  • Report:  #1231745

Complaint Review: Sean O'Neal - Rolling Hills Estates California

Reported By:
Richard Houghton - Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Sean O'Neal
609 Deep Valley Drive Rolling Hills Estates, 90274 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Sean O’Neal, of O’Neal Strategy Group, has been charged with fraud of a client, a 66 year old retired woman, from whom he took her entire life savings ($375,000 USD) and on 3 separate occasions had her deposit the money into his (((REDACTED))) old son (((REDACTED))) O’Neal’s US bank account (with a small amount handed to him in cash as well).  

Over the course of a year, in three separate transactions, Sean O’Neal defrauds the victim with 3 fictitious sales and investments.  (copies of payments below)

 1.  A cashier’s check for $140,000 USD, made out to his (((REDACTED))) son (((REDACTED)) O’Neal, is given to Sean supposedly for an investment that he promised would return her 12% annually. 

2.  Victim wires $145,000 USD to Sean O’Neal’s (((REDACTED))) son (((REDACTED))) O’Neal’s US Bank account supposedly to buy a 1 bedroom condo.  The offer to purchase was never presented to the owners of the condo, they never sold the condo to the victim, were never aware such a “sale” was made by Sean and never received any funds from this supposed sale. 

3.  A check for $76,000 USD, again made out to his (((REDACTED))) son (((REDACTED))) O’Neal is given to Sean along with $14,000 USD cash.  The victim had decided that she did not like the 1 bedroom condo so Sean O’Neal fictitiously sells her another condo owned by same condo owners (the condo owners were friends of his and he had keys to the condo as well as knew when they would be out of town). This money was supposedly for the difference in price between the 2 condos. Again the sale was never discussed with the condo owners, they never sold the condo to the victim and never received any funds for said sale. 

Five months after the victim supposedly had bought the 2nd condo, the property manager of her “new condo” writes her to say “I’m really surprised with your email, the condo is not listed because the real owners of the condo showed up, and explain that the transaction didn’t happened.”  The victim begins to investigate after she is unable to get any answers from Sean and slowly discovers the depth of the fraud that he had committed.

Sean leaves the country in a “midnight move”, moving his wife and 3 children in the middle of the night leaving their 4 staff members at their house wondering what happened and suddenly without jobs or severance pay.

 Over a year later, Sean has his wife, Ana O’Neal, send fraudulent and back-dated documents to the victim to try to cover his tracks.  

A criminal law suit has been filed by the victim against Sean O’Neal for fraud and arrest warrants are in process.  

 It has since come out that charges have also been filed against Sean O’Neal in Mexico for rape and statutory rape by a Mexican girl that he had gotten pregnant when she was 17 years old in 2013. 

Sean O’Neal is currently residing in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA doing business as O’Neal Strategy Group with an office in Rolling Hills Estates, CA.  .onealstrategygroup.org

49 Updates & Rebuttals

Richard Houghton Kidnapping Suspect

San Francisco
Richard Houghton Kidnapping Suspect

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 19, 2017

Javier Camou Borquez, an attorney who was abducted February 22nd of 2017 at gunpoint in downtown Playa del Carmen, in the middle of the day, and has not been heard from since, was set to testify against Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner the two clowns that own Investment Properties Mexico, regarding false accusations against his ex-partner who busted him for Fraud, He was abducted less than 24 hours after Tricky Ricky Houghton found out that he was to testify and thus Houghton's ship sunk. Richard Houghton is a coward who is truly on his last leg. Get your money now if he owes you...Ya right. By the way, when we say "owns" Investment Properties Mexico, it is a joke. There is nothing in Houghton's name, nothing. Every company he has set up is done so to deceive and commit fraud. Again, his name is on nothing and the company is registered as only being worth 3,000 pesos. What a crook. The Mexican Hacienda, (IRS) loves the fact that he and his architect are driving new trucks, paying $5,000 a month rent, but the company only paying taxes as if it were only worth 3,000 pesos.


Javier was set to admit that he was involved in a frame and cover up paid by Richard Houghton. One of the other people that Houghton coerced into false testimony also cracked and said that Richard Houghton, owner of Investment Properties Mexico, forced him to make a false testimony. When Javier Camou was shown the proof, he too said he wanted to set the record straight. Javier’s testimony would have sent Richard Houghton to jail for false accusation.

Report Attachments

Richard Houghton Kidnapping and Possible Murder

Richard Houghton Kidnapping and Possible Murder

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 10, 2017

Javier Camou Borquez, an attorney who was abducted 2 weeks ago at gunpoint in downtown Playa del Carmen, in the middle of the day, and has not been heard from since, was set to testify against Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner the two clowns that own Investment Properties Mexico, regarding false accusations against his ex-partner who busted him for Fraud, He was abducted less than 24 hours after Tricky Ricky Houghton found out that he was to testify and thus Houghton's ship sunk. Richard Houghton is a coward who is truly on his last leg. Get your money now if he owes you...Ya right. By the way, when we say "owns" Investment Properties Mexico, it is a joke. There is nothing in Houghton's name, nothing. Every company he has set up is done so to deceive and commit fraud. Again, his name is on nothing and the company is registered as only being worth 3,000 pesos. What a crook. The Mexican Hacienda, (IRS) loves the fact that he and his architect are driving new trucks, paying $5,000 a month rent, but the company only paying taxes as if it were only worth 3,000 pesos... smd

Report Attachments

Richard Philip Houghton Arrest

IPM in Shambles

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, November 04, 2016

I really feel that if one can make such malicious and illegal comments such as, " There are charges pending" one should only really  be allowed to make those slanderous and irresponsible comments with legitimate and credible proof. This guy Richard Houghton, who is part owner of Investment Properties Mexico, the other half owned by his baby mama, an ex stripper from La Jolla, owe O'Neal close to a million dollars that O'Neal discovered Houghton had embezzled.


Please show court documentation on "Charges" Mr. Houghton and be looking for your girlfriend Allison Zaner, child of Dr. David J Zaner dds of Hawaii. 

Good luck to you and your Ponzi scheme Houghton and Zaner.


I am Sean O'Neal

I am Sean O'Neal

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, February 28, 2016

My name is Sean O’Neal and this and every post is written by a habitual thief and Conman who I exposed in Mexico resulting he and his partner in crime in being charged with the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya.


