on women physicians. . .

#10Author of original report

Sun, November 23, 2008

The blood work, if allowed to be done at all, or finished (would have taken a week at most in April 1992 - June 1992), would have shown the cause of the fracturing or some problem - after ONE fracture even probably. No Medical Board Member would order it, or allow it ordered. Why was the blood work from Dr. Fred Lafferty (University Green Road = University Hospitals of Cleveland) in 1991 never found; neither I, my father or my lawyers could get a copy of it? Blood work that doesn't show anything doesn't vanish. At the point where I couldn't order my own blood work, no one would help me in 1992 had planned to get it done in St. Louis with Dr. Louis Avioli who was supposed to review the whole situation while I did my Fellowship. Things were turning up lost or altered in Ohio to support Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith's minimal care that didn't work. The Ohio State Medical Board doesn't believe in blood work on women physicians or patients, nor do Ohio orthopedics; they want women to be 'orthopedic dreams' = multiple fracture factories. Osteoporosis is rampant in Ohio, vitamin D levels are extremely low in women when tested, and the State Legislature does nothing about this. Osteoporosis costs millions in health care dollars, and there are decent treatments and bone density tests. Orthopedics in Ohio do not believe in bone density tests, and won't readily order them. Dr. Michael Keith had to be 'educated' what they were in 1990-2; he told me that he was 'learning from my case' = his excuse (his workup: a bone biopsy but that didn't deter the Medical Board from taking my license without it). That's the knowledge of University Hospitals of Cleveland Orthopedic Group - and they have conferences that tell them about the workup and bone density testing. The orthopedics just do not do the workup, or don't go to the conference = Ohio orthopedics don't have to do anything per The Ohio State Medical Board. The evaluations posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio in my 'case' are fraudulent, disproved long ago with lengthy legal arguments, and from 1992 and 1995. Three out-of-state evaluations, over months, have cleared me of any 'impairment' to practice medicine, but the Ohio State Medical Board won't accept anything that they can't manipulate and won't release the final piece of paper that keeps this going' to these experts (two are still in practice). The first evaluation that I was ordered to in 1992 was conducted without any due process protections, monitoring of the Rorschach ordered (an unreliable test to take a medical license on the basis of), or opening of the 'confidential' file - to see what the accusations were about and who were the signers - colleagues, and not patients - that part is known. Basically, I couldn't defend myself and my whole life was the target, ie that I existed and didn't like Dr. Nice's care. Opening that file at this point, should be allowed - apparently I can't sue the signers anymore, and this is not about patient care or names = what that 'confidentiality' is supposed to protect. The psychiatrist and psychologist were very 'strange' people; older, the psychiatrist had some kind of a neurological disorder, and the psychologist had 'chicken' pictures on the walls of his office over a Chinese restaurant = the best that Ohio can offer. The conclusions of the 1992 evaluation/opinion, including an opinion from a deliberately falsified Rorschach test (with no answers recorded), were thrown out by the Ohio State Court of Appeals in 1993 - after The Ohio State Medical Board refused to disclose the 'confidential' file, and their sources, to the Ohio Court of Appeals as requested (the evidence). The Ohio Court of Appeals couldn't evaluate the case, and generally the Ohio Court system won't directly tell the State Medical Board of Ohio that they are wrong or fine them for abuses. But, the falsified Rorschach is a standing 'joke' in Columbus for the last 16 years = Board Members and Executive Directors (e.g. Tom Dilling) laugh openly about this maneuver, or 'take' of me, my license and my life = they one-upped me 'good.' The Board Members/Staff make a joke about this even in front of State Senator Grendell - who looks 'stern' for a minute and then laughs with them. Ohio Medical Board disciplines are all about 'getting' women doctors on something (gets rid of the competition, and there's a double-standard of investigations - women get investigated without patient complaints), or irritating and humiliating the good physicians, not improving bad care practices. Public humiliation of me and my family has been the joke here. The second evaluation took place in 1995. Was required to go to an office outside of Columbus and interviewed for 1.5 hours - the physician told me that he was 'sorry' that I couldn't/didn't get care for the fracture, but that he was going to 'give me a diagnosis' and I'd better get a good expert - bone pains/fractures continuing he didn't care about - just 'getting' me on something for reimbursement/money = answering the question without the facts. The Ohio State experts are hired after they assure The State Medical Board of Ohio that they will give the evaluated physician the diagnosis that the State Medical Board of Ohio wants. These experts have to be 'approved' by the State Medical Board of Ohio, they are not objective,' nor the best experts, for any physician they owe allegiance to The Ohio State Medical Board who controls their license to practice medicine. So these experts' will make up anything that they have to and the Ohio Board will publish this evaluation. So this second evaluation report of an alleged 'personality' disorder - the personality disorder that the expert (he) defined doesn't exist - and therefore I can't get treatment for it, but it gives the Board the 'excuse' for another 'go' at me as they call it until they find something.' The State Medical Board paid for this fraud, ? did they know about or invent that fraud, but that 'evaluation' has been disproved since 1995-6. The Ohio State Medical Board couldn't even vote to accept that evaluation, but they use it to get back at me or offer another Ohio evaluation - which will surely be 'fixed.' And this all started with bad fracture care - that orthopedics in Ohio can't cast wrist fractures adequately, follow them, order physical therapy and do some blood work = orthopedics 101 for most training programs = this does not happen in Rhode Island where I trained, nor Hawaii where I worked. The 'confidential' file has continued to remain 'confidential,' even though it alleges some medical 'impairment' to the practice of medicine (part of my medical records then, which should be requestable so as to get sorted) - which can't be evaluated without knowing what is the interaction with Dr. Nice 'problem,' and who alleges it by signature (Dr. Nice and his friends who can't do casts, physical therapy, or blood work?). This is the 'anger management' and 'personality' whatever; things that I would have to get 'irritated about' for any other patient that I cared for/was responsible for. This case is only about the interactions of my fracture mess, ie only have problems with physician colleagues who can't do their job for myself or other patients, and have 'friends' on The State Medical Board of Ohio. There are other good physicians, who haven't said anything, who have treated the subsequent fractures and tried to help - but I can't list their names. That's what The Ohio Board forgets to mention on their website, and you can't get treated for a diagnosis that isn't in the DSM by definition, has no code, and doesn't exist. Anger management for getting irritated that you can't your medical records, after multiple signed requests and hiring a law firm, is not anger management - this is malpractice that the Board needs to address. Nor can you get treated for an 'evaluation' where the evidence doesn't exist. Any evaluation without the evidence, or 'confidential' file, won't be valid legally for the Ohio Court of Appeals. The problem is that I disagree with physicians who try to do things that won't work, are not standard, or where they assume that I want a surgery that was never discussed, or consented to, or an 'experimental' cast that never worked. It's just the mess that medical care has become for the dollar; the mess that the Ohio State Medical Board has become = a 'Reign of Terror' where you go to an orthopedic for fractures and get your life ruined. Medical mistake laws would have encouraged the orthopedics to refer in a timely manner - what this situation needed; some discussion, some rules.


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding 'evaluations' posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio (from 1992 & 1995). . .blood work on women physicians. . .

#11Author of original report

Sun, November 23, 2008

The blood work, if allowed to be done at all, or finished (would have taken a week at most in April 1992 - June 1992), would have shown the cause of the fracturing or some problem - after ONE fracture even probably. No Medical Board Member would order it, or allow it ordered. Why was the blood work from Dr. Fred Lafferty (University Green Road = University Hospitals of Cleveland) in 1991 never found; neither I, my father or my lawyers could get a copy of it? Blood work that doesn't show anything doesn't vanish. At the point where I couldn't order my own blood work, no one would help me in 1992 had planned to get it done in St. Louis with Dr. Louis Avioli who was supposed to review the whole situation while I did my Fellowship. Things were turning up lost or altered in Ohio to support Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith's minimal care that didn't work. The Ohio State Medical Board doesn't believe in blood work on women physicians or patients, nor do Ohio orthopedics; they want women to be 'orthopedic dreams' = multiple fracture factories. Osteoporosis is rampant in Ohio, vitamin D levels are extremely low in women when tested, and the State Legislature does nothing about this. Osteoporosis costs millions in health care dollars, and there are decent treatments and bone density tests. Orthopedics in Ohio do not believe in bone density tests, and won't readily order them. Dr. Michael Keith had to be 'educated' what they were in 1990-2; he told me that he was 'learning from my case' = his excuse (his workup: a bone biopsy but that didn't deter the Medical Board from taking my license without it). That's the knowledge of University Hospitals of Cleveland Orthopedic Group - and they have conferences that tell them about the workup and bone density testing. The orthopedics just do not do the workup, or don't go to the conference = Ohio orthopedics don't have to do anything per The Ohio State Medical Board. The evaluations posted by the State Medical Board of Ohio in my 'case' are fraudulent, disproved long ago with lengthy legal arguments, and from 1992 and 1995. Three out-of-state evaluations, over months, have cleared me of any 'impairment' to practice medicine, but the Ohio State Medical Board won't accept anything that they can't manipulate and won't release the final piece of paper that keeps this going' to these experts (two are still in practice). The first evaluation that I was ordered to in 1992 was conducted without any due process protections, monitoring of the Rorschach ordered (an unreliable test to take a medical license on the basis of), or opening of the 'confidential' file - to see what the accusations were about and who were the signers - colleagues, and not patients - that part is known. Basically, I couldn't defend myself and my whole life was the target, ie that I existed and didn't like Dr. Nice's care. Opening that file at this point, should be allowed - apparently I can't sue the signers anymore, and this is not about patient care or names = what that 'confidentiality' is supposed to protect. The psychiatrist and psychologist were very 'strange' people; older, the psychiatrist had some kind of a neurological disorder, and the psychologist had 'chicken' pictures on the walls of his office over a Chinese restaurant = the best that Ohio can offer. The conclusions of the 1992 evaluation/opinion, including an opinion from a deliberately falsified Rorschach test (with no answers recorded), were thrown out by the Ohio State Court of Appeals in 1993 - after The Ohio State Medical Board refused to disclose the 'confidential' file, and their sources, to the Ohio Court of Appeals as requested (the evidence). The Ohio Court of Appeals couldn't evaluate the case, and generally the Ohio Court system won't directly tell the State Medical Board of Ohio that they are wrong or fine them for abuses. But, the falsified Rorschach is a standing 'joke' in Columbus for the last 16 years = Board Members and Executive Directors (e.g. Tom Dilling) laugh openly about this maneuver, or 'take' of me, my license and my life = they one-upped me 'good.' The Board Members/Staff make a joke about this even in front of State Senator Grendell - who looks 'stern' for a minute and then laughs with them. Ohio Medical Board disciplines are all about 'getting' women doctors on something (gets rid of the competition, and there's a double-standard of investigations - women get investigated without patient complaints), or irritating and humiliating the good physicians, not improving bad care practices. Public humiliation of me and my family has been the joke here. The second evaluation took place in 1995. Was required to go to an office outside of Columbus and interviewed for 1.5 hours - the physician told me that he was 'sorry' that I couldn't/didn't get care for the fracture, but that he was going to 'give me a diagnosis' and I'd better get a good expert - bone pains/fractures continuing he didn't care about - just 'getting' me on something for reimbursement/money = answering the question without the facts. The Ohio State experts are hired after they assure The State Medical Board of Ohio that they will give the evaluated physician the diagnosis that the State Medical Board of Ohio wants. These experts have to be 'approved' by the State Medical Board of Ohio, they are not objective,' nor the best experts, for any physician they owe allegiance to The Ohio State Medical Board who controls their license to practice medicine. So these experts' will make up anything that they have to and the Ohio Board will publish this evaluation. So this second evaluation report of an alleged 'personality' disorder - the personality disorder that the expert (he) defined doesn't exist - and therefore I can't get treatment for it, but it gives the Board the 'excuse' for another 'go' at me as they call it until they find something.' The State Medical Board paid for this fraud, ? did they know about or invent that fraud, but that 'evaluation' has been disproved since 1995-6. The Ohio State Medical Board couldn't even vote to accept that evaluation, but they use it to get back at me or offer another Ohio evaluation - which will surely be 'fixed.' And this all started with bad fracture care - that orthopedics in Ohio can't cast wrist fractures adequately, follow them, order physical therapy and do some blood work = orthopedics 101 for most training programs = this does not happen in Rhode Island where I trained, nor Hawaii where I worked. The 'confidential' file has continued to remain 'confidential,' even though it alleges some medical 'impairment' to the practice of medicine (part of my medical records then, which should be requestable so as to get sorted) - which can't be evaluated without knowing what is the interaction with Dr. Nice 'problem,' and who alleges it by signature (Dr. Nice and his friends who can't do casts, physical therapy, or blood work?). This is the 'anger management' and 'personality' whatever; things that I would have to get 'irritated about' for any other patient that I cared for/was responsible for. This case is only about the interactions of my fracture mess, ie only have problems with physician colleagues who can't do their job for myself or other patients, and have 'friends' on The State Medical Board of Ohio. There are other good physicians, who haven't said anything, who have treated the subsequent fractures and tried to help - but I can't list their names. That's what The Ohio Board forgets to mention on their website, and you can't get treated for a diagnosis that isn't in the DSM by definition, has no code, and doesn't exist. Anger management for getting irritated that you can't your medical records, after multiple signed requests and hiring a law firm, is not anger management - this is malpractice that the Board needs to address. Nor can you get treated for an 'evaluation' where the evidence doesn't exist. Any evaluation without the evidence, or 'confidential' file, won't be valid legally for the Ohio Court of Appeals. The problem is that I disagree with physicians who try to do things that won't work, are not standard, or where they assume that I want a surgery that was never discussed, or consented to, or an 'experimental' cast that never worked. It's just the mess that medical care has become for the dollar; the mess that the Ohio State Medical Board has become = a 'Reign of Terror' where you go to an orthopedic for fractures and get your life ruined. Medical mistake laws would have encouraged the orthopedics to refer in a timely manner - what this situation needed; some discussion, some rules.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Rita - It's time to look at the forest from the trees

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Rita: Given ALL of the above. In 16 years has this argument moved you one inch closer to your goal, or has your continued protests and complaints, letters, and accusations done just the opposite? Some argue that the a definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and and over again and expecting different results. Obviously loses the humor value in this situation but it DOES give pause. You have been barking up this tree for years. The results haven't change or in this case each time you bark it gets worse. You need to decide what your goals truly are. Do you want your license back? Then you have to decide that the best course is to let all these issues pass you by, take stock in yourself...demonstrate that you have the ability to behave in a professional manner in all your interactions with colleauges, patients and staff. That other issues won't send you on a rampage be it a problem at the airport or a grade you don't like. If you can do that then you may have a chance of putting your white coat on. But YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT THERE IF YOU CONTINUE ON YOUR DESTRUCTIVE PATHWAY. The evidence? It hasn't worked yet and has only made thing worse. If your goal is to try to bring pity on yourself, then continue on your path and you may get a few to join in your campaign of whoa is me, but don't be surprised if you get just as many or more negative responses to your actions, words and writings. You need to get over yourself, your Mensa cards, your grades, your degrees, your perceived plight and what you don't like about a [poor medical student. (I doubt when you were on surgery at 3am that you smelled like a rose either), but that's just a guess. Do not expect people to take the interest in your issues as much as YOU take interest in your own issues. I didn't once in any of your writings state any concern for anyone else except the generic "other women" (who, if you got your license back you could help). I would recommend that you stop insulting the people that you'er asking to help you, stop the broad personal attacks on those who you believe slighted you. Stay focused on your goals and leave all other garbage behind you. Then and only then will you be able to obtain your goal, if it's not too late. Interested Person in Shelby...Signing off.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Rita - It's time to look at the forest from the trees

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Rita: Given ALL of the above. In 16 years has this argument moved you one inch closer to your goal, or has your continued protests and complaints, letters, and accusations done just the opposite? Some argue that the a definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and and over again and expecting different results. Obviously loses the humor value in this situation but it DOES give pause. You have been barking up this tree for years. The results haven't change or in this case each time you bark it gets worse. You need to decide what your goals truly are. Do you want your license back? Then you have to decide that the best course is to let all these issues pass you by, take stock in yourself...demonstrate that you have the ability to behave in a professional manner in all your interactions with colleauges, patients and staff. That other issues won't send you on a rampage be it a problem at the airport or a grade you don't like. If you can do that then you may have a chance of putting your white coat on. But YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT THERE IF YOU CONTINUE ON YOUR DESTRUCTIVE PATHWAY. The evidence? It hasn't worked yet and has only made thing worse. If your goal is to try to bring pity on yourself, then continue on your path and you may get a few to join in your campaign of whoa is me, but don't be surprised if you get just as many or more negative responses to your actions, words and writings. You need to get over yourself, your Mensa cards, your grades, your degrees, your perceived plight and what you don't like about a [poor medical student. (I doubt when you were on surgery at 3am that you smelled like a rose either), but that's just a guess. Do not expect people to take the interest in your issues as much as YOU take interest in your own issues. I didn't once in any of your writings state any concern for anyone else except the generic "other women" (who, if you got your license back you could help). I would recommend that you stop insulting the people that you'er asking to help you, stop the broad personal attacks on those who you believe slighted you. Stay focused on your goals and leave all other garbage behind you. Then and only then will you be able to obtain your goal, if it's not too late. Interested Person in Shelby...Signing off.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Rita - It's time to look at the forest from the trees

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Rita: Given ALL of the above. In 16 years has this argument moved you one inch closer to your goal, or has your continued protests and complaints, letters, and accusations done just the opposite? Some argue that the a definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and and over again and expecting different results. Obviously loses the humor value in this situation but it DOES give pause. You have been barking up this tree for years. The results haven't change or in this case each time you bark it gets worse. You need to decide what your goals truly are. Do you want your license back? Then you have to decide that the best course is to let all these issues pass you by, take stock in yourself...demonstrate that you have the ability to behave in a professional manner in all your interactions with colleauges, patients and staff. That other issues won't send you on a rampage be it a problem at the airport or a grade you don't like. If you can do that then you may have a chance of putting your white coat on. But YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT THERE IF YOU CONTINUE ON YOUR DESTRUCTIVE PATHWAY. The evidence? It hasn't worked yet and has only made thing worse. If your goal is to try to bring pity on yourself, then continue on your path and you may get a few to join in your campaign of whoa is me, but don't be surprised if you get just as many or more negative responses to your actions, words and writings. You need to get over yourself, your Mensa cards, your grades, your degrees, your perceived plight and what you don't like about a [poor medical student. (I doubt when you were on surgery at 3am that you smelled like a rose either), but that's just a guess. Do not expect people to take the interest in your issues as much as YOU take interest in your own issues. I didn't once in any of your writings state any concern for anyone else except the generic "other women" (who, if you got your license back you could help). I would recommend that you stop insulting the people that you'er asking to help you, stop the broad personal attacks on those who you believe slighted you. Stay focused on your goals and leave all other garbage behind you. Then and only then will you be able to obtain your goal, if it's not too late. Interested Person in Shelby...Signing off.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Rita - It's time to look at the forest from the trees

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2008

Rita: Given ALL of the above. In 16 years has this argument moved you one inch closer to your goal, or has your continued protests and complaints, letters, and accusations done just the opposite? Some argue that the a definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and and over again and expecting different results. Obviously loses the humor value in this situation but it DOES give pause. You have been barking up this tree for years. The results haven't change or in this case each time you bark it gets worse. You need to decide what your goals truly are. Do you want your license back? Then you have to decide that the best course is to let all these issues pass you by, take stock in yourself...demonstrate that you have the ability to behave in a professional manner in all your interactions with colleauges, patients and staff. That other issues won't send you on a rampage be it a problem at the airport or a grade you don't like. If you can do that then you may have a chance of putting your white coat on. But YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT THERE IF YOU CONTINUE ON YOUR DESTRUCTIVE PATHWAY. The evidence? It hasn't worked yet and has only made thing worse. If your goal is to try to bring pity on yourself, then continue on your path and you may get a few to join in your campaign of whoa is me, but don't be surprised if you get just as many or more negative responses to your actions, words and writings. You need to get over yourself, your Mensa cards, your grades, your degrees, your perceived plight and what you don't like about a [poor medical student. (I doubt when you were on surgery at 3am that you smelled like a rose either), but that's just a guess. Do not expect people to take the interest in your issues as much as YOU take interest in your own issues. I didn't once in any of your writings state any concern for anyone else except the generic "other women" (who, if you got your license back you could help). I would recommend that you stop insulting the people that you'er asking to help you, stop the broad personal attacks on those who you believe slighted you. Stay focused on your goals and leave all other garbage behind you. Then and only then will you be able to obtain your goal, if it's not too late. Interested Person in Shelby...Signing off.


Mayfield Heights,
The reason that I bothered even President Bush to get the 'confidential' file. . .

#16Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2008

Because I actually have a 'serious' endocrine bone problem due to a missed diagnosis - what the Ohio State Medical Board missed when they wouldn't allow me blood work for the bone pains and 3 fractures. The blood work done at University Green Road was never found. It's rare, <1% of women, but for the last 17 years I've kept fracturing bones because the Ohio State Medical Board persists in saying that this is just 'mental illness' - which it is not - they don't read textbooks of anything on that Board. The psychiatric diagnoses that they've thrown at me don't exist as codeable diagnoses. And by the way, the current 'line' of the State Medical Boardo of Ohio is just that I 'made too much of bad fracture care' and 'so what that I almost lost the function of my R hand.' None of this is professional or sane. Mayo Clinic missed the diagnosis because they were too concerned with cutting me up with a procedure that I said 'No' to - and it was unprofessional to bring in a 4-month intern and an unshowered medical student (the smell) -- but that's medicine today. So no one got the 'message' that I was really medically 'sick,' and not one iota of this was 'mental.' And so a thyroid problem was left untreated for about a decade because it was an 'exaggeration - so maybe a President would get the message, the plea - that's what this country is supposed to be about - justice for all, freedom, individuality. This is all just malpractice, bad medicine, cruelty to a colleague, insanity of a wrong Medcial Board that didn't do their homework before destroying someone's career, life, health - and it's unheard of - as one lawyer put it, no one would believe it if you wrote it up for network television or a book. The bone problem needs treatment, but even the physician at Cleveland Clinic is afraid to start treatment until I'm free of the State Medical Board of Ohio - which may be never as they can't admit a mistake. The Board doesn't think that I have a bone problem - I just fracture because it's a mental illness. . . 10% of medical decisions at least are mistakes - some physicians make more % than that, some physicians less - but the Ohio State Medical Board is physicians, lawyers, and lay Members - and they NEVER ADMIT THEIR 10%. The Ohio State Medical Board doesn't believe that physician-patients need blood work (especially women), and they don't know how to read blood work being the worst physicians, lawyers and lay persons in Ohio & appointed for political reasons. So I wrote President Bush, because Governor Strickland is completely 'out-of-reality,' and because I wanted to live and not fracture both hips before 55 like my mother. So far I'm on track to repeat her story . . . but that's Ohio medicine for women - keep them fracturing and mentally ill (even if you have to make that last part up with fraud). It's medieval or a gender problem.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
A few more questions and Comments on last response