He is angry, and rightfully so, that I blew the whistle on him and his crooked girlfriend Allison Zaner, daughter of David J Zaner dds of Ocala Beach, Florida.

I will enclose the front page of the the largest and most respected newspaper in Cancun and the Riviera Maya which proves that Richard Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico, have been charged with the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya which culminated a 2 year investigation.

Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner have also been charged with money laundering in that clients money for land purchases in Mexico were sent to their crooked lawyers accounts in Texas under the pretense of "protecting"the client. Hogwash, it was to avoid paying taxes. The Mexican Hacienda (IRS) has issued warrants that are being served at the time of this writing.

Richard Houghton is bad news and is a career criminal. He has fabricated each and every one of these maliscious and slanderous remarks and that is the reason that he cannot provide any proof or documenation that makes any sense at all. He continuously posts negative and diparaging comments on websites that look official but have no substance whatsoever. The internet is a tricky palce where anyone with a computer can write whatever they want.

Tricky Ricky Houghton is angry that I blew the whistle to the Mexican Government when I uncovered his massive fraud. The truth is that I am being hailed as a hero in Mexico as one will read with the accompanying newspaper.

Buyer Beware, Richard Houghton is an evil coward who can only steal from the elderly and innocent. Run from this coward who will be incarcerated soon.

Lawsuits are in the courts now in Los Angeles for slander against he and his baby mama Allison Zaner. It is why he continues to hide in Mexico.

Shame on you Richard Houghton...SMD!







Report Attachments

Why Lie Richard Houghton?

New Hampshire,
Why Lie Richard Houghton?

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 24, 2016


Richard Houghton... We are confused as to why, after being charged with the largest land fraud case in the history of Cancun and the Riviera Maya... Not to mention the money laundering charges levied against you and your crooked lawyer Guzman that you continue with your ridiculous accusations? We understand your desperation and it is funny to us.

No one on this planet would dare use your crooked company Investment Properties Mexico. You owe 18 million dollars to the US Government for your past fraud conviction in the US. All one has to do is Google Richard Houghton scam or fraud and they will see for themselves.  Anyway, a word of advice Cowardly Conman, instead of trying to throw heat off of yourself, please address the charges that are levied against you. It is embarrassing for you little man.

Everything is right here for the world to see and they can make up their own mind as to who is the liar and con artist. Remember, Mr. O'Neal is in the United States and you continue to hide in Mexico where you THINK you are safe. However, the Hacienda (Mexico's IRS) have been notified of you and Guzman laundering money that was meant for Mexico and they are angry and are coming for you...You are on borrowed time little man. We victims feel truly sorry for those that have invested and are doomed to lose their life savings with you. Too bad you chose a life of deception. Everything is right here...






Richard Houghton CHARGED.... On THE RUN!

Richard Houghton CHARGED.... On THE RUN!

#7General Comment

Wed, February 03, 2016


Richard Houghton... We are confused as to why, after being charged with the largest land fraud case in the history of Cancun and the Riviera Maya... Not to mention the money laundering charges levied against you and your crooked lawyer Guzman that you continue with your ridiculous accusations? We understand your desperation and it is funny to us.

No one on this planet would dare use your crooked company Investment Properties Mexico. You owe 18 million dollars to the US Government for your past fraud conviction in the US. All one has to do is Google Richard Houghton scam or fraud and they will see for themselves.  Anyway, a word of advice Cowardly Conman, instead of trying to throw heat off of yourself, please address the charges that are levied against you. It is embarrassing for you little man.

Everything is right here for the world to see and they can make up their own mind as to who is the liar and con artist. Remember, Mr. O'Neal is in the United States and you continue to hide in Mexico where you THINK you are safe. However, the Hacienda (Mexico's IRS) have been notified of you and Guzman laundering money that was meant for Mexico and they are angry and are coming for you...You are on borrowed time little man. We victims feel truly sorry for those that have invested and are doomed to lose their life savings with you. Too bad you chose a life of deception. Everything is right here...




The Truth of Why Sean O’Neal Left Mexico and Investment Properties Mexico

#8Author of original report

Tue, February 02, 2016

Sean O’Neal tells a story of him leaving Mexico after discovering a fraud and wanting nothing to do with Investment Properties Mexico, which like the rest of his stories, is just another Sean O’Neal lie.  


Sean O’Neal told Richard that he wanted to move to California to be near his elderly mom and asked Rich if he would buy him out so he would have the money to move and open an office in California and continue working for Investment Properties Mexico remotely.  He only “left” IPM when Rich no longer allowed him to work for the company almost a year later. 


1.  In December of 2013, Sean O’Neal approached Richard to discuss Sean moving to California as Sean told Rich that he wanted to move his family and his kids near his elderly mother while she was still alive.  At this time Sean O’Neal asked Rich if they could work out a deal where Rich would buy Sean’s portion of the company so that Sean would have the money to be able to move back to California and open an office there from which he would continue to work for Investment Properties Mexico to which Rich agreed. 


2.  In early March 2014, prior to his move, Sean O’Neal negotiated and signed a new commission agreement with Richard for the sales he would make after he had moved to California as he was opening an office for himself in California from which he would continue to work for the IPM and share deals with the other sales people still in Mexico.


3.  March 27, 2014, Sean O’Neal meets Allison, the wife of Rich, at the cell phone company office to transfer his phone number to her so she could answer calls on his real estate signs.  At this time he tells Rich and Allison to not tell anyone when they were actually leaving (the next week).  


4.  Approximately one week later, Sean O’Neal and his family move in the middle of the night, which we find out was to avoid paying his household staff of 6 people the mandatory 3 months salary when a job is terminated.  The staff showed up to work the next work day to an empty house and no idea what had happened and called the company to find out what was going on.


5.   After this time, Sean sets up an office for himself in California and continues to work for IPM as evidenced by a multitude of emails between himself and most members of the IPM staff during the course of 2014.  A couple examples follow:


6.  April 11, 2014.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich:  “Anyway, on a positive note, I secured my office yesterday and start pounding the world on Monday. Can you keep some sort of call log on my behalf? One that I can view as well?  Furniture still not here. Been sleeping on floor…Life is great amigo.”


7.  September 25, 2014.  Email from Sean O’Neal to Rich and Sandra, a colleague at IPM.  “Just wanted to put in writing that I am working with Sandra on a deal and that I promised her on this and all future deals a 60/40 split on our end of the commission with the 60% going to her.”


8.  October 2014.  Richard terminates Sean’s access to the company’s sales program.


9.  January 15, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Hi Rich... Happy New Year. I am through with all the negative s**t in my life. Please turn back on the e-mail and Skype. I will make us both over a million dollars this year on my son's life.”


10.  January 16, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Rich, please let me know what's up. Are you going to make a deposit please? Will you reinstate my e-mail and SF [sales program] today. I really need to start pounding phone today... Please advise.”  “One word answer will work amigo, is there anyway to worm back into IPM or are we done senor?”


11.  February 3, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Ok and good morning.  You may use this against me one day over a beer but I f* up leaving there.  We could have worked something out.  My family hates it here.  Just another challenge huh?”


12.  March 27, 2015, one of Sean O’Neal’s fraud victims posts a negative review on IPM’s facebook and from there Richard unravels the depths of Sean O’Neal’s frauds and lies, which is the real reason that Sean O’Neal left Mexico, because Richard and IPM were going to find out the frauds that he had committed.

Richard Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico DYING, LAST GASPS

Richard Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico DYING, LAST GASPS

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, January 21, 2016

Richard Houghton... We are confused as to why, after being charged with the largest land fraud case in the history of Cancun and the Riviera Maya... Not to mention the money laundering charges levied against you and your crooked lawyer Guzman that you continue with your ridiculous accusations? We understand your desperation and it is funny to us. No one on this planet would dare use your crooked company Investment Properties Mexico. You owe 18 million dollars to the US Government for your past fraud conviction in the US. All one has to do is Google Richard Houghton scam or fraud and they will see for themself. Anyway, a word of advice Cowardly Conman, instead of trying to throw heat off of yourself, please address the charges that are levied against you. It is embarrasing for you little man.

Everything is right here for the world to see and they can make up their own mind as to who is the liar and conartist. Remember, Mr. O'Neal is in the United States and you continue to hide in Mexico where you THINK you are safe. However, the Hacienda (Mexico's IRS) have been notified of you and Guzman laundering money that was meant for Mexico and they are angry and are coming for you...You are on borrowed time little man. We victims feel truly sorry for those that have invested and are doomed to lose their life savings with you. Too bad you chose a life of deception. Everything is right here...



Richard Houghton is Pathetic

Who Cares? Please address the Fraud you were charged with Houghton

#10General Comment

Tue, January 19, 2016

Why is Richard Houghton, the serial conartist, think we victims are the least bit interested in his copy and paste and lying BS?  

Just please address the fact that YOU have been charged with the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya. 

You have devastated many lives with your evil ways. I will include a copy of the Front Page of the most respected newspaper in Cancun to remind you of what You did.

How this website even allows you to respond at all is a joke. Here Mr. Houghton, please read again... Article enclosed SMD

Investment Properties Mexico is bad news. Just Google Investment Properties Mexico Scam or Fraud to see what we mean. Richard Houghton is part owner of IPM and was chased out of the US for Securities Fraud in La Jolla. He then got busted again in Daytona Beach, Florida once again fleecing investors out of their retirement.

He then took off to Mexico and set up a boiler room there promising clients 300 to 400% returns. Just go to their website and see yourself. www.investmentpropertiesmexico.com.

His then partner, Mr. O'Neal discovered massive fraud and blew the whistle. Now, Investment Properties Mexico and Richard Houghton, plus his baby mama girlfriend Allison Zaner, daughter of David J Zaner dds of Ocala Beach, Florida have been charged in the Largest Land Fraud Case in the History of Cancun and the Riviera Maya..OH MY!!!!  (article enclosed)

This charge culminated a 2 year investigation!

Richard Houghton attempted to pin his crimes on his ex-partner even to the desperation point of saying he had anything to do with Houghton taking money from a woman named Susan Sidwell. Her money went to buy land in Richard Houghton's name and Mr. O'Neal said perfect, Open the books! Of course Richard Houghton would not allow that. 

Mr. O'Neal was NEVER on any bank account and got the heck out of there when he discovered the massive fraud committed (again) by Richard Houghton.

Richard Houghton will be deported after incarceration but unfortunately Mexico continues to run slowly and Richard Houghton is preying on that fact.

For those of you that have been or are being approached to buy their "investor only" land be careful. It is outright fraud. They need these sales of land to fund their illegal operation. They will ask you to send the money to the states for "your" protection. What??? The land is in Mexico. It is a ploy to wash the money and avoid paying taxes. Duhhhh

Richard Houghton of Investment Properties Mexico, it is a travesty that you chose a life of deception and are now paying for it. SMD.




The Truth of Why Sean O’Neal Left Mexico and Investment Properties Mexico

#11Author of original report

Mon, January 18, 2016

Sean O’Neal tells a story of him leaving Mexico after discovering a fraud and wanting nothing to do with Investment Properties Mexico, which like the rest of his stories, is just another Sean O’Neal lie.  

Sean O’Neal told Richard that he wanted to move to California to be near his elderly mom and asked Rich if he would buy him out so he would have the money to move and open an office in California and continue working for Investment Properties Mexico remotely.  He only “left” IPM when Rich no longer allowed him to work for the company almost a year later.

1.  In December of 2013, Sean O’Neal approached Richard to discuss Sean moving to California as Sean told Rich that he wanted to move his family and his kids near his elderly mother while she was still alive.  At this time Sean O’Neal asked Rich if they could work out a deal where Rich would buy Sean’s portion of the company so that Sean would have the money to be able to move back to California and open an office there from which he would continue to work for Investment Properties Mexico to which Rich agreed.

2.  In early March 2014, prior to his move, Sean O’Neal negotiated and signed a new commission agreement with Richard for the sales he would make after he had moved to California as he was opening an office for himself in California from which he would continue to work for the IPM and share deals with the other sales people still in Mexico.

3.  March 27, 2014, Sean O’Neal meets Allison, the wife of Rich, at the cell phone company office to transfer his phone number to her so she could answer calls on his real estate signs.  At this time he tells Rich and Allison to not tell anyone when they were actually leaving (the next week).  