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

THANK YOU FOR THE REPLY AND CLARIFYING SOME ISSUES. WHAT I WAS GOING TO TRY HERE WAS ASK SOME QUESTIONS. I WAS THEN GOING TO PLACE SOME COMMENTS ON YOUR REPLY. THE COMMENTS ARE FOR A SIMPLE PURPOSE, TO SHOW YOU HOW SOMEONE ELSE WHO DOESN'T HAVE YOUR BRAIN POWER MIGHT INTERPRET THESE COMMENTS. SINCE, UNFORTUNATELY, YOU MIGHT HAVE TO DEAL WITH LESSOR MORTALS, THIS MAY BE A VALUABLE EXERCISE. BY SEEING HOW YOU APPEAR TO OTHERS (REMEMBER PERCEPTION IS OFTEN REALITY) THIS MAY BE HELPFUL. IF YOU POOH-POOH THE EXERCISE, YOU'LL CONTINUE ON THE CURRENT PATH WHICH DOES NOT SEEM TO HAVE BEEN TOO SUCCESSFUL, FAIR ENOUGH? OKAY, HERE'S A FEW MORE QUESTIONS...YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER, BUT OTHERS MAY ASK THE SAME QUESTIONS AND THIS GIVES YOU A CHANCE TO CLEAR THE AIR: 1) DID YOU EXPECT A DIFFERENT RESPONSE BY WRITING THE GOVERNOR(S) AND THE PRESIDENT WOULD HELP YOUR SITUATION OR HURT YOUR SITUATION? 2) YOU SEEM TO THROW YOUR MENSA CARD AROUND LIKE IT'S A GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD. DO YOU THINK THAT COMES OFF ARROGANT OR PROVE THAT YOUR SMARTER THEN EVERYONE ELSE? 3) THE CALIFORNIA BOARD LOOKS LIKE THEY WERE GOING TO CUT YOU SOME SLACK, BUT NO APPEARANCE BEFORE THEM - REASON? 4) DID YOU THINK USING THIS FORUM WAS GOING TO MAKE YOU LOOK PROFESSIONAL (YOUR GOAL) OR LESS PROFESSIONAL (THE BOARD'S GOAL)? 5) THERE WAS AN ACCUSATION THAT YOU WROTE A MEDICAL CLEARANCE FOR A PATIENT WHERE YOU INCLUDED DETAILS OF YOUR PERSONAL SPAT BETWEEN THE SURGEON AND YOU IN THIS REPORT. TRUE/FALSE? IF TRUE WOULD THAT BE CONSIDERED PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT? ANY OTHER SPATS THAT LEAKED INTO PATIENT'S RECORDS? To Interested Person in Shelby some explanations: There are many problems in this situation, the initial problems then led to other mistreatment problems . . . like Mayo Clinic doing a surgery that was never agreed to as they didn't check with the Case Western Reserve surgeon (who was unsure of what was wrong and afraid of the Ohio Medical Board) - there was poor communication everywhere after the initial mistakes of the orthopedics in Ohio . . . Delta airlines, or someone in Jacksonville, was apparently told that I was 'on drugs' to further discredit me - when I've NEVER used drugs. It's been a trip though. THESE HAPPENINGS ARE CONNECTED, BUT I CAN'T PROVE IT WITHOUT THE CONFIDENTIAL' FILE. AND THE INITIAL PROBLEM HAS TO BE SOLVED TO STOP THE CYCLE WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO BY PUTTING THINGS OUT THERE NO MATTER HOW HURTFUL. My anger is long gone, but I need the correct diagnosis and the correct medical information out there to get treated for the bone condition can't treat myself at this point and even the Cleveland Clinic is afraid of crossing the State Medical Board of Ohio. I really don't want to fracture both hips like my mother before me; that might make me angry. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHO WOULD BE MONITORING EVERY LAB AND PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE IN THE STATE TO ASSURE YOU DIDN'T GET ANY TREATMENT FOR OSTEOPOROSIS. SOUNDS LIKE CONSPIRACY THINKING AND THAT SOMETIMES POINTS TO A PARANOID PERSONALITY DISORDER (AGAIN, DOES NOT HELP YOUR CASE)...BESIDES YOU'RE A FEW HOURS AWAY FROM PA, NY, WV, TN, IN, MI...YOU COULD SLIP THERE FOR YOUR "FIX" OF MEDICATIONS. WHY NOT START FRESH IN ANOTHER STATE...IT'S A BIT OF A DRIVE...BUT HEY, IF IT SOLVES THE PROBLEM. There have been lies everywhere to justify the missed diagnosis (causing the bone fractures), the Ohio Board's suspension actions based on hearsay, and the fractures just left to rot. I've been evaluated 5x - for disagreeing about the wrong care that led to 5 more fractures - passed my Boards of Internal Medicine on the first try but they don't like smart women in Ohio. There are no suits or patient complaints about me. My mother sued The Cleveland Institute of Music after being pushed by a maintenance employee moving a heavy instrument - her hip was broken in the fall - this led to aseptic necrosis of that hip. It was not something that anyone wanted to happen, and she was DISABLED for her work as an RN after that fall; the lawyer couldn't sue the physician or my father's medical license would have been forfeit, and the damages were lifetime. Since I took music lessons at CIM, I was not happy about this situation and her orthopedic was at least partially at fault that's where I took harp lessons from Alice Chalifoux. The maintenance person just didn't look. I have the same bone problem as my mother, and break on falling since the wrist fractures. The bone condition, in my case, remains untreated. This is just Ohio medicine and the Ohio State Medical Board; no one takes a family history or puts the facts together. My mother wouldn't have fractured if her bone condition had been recognized and treated properly but she didn't get any treatment, or even a vitamin D level checked, and she was the wife of a physician in Ohio. THAT EXPLAINS THE SUIT, IT WAS NOT YOUR CASE. WAS A VITAMIN D LEVEL A STANDARD LAB WAY BACK WHEN? BEFORE THE FRACTURE HOW WOULD THIS HAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED? IT DID LOOK LIKE YOUR NAME CAME UP ABOUT 4 TIMES IN WHAT APPEARED TO BE MALPRACITICE CASES, BUT I BASED THAT ASSUMPTION ON THE 'MD' BEING USED IN THE SUIT. I DON'T SENSE IN THERE REPORT THAT THE LICENSE WAS SUSPENDED FOR YOUR MEDICAL CARE BUT YOUR BEHAVIOR ON MANAGING THIS ISSUES. NO MATTER WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON THAT IS THE KEY ISSUE AND THE ONLY ITEM YOU HAVE CONTROL OF. Being a 'few fries short of a Happy Meal' - that's not appropriate or professional. PLEASE NOTE HOW YOU REFER TO EVERYONE ELSE AND THEN RE-THINK IF YOU SET A PROFESSIONAL TONE ON HOW FOLKS ARE REFFERRED TO...BESIDES, THIS IS FOR GENERAL CONSUMPTION, DID YOU WANT IT MORE DSM FRIENDLY? BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER WITH NARCISSISTIC TENDENCIES (AXIS 2) DOESN'T EXACTLY ROLL OFF THE KEYBOARD NOW DOES IT? BUT WE'LL AVOID USING SUCH TERMS IN THE FUTURE. And I've tried to discuss this situation and keep things professional; have the lawyers meet, etc. for 16 years but no one wants to sit down in a professional way because there were mistakes and no one wants to admit the mistakes - the Ohio Court of Appeals told the Medical Board to admit the mistake in 1993 - would have solved 15 years of suffering; that this was a colleague-colleague fight over care practices (not a psychiatric anything except that both sides 'dug' in as monetary liability, reputations and careers were at stake), that needed a non-partisan non-disciplinary solution. The Ohio Medical Board doesn't want me to look professional, rather to beg and admit their lies. There's no non-disciplinary path to improve care practices, or admit mistakes and not accept responsibility ie with medical mistake laws. This isn't a civil court case, so there are no rules of evidence, and double jeopardy in multiples the Board has tried 6 GO's at me. WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IS GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO LOOK NON-PROFESSIONAL SO WHY ALL THE LETTERS, ETC? IT JUST ADDS FUEL TO THE FIRE. In 1993, nobody listened in open court; the woman attorney for the Medical Board from the AGs office talked about her recent marriage that day . . . confusing the 3 judges to no end = psychotically off-the-point or issues. When the Ohio Board can't win, they change the issue = even talking about Mrs. Nice when I met with them in 1996, ie that didn't I feel sorry for her'? WELL I SENT HER HUSBAND RIGHT BACK TO HER UNUSED BUT I DIDN'T DESERVE THAT EXPERIENCE.' AGAIN THIS FIXATION ON THE SEX OF THE ATTORNEY -- DON'T HAVE ANY HANDLE ON YOUR SECOND COMMENT. My physicians didn't order the tests (PTH, calcium, estradiol, FSH, thyroid, etc) as they didn't feel that I needed them - despite a huge family history - and this was a CWRU Senior Endocrinologist and then every Member of the Ohio State Medical Board. As the CWRU endocrinologist put it in 2003, he didn't have to order any tests on me if he didn't want to.' Male MDs are pretty self-confirmed in Ohio medicine; anything that they want to do goes whether it makes any medical sense or not. YOU SEEM TO GO TO ALL THE TOP OF THE LADDER SPECIALISTS WHO FAIL YOU...WHAT ABOUT LOCAL BREAD AND BUTTER INTERNIST WHO HAS TIME/DESIRE TO WORK WITH YOU? Dr. Anita Steinbergh DO has made fun me for 15 years now on The State Medical Board every meeting. My physicians the guys - made fun' of my asking for more tests/workup = personality disorder for questioning, being difficult or angry that I felt something was being missed.' ANGER MEANS BEING DIFFICULT' IN OHIO MEDICINE (AND I'M ALWAYS DIFFICULT,' QUESTIONING,' AND SERIOUS') = MEANS YOU MADE THE GUY MD FEEL INADEQUATE OR THREATENED PROFESSIONALLY. IT DOESN'T MEAN BLOW-UP, WRESTLING DOWN DIRTY, PUNCH-PACKING THREATENING ANGER; MEANS YOU HAD A POINT AND A MALPRACTICE CASE AND YOU NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT SO THAT YOU DON'T SUE OR EVEN GET TO THE RIGHT' DIAGNOSIS. ANGER IS THAT YOU HAVE A LEGITIMATE MALPRACTICE CASE AND MIGHT PURSUE IT. I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU, BUT JUST LOOKING AT WHAT YOU SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD REALLY COMES OFF HUMEROUS. ALL THE ARTICLES (NO ONE GIVES A d**n IF YOU WERE MIS-DIAGNOSED, WHAT THEY CARE ABOUT IS YOUR BEHAVIOR AND ABILITY TO WORK IN THAT ENVIRONMENT) BUT YET YOU SEND ALL THESE ARTICLES IN, LETTERS, ETC WHICH DON'T BUY YOU ANYTHING BUT MAKE YOU COME OFF AS OF COURSE. Guy MD physicians don't get women's endocrinology; they skip' those lectures in Medical School for the B-ball/tennis courts (which every medical school has). Suzanne Sommers makes a point of that in her books. And, every guy comment in the book has delivered to me to make me feel like 2 cents worth of female physician trash. Haven't punched anyone yet, and would break a bone if I did. But I'm allowed to defend myself, and vindicate myself with the facts = what I'm persistent about. AGAIN ONCE YOU START MAKING COMMENTS LIKE THAT YOU COME OFF AS BIGOT. GEE, NOT A GUY OUT THERE SAT IN TO WOMENS' ENDOCRINOLOGY...(FEMALE INSULIN VS. MALE INSULIN)....THE I'M A WOMAN VICTIM STUFF FALLS FAST WHEN 50% OF THE MEDICAL STUDENTS ARE WOMEN. IT COMES OFF THAT EVERYTHING THAT GOES WRONG YOU CAN BLAME ON MALE/FEMALE MISINTERACTIONS OR FEMALE/FEMALE CAT FIGHTS. I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT THIS VICITMIZATION TENDS TO BE FOR DEMOCRATS AND NOT REPUBLICANS. SO SINCE YOU'RE NOT A DEMOCRAT, YOU SHOULDN'T ACT THAT WAY. In the early 1990s, there were a lot of cavalier Ohio male physicians - they refused to order the bone density tests on me also in Cleveland initially. This was a cavalier time (Clinton was getting things on the side, and everyone else wanted to get away with things), and everything went out-patient suddenly, with no rules. The Mayo Clinic had to order the initial bone density test, and that orthopedic saved my R hand tendons = one hero. Dr. Lafferty at University then ordered 3 more bone density tests, all seriously low, but refused to believe that there was something else wrong and pooh-poohed that the bone density was as low as the Mayo Clinic determined = he had a problem that he had made an initial mistake in his assessment of the situation. Also, I have a problem that is rare; 1% of women. But once 2 physicians determine that you are just 'exaggerating,' or too young for this problem, then no one helps you = what happened here despite family history that no one took or believed. And my mother came to office visits, and spoke to both orthopedics at different times. My father, sister RN, and brother physician tried also. SAME AS ABOVE Regarding anger management: I don't have any problems controlling my anger - meet me sometime. I've endured insults for 16 years now - that I was too 'seductive' for the orthopedic to put a cast on, that I didn't 'deserve' care, that I exaggerated (had to fracture 5 more times before being believed), and that I have very diagnosis in the DSM with NO PATIENT COMPLAINTS ABOUT MY CARE. The only suits that I would have been named in were because I was part of a chain' reaction. Yet, the orthopedics never stopped their derogatory guy comments, the bone pains were ongoing, and the anger problem' was that everyone at every point refused to do the rest of the workup, and I had a practice/office to keep up, bills to pay. More fracturing makes anyone angry, upset, and try to stop things. There is some life that I deserve, some workup, some care; everyone else gets it that's all my anger is about ie that I have some chance and some vindication. The black folk have undiagnosed and untreated anger' every day of their life, and you can't take their licenses, jobs, chances or family life just a white woman MD gets this done to her and the black cop in Jacksonville knew that. OKAY SO YOU WERE INVOLVCED. I THINK THE EPISODE WITH AIRLINES SHOW YOU ARE NOT SELF AWARE OF HOW YOU PRESENT YOURSELF IN THESE SITUATION. LOTS OF PEOPLE HAVE PROBLEMS IN SECURITY, ETC. NOT MANY FIND THEMSELVES ARRESTED. THE DIFFERENCE IS SELF AWARENESS AND SITUATION AWARENESS. THE FACT THAT THE SITUATION ESCALLATED SHOULD DEMONSTRATE THIS. The first Board psychiatrist duo's opinion, who thought I just couldn't control my anger as a preliminary diagnosis, was thrown out by the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1993 as they relied on a 'confidential' report, with 'confidential sources,' and an admittedly falsified Rorschach test (with no answers). I endured hours of this psychiatrist's insults (and the psychologist's bizarre behaviors), and another exam over weeks in NYC to discredit the two (Ohio CWRU adjunct faculty psychiatrist & the psychologist who couldn't do a Rorschach test). The game' is to get you in rooms and try to make you angry; try to insult you, try to demean you in every possible way so to say that you have an anger problem.' Eventually, I said to these two to stop,' and didn't handle everything with grace and flirtation tried to be firm and appropriate that this was not appropriate = anger in Ohio. It isn't proved, it's just preliminary to get you to a psychiatrist to be worked over again, so that the diagnosis can be real if you blow in 2008 or 2009? This is all a game' and I'm surprised that Happy Meal can't see through it. I'm putting this out there for my family, in case I die from an untreated hip fracture, which is getting more likely after 16 years of mistreatment. The Board wants me dead,' as do the physicians who are liable for this. THERE'S ALWAYS A GAME, AND YOU SHOULD BECOME AN EXPERT IN PLAYING IT IF YOU WANT TO GET TO YOUR END RESULT. I THINK YOU WANT THEM TO PLAY YOUR GAME...THAT, IS A BAD GAME PLAN. My evaluations have been for months, and years, and I've yet to really 'blow' for anyone. The second Ohio Board psychiatrist was not able to be accepted because he came up with a diagnosis that didn't exist, based on 1.5 hours of speaking with me. I then spent months getting re-evaluated in NYC, by another psychiatrist at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center = enduring patiently test after psychiatric test. I've taken every psychiatric test on file, every test in the diagnostic pipeline, and scored totally 'normal' (not even a blip off the radar of normal') - most of these tests I've taken several times or several different versions of. The DSM expert told the Medical Board in 1996 that I had no psychiatric impairment' to the practice of medicine, and needed no therapy, but needed to get on with my life in another part of the country where they would give me a chance. This Dr. Andrew Skodol didn't know what the bone pains were, as the Medical Board refused a continuance' so that he could get the medical workup done - he acknowledged that the bone pains could be a 'pain syndrome' (Pain Clinic consult refuted that) or another condition that would eventually manifest itself = what happened finally in 2001 with the thyroid function tests, not allowed admissible in Ohio, finally done at Georgetown University Medical Center. AGAIN, YOUR LOOKING AT THE WRONG ISSUE...NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR CARE, BUT THAT'S WHERE YOU WANT THE ARGUMENT TO EXIST...AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.....I WOULD CONCENTRATE ON THE KEY ELEMENT...PROVING THAT YOU'RE ABLE TO BEHAVE IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER NO MATTER WHAT IS THROWN AT YOU. CLEARLY YOU WOULD HAVE TO CONCENTRATE ON HOW YOU PRESENT THIS STUFF AND DROP ALL THESE SIDE ISSUES. I SIMPLY DON'T THINK IT'LL GET YOU TO YOUR GOAL. The Ohio Medical Board didn't allow the thyroid function test to be ordered and made fun of any physician helping me after the suspension of my medical license = that's not my personality disorder. My personality disorder is that I can't say that my Ohio physicians were justified in their negligence, nor that the Ohio Board acted appropriately with due process and professional review. It's a diagnosis for a situational problem; continually re-accuse the victim. [I have a MENSA IQ. CHALLENGE for Happy Meal person = take the Mensa test yourself and see how you score and publish with your name please.] You didn't figure out the OSMB game' either, and high IQ is game theory,' but you are original. AGAIN - NO ONE GIVES A DARN ABOUT YOUR IQ, THERE ARE PLENTY OF PEOPLE ON THE STREETS WHO CAN SCORE A HIGH IQ...DOESN'T MEAN THEY CAN FUNCTION. My Ohio orthopedics were asked for over a year, both of them, to discuss a situation where I went from complication to complication of their wrist fracture care = more complications that any textbook has for one wrist fracture, and all complications were relatively rare. Figure that kind of 'care.' One wrist fracture was casted straight without adequate padding, no reduction, but that healed eventually. The other wrist was casted, after 5 days of becoming EXCRESCENT, in extreme flexion, with no stockingette padding, and went into carpal tunnel syndrome - which Dr. Nice didn't know how to diagnose. HOW DOES THIS HELP YOU GET YOUR LICENSE BACK? Ohio orthopedics can't even diagnose carpal tunnel, and another orthopedic had to remove Dr. Nice's cast. But then I went for 2 weeks with no cast, as I was a 'mistake' that no one wanted to accept the responsibility for, and Dr. Nice told all the local orthopedics not to care for me as I didn't 'deserve' care if I didn't like his care.' And how can one be a personality disorder, seductive, angry and paranoid? Sounds like a TV show, not anything walking around. Paragraphs of name-calling have gone on here; and no out-of-state psychiatrist can corroborate, confirm, or agree with the Ohio Board experts, or support the Ohio Board's actions/publications about me that you are quoting. It hasn't been proved in 16 years, but Ohio is allowed to take medical licenses without proof and try to get that proof for decades; and if you don't have something in 16 years, you don't have that diagnosis but the Ohio State Medical Board is very slow and won't give it up.' And I had not ONE criteria for those accusations either the anger or personality one. There are criteria for every psychiatric diagnosis these days, but the Ohio Medical Board doesn't have to use these criteria = they can just have someone say that you have something without the criteria or test result, or keep ordering you to pre-fixed evaluations with confidential' evidence and criteria. That's the problem. RE-READ ALL YOU POSTINGS....ANGER OUT OF CONTROL THOUGHTS INSULTS...NOTHING TO WIN HEARTS AN INFULENCE PEOPLE. I went to Mayo Clinic in 1998 because Dr. Thomas Stellato at University Hospitals of Cleveland wouldn't take care of an incisional problem that he caused = no one takes responsibility for anything anymore, they just lie and say the patient, even a physician-patient, is crazy.' The Mayo Clinic misdiagnosed the situation, again poor communication between Rochester MN & Cleveland OH, and did a surgery that I didn't sign up for - it was never discussed with Dr. Sarr who's a rather arrogant, self-serving physician who does what he wants to you (no' means yes' to him). To this day I'm not sure what happened as they won't admit anything - again a situation that needs airing and a plan but probably occurred because of all the misinformation about everything. Again this situation with the Ohio State Medical Board has put me in a bad spot' regarding getting any medical care locally, or anywhere in the US, getting anything done based on the correct information, as no one knows what to believe and they can't get the file. The lies have compounded. AGAIN, GOING TO "THE TOP" AND THEN NOT HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS. DID YOU EXPECT TO GO TO A TRAINING INSTITUTION AND NOT BE CONFRONTED BY RESIDENTS/INTERNS? BUT THEY WERE OUT OF THE REACH OF THE OHIO BOARD. My problems with personalities are not 'global' - but have to do with medical students/interns/MDs/surgeons/orthopedics etc. - who do things to me that (1) were not ever discussed or consented to, (2) had unacceptable outcomes and then were lied about, or (3) procedures or 'experiments' that you've said 'No' to but Mayo Clinic/University Hospitals needs cases for publications (they assume that MD patients will agree to this experiment' for some reason, and that MDs can't complain about another physician = physician volunteer). Physicians either get better care than average, or much worse for some reason. AGAIN LAWSUIT FOR BATTERY? HOW DID IT COME OUT. The physicians that irritate my personality are usually empty HAPPY MEAL MALES' (missing everything including the fries) - except for the woman intern cutting me up without an exam, consent, or any knowledge of my case at Mayo Clinic in 1998 (Happy Meal short the box). This Dr. Baghai was just aggressive to the point of being sadistic; that a woman would do things that have been refused, or said 'No' to, to another woman physician, is really awful = this was disfiguring, unnecessary and cruel. Rape' to me means imposing your will on another person hurting them physically or emotionally, sexually or non-sexually = you've destroyed another person's sense of self, body image or boundaries. Woman professionals are supposed to help each other, and understand each other better than the males, not worse. She took advantage, and I've the scars. OKAY, YOU HAVE YOUR OWN DICTIONARY...I DIDN'T READ IT. WHAT I READ IS SOMEONE WANTING TO ELEVATE AN EVENT BY USING LANGUAGE THAT DOES NOT REFLECT REALITY. AGAIN, HERE THE MALE AGAINST FEMALE, FEMALE AGAINST FEMALE. CAN'T WIN IN RITA'S WORLD. DON'T THINK HELPS WITH YOUR GOAL. In 1990, Dr. Michael Keith, of University Hospitals of Cleveland Orthopedics, tried an 'experimental' cast on me that didn't work after Dr. Timothy Nice left the R wrist fracture essentially uncasted for most of 3 weeks. This experimental' cast has never worked, but he had to see that one more time. Dr. Keith gave me no choice - either an 'experimental' cast or no cast on the Friday after Thanksgiving. It's women's medical care that becomes totally awful when you have a misdiagnosis, or one bad encounter, that then sets you up for a pile of lies, misunderstandings, and mistreatments to justify the initial mistake until the original lie gets outted after decades of trial by fire.' The woman intern/resident at Mayo Clinic didn't know my case, had never spoken with me, and was allowed to start operating on me with 5 months of surgical intern experience - figure that one out - for her experience, not my well-being. The rule in medicine is: FIRST DO NO HARM (listen). The condition of the surgery was that Dr. Baghai not be involved - except to watch - as she didn't know the case, had NEVER examined me, and the diagnosis was uncertain (deserved confidentiality and a chance to make a decision). A plastic surgeon spent over an hour in Mentor OH trying to salvage what she could - it's still a mess. To this day I don't know what signals were crossed - but this is happening more and more in medicine with mistakes = all these occurrences are in the 1990s on. I THINK I NEED A ROADMAP TO FIGURE OUT THAT PARAGRAPH. REMEMEBER, NO ONE LIVES IN YOUR WORLD, DON'T EXPECT EHM TO HAVE PERFECT KNOWLEDGE AS YOU JUMP FROM CONCEPT TO CONCEPT... To return to Interested Shelby: I asked that my ob-gyn order the tests in 1992 as the Mayo Clinic tests were preliminary, not the complete set of blood work, and you aren't supposed to keep ordering tests on yourself in Ohio as an MD (and I was being criticized for this, and it was one reason that my medical license was taken). Rather than get angry at the orthopedics, I did order my own lab work, MRIs, bone scan etc, but was stopped after over a year of that, as I was getting 'closer' to the diagnosis that was missed. Everyone knew what the remaining tests were, and that they 'might' show something given the extreme bone pains and very bad fracture healing results something which would push a malpractice suit filing. The orthopedics wouldn't even order physical therapy on my fractures - few fries short of a Happy Meal applies to guys too? My father ordered the physical therapy for my fractures and the anti-inflammatory meds, so I wasn't self-prescribing. My orthopedics would only order pain meds, and make fun of the tendon inflammations and deformities that they caused pain meds that I couldn't take. I was 'unlucky,' 'exaggerating,' 'needed therapy so that I wouldn't sue' anyone, etc., but the orthopedics made fun of more blood work and Dr. Keith wanted to do a 'bone biopsy' or some tendon surgery that he refused to discuss with my father MD. In August, 1991, my father asked Dr. Michael Keith to discuss the case, go over all the lab work and x-rays as well as the proposed surgery - Dr. Michael Keith refused; it was easier to call me 'crazy' and he had 'friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio who assured him that he didn't need to do more care. The Ohio ob-gyn told me that she couldn't order the missing blood work, because she would get into trouble with her license disagreeing with the guys at Hillcrest Hospital = Dr. Cassie Nowak who has since retired early from practice - she told me what tests were needed, but that she was afraid to 'get involved' as she knew that something was 'coming down.' There are a lot of unusual pressures put on practicing woman physicians, and threats when the guy physicians goof. I ordered the preliminary blood work screening labs on myself, but did not include thyroid, or calcium/vitamin D metabolism studies (more expensive tests) as I was set to go to a Fellowship in St. Louis MO in Bone Metabolism. I'm not a few fries short of any Happy Meal' with an IQ over 150 - I just have a problem with extreme stupidity and laziness of male colleagues who 'want me to understand them as their wife doesn't.' Dr. Keith was continually concerned that I was interfering with his sex life with his wife at night - because he had to leave work and think about my case for 5 minutes at night. Dr. Nice wanted me to 'understand' him, watch him play polo, refer him patients for major orthopedic surgeries, watch his office patients while he partied at lunch, and be 'easy' - Dr. Nice thought all 'Catholic girls were easy.' So there were some distractions in the minds of my male orthopedics throughout this. They thought about their sex lives and the referrals that they wanted from me - not what I needed in care from them. FOR ORDERING BLOOD WORK? AGAIN OOOH, BOW DOWN TO THE IQ OF 150...DOESN'T BUY YOU A LICENSE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE DOES IT AND IT HASN'T HELP YOU RECOGONIZE WHERE THE TRUE PROBLEM LIES AND HOW TO SOLVE IT. THAT'S WHERE THE NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY AGAIN RAISES IT'S HEAD. To get back to the proffered St. Louis University Fellowship in 1992: because the physician there was going to do a complete re-workup in July 1992 (Dr. L. Avioli), I didn't try to get my father to take that responsibility. Labs were being lost in Ohio (blood work in Dr. Lafferty's office has never surfaced) because of the mistakes and liability. My father's Ohio medical license and hospital privileges were also threatened in this; guess he had some personality/anger problem that he tried to help me with these personality-disorder-orthopedics. So I didn't get to St. Louis as my Ohio medical license was suspended for disagreeing, as I was set to leave in June 1992, and BEFORE there could be any discussion or any complete set of blood work - this was intentional. The Ohio State Medical Board KNEW that the workup for a multiple fracture syndrome was incomplete, that the disabling bone pains had continued, and that the results and care so far were 'malpractice' - but a physician can't accuse another physician of that in Ohio = personality disorder/anger problem/whatever. I'm bitter because I did not become the physician that I was supposed to - a Board Certified Endocrinologist specializing in endocrine bone problems - helping other women avoid the problems that I had, and with the credibility/credentialing to stand up for my opinions and judgments. The Ohio Board took advantage that I only had my Boards in Internal Medicine. NO YOU DIDN'T AND YOUR 150 IQ DIDN'T GIVE YOU A ROAD MAP THAT WOULD OF MADE YOU SUCCESSFULL BECAUSE DESPITE THE 150 MENSA CARD YOU LACKED SITUATIONAL AWARENESS AND SELF AWARENESS THAT WOULD OF KEPT YOU OUT OF THE DOG HOUSE. YOU DID IT YOUR WAY, ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THE REULTS? The Ohio Medical Board knew that I was continuing to order the missing tests on myself and everyone knew there was missed diagnosis. No-brainer. Hillcrest Hospital was at least partially liable for the poor fracture care, and the 'complaint' was to exhaust the statute of limitations. Hillcrest Hospital was being sold to Cleveland Clinic and had to get all liabilities 'off the books' for the sale. REALLY, YOU KNOW A HOSPITAL IS JUST A BUILDING...BLAME THE FOLKS WHO DID THE WORK NOT THE HOSPITAL...HOSPITALS ARE JUST DEEP POCKETS FOR LAW SUITS. The purpose of my report on ripoff is to try to get the 'confidential' complaint of the Medical Board opened (my complaint was give to Dr. Nice and passed around Hillcrest Hospital despite being 'confidential'), and to hope for the possibility of everyone involved sitting down to discuss the situation for resolution - not any more name-calling. Personality disorders are not disorders for one situation; a handful of physicians who did the wrong things based on a series of misjudgments, and I can't agree therefore I'm a disorder. And one 'crazy' situation leads to another with medical misinformation as happened here beginning in 1991-2. DO YOU THINK SOMEONE IS GOING TO GO - WOW SHE WROTE TO RIPOFF.COM NOW WERE IN TROUBLE, OR IS THIS JUST ANOTHER NAIL YOU GAVE TO THEM TO PUT IN YOUR LICENSE COFFIN? Once Dr. Nice goofed on the initial setting of the fractures, and Dr. Tom Stellato made the wrong assessment about his incisional problems, then everyone else continued to goof - to the present day and get away with it as I don't deserver proper professional care. And none of this missing blood work, wrong surgery, inadequate fracture care etc is my 'psychiatric.' I only need an admission of the mistakes to move on - that it wasn't my psychiatric' problem that it happened; I didn't make anyone do bad care, wrong care, start a surgery without any information or training - it just happens in medicine today as anything goes and the patient is crap. AND YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO IS QUALIFIED TO PRACTICE. YOUR GENERALITIES DON'T FIT. Mistakes in medicine compound when not admitted and addressed in an honest way = what happened here. Then Dr. Nice's wife filed false reports with a local newspaper (Sun Press), and had a way of contacting an airlines - but the airline lady that night at Delta was doing several jobs, and looked to be on Prozac - she wouldn't look you in the eyes. The black cop had a real anger problem (and I'm not the only case of black cop abuse in Jacksonville - it goes on, and the current Mayor knows about it). With Obama being elected, it's very difficult to discipline a black cop for abusing a white woman verbally and physically. A judge stopped it in Jacksonville, but nothing's been done about the false case for saying that I wasn't on drugs, and was trying to get back to graduate classes at CWRU Epidemiology Department. Everything I owned was dumped all over the airport and in the street. The drug stuff was never further discussed = an excuse, misinformation? The cop was irritated that I didn't admit drugs; they seemed to think that I was part of a 'tip' that night; question is who did the tip? The calls to Dr. O'Day about the missed blood work got me into Rocky River Municipal Court for daring to call her she was a classmate of mine at CWRU Medical School, and hated me, and most other halfway decently looking females younger than her. She was a mother of 5, with a Magistrate husband, who ran around flirting with guys half her age in blue jeans = ? personality disorder or just immature? SORRY WOULD LIKE TO HELP MORE BUT OUT OF TIME. THINK ABOUT WHAT I WROTE, IT IS FOR YOUR BENEFIT. That Martin Luther King night in Jacksonville, I had just turned in my ticket and was out the airport door when arrested for not leaving AN HOUR earlier, my parents weren't even allowed to come get me, and I was accused to the last moment of hiding DRUGS (WHAT DRUGS and WHERE were never elucidated) while I was being harassed by the crude black cop and his l*****n butch partner = EOE. Things have gotten really out of control with terrorism, with the 'confidential' complaint system at the Ohio State Medical Board, and with the increase in medical mistakes with no one taking the time to do the work. But the 'personality disorder' diagnosis is to get a handful of physicians out of malpractice - if the physician has a mental disorder then colleagues don't have to do medical care for them or get a decent result. I've take all the tests for mental illness and been evaluated over months 5x - the Ohio experts come up with totally different findings based on 'confidential.' The Ohio Court of Appeals has thrown this out until the Ohio Medical Board comes up with the 'confidential' - hasn't happened in 16 years. You can't have diagnoses based on confidential reports or unverified evidence = the case in this situation for 16 years because the Ohio State Medical Board can't prove the preliminary or provisional anything but can put it on the Internet. So I'm putting my own information out there as nothing is straightening out. So the Board keeps trying with more goes and mores lies. It's just what happens with a medical mistake, and most states (over 35) have medical mistakes laws so that the physician-patient mistake isn't accused of every diagnosis in the DSM over 16 years for the physicians to get out of the mistake. Mistakes happen, but it's how you handle the mistake that's important and a 16-year fight isn't the way to do it. The initial mistakes, the Hearings, the lies in public records, etc have just ruined my life and I actually am a very lovely person who played several musical instruments - and my hands are important to me even to wash dishes, do cleaning, and cooking = women need their hands. I've not been able to get married and have a family - the false diagnoses have to be cleared up or any guy has day #1 criteria for a divorce - now it's too late to have children. My hands were in trouble for 2 YEARS after initial castings of supposedly 'simple' fractures = castings without adequate padding, reductions, x-rays etc. = what the nurses used to not the physicians get away with in the hospital. This is not what some guy wants to marry for better or worse.' In the 1980s these 'serious' fractures would have been admitted at least overnight, and the workup done during the one-day hospital stay. Now nothing gets done. This was 1990-2 and I was 35-37, and looked young - they just thought that I was unlucky. All my efforts couldn't dissuade them. Hope this answers some of the Happy Meal questions.