4.  Approximately one week later, Sean O’Neal and his family move in the middle of the night, which we find out was to avoid paying his household staff of 6 people the mandatory 3 months salary when a job is terminated.  The staff showed up to work the next work day to an empty house and no idea what had happened and called the company to find out what was going on.

5.   After this time, Sean sets up an office for himself in California and continues to work for IPM as evidenced by a multitude of emails between himself and most members of the IPM staff during the course of 2014.  A couple examples follow:

6.  April 11, 2014.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich:  “Anyway, on a positive note, I secured my office yesterday and start pounding the world on Monday. Can you keep some sort of call log on my behalf? One that I can view as well?  Furniture still not here. Been sleeping on floor…Life is great amigo.”

7.  September 25, 2014.  Email from Sean O’Neal to Rich and Sandra, a colleague at IPM.  “Just wanted to put in writing that I am working with Sandra on a deal and that I promised her on this and all future deals a 60/40 split on our end of the commission with the 60% going to her.”

8.  October 2014.  Richard terminates Sean’s access to the company’s sales program.

9.  January 15, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Hi Rich... Happy New Year. I am through with all the negative s**t in my life. Please turn back on the e-mail and Skype. I will make us both over a million dollars this year on my son's life.”

10.  January 16, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Rich, please let me know what's up. Are you going to make a deposit please? Will you reinstate my e-mail and SF [sales program] today. I really need to start pounding phone today... Please advise.”  “One word answer will work amigo, is there anyway to worm back into IPM or are we done senor?”

11.  February 3, 2015.  Text from Sean O’Neal to Rich.  “Ok and good morning.  You may use this against me one day over a beer but I f**ked up leaving there.  We could have worked something out.  My family hates it here.  Just another challenge huh?”

12.  March 27, 2015, one of Sean O’Neal’s fraud victims posts a negative review on IPM’s facebook and from there Richard unravels the depths of Sean O’Neal’s frauds and lies, which is the real reason that Sean O’Neal left Mexico, because the IPM was going to find out the frauds that he had committed.

Richard Houghton is Creative and a Pathetic Liar!

Richard Houghton is Creative and a Pathetic Liar!

#12General Comment

Thu, December 24, 2015


Have you ever cut the head off of a Rattlesnake and they still squirm and move even though they are technically dead? That is what is happening here. Richard Houghton is so desperate now that the truth has been revealed in many publications I might add, not this glorified blog page that anyone with an e-mail address can access.

I have all of the corporate paperwork but I am certainly not going to turn it over to you Richard Houghton or your inept, corrupt lawyer. Legal team...HA!. The only thing you are qualified to do is SMD and to steal from people. See you in court clown. Your allegations are truly comical and you even copy and paste the verbage from the loser wanna be WebSites to defame Mr. O'Neal and his Mother because you have been caught REDHANDED. You have been published on the front page in the most respected paper in Quintana Roo. You charged your best friend $500,000 more than the land cost you. You are on the ropes you crook and we understand your desperation. It is FUNNY to us.


Investment Properties Mexico is a joke and can only make slanderous remarks. Richard Houghton stole money and got caught doing so. Remember, Mr. O'Neal is in the Unites States, you are in Mexico hiding.

There are no charges, no nothing or Richard Houghton, or Kirsten Silven or his meth head girlfriend Allison Zaner are writing this in that Houghton has the education of a 9th grader.


Richard Houghton of Investment Properties Mexico, it is a travesty that you chose a life of deception and are now paying for it. SMD.


Everything is right here.



Report Attachments

Sean O’Neal and his mother Eleanor Jean Sipos investigated for US wire fraud

#13Author of original report

Tue, December 22, 2015

Sean O’Neal (aka Sean Sipos) and his mother Eleanor Jean Sipos are being investigated for US wire fraud, which under US federal law is a criminal offence up to 20 years in jail, also known as the RICO Act. 

Among others, Sean defrauded an elderly woman of $375,000 moving the money through Eleanor Jean Sipos’s US bank account. 

In response to continued requests by prosecutors, Sean O’Neal still has not provided any evidence to defend himself or his mother in this matter. He continues to make youtube videos in lieu of evidence. 

Legal representatives continue to press Sean O’Neal for documentary evidence: 

"So far, there has been nothing illustrated in your 'videos' or otherwise that would provide proof that the proceeds from this 'SPECIFIC'

transaction were converted to any other party.

Back to the topic at hand, as requested in our previous email exchange listed herein; "please provide documentation that the subject

$375,000.00 received by or through your son/mothers bank account was sent to Mr. Houghton as you suggest for the purposes to which the victim had agreed. This is crucial in demonstrating your legal position. This should be simple enough, provide copies of bank drafts or electronic wire or other transfer records that show the money in question was forwarded on as you state.”

Further, if anyone else such as your mother knowingly participated in the matter if is possible that she could be considered a

co-conspirator in a matter such as this."



#14General Comment

Sat, December 19, 2015

HGTV is airing a segment on Investment Properties Mexico. This outfit is in shambles. Richard Houghton, once indicted for a boiler room operation in La Jolla, California has now set up shop in Puerto Aventuras.

Investment Properties Mexico is running a Ponzi Scheme to pay old investors with new investor money.

Richard Houghton and his partner in crime Allison Zaner are keeping the office doors open by selling Ejido land that has been unlawfully obtained from the true landowners. However, these poor Mayans cannot even read or write and Richard and Allison have duped them. (article enclosed)

Richard Houghton is under indictment in Mexico and will be deported after incarceration but unfortunately Mexico continues to run slowly and Richard Houghton is preying on that fact.

For those of you that have been or are being approached to buy their "investor only" land be careful. It is outright fraud. They need these sales of land to fund their illegal operation. They will ask you to send the money to the states for "your" protection. What??? The land is in Mexico. It is a ploy to wash the money and avoid paying taxes. Duhhhh

C'Mon Richard Houghton, do yourself and us a favor and end it.







Report Attachments

Sean O'Neal and his connection with Diario Respuesta

#15Author of original report

Fri, December 18, 2015

Sean O'Neal (aka Sean Sipos) paid the local newspaper to print the untrue story about IPM and Richard. Sean claims he did not, how could he? but you can see one of Sean's 3 friends on Facebook is Heriberto Millar, President and General Director of Diario Respuesta Quintana Roo, the newspaper he paid to run the story. What a coincidence!!