Once again

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

I read the Ohio Medical Board reviews and responses to your "nonsense" Grow up - get over it - you lost your license 16 years ago Your ranting and raving only proves the Board was correct in stripping you of your license Old saying - the proof is in the pudding


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Just my opinion.

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

Intersted Person Shelby Ohio, Ohio U.S.A. '2) You mention about Forged/Altered document...I guess if you assume all the documents are forged then you can ignore or accept any evidence to fit your own story.' I don't have a 'story'. I wondered what happened to some essential tests. The documents are what they are. Show me where I even mentioned the word 'Forged'. That is your own word. Rita is the one who feels that the medical records were altered, not me. It is a possibility though. We will just have to disagree. Unlike you, I cannot bring myself to harass an apparently mentally handicapped individual just for fun, bringing up her past with reports generated by people who MIGHT have had specific, ulterior, self serving reasons to say particular things. When a person is mentally ill, it means just that! They very well may not be able to control what they are saying or doing. Just beating on them for 'sport', which is obviously what you are doing, is very sadistic and very cruel. Maybe someday you will finally 'mature', grow up, and think "why in the world did I even care if Rita, who may be mentally handicapped, posted those things? What made me think I needed to make her look even worse than her postings do, just for the fun of it?" Everybody can see by your comments and link, that you are 'enjoying' this sick harassment of a mentally handicapped individual. Someone like you, who has no evident human compassion and sadness for someone who appears this ill, must be a very special kind of person indeed! This is my last post to you. You make me sick! Go ahead, try all you can to justify your harassment and 'stalking' of this mentally handicapped lady. Let the Harassment continue! The readers will probably determine that you and perhaps Rita need some Psychiatric help. Have a sick life...


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
My opinion only.

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2008

Intersted Person Shelby Ohio, Ohio U.S.A. Thanks for the reply. I didn't ask you to spew more information out of the report. It is not relevant to me, until you prove to me that nobody who testified had any personal interest in saving their own reputations at the expense of the Author. It is also not relevant to me whether Rita is or is not mentally ill. You completely missed the point again. The point is that you cannot prove that anything in that report is true or false unless you were there watching and hearing everyone testify. In addition you would need to get inside all of their heads to see what their motive was. Continuing to quote it does not change a thing. Sorry, You are using unreliable data to 'stalk' Rita with and quite possibly to commit 'defamation' with. I couldn't count how many innocent people have been convicted by juries, using false testimony. It does you no good to keep bringing up the irrelevant report again , because I was focusing on something not in the report. Can you possibly figure out what that might of been? Just like a jury, everyone has a different opinion. After all, the 'report' is third party 'hearsay' to the readers of this thread, including you! You seem to believe the report 'hook, line and sinker'. As an Engineer that deals in logic every day, I cannot use faulty data. I know that I can't ever do that because I do not know if either side is actually telling the whole truth. I just don't believe every thing I see in writing. There are too many self interests involved. If I was not there, I just flat don't know what happened and I can't rationalize that I do. That goes for both sides of this issue. Every time I see someone as frantic as you are, in trying to discredit someone, I very strongly suspect they have a 'stake and motive' in making that someone look bad. You can argue all day long, but I do not know WHY people testified the way they did, for the reasons I stated above. You seem way too trusting of third party material. Just because it is in writing, does not even make any of it true! If I can't prove something is true, then I must assume it is not true. That is a fundamental law of formal logic. You seem to be trying to point out, using third party questionable material, that this thread Author is falsely accusing various people. If this is truly so, then she is perhaps committing 'defamation'. In your frantic posts to discredit the thread author, YOU have YOURSELF perhaps crossed THE SAME legal line. Let me interpret your statements from RipOffReport 384765. 'Could you be one of Case Western's biggest mistakes?' 'Is it possible that the biggest Case Western Medical School mistake was YOU?' YOU SAID, in effect, that the above named university MAKES MISTAKES fairly often, and that this thread author is their BIGGEST MISTAKE. This appears to me as legal 'defamation', 'published'(a legal term) to the whole world. A jury could very well see it the same way. You probably should start retracting your statements above, on each thread you have posted on, before the attorney for the university that have you named above sees your post or is alerted to it. Remember, RipOffReports never removes comments. They stay here for everyone to read, or to be subpoenaed. I am not an attorney. This is my opinion only. Thank you for the discussion.


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding what's on the Medical Board's site about 'mental illness' - and no patient complaints or criteria to prove this except that I object.

#21Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2008

First I have no patient malpractice or complaints - that's just fiction of the State Medical Board of Ohio - they can say anything that they want and I don't ever see the facts ('confidential'). There were some cases against my father year ago now, but probably still on file - I only practiced in Ohio for 7 years and was not sued for anything that I did directly. Second I have have offered The State Medical Board of Ohio, FOR FIVE YEARS NOW, in multiple letters/communications, etc to even visit with the Medical Board's choice of a psychiatrist - Dr. Philip Resnick of Univeristy Hospitals/Cleveland (a criminal forensic psychiatrist who wouldn't know 'normal' if it hit him in the face) - who I don't like, and who many physicians in the Cleveland area think would only misinterpret this situation further (a rather crude guy) - if the Board would release the 'confidential' complaint - so that all the facts would be out there during this evaluation (and then I wouldn't have to say anything or write anything that wasn't correct or part of the case, or I could correct misconceptions). And this can be the final evaluation and the case can be ended. I've said repeatedly that I'll go to another psychiatrist, but things have to be Ohio Court of Appeals 'fair;' all the facts, all the accusations, and who said them need to be out there for verification and to see what happened here REALLY - otherwise it's just the 6th evaluation of a pile of non-conclusive evaluations, with piles of lies and hearsay, where they discuss my sex history for hours (not much there). All these evaluations want to talk my sex life and sexual experiences with men; to figure out why I was upset at Dr. Nice's comments, insinuations and flirtations (he's married with two children #1 reason). I've dealt with horrible personal innuendo and not been able to say anything, after 16 years I can't be silent any longer - even if it's viewed as non-professional. There needs to be some reform at The State Medical Board of Ohio and in how women's medicine is practiced in Ohio = badly. Three of the evaluations - all out-of-state - have cleared me; all the out-of-state evaluations see the politics, and the horrible facts about the care - that this case is political = I dared to complain. And nothing is professional at this point, or confidential, or fair; and it really hasn't been from day #1 when the Ohio Board took my medical license with an admittedly falsified Rorschach test = the one psychiatric test that they used. That they got me into a room and made a 'rain dance' out of a pretend Rorschach, and then published an opinion without the answers and how they got that opinion = a standing JOKE at The Ohio State Medical Board and for Senator Grendell. I was made a 'fool of for going to the first evaluation, believing that it might be fair - they got me into rooms and said anything that they needed to say with no witnesses to say otherwise, no monitors. If they get me in a room again, it has to be taped, fair, and appropriate behavior. Past Ohio evaluations have been 'anything goes,' and except for posting on RIPOFF, I've not been able to say anything. And the mistreatments have compounded to make the point= that Mayo Clinic won't admit that they didn't do the right blood work or the right surgery, that Dr. Loue doesn't have to explain her grades or her academic freedoms, that the black cop gets a 'feel' out of this, etc. It's all part of the same thing, but the file is 'confidential,' and everyone gets to take advantage. The mental illness concept is based on my reporting another physician for bad care practices, failure to send his/my medical records, and lying to consultants telling physician not to care for me as I didn't deserve care if I didn't like his [Dr. Nice's] care. Then I've tried to defend myself as any person would, as I have no diagnostic criteria for mental illness - that's hard to explain and look 'normal' doing but I'm trying to backpedal. Writing letters to get the appropriate care, and recognition, of a serious missed diagnosis and bone problem is not a mental illness. The Ohio State Medical Board has told physicians not to care for me in any 'normal' way for 16 years now - Dr. Loue will never have to explain her grade. There are a few kind physicians still trying to help me, but they are all afraid of their medical licenses and having the same done to them or their family. The Ohio State Medical Board has continually made the condition that I do evaluation after evaluation without the 'confidential' file - so that all these evaluations are not acceptable LEGALLY to end the case. The Ohio Court of Appeals will then just say produce all the evidence, and the Ohio Board says 'No' and the case goes around and around the Ohio court system. The problem in California was that the California Medical Board couldn't get the 'confidential' file, the crucial piece of mental illness evidence, and couldn't deposition Drs. Nice, Keith, O'Day, etc. Drs. Nice and Keith were fired from my care months before they testified, no physician currently caring for my fractures, bone problem will testify - they know the missed diagnosis and the malpractice that went on. Dr. Nice was fired from my care and office in November, 1990 for conduct unbecoming, lying, refusing to refer my care and multiple patient/office staff complaints. At one point Dr. Nice tried to raid my samples for muscle relaxants while I wasn't around - telling the staff that it was ok. He sent patients to wait in my office for hours while he and his staff partied - never asked. I've tried to be professional for 16 years, but that doesn't get me a job, or clearance, or the mess over, or the facts. I've offered to go see even the worst psychiatrist for this case in the State of Ohio, the one with the most conflicts-of-interest, if the crucial file for this case is part of the deal - otherwise the case can never end no matter HOW MANY EVALUATIONS I GO THROUGH. There's nothing else that I can offer, but they don't say that on their site. The California evaluation cleared me for practice, but they couldn't undo the Ohio State Medical Board without the 'confidential' file - and this is not about any patient misdecision or possible misdecision. Somehow I have 'mental illness' and make better medical decisions that most of my colleagues - that the Board had to admit. Tell me how that is possible? And patients generally LOVE me, there's not one complaint to the Board about my care in this mess. My orthopedics, still practicing, who made obvious terrible mistakes in my care, and have mental problems with women patients, are still practicing without any rules or suggestions for improvement in care practices. Professionalism goes both ways, the Medical Board has for 16 years released horrible, unverified, unbelieveable information on me - without one patient problem (my father was sued not me in those cases) for 16 years. How is that professional? I've offered the best offer that I can, to even see Dr. Resnick for a horrible day or two, IF THE 'CONFIDENTIAL FILE' is part of this so that this can be over for everyone - including Case Western Reserve/University Hospitals were I got my MD, and learned what my teachers didn't know apparently by reading the textbooks and studying in the library. The ethics professor was at CWRU - Case Western Reserve - where they missed the bone problem and almost caused the loss of my R hand with the 'experimental' cast. I never reported CWRU, but they are trying, with lies and everything that they can, even an ETHICS course grade, to discredit me. That 'C' grade has no explanation to this day (3 years), Dr. Loue writes textbooks with gender chapters, every single one just about. They are required textbooks for her ethics class and I didn't buy her book, just copied the non-gender chapters. Dr. Resnick is at CWRU, knows Dr. Loue, and he's been wanting to evaluate me without all the information to 'clear' CWRU for 5 years. It's complicated but connected - even the lawyers believe that. Nothing is a coincidence in this mess. When the case can't be proved, everything else is done to me to look bad; the wrong surgery by a 5-month intern, a beating at the Jacksonville airport, and ethics class that I usually get As in suddenly turns to a C? I'm not a C student and presented 'stuff' that became a Nature Medicine publication - so I know that things weren't fair. Nature can publish this, but Dr. Loue give it a 'C?'