Report Attachments

Sean O’Neal pays trashy local newspaper to print an untrue story about IPM and Richard

#16Author of original report

Thu, December 17, 2015

We apologize to anyone having to read this. All of these reviews and comments were written by Sean O’Neal (aka Sean Sipos, Andrew O’Neal, Andrew Sipos and many many other aliases on the internet) who is a disgruntled ex-employee who is trying to extort money from his previous company. Sean O’Neal has been de-frauding many people of their savings. We have lawsuits in process against him for fraud, extortion, defamation and harassment among others in both the USA and Mexico. 

Sean O’Neal has even gone so far as to pay a local trashy newspaper to run an untrue story about IPM and Richard.

He uses his mother, Eleanor Jean Sipos, bank accounts to receive and launder money from his unsuspecting victims. He even defrauded his own father-in-law, Hector Aguilar Leyva of $185,000. Nice present for his wife Ana Aguilar O'Neal whom he uses to deliver fraudulent documents to his victims. 

He has, among others, also defrauded an elderly woman of her entire life’s savings of $375,000. You can hear him leave her a threatening message where he calls her a “f**king c*nt” and lets her know he is not letting his mother (whose account was where she sent the money to) get her mail or calls, and then makes fun of the fact that she has to find a job cleaning toilets in her 60’s.

Sean O’Neal is now doing business as Sean O’Neal Life Coach, ICF Certified by the International Coach Federation, in an attempt to lure new victims. He shuttered his short-lived O’Neal Strategy Group shortly after his frauds came to light. 

Visit here to see evidence in black and white: facebook.com/Sean-ONeal-Life-Coach-ICF-Certified-1679906672256783/?ref=hl

Richard Houghton and IPM... This is over now.

Richard Houghton and IPM... This is over now.

#17General Comment

Tue, December 15, 2015


This is now over.  The Government will clean Houghton out... It's over Tricky Ricky...Foo and Traylor. I hope it was worth it.


Everything you need to see right here. Click the link below.





Report Attachments

Listen to Sean O’Neal harrass one of his victims calling her a “F****** C***”.

#18Author of original report

Mon, December 14, 2015

Sean O’Neal (aka Sean Sipos) leaves a threatening voicemail for one of his fraud victims, an elderly woman from whom he stole $375,000.  

This woman, whom he publicly has said is “like family”, he calls very clearly a “F****** C***”.  

He then proceeds to say “Do you really think that I am going to ever let my mother see one of your emails or one of your letters? NO! because you are F*******CRAZY, you are STUPID”. Yet he claims that his mother, Eleanor Jean Sipos, knew he was moving money through her account……….



Richard Houghton, IPM Charged!!!


#19General Comment

Sun, December 13, 2015

Richard Houghton and his girlfriend Allison Zaner the crooked owners of Investment Properties Mexico have just been charged with the largest land fraud case in the history of Cancun and the Riviera Maya!!!



Report Attachments

Richard is a comedian

Los Angeles
This is Comical

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, December 07, 2015

Have you ever cut the head off of a Rattlesnake and they still squirm and move even though they are technically dead? That is what is happening here. Richard Houghton is so desperate now that the truth has been revealed in many publications I might add, not this glorified blog page that anyone with an e-mail address can access.

Ihave all of the corporate paperwork but I am certainly not going to turn it over to you Richard Houghton or your inept, corrupt lawyer. Legal team...HA!. The only thing you are qualified to do is SMD and to steal from people. See you in court clown.









Report Attachments

Sean O'Neal (ICF certified "life coach") still has not been able to provide proof to lawyers that he did not defraud his own father-in-law

#21Author of original report

Mon, December 07, 2015

Legal teams are still awaiting any proof from Sean O'Neal to support his claim that the money he defrauded his father-in-law of was sent to the company IPM (as Sean tried to say it was) after it was he had taken it from his father-in-law Hector Aguilar Leyva. It has been months and not a single piece of evidence has been presented despite numerous requests by all legal teams. 


In a recent meeting with the lawyers, Sean's father-in-law Hector Aguilar Leyva admitted to Richard that he knew if he provides the documents that they would be added to the lists of frauds currently being prosecuted against Sean O'Neal (aka Sean Sipos) as he knew the documents that his son-in-law Sean O'Neal had produced were fraudulent.  


Sean uses his mother, Jean Sipos of Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, to launder money through her US bank accounts and his wife Ana Aguilar O'Neal to deliver fraudulent documents to his victims. 


Sean O'Neal, who is ICF certified with the International Coach Federation, is now doing business as Sean O'Neal Life Coach in an attempt to lure more victims. 

Report Attachments

Actually, what was said was, "You Dunce"

Oklahoma City
Actually, what was said was, "You Dunce"

#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 01, 2015

She was called a dunce and stupid for believing Richard Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico. This obsessed woman, who has been married 5 times, has an obsession and secret love desire for Sean O'Neal and is purportedly trying to slander him out of jealousy. Mr. O'Neal left a strong message on her voice mail because she never answers the phone.

Ms Sidwell has been married 5 times and is completely unstable. Very sad story.


Any luck with WalMart yet Susan?

Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner Fraud

Charges? Really? Where?

#23General Comment

Sat, November 21, 2015

I really feel that if one can make suck malicious and illegal comments such as, " There are charges pending" should really only be allowed with proof. This guy Richard Houghton who is part owner of Investment Properties Mexico, the other half owned by his baby mama, an ex stripper from La Jolla, owe O'Neal close to a million dollars that O'Neal discovered Houghton had embezzled.

Please show court documentation on "Charges" you clown and be looking for your girlfriend Allison Zaner, child of Dr. David J Zaner dds of Ocala Beach, Florida to receive a slander lawsuit any day now.


Good luck to you and your Ponzi scheme Houghton and Zaner.

Report Attachments

Tricky Ricky Houghton

Tricky Ricky Houghton

#24UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sat, November 14, 2015

This outfit is in shambles. Richard Houghton, on the run from US Authorities for a boiler room operation in La Jolla, California has now set up shop in Puerto Aventuras.


Investment Properties Mexico is running an 8% Ponzi Scheme to pay old investors with new investor money. 


Richard Houghton and his partner in crime Allison Zaner, who was a man at one time but is now post op (photo enclosed) and youngest daughter of Dr. David Zaner dds of Ocala Beach, Florida,  are keeping the office doors open by selling Ejido land that has been unlawfully obtained from the true landowners. However, these poor Mayans cannot even read or write and Richard and Allison have duped them. (article enclosed)


Richard Houghton is under indictment in Mexico and will be deported after incarceration but unfortunately Mexico continues to run slowly and Richard Houghton is preying on that fact. 


For those of you that have been or are being approached to buy their "investor only" land be careful. It is outright fraud. They need these sales of land to fund their illegal operation. They will ask you to send the money to the states for "your" protection. What??? The land is in Mexico. It is a ploy to wash the money and avoid paying taxes. Duhhhh


C'Mon Richard Houghton, do yourself and us a favor and end it.





Can You Prove That Crazy Old Lady?

Can You Prove That Crazy Old Lady?

#25General Comment

Sun, November 08, 2015

I see where you are full of accusations. Please provide proof. It is obvious you have something to hide Ms. Sidwell. Our research shows that you have been married 5 times. Is this correct? This is public knowledge unlike your salicious untrue remarks. The 5 time marriage thing accounts for your mental instability.

Report Attachments

Where are the charges?

Please Show Proof Of "Charges"

#26General Comment

Sun, November 08, 2015

It is insane that you can make unsubstantiated claims like this. I don't know any of you but I am aware of this site. Anybody can write whatever they want. Please show your proof of charges as you state.


There are no charges pending. That is public knowledge. I have done business with O'Neal and it seems as though you rascals are the crooks Houghton and Sidwell.


Anyone can say that someone has been charged, especially if the individual has ulterior motives like this Sidwell crook and her lover Richard Houghton seem to have. Again, may we see the chharges before you make such asanine claims.


Thank you

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Won't Con Me

What A Crock of Garbage

#27General Comment

Thu, November 05, 2015

Oh my goodness, who would believe such a ridiculous story?  Why would the lady send money to America for a condo in Mexico?

Obviously, there are way too many facts that are not being disclosed by Richard Houghton, the owner of Investment Properties Mexico.


I just googled him and it seems like the stupid old lady and he are in this scam together. Good luck Sidwell and Houghton. I hope you two will be very happy with each other.


Any luck with Wal Mart Susan?

Report Attachments


Sounds Like You Are Talking To Someone Sidwell. Please Seek Counseling.

#28Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 16, 2015

I think it is funny that you do not know who is evn writing this? How can anyone take this site seriously?


It sounds as if you are having a conversation with one particular individual in these threads. There are millions of people viewing and participating in these comments.


Good luck to all of you.

Susan Sidwell Not A Real Person

Susan Sidwell Fraud

#29General Comment

Wed, October 14, 2015

I was a victim of Richard Houghton as well. One of his tricks is to try and throw you off his trail which he did to me.


This Sidwell, and Houghton bought land together near Tulum, Mexico. Houghton is O'Neals ex partner who embezzled company funds propmpting a quick exit by O'Neal. 


The task force is not even sure if their actually IS a Susan Sidwell. The checks  in the images are definitely Photo Shopped as determined by our forensic team.


Richard Houghton and his lover Susan Sidwell are facing a slew of charges in the US and Mexico. Desperate people do and say desperate things. How is your job search going Susan?

Report Attachments

Susan of Nebraska

Sean O’Neal tells fraud victim she is a “F***ING C*NT” on voicemail

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, October 14, 2015

Yes Sean O'Neal, I do read what I write since it is the truth supported by black and white documents of the long line of lies that you told me as you stole $375,000 from me.   That is why you Sean are calling me and threatening me via the phone.


Sean O’Neal left me this voice message the other day:


“You listen to me you f****** c***.  Do you really think I am ever going to let my mother receive one of your emails or one of your mails?  No! You are f****** crazy lady, you are stupid”  


(apparently Sean O’Neal is intercepting his mom Jean Sipo’s mail and email so she won’t know what he did or the crimes he committed).


“If you continue to harass my mother or try to because she doesn’t even know you exist, I will take it very personally you old bag.  Enjoy cleaning that s***.” 


(making fun of the fact that I now have to find a job at the age of 65+ since Sean O’Neal stole my life savings).  


Sean, you should be ashamed of yourself. Do you kiss your daughter and your mother with that mouth?


Sean, your mother didn’t raise you very well by teaching you that it was ok to speak to women the way you do and an elderly woman at that.  How would you feel Sean, if someone called your mother and spoke to her like that? 


The fact remains Sean.  Sean O’Neal defrauded me of $375,000.  


Google Sean O'Neal fraud. 

Investment Properties Mexico

Del Ray Beach

#31General Comment

Sun, October 11, 2015

Do you Susan Sidwell or Richard Houghton actually read what you write?  Who do you two think you are fooling. I have stayed out of this drama but Richard Houghton ripped me off for $25,000 9 years ago at Heritage Funding Group in Florida with his then partner in crime Larry Ford.

Report Attachments

Investment Properties Mexico

Susan Sidwell and Richard Houghton

#32UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sun, October 11, 2015

Hey you two conartists Richard Houghton and Susan Sidwell.  Take your drama on the Jerry Springer show and quit the lies. It is a fact that the two of you bought land together in Aldea Zama with the purported funds. Yes, the funds were sent to O'Neal so Sidwell can avoid detectin from the US Gov't but she was CLEARLY shown the money was sent to Mexico and used by Houghton. He bilked O'Neal out of a million dollars in due commissions so just get in the line of people crying over Houghton's evil and immoral ways. Are you aware that Richard Houghton is married Ms. Sidwell?  Not that he cares, he was banging all his sexretaries too.


Anyone should Google Richard Houghton fraud and Investment Properties Mexico fraud and if you ahve money with them get it back now. The place will be closed by years end.

Report Attachments

Susan Sidell is a LIAR

Actually Susan Sidwell you are incorrect

#33UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sat, October 10, 2015

This story makes for good reading and for your information Susan, the money you sent was not income nor capital gains therefore there are NO tax liabilities for the Mother or Son mentioned. Please review your IRS codes before you and your lover Richard slander people.


Like the above post states, enjoy poverty you misinformed, viscious snake.