Mayfield Heights,
Just a response to some of the horrible comments. . .

#22Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2008

To Interested Person in Shelby some explanations: There are many problems in this situation, the initial problems then led to other mistreatment problems . . . like Mayo Clinic doing a surgery that was never agreed to as they didn't check with the Case Western Reserve surgeon (who was unsure of what was wrong and afraid of the Ohio Medical Board) - there was poor communication everywhere after the initial mistakes of the orthopedics in Ohio . . . Delta airlines, or someone in Jacksonville, was apparently told that I was 'on drugs' to further discredit me - when I've NEVER used drugs. It's been a trip though. THESE HAPPENINGS ARE CONNECTED, BUT I CAN'T PROVE IT WITHOUT THE CONFIDENTIAL' FILE. AND THE INITIAL PROBLEM HAS TO BE SOLVED TO STOP THE CYCLE WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO BY PUTTING THINGS OUT THERE NO MATTER HOW HURTFUL. My anger is long gone, but I need the correct diagnosis and the correct medical information out there to get treated for the bone condition can't treat myself at this point and even the Cleveland Clinic is afraid of crossing the State Medical Board of Ohio. I really don't want to fracture both hips like my mother before me; that might make me angry. There have been lies everywhere to justify the missed diagnosis (causing the bone fractures), the Ohio Board's suspension actions based on hearsay, and the fractures just left to rot. I've been evaluated 5x - for disagreeing about the wrong care that led to 5 more fractures - passed my Boards of Internal Medicine on the first try but they don't like smart women in Ohio. There are no suits or patient complaints about me. My mother sued The Cleveland Institute of Music after being pushed by a maintenance employee moving a heavy instrument - her hip was broken in the fall - this led to aseptic necrosis of that hip. It was not something that anyone wanted to happen, and she was DISABLED for her work as an RN after that fall; the lawyer couldn't sue the physician or my father's medical license would have been forfeit, and the damages were lifetime. Since I took music lessons at CIM, I was not happy about this situation and her orthopedic was at least partially at fault that's where I took harp lessons from Alice Chalifoux. The maintenance person just didn't look. I have the same bone problem as my mother, and break on falling since the wrist fractures. The bone condition, in my case, remains untreated. This is just Ohio medicine and the Ohio State Medical Board; no one takes a family history or puts the facts together. My mother wouldn't have fractured if her bone condition had been recognized and treated properly but she didn't get any treatment, or even a vitamin D level checked, and she was the wife of a physician in Ohio. Being a 'few fries short of a Happy Meal' - that's not appropriate or professional. And I've tried to discuss this situation and keep things professional; have the lawyers meet, etc. for 16 years but no one wants to sit down in a professional way because there were mistakes and no one wants to admit the mistakes - the Ohio Court of Appeals told the Medical Board to admit the mistake in 1993 - would have solved 15 years of suffering; that this was a colleague-colleague fight over care practices (not a psychiatric anything except that both sides 'dug' in as monetary liability, reputations and careers were at stake), that needed a non-partisan non-disciplinary solution. The Ohio Medical Board doesn't want me to look professional, rather to beg and admit their lies. There's no non-disciplinary path to improve care practices, or admit mistakes and not accept responsibility ie with medical mistake laws. This isn't a civil court case, so there are no rules of evidence, and double jeopardy in multiples the Board has tried 6 GO's at me. In 1993, nobody listened in open court; the woman attorney for the Medical Board from the AGs office talked about her recent marriage that day . . . confusing the 3 judges to no end = psychotically off-the-point or issues. When the Ohio Board can't win, they change the issue = even talking about Mrs. Nice when I met with them in 1996, ie that didn't I feel sorry for her'? WELL I SENT HER HUSBAND RIGHT BACK TO HER UNUSED BUT I DIDN'T DESERVE THAT EXPERIENCE.' My physicians didn't order the tests (PTH, calcium, estradiol, FSH, thyroid, etc) as they didn't feel that I needed them - despite a huge family history - and this was a CWRU Senior Endocrinologist and then every Member of the Ohio State Medical Board. As the CWRU endocrinologist put it in 2003, he didn't have to order any tests on me if he didn't want to.' Male MDs are pretty self-confirmed in Ohio medicine; anything that they want to do goes whether it makes any medical sense or not. Dr. Anita Steinbergh DO has made fun me for 15 years now on The State Medical Board every meeting. My physicians the guys - made fun' of my asking for more tests/workup = personality disorder for questioning, being difficult or angry that I felt something was being missed.' ANGER MEANS BEING DIFFICULT' IN OHIO MEDICINE (AND I'M ALWAYS DIFFICULT,' QUESTIONING,' AND SERIOUS') = MEANS YOU MADE THE GUY MD FEEL INADEQUATE OR THREATENED PROFESSIONALLY. IT DOESN'T MEAN BLOW-UP, WRESTLING DOWN DIRTY, PUNCH-PACKING THREATENING ANGER; MEANS YOU HAD A POINT AND A MALPRACTICE CASE AND YOU NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT SO THAT YOU DON'T SUE OR EVEN GET TO THE RIGHT' DIAGNOSIS. ANGER IS THAT YOU HAVE A LEGITIMATE MALPRACTICE CASE AND MIGHT PURSUE IT. Guy MD physicians don't get women's endocrinology; they skip' those lectures in Medical School for the B-ball/tennis courts (which every medical school has). Suzanne Sommers makes a point of that in her books. And, every guy comment in the book has delivered to me to make me feel like 2 cents worth of female physician trash. Haven't punched anyone yet, and would break a bone if I did. But I'm allowed to defend myself, and vindicate myself with the facts = what I'm persistent about. In the early 1990s, there were a lot of cavalier Ohio male physicians - they refused to order the bone density tests on me also in Cleveland initially. This was a cavalier time (Clinton was getting things on the side, and everyone else wanted to get away with things), and everything went out-patient suddenly, with no rules. The Mayo Clinic had to order the initial bone density test, and that orthopedic saved my R hand tendons = one hero. Dr. Lafferty at University then ordered 3 more bone density tests, all seriously low, but refused to believe that there was something else wrong and pooh-poohed that the bone density was as low as the Mayo Clinic determined = he had a problem that he had made an initial mistake in his assessment of the situation. Also, I have a problem that is rare; 1% of women. But once 2 physicians determine that you are just 'exaggerating,' or too young for this problem, then no one helps you = what happened here despite family history that no one took or believed. And my mother came to office visits, and spoke to both orthopedics at different times. My father, sister RN, and brother physician tried also. Regarding anger management: I don't have any problems controlling my anger - meet me sometime. I've endured insults for 16 years now - that I was too 'seductive' for the orthopedic to put a cast on, that I didn't 'deserve' care, that I exaggerated (had to fracture 5 more times before being believed), and that I have very diagnosis in the DSM with NO PATIENT COMPLAINTS ABOUT MY CARE. The only suits that I would have been named in were because I was part of a chain' reaction. Yet, the orthopedics never stopped their derogatory guy comments, the bone pains were ongoing, and the anger problem' was that everyone at every point refused to do the rest of the workup, and I had a practice/office to keep up, bills to pay. More fracturing makes anyone angry, upset, and try to stop things. There is some life that I deserve, some workup, some care; everyone else gets it that's all my anger is about ie that I have some chance and some vindication. The black folk have undiagnosed and untreated anger' every day of their life, and you can't take their licenses, jobs, chances or family life just a white woman MD gets this done to her and the black cop in Jacksonville knew that. The first Board psychiatrist duo's opinion, who thought I just couldn't control my anger as a preliminary diagnosis, was thrown out by the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1993 as they relied on a 'confidential' report, with 'confidential sources,' and an admittedly falsified Rorschach test (with no answers). I endured hours of this psychiatrist's insults (and the psychologist's bizarre behaviors), and another exam over weeks in NYC to discredit the two (Ohio CWRU adjunct faculty psychiatrist & the psychologist who couldn't do a Rorschach test). The game' is to get you in rooms and try to make you angry; try to insult you, try to demean you in every possible way so to say that you have an anger problem.' Eventually, I said to these two to stop,' and didn't handle everything with grace and flirtation tried to be firm and appropriate that this was not appropriate = anger in Ohio. It isn't proved, it's just preliminary to get you to a psychiatrist to be worked over again, so that the diagnosis can be real if you blow in 2008 or 2009? This is all a game' and I'm surprised that Happy Meal can't see through it. I'm putting this out there for my family, in case I die from an untreated hip fracture, which is getting more likely after 16 years of mistreatment. The Board wants me dead,' as do the physicians who are liable for this. My evaluations have been for months, and years, and I've yet to really 'blow' for anyone. The second Ohio Board psychiatrist was not able to be accepted because he came up with a diagnosis that didn't exist, based on 1.5 hours of speaking with me. I then spent months getting re-evaluated in NYC, by another psychiatrist at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center = enduring patiently test after psychiatric test. I've taken every psychiatric test on file, every test in the diagnostic pipeline, and scored totally 'normal' (not even a blip off the radar of normal') - most of these tests I've taken several times or several different versions of. The DSM expert told the Medical Board in 1996 that I had no psychiatric impairment' to the practice of medicine, and needed no therapy, but needed to get on with my life in another part of the country where they would give me a chance. This Dr. Andrew Skodol didn't know what the bone pains were, as the Medical Board refused a continuance' so that he could get the medical workup done - he acknowledged that the bone pains could be a 'pain syndrome' (Pain Clinic consult refuted that) or another condition that would eventually manifest itself = what happened finally in 2001 with the thyroid function tests, not allowed admissible in Ohio, finally done at Georgetown University Medical Center. The Ohio Medical Board didn't allow the thyroid function test to be ordered and made fun of any physician helping me after the suspension of my medical license = that's not my personality disorder. My personality disorder is that I can't say that my Ohio physicians were justified in their negligence, nor that the Ohio Board acted appropriately with due process and professional review. It's a diagnosis for a situational problem; continually re-accuse the victim. [I have a MENSA IQ. CHALLENGE for Happy Meal person = take the Mensa test yourself and see how you score and publish with your name please.] You didn't figure out the OSMB game' either, and high IQ is game theory,' but you are original. My Ohio orthopedics were asked for over a year, both of them, to discuss a situation where I went from complication to complication of their wrist fracture care = more complications that any textbook has for one wrist fracture, and all complications were relatively rare. Figure that kind of 'care.' One wrist fracture was casted straight without adequate padding, no reduction, but that healed eventually. The other wrist was casted, after 5 days of becoming EXCRESCENT, in extreme flexion, with no stockingette padding, and went into carpal tunnel syndrome - which Dr. Nice didn't know how to diagnose. Ohio orthopedics can't even diagnose carpal tunnel, and another orthopedic had to remove Dr. Nice's cast. But then I went for 2 weeks with no cast, as I was a 'mistake' that no one wanted to accept the responsibility for, and Dr. Nice told all the local orthopedics not to care for me as I didn't 'deserve' care if I didn't like his care.' And how can one be a personality disorder, seductive, angry and paranoid? Sounds like a TV show, not anything walking around. Paragraphs of name-calling have gone on here; and no out-of-state psychiatrist can corroborate, confirm, or agree with the Ohio Board experts, or support the Ohio Board's actions/publications about me that you are quoting. It hasn't been proved in 16 years, but Ohio is allowed to take medical licenses without proof and try to get that proof for decades; and if you don't have something in 16 years, you don't have that diagnosis but the Ohio State Medical Board is very slow and won't give it up.' And I had not ONE criteria for those accusations either the anger or personality one. There are criteria for every psychiatric diagnosis these days, but the Ohio Medical Board doesn't have to use these criteria = they can just have someone say that you have something without the criteria or test result, or keep ordering you to pre-fixed evaluations with confidential' evidence and criteria. That's the problem. I went to Mayo Clinic in 1998 because Dr. Thomas Stellato at University Hospitals of Cleveland wouldn't take care of an incisional problem that he caused = no one takes responsibility for anything anymore, they just lie and say the patient, even a physician-patient, is crazy.' The Mayo Clinic misdiagnosed the situation, again poor communication between Rochester MN & Cleveland OH, and did a surgery that I didn't sign up for - it was never discussed with Dr. Sarr who's a rather arrogant, self-serving physician who does what he wants to you (no' means yes' to him). To this day I'm not sure what happened as they won't admit anything - again a situation that needs airing and a plan but probably occurred because of all the misinformation about everything. Again this situation with the Ohio State Medical Board has put me in a bad spot' regarding getting any medical care locally, or anywhere in the US, getting anything done based on the correct information, as no one knows what to believe and they can't get the file. The lies have compounded. My problems with personalities are not 'global' - but have to do with medical students/interns/MDs/surgeons/orthopedics etc. - who do things to me that (1) were not ever discussed or consented to, (2) had unacceptable outcomes and then were lied about, or (3) procedures or 'experiments' that you've said 'No' to but Mayo Clinic/University Hospitals needs cases for publications (they assume that MD patients will agree to this experiment' for some reason, and that MDs can't complain about another physician = physician volunteer). Physicians either get better care than average, or much worse for some reason. The physicians that irritate my personality are usually empty HAPPY MEAL MALES' (missing everything including the fries) - except for the woman intern cutting me up without an exam, consent, or any knowledge of my case at Mayo Clinic in 1998 (Happy Meal short the box). This Dr. Baghai was just aggressive to the point of being sadistic; that a woman would do things that have been refused, or said 'No' to, to another woman physician, is really awful = this was disfiguring, unnecessary and cruel. Rape' to me means imposing your will on another person hurting them physically or emotionally, sexually or non-sexually = you've destroyed another person's sense of self, body image or boundaries. Woman professionals are supposed to help each other, and understand each other better than the males, not worse. She took advantage, and I've the scars. In 1990, Dr. Michael Keith, of University Hospitals of Cleveland Orthopedics, tried an 'experimental' cast on me that didn't work after Dr. Timothy Nice left the R wrist fracture essentially uncasted for most of 3 weeks. This experimental' cast has never worked, but he had to see that one more time. Dr. Keith gave me no choice - either an 'experimental' cast or no cast on the Friday after Thanksgiving. It's women's medical care that becomes totally awful when you have a misdiagnosis, or one bad encounter, that then sets you up for a pile of lies, misunderstandings, and mistreatments to justify the initial mistake until the original lie gets outted after decades of trial by fire.' The woman intern/resident at Mayo Clinic didn't know my case, had never spoken with me, and was allowed to start operating on me with 5 months of surgical intern experience - figure that one out - for her experience, not my well-being. The rule in medicine is: FIRST DO NO HARM (listen). The condition of the surgery was that Dr. Baghai not be involved - except to watch - as she didn't know the case, had NEVER examined me, and the diagnosis was uncertain (deserved confidentiality and a chance to make a decision). A plastic surgeon spent over an hour in Mentor OH trying to salvage what she could - it's still a mess. To this day I don't know what signals were crossed - but this is happening more and more in medicine with mistakes = all these occurrences are in the 1990s on. To return to Interested Shelby: I asked that my ob-gyn order the tests in 1992 as the Mayo Clinic tests were preliminary, not the complete set of blood work, and you aren't supposed to keep ordering tests on yourself in Ohio as an MD (and I was being criticized for this, and it was one reason that my medical license was taken). Rather than get angry at the orthopedics, I did order my own lab work, MRIs, bone scan etc, but was stopped after over a year of that, as I was getting 'closer' to the diagnosis that was missed. Everyone knew what the remaining tests were, and that they 'might' show something given the extreme bone pains and very bad fracture healing results something which would push a malpractice suit filing. The orthopedics wouldn't even order physical therapy on my fractures - few fries short of a Happy Meal applies to guys too? My father ordered the physical therapy for my fractures and the anti-inflammatory meds, so I wasn't self-prescribing. My orthopedics would only order pain meds, and make fun of the tendon inflammations and deformities that they caused pain meds that I couldn't take. I was 'unlucky,' 'exaggerating,' 'needed therapy so that I wouldn't sue' anyone, etc., but the orthopedics made fun of more blood work and Dr. Keith wanted to do a 'bone biopsy' or some tendon surgery that he refused to discuss with my father MD. In August, 1991, my father asked Dr. Michael Keith to discuss the case, go over all the lab work and x-rays as well as the proposed surgery - Dr. Michael Keith refused; it was easier to call me 'crazy' and he had 'friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio who assured him that he didn't need to do more care. The Ohio ob-gyn told me that she couldn't order the missing blood work, because she would get into trouble with her license disagreeing with the guys at Hillcrest Hospital = Dr. Cassie Nowak who has since retired early from practice - she told me what tests were needed, but that she was afraid to 'get involved' as she knew that something was 'coming down.' There are a lot of unusual pressures put on practicing woman physicians, and threats when the guy physicians goof. I ordered the preliminary blood work screening labs on myself, but did not include thyroid, or calcium/vitamin D metabolism studies (more expensive tests) as I was set to go to a Fellowship in St. Louis MO in Bone Metabolism. I'm not a few fries short of any Happy Meal' with an IQ over 150 - I just have a problem with extreme stupidity and laziness of male colleagues who 'want me to understand them as their wife doesn't.' Dr. Keith was continually concerned that I was interfering with his sex life with his wife at night - because he had to leave work and think about my case for 5 minutes at night. Dr. Nice wanted me to 'understand' him, watch him play polo, refer him patients for major orthopedic surgeries, watch his office patients while he partied at lunch, and be 'easy' - Dr. Nice thought all 'Catholic girls were easy.' So there were some distractions in the minds of my male orthopedics throughout this. They thought about their sex lives and the referrals that they wanted from me - not what I needed in care from them. To get back to the proffered St. Louis University Fellowship in 1992: because the physician there was going to do a complete re-workup in July 1992 (Dr. L. Avioli), I didn't try to get my father to take that responsibility. Labs were being lost in Ohio (blood work in Dr. Lafferty's office has never surfaced) because of the mistakes and liability. My father's Ohio medical license and hospital privileges were also threatened in this; guess he had some personality/anger problem that he tried to help me with these personality-disorder-orthopedics. So I didn't get to St. Louis as my Ohio medical license was suspended for disagreeing, as I was set to leave in June 1992, and BEFORE there could be any discussion or any complete set of blood work - this was intentional. The Ohio State Medical Board KNEW that the workup for a multiple fracture syndrome was incomplete, that the disabling bone pains had continued, and that the results and care so far were 'malpractice' - but a physician can't accuse another physician of that in Ohio = personality disorder/anger problem/whatever. I'm bitter because I did not become the physician that I was supposed to - a Board Certified Endocrinologist specializing in endocrine bone problems - helping other women avoid the problems that I had, and with the credibility/credentialing to stand up for my opinions and judgments. The Ohio Board took advantage that I only had my Boards in Internal Medicine. The Ohio Medical Board knew that I was continuing to order the missing tests on myself and everyone knew there was missed diagnosis. No-brainer. Hillcrest Hospital was at least partially liable for the poor fracture care, and the 'complaint' was to exhaust the statute of limitations. Hillcrest Hospital was being sold to Cleveland Clinic and had to get all liabilities 'off the books' for the sale. The purpose of my report on ripoff is to try to get the 'confidential' complaint of the Medical Board opened (my complaint was give to Dr. Nice and passed around Hillcrest Hospital despite being 'confidential'), and to hope for the possibility of everyone involved sitting down to discuss the situation for resolution - not any more name-calling. Personality disorders are not disorders for one situation; a handful of physicians who did the wrong things based on a series of misjudgments, and I can't agree therefore I'm a disorder. And one 'crazy' situation leads to another with medical misinformation as happened here beginning in 1991-2. Once Dr. Nice goofed on the initial setting of the fractures, and Dr. Tom Stellato made the wrong assessment about his incisional problems, then everyone else continued to goof - to the present day and get away with it as I don't deserver proper professional care. And none of this missing blood work, wrong surgery, inadequate fracture care etc is my 'psychiatric.' I only need an admission of the mistakes to move on - that it wasn't my psychiatric' problem that it happened; I didn't make anyone do bad care, wrong care, start a surgery without any information or training - it just happens in medicine today as anything goes and the patient is crap. Mistakes in medicine compound when not admitted and addressed in an honest way = what happened here. Then Dr. Nice's wife filed false reports with a local newspaper (Sun Press), and had a way of contacting an airlines - but the airline lady that night at Delta was doing several jobs, and looked to be on Prozac - she wouldn't look you in the eyes. The black cop had a real anger problem (and I'm not the only case of black cop abuse in Jacksonville - it goes on, and the current Mayor knows about it). With Obama being elected, it's very difficult to discipline a black cop for abusing a white woman verbally and physically. A judge stopped it in Jacksonville, but nothing's been done about the false case for saying that I wasn't on drugs, and was trying to get back to graduate classes at CWRU Epidemiology Department. Everything I owned was dumped all over the airport and in the street. The drug stuff was never further discussed = an excuse, misinformation? The cop was irritated that I didn't admit drugs; they seemed to think that I was part of a 'tip' that night; question is who did the tip? The calls to Dr. O'Day about the missed blood work got me into Rocky River Municipal Court for daring to call her she was a classmate of mine at CWRU Medical School, and hated me, and most other halfway decently looking females younger than her. She was a mother of 5, with a Magistrate husband, who ran around flirting with guys half her age in blue jeans = ? personality disorder or just immature? That Martin Luther King night in Jacksonville, I had just turned in my ticket and was out the airport door when arrested for not leaving AN HOUR earlier, my parents weren't even allowed to come get me, and I was accused to the last moment of hiding DRUGS (WHAT DRUGS and WHERE were never elucidated) while I was being harassed by the crude black cop and his l*****n butch partner = EOE. Things have gotten really out of control with terrorism, with the 'confidential' complaint system at the Ohio State Medical Board, and with the increase in medical mistakes with no one taking the time to do the work. But the 'personality disorder' diagnosis is to get a handful of physicians out of malpractice - if the physician has a mental disorder then colleagues don't have to do medical care for them or get a decent result. I've take all the tests for mental illness and been evaluated over months 5x - the Ohio experts come up with totally different findings based on 'confidential.' The Ohio Court of Appeals has thrown this out until the Ohio Medical Board comes up with the 'confidential' - hasn't happened in 16 years. You can't have diagnoses based on confidential reports or unverified evidence = the case in this situation for 16 years because the Ohio State Medical Board can't prove the preliminary or provisional anything but can put it on the Internet. So I'm putting my own information out there as nothing is straightening out. So the Board keeps trying with more goes and mores lies. It's just what happens with a medical mistake, and most states (over 35) have medical mistakes laws so that the physician-patient mistake isn't accused of every diagnosis in the DSM over 16 years for the physicians to get out of the mistake. Mistakes happen, but it's how you handle the mistake that's important and a 16-year fight isn't the way to do it. The initial mistakes, the Hearings, the lies in public records, etc have just ruined my life and I actually am a very lovely person who played several musical instruments - and my hands are important to me even to wash dishes, do cleaning, and cooking = women need their hands. I've not been able to get married and have a family - the false diagnoses have to be cleared up or any guy has day #1 criteria for a divorce - now it's too late to have children. My hands were in trouble for 2 YEARS after initial castings of supposedly 'simple' fractures = castings without adequate padding, reductions, x-rays etc. = what the nurses used to not the physicians get away with in the hospital. This is not what some guy wants to marry for better or worse.' In the 1980s these 'serious' fractures would have been admitted at least overnight, and the workup done during the one-day hospital stay. Now nothing gets done. This was 1990-2 and I was 35-37, and looked young - they just thought that I was unlucky. All my efforts couldn't dissuade them. Hope this answers some of the Happy Meal questions.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Response to Andromeda

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, November 19, 2008

Thank you for you continued converstation. This should address some of your points/questions and add some addtional thoughts. For ease of anyone following this can we continue all discussion on this particular posting, since there are actually many to choose from? 1) Really I have no more interest in this then you. Just as you believe you're coming to the aid of "Rita" due to your perception...I believe that in her MULTIPLE posts she attacks many persons with nasty attacks...While I don't going to her level is justified, it does seem reasonable that a little bit more acid tone toward her has some justification. Though, in reality, I'm trying to see if she is just goin got continue a one sided soap box, or engage in any dialouge. Since the only coversation seems to between us (and Stacey) I don't think Rita really gives two toots about what ANYONE else says (just a theory based on no response to the any of the response). 2) You mention about Forged/Altered document...I guess if you assume all the documents are forged then you can ignore or accept any evidence to fit your own story. HOWEVER, I would like to point out that the fun of this is hunting down more information. As previous discussed I used the offical Ohio State Board of Medicien report some 400+ pages of stuff. A great deal of it was "Rita's" own writing which in and of itself is pretty darn daming in my mind. I looked at the California State Medical board (Who ALSO suspended her license and simply wanted her to make an appearance to see for themself if she could control herself), The Cuhyahoga County Court site which shows "Rita" involved in a law suit Against A music school (for $15K or it might of been $25K) and several suits where she was named as a Defendent (it appears to be malpractic suits, but no additional evidence is on the Site), I googled some defense deparment cuments which showed another course of study she took and then dropped out without completing of the full course. I also noted multiple posting to this web site (Outside the current complaint) seems reasonable...until you put it all together. If you read just everything SHE wrote, you gotta wonder if there IS something wrong with her. She has complained against (I'm doing from memory here..might have slight errors): Multiple persons involved with the medical board. Her Orthopedist. A surgeon at Case Western Several Surgeons at The Mayo Clinic Delta Airlines (She describes herself as a passenger that you see on the A&E airline show...I bet it was an eye roller) The Epidemiology department at Case Western - Where..A woman in her alte 50's complains about her grades like a high school student (Hint: You already got a terminal degree - no need to complain about grades). This is over 20+ SEPERATE postings...not including her multiple add ons within ght postings. 3) My comment about CWRU did not imply overal problems with this fine institution, but did point out that while she complained bitterly about CWRU...she was a PRODUCT of that institution and therefore their allowing her to graduate could of been a HUGE mistake. I'm guessing that these personality issues could of been there while in medical school and they chose to ignore it...yes, just a theory. 4) The overall complaint however appears to be "They took my license away" They did this because of Mental Illness making her unable to perform this role. Now let me run this by you. To get this license back you need to PROVE to them that your stable, etc. It really doesn't seem to be rocket science (I know your an engineer, if you're a rocket scientist you can take that as a compliment) to know that you have to do a few things. 1) Don't make a bunch of posting like a raving lunatic. 2) Don't go blasting everyone assoicated with the case (Not this is a 16 year old case...this has goner through multiple different board members and board presidents and other leaders that she wrot to. 3) Don't insult them (Note how she felt they were too stupid to understand her with her MENSA card). 4) Act calm. I bet she can do any of that...If you don't believe me read her airline report against Delta. It must have been a wild site with her out of control. Your thoughts?