Sean O'Neal defrauds own father-in-law

#34Author of original report

Thu, October 08, 2015

It has since come to light that Sean O'Neal even has the nerve to defraud his own father-in-law, Hector Aguilar, of $190,000.

The money was wired into Sean O'Neal's personal bank account for some supposed real estate investment that was never registered with any company.  Some time later when Hector learns of Sean's other frauds, he starts asking questions about his "investment" with Sean, who cannot provide documentation that the money ever went to the company.   The father-in-law states in a meeting he wishes his daughter, Ana Aguilar O'Neal, "had never married him [Sean O'Neal]".

Sean is now trying to blame this on his former company as he tries to blame all of his frauds, rather convenient as he left the country when the truth got too close and he has to be "near his dying mother" when he was just trying to escape his frauds (and also secure his inheritence of his mother's house, Jean Sipos, in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA).  

Sean O'Neal's list of victims continues to grow. 

Richard Houghton Coward

Richard Houghton Investment Properties Mexico SCAM

#35UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, October 07, 2015

Richard Houghton is and has been on the run fron US authorities. He is misinformed that there is no statute of limitations on the people he stole from across the US because he fled. It is why he can and will never return to US. 

He continuously orchestrates fraud and then pins it on others. He and this woman, Susan Sidwell, were alledgedly having an affair when they concocted this story. 

Regarding the rape case that Houghton reports falsely. Why is he reporting it and not some "victim" somewhere. It is a ploy to throw the heat off of himself. He is defaulting on all clients promissory notes and is in real trouble with the Mexican IRS. Many dollars have been washed and cleaned through his and his attorneys accounts and they are onto it.


He has already defaulted on clients prommisory notes and has been allowing employees (Ryan Gravel) to live in clients condos without telling the rightful owners and pocketing the money!

Susan of Nebraska

Sean O’Neal Tells Fraud Victim that Real Estate purchase is “TOP SECRET” and that Sean is “NOT GOING THROUGH THE COMPANY” (PROOF ATTACHED)

#36REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, October 02, 2015

**PROOF ATTACHED:  IN EMAIL SEAN O'NEAL STATES REAL ESTATE PURCHASE WAS "TOP SECRET" AND "I AM NOT GOING THROUGH THE COMPANY". (Please view it, you cannot believe Sean after you see black and white proof). 
I am the woman in this report, the woman Sean O’Neal defrauded for $375K, and I feel inclined to share more proof as Sean continues to post rebuttals to this report under false aliases with more of his lies.  (and he posts them everywhere on the internet under many different aliases)
One of his many lies told to me while Sean O’Neal defrauded me of my life’s savings:
- On August 1, 2013, I wired Sean O’Neal $145,000 USD into his son, (((REDACTED)), Wells Fargo US bank account which is co-owned by Sean’s mother, Jean Sipos.  The wire was for the purchase of a 1 bedroom condo.  (PROOF: bank wire attached).  This is the 2nd time I sent him over $100K to his kindergarten son’s account. 
- On August 2, 2013 (a day later), I asked Sean to send me more photos of the condo as I was excited for my purchase.  He responds that he is unable to do so as “it is sort of tricky…I say this because I am not going through the office per se”.  He then proceeds to tell me that my real estate purchase is “top secret….haha”.  (PROOF: Sean’s email attached)
- I find out later that Sean was actually in California that day busy at the bank withdrawing my money from his son’s account, and he couldn’t send me photos of the condo because he couldn’t ask anyone in the office to do it since no one knew anything about the fraud that Sean O'Neal was committing. And that no one would be able to tell me anything about it as the sale had never happened and Sean O’Neal had taken my money for himself.   
- Sean O’Neal continues to blame this on his former company, but during the process of defrauding me he told me that deals are “top secret” and not to tell anyone at the office, because all of them were fraudulent and no one at the office knew anything about what was going on (until after Sean leaves the country under the excuse that he has to take care of his dying mother, when in reality his frauds were just getting too close to being exposed and he had to leave the country to be able to try and blame it on someone else).  
- Now his son,(((REDACTED))), and mother, Jean Sipos, are also guilty of US tax evasion as the $375,000 that I sent to their US bank account was never reported to the IRS.  
Sean O’Neal is the most horrible person I have ever met, his continuing fountain of lies is unbelievable, and he is the reason I am having to look for a job at the age of 65+ as Sean O’Neal stole my entire retirement and left me with nothing.  I have filed criminal charges for fraud in both Mexico and the USA against Sean O’Neal, aka Andrew O’Neal, aka Sean Sipos, aka Andrew Sipos.
Sean O'Neal now has nothing better to do than sit on his sofa stoned and steroided out and post more lies on the internet hiding behind his many internet aliases.  

Report Attachments



#37UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, September 29, 2015

If anyone has information as to who I can contact regarding wire fraud regarding this case I would really appreciate it.  I keep hearing they are being investigated or there's a class action suit, I would like to get involved.

More Sean O'Neal Lies

#38Author of original report

Thu, September 24, 2015

So please explain to me author “Richard Houghton ConMan Mexico” aka Sean O'Neal,

how do you post twice to this report yesterday, once as an “employee” stating you work at Rich’s company in Mexico right now and then the same day post another comment stating you have an office right next to Sean O’Neal in California……pretty impossible.  


Just another Sean O’Neal Lie.


Sean's website has been down for months now. 

Report Attachments

Richard Houghton Investment Properties Mexico Fraud

Richard Houghton Trick

#39UPDATE Employee

Thu, September 24, 2015

Houghton bilks investors out of their money and then tries to implicate others. He has defaulted on numerous loans with his Ponzi scheme in Puerto Aventuras. He has defrauded everyone from his partner of years, friends, family. He keeps promising his Baby mama that he will marry her but never will or else he will have to give her half. These are words from his mouth. 

We recommend doing your due diligence before you even think about using Investment Properties Mexico or investing with Richard Houghton or Allison Zaner.

Richard Houghton ConMan Mexico

Another Richard Houghton Lie

#40Consumer Comment

Thu, September 24, 2015

I don't want to get involved but my office is right next to O'Neal's and he and his business is not only still there but from all accounts is thriving. I have been following this drama for a year now and I can tell you that Richard Houghton seems like a desperate man. I know for a fact, that O'Neal went to Mexico to confront Richard Houghton, part owner of Investment Properties Mexico, in Houghton's office, and Hougthton would not see him. He told the secretary to tell O'Neal and his attorney's he was in a meeting. Funny thing though, Houghton is telling everyone that he wasn't even in the office that day, that he was home sick. If that doesn't show who is the low life scum then I don't know squat.