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Thanks for the reply.

#24Consumer Comment

Tue, November 18, 2008

Intersted Person Shelby Ohio, Ohio U.S.A. Thanks for the reply. '7) Again you bring up the lab studies...Why didn't she have a FAMILY doctor to order these or just do it herself or have her dad order them. And if they DID order the studies would the bones then be LESS broken then they were?' Just like you, I don't know. It seems to me that any doctor would order these tests based on the number of fractures. It would probably be the responsibility of the treating doctors. No. I understand from personal experience, that prevention of future fractures and breaks, for life, depends on these tests and decisions based on these tests and perhaps other tests. It is a very big deal! Just like a jury, everyone has a different opinion. After all, the 'report' is third party 'hearsay' to the readers of this thread, including you! You seem to believe the report 'hook, line and sinker'. As an Engineer that deals in logic every day, I cannot use faulty data. I know that I can't ever do that because I do not know if either side is actually telling the whole truth. I just don't believe every thing I see in writing. There are too many self interests involved. If I was not there, I just flat don't know what happened and I can't rationalize that I do. That goes for both sides of this issue. Every time I see someone as frantic as you are, in trying to discredit someone, I very strongly suspect they have a 'stake and motive' in making that someone look bad. You can argue all day long, but I do not know WHY people testified the way they did, for the reasons I stated above. You seem way too trusting of third party material. Just because it is in writing, does not even make any of it true! If I can't prove something is true, then I must assume it is not true. That is a fundamental law of formal logic. You seem to be trying to point out, using third party questionable material, that this thread Author is falsely accusing various people. If this is truly so, then she is perhaps committing 'defamation'. In your frantic posts to discredit the thread author, YOU have YOURSELF perhaps crossed THE SAME legal line. Let me interpret your statements from RipOffReport 384765. 'Could you be one of Case Western's biggest mistakes?' 'Is it possible that the biggest Case Western Medical School mistake was YOU?' YOU SAID, in effect, that the above named university MAKES MISTAKES fairly often, and that this thread author is their BIGGEST MISTAKE. This appears to me as legal 'defamation', 'published'(a legal term) to the whole world. A jury could very well see it the same way. You probably should start retracting your statements above, on each thread you have posted on, before the attorney for the university that have you named above sees your post or is alerted to it. Remember, RipOffReports never removes comments. They stay here for everyone to read, or to be subpoenaed. I am not an attorney. This is my opinion only. Thank you for the discussion.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Read The Report

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, November 18, 2008

Andromeda: Response: 1) At your request I started to re-read the report... I was wrong. She WAS evaluated by TWO psychiatrists both who found it questionable that she emotionally able to practice medicine. One reported her general inability to control her anger, the other felt she had a Border Line Personality Disorder. Read the first few pages of the report for the full story. 2) She was offered the option to see another psych she refused. (See report) 3) She WAS offered to have her licensed suspension reviewed for her CALIFORNIA license. The best I can tell from the California Board Web Site. 4) She has at least 2 other complaints on this site - One involves a surgery at the Mayo Clinic - Again she described this as one woman raping another (her words not mine) another involved her complaining about a GRADE she received in an ethic class. She seemed to be complaining that the class was taught by a l*****n. Read it don't take my word for it. 5) She sued a music school for multi-thousand dollars - see the county court website in her county. 6) She was named in several (apparent) malpractice suits...see the same website. 7) Again you bring up the lab studies...Why didn't she have a FAMILY doctor to order these or just do it herself or have her dad order them. And if they DID order the studies would the bones then be LESS broken then they were? 8) Smell Test: Think about this...again just reading between the lines...She's a practicing physician...Her dad is a surgeon...and she goes to another doctor for care. For his OWN reputation don't you think he'd handle her with kids gloves because in the future he'll get a lot of referrals from her and her associates? Why would he want to do anything less then his best in this case? It doesn't pass the smell test...could of happened, but doesn't ring quite true. 9) Assuming that EVERYTHING she said about the bad care she notes is TRUE. Is her response appropriate? She must ALWAYS show she's a professional, do you get that vibe from her postings or her letters? The board's opinion was that she had mental illness that kept her from being able to practice..from EVERYTHING you've seen ARE THEY THAT FAR OFF? Even if she has low Thyroid and Parathyroid and Osteoporisis AND a botched fracture care? Rembember - SHE WROTE A LETTER TO GEORGE BUSH TO SOLVE HER PROBLEM..READ THE LIST OF LETTERS SHE WROTE (IN THE REPORT) DO YOU FIND THIS PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR? Thanks for the discussion.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
This means YOU Dr. interested person!

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

Intersted Person Shelby Ohio, Ohio U.S.A. Could it be YOUR PROBLEM? 'It seems like you can find problems in everybody on the planet except yourself. Let's see...Everyone else is corrupt, but YOU'RE perfect. Hmmmm.' Speculation. Space filler. Irrelevant. Sarcastic. 'Just for grins, and this is just thinking out loud....Maybe you should GO AHEAD AND VISIT WITH THE PSYCHIATRIST.' WoW, 'Just for grins'? Thank you, that is irrelevant and a space filler. 'Can't hurt, though there's a small, though we all realize very small chance that you actually are mentally unstable and need help and can then get it. Wow! What a concept.' You just said only a small chance that she is mentally unstable. Don't start sentences with ''Can't hurt,' it makes you look bad to the Medical Board. 'And for those of you out there who think 'oh, poor Rita' read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.' Now now you just said she really is unstable! Which is it 'Doctor'? http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf 'You'll see a very sad little person. 'BUT LOOKS, I GOT 'A'S IN HARP PLAYING...GIVE ME MY LICENSE BACK' It is sad and a waste, but the bigger waste is all the time and cyberbits being taken up by her babbles.' I read the report. Tell me doctor 'interested person', Why didn't her doctors order Thyroid and Parathyroid tests and Calcium and Phosphorus tests when she started to fracture? We are all waiting for your answer 'Doctor'! Tell us on your next post. You are doing a lot of guessing and interpreting using evidence that may or may not be totally factual and may have been altered. Did you miss that when you read the report, or just choose to leave it out? Tell us on your next post. I think anyone who would make 'fun' of someone's problems is a 'very sad little person' who probably needs counseling to find out why they they choose that behavior. In case you don't know, I mean YOU. Explain this on your next post. What is your connection to the Medical Board, and why are you defending them so vigorously? Why don't you put YOUR real name and location here? Rita had the courage to do that! Ill bet it is because Rita knows you. Explain this on your next post. Unless you have constructive information that can help Rita NOW, your posts are not relevant, and should be in a 'chat' room. This website is to offer good help and advice to people who honestly feel they were treated badly. RipOffReport thread authors are 'protected' on here! Here is a quote from the founder of RipOffReport: START OF QUOTE 'If you are familiar with this site, as you seem to be, you will know that we are dedicated to the plight of victims. In the event a victim comes to this site for safe harbor to obtain support/solutions, we are further dedicated to precluding further victimization by attorneys, corporate shills, or heartless bastards who just don't care who they attack. We may get more than a little vigorous, but it is important that all victims understand that these waters are truly friendly.' END OF QUOTE This means YOU Dr. interested person! WISE UP DUMMY!

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Could it be YOUR PROBLEM?

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

It seems like you can find problems in everybody on the planet except yourself. Let's see...Everyone else is corrupt, but YOU'RE perfect. Hmmmm. Just for grins, and this is just thinking out loud....Maybe you should GO AHEAD AND VISIT WITH THE PSYCHIATRIST. Can't hurt, though there's a small, though we all realize very small chance that you actually are mentally unstable and need help and can then get it. Wow! What a concept. And for those of you out there who think "oh, poor Rita" read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf You'll see a very sad little person. "BUT LOOKS, I GOT "A'S IN HARP PLAYING...GIVE ME MY LICENSE BACK" It is sad and a waste, but the bigger waste is all the time and cyberbits being taken up by her babbles.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Could it be YOUR PROBLEM?

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

It seems like you can find problems in everybody on the planet except yourself. Let's see...Everyone else is corrupt, but YOU'RE perfect. Hmmmm. Just for grins, and this is just thinking out loud....Maybe you should GO AHEAD AND VISIT WITH THE PSYCHIATRIST. Can't hurt, though there's a small, though we all realize very small chance that you actually are mentally unstable and need help and can then get it. Wow! What a concept. And for those of you out there who think "oh, poor Rita" read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf You'll see a very sad little person. "BUT LOOKS, I GOT "A'S IN HARP PLAYING...GIVE ME MY LICENSE BACK" It is sad and a waste, but the bigger waste is all the time and cyberbits being taken up by her babbles.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Could it be YOUR PROBLEM?

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

It seems like you can find problems in everybody on the planet except yourself. Let's see...Everyone else is corrupt, but YOU'RE perfect. Hmmmm. Just for grins, and this is just thinking out loud....Maybe you should GO AHEAD AND VISIT WITH THE PSYCHIATRIST. Can't hurt, though there's a small, though we all realize very small chance that you actually are mentally unstable and need help and can then get it. Wow! What a concept. And for those of you out there who think "oh, poor Rita" read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf You'll see a very sad little person. "BUT LOOKS, I GOT "A'S IN HARP PLAYING...GIVE ME MY LICENSE BACK" It is sad and a waste, but the bigger waste is all the time and cyberbits being taken up by her babbles.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Could it be YOUR PROBLEM?

#30Consumer Comment

Thu, November 13, 2008

It seems like you can find problems in everybody on the planet except yourself. Let's see...Everyone else is corrupt, but YOU'RE perfect. Hmmmm. Just for grins, and this is just thinking out loud....Maybe you should GO AHEAD AND VISIT WITH THE PSYCHIATRIST. Can't hurt, though there's a small, though we all realize very small chance that you actually are mentally unstable and need help and can then get it. Wow! What a concept. And for those of you out there who think "oh, poor Rita" read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf You'll see a very sad little person. "BUT LOOKS, I GOT "A'S IN HARP PLAYING...GIVE ME MY LICENSE BACK" It is sad and a waste, but the bigger waste is all the time and cyberbits being taken up by her babbles.


Mayfield Heights,
Please allow me to meet with my 'confidential' anonymous complainers, to confront them with the facts of what I really had causing the fractures - nothing 'pscyhiatric' - before more evaluations for disagreeing witht he WRONG CARE

#31Author of original report

Mon, August 25, 2008

The Ohio Board, and Governor Strickland, need to allow that I be able to confront my physician/administrator accusers in a meeting, at this late date after 16 years, to DISCUSS what I really had causing the bone pains and fractures. And see if they want to keep their signatures on the complaint after they KNOW THE FACTS. There was not one blood test, with a numbered result, allowed before they signed a complaint that I needed to have MY medical license suspended for disagreeing about admittedly bad orthopedic care (boys being boys)- that needed revamping and better paradigms. ANONYMOUS PHYSICIAN COMPLAINT systems don't allow the facts or DISCUSSION before false accusations = that I had something occult 'psychiatric' because I disagreed with my male physicians about leaving fractures to rot to 'excrescence' and doing no blood work - while they partied and worried about the quality of sex with their wives or 'on the side' or that I might 'sue' them if I recovered. Governor Ted Strickland, a former psychologist, is too busy promoting Obama-Biden to check on how the State Medical Board Members are abusing psychiatric testing and psychiatry to solve care problems, i.e. ordering women physicians to endless evaluations by new 'right' Ohio psychiatrists, fudging or losing the answers to Rorschach tests (which they shouldn't be ordering on anyone anyways), and inventing diagnoses that don't exist to keep a woman's medical license suspended after a 'mistake' in assessing her multiple fracture syndrome and a colleague-colleague disagreement situation that ensued when the diagnosis was not known - because the blood work wasn't allowed for years. Evaluations need to be ordered for DSM criteria and not for 'fishing' and having 'goes' at women physicians who are forced to disagree with colleagues after they try to do the wrong medical/orthopedic/whatever care on them - without the woman physician's consent even. The 'confidential' unending 'go's at women physicians complaint system in Ohio needs re-thinking, more scrutiny as a way to solve care problems, and more discussion FACE TO FACE before signing away a physician's license and life for 16 years. It's only common sense. As the Board's website advises, some DISCUSSION should be allowed - even 16-going-on-17 years later.

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