Richard Houghton ConMan Mexico

Richard Houghton Fraud

#41UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 23, 2015

I work for this guy now. We do a ton of internet marketing so I stay but I have to say it is bad Karma here. First off, it is common knowledge in our office that Richard set Sean up. He did this to throw the light off of the fact that he defaulted on his debt to O'Neal but then tried to pin a ridiculous rape charge on Sean by paying a poor peasant girl to say that. O'Neal flew immediately to Mexico to address that and was informed by Richard Houghton's own attorney that he set that up to try and prevent O'Neal from returning to Mexico to litigate the money that Richard Houghton owed him. Also, Houghton owes O'Neal close toa million dollars in commissions that Houghton and his girlfriend Allison Zaner embezzled from Investment Properties Mexico and Sean. Also, we have a sales meeting every Wednesday and I have lost count of the lies that Houghton orchestrates us to tell. I am just as guilty because I continue to work here and accept his money even though he is clearly running a ponzi scheme. Also, 4 of his employees he brought down from San Diego from his boiler room operation in La Jolla where Houghton is on the run from.

Investment Properties Mexico Fraud

Richard Houghton Mexico Fraud

#42Consumer Comment

Wed, September 23, 2015

Richard Houghton is and has been on the run fron US authorities. He is misinformed that there is no statute of limitations on the people he stole from across the US because he fled. It is why he can and will never return to US. 

He continuously orchestrates fraud and then pins it on others. He and this woman, Susan Sidwell, were alledgedly having an affair when they concocted this story. 

Regarding the rape case that Houghton reports falsely. Why is he reporting it and not some "victim" somewhere. It is a ploy to throw the heat off of himself. He is defaulting on all clients promissory notes and is in real trouble with the Mexican IRS. Many dollars have been washed and cleaned through his and his attorneys accounts and they are onto it.


He has already defaulted on clients prommisory notes and has been allowing employees (Ryan Gravel) to live in clients condos without telling the rightful owners and pocketing the money!


Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner... Not long now.


Investment Properties Mexico is pure fraud with Richard Houghton. Have they tried to sell you untitleable land yet?

Richard Houghton and Investment Properties Mexico ConJob

Richard Houghton Fraud Trick

#43Consumer Comment

Sun, September 20, 2015

After carefully reviewing the shown documents I don't see the fraud of which you speak. Did the individual have a gun to their head when they sent the money or any other diress? Why is there money being sent to the US for a condo in Mexico?


Sure seems like there has to be alot more information on this situation you are not disclosing?


Shame on you Richard Philip Houghton and your partner in crime Allison Zaner is there something you have to hide?

Won't Con Me

Richard Houghton ConMan

#44Consumer Comment

Thu, September 17, 2015

Mr. Houghton, I see that you have written many slanderous and accusatory remarks regarding Mr. O'Neal. You are obviously comically misinformed. I just researched you Richard Houghton and by all accounts you are the crook.

Walls closing in Ricky?

Sean O'Neal Closes Business due to Fraud Indictment

#45Author of original report

Tue, September 01, 2015

Sean O'Neal shutdowns his website for O'Neal Strategy Group and cancels the office rental he had in Rolling Hills Estates due to his fraud indictment.  Surely starting another "company" with which Sean O'Neal can defraud other investors and individuals. Beware of investing with Sean O'Neal (AKA Andrew O'Neal, Sean Sipos and Andrew Sipos.....only his real life AKA's, on the internet he has over 40). 

Susan of Nebraska

Im the elderly woman

#46REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, August 13, 2015

Im writing in responce to "MY BOSS RICHARD HOUGHTON SET SEAN UP" this is most likely written by Sean himself!!!   But I am, the elderly woman, he refers to when he writes "a ridiculous story of fraud to an elderly woman".  If it's ridiculous then why am I sitting here with no money, because I invested with that lier Sean O'Neal.  He took my life savings, telling me I owned a condo in Mexico, which I stayed in for a month and a half, and that i was going to receive 12% interest on money I had invested with him.  With all the lies Sean told me, I have no doubt he raped this young woman, and everything else written about him.  If I was his mother I'd be so embarassed by him, I'd move!!!

Won't Con Me

Dist of Columbia,

#47Consumer Comment

Fri, July 17, 2015


Susan of Nebraska

I am the woman in this report

#48REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 06, 2015

I am the woman who was defrauded my Sean O'Neal, and I can tell you this article of Sean taking my money is ALL true.  Rich has been such a help to me.  If he tells me he's going to do something, he does it.  Sean is bad news and has lied to me from the beginning.  So sad. 

Richard Houghton and Allison Zaner Fraud

Playa del Carmen,
My Boss Richard Houghton Set Sean Up!

#49UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 05, 2015

This is really a travesty. I work for IPM now so am in a tough position. However, I cannot see an injustice happen. It is common knowledge here in the office that Richard and 2 employees that I won't name, one man and one woman, they know who they are, have helped Richard discredit Sean and his family.

Richard Houghton was confronted by Sean for huge amounts of money that were missing. Sean found out that Houghton had embezzled company funds to buy a "marina front lot" in Phase 4 of Puerto Aventuras. 

When confronted by Sean O'Neal, Houghton admitted to the theft and Sean immediately terminated the partnership. 

The two worked out an agreement whereby Houghton was to buy O'Neal's half of the company. O'Neal returned to the US to aid in the care of his dying sister.

Houghton immediately defaulted on the arranged payments and then quickly went about to find a "rape victim" who all of a sudden comes out of the woodwork 1 and a half years later to report this because they said Sean threatened her parents. Well, according to Houghton, she and her Mother worked/works next door to office. Hmmm, quite coincidental ehhh?

Houghton did this and paid the woman, along with a ridiculous story of fraud to an elderly woman. I will be resigning this week because I now see Richard Houghton for what he is. An evil person. I think we would all agree.




Sean O'Neal has his fraud victim send kindergarden son $375,000 USD

#50Author of original report

Mon, June 01, 2015

Just to clarify, the son is not even old enough to do math.  Photo of Sean O'Neal attached.  

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