  • Report:  #852553

Complaint Review: Speedticketbeaters.com - Internet

Reported By:
Gary - houston, Texas, United States of America

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Don't be fooled by the enormous lengths these guys go to to sell their product.  Their website is full of Lies, Factual Inaccuracies and Reverse Attacks on people in order to substantiate their own claim that they are not a scam.

They have no intention on helping a single person, except themselves.  Here is a copy of their Bogus threatening Legal email that they sent me after I asked for a refund because they refused to answer a question I asked about the defense:

Dear Sir:

Our customer team today received an email from you stating that you are requesting a refund of our service fee. Your arguments in favor of refunding your fee are without merit, and in light of the fact that we have already provided the service we were contracted to provide (in the form of emails you received that instruct you on the defense strategy for your speeding ticket), we cannot "take back" the service provided.

If you pursue a charge back of our fee, you are hereby formally advised that we will take complete and comprehensive legal action against you, and will collect not only our fee, but additional punitive damages.It is also against U.S law to use a company's copyrighted name in published/written/broadcast content without permission to do so. Neither of those offenses are protected "free speech" under the 1st Amendment of the U.S Constitution.

Any harmful written content authored with your involvement appearing anywhere in print - will be considered malicious business interference, and defamation. Any broadcast content in any media, created with any involvement by you, will be considered the same.  Any complaints made by you to any agency or organizations (including the BBB), that result in any limitation on our ability to conduct business, will also be considered legally actionable. Likewise, any activities/complaints/reports written or stated to any businesses we are regularly involved with in our commerce, will result in swift and strong legal action against you.

Should we become aware of you participating in any of the above activities, legal remedies will be pursued immediately and forcefully.

You are also to refrain from authoring and/or broadcasting any partial reference to this company. Any you write will be presumed to have been designed to lead the general public to the conclusion that you are referring to this company.  This means we will litigate against you if you write or broadcast even a portion of this company's name, at any time, anywhere.

All of your contact information will remain on file, should it become necessary to take legal action against you.

Should you violate this order, this company will also commence a civil action against the print/internet/or broadcast outlet you utilized to carry out your malicious interference and defamation. This department will also offer the print/internet/or broadcast outlet you utilized to damage this company the opportunity to enjoin our civil and/or criminal action against you.

Your letter today will serve as proof to any Judge in the United States of the malicious nature of your intent. Should it become necessary, we will obtain jurisdiction over you in any of the 50 U.S States in which you reside. If necessary, we will pursue a court order to collect sizable monetary damages from you. If you do not have sufficient assets to satisfy the monetary judgment we will be awarded, we will get a court order to garnish your future wages.  

Consider this notice a "cease and desist" upon you, relating to all further contact, complaints, and activities you are considering undertaking. Failure to comply with this notice will bring you legal harm. From this moment forward, all contact by you, to this company, must be made by your attorneys.  Speedticketbeaters.com/LEGAL cc: dr, sk, active pending   

And here is a  copy of the refund terms that they give you only after you pay them, though you will never see a dime:

1) Coverage is extended to immediate family members residing at the same address only. Immediate
family members are defined as husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, etc,
who exist on the same auto insurance plan.

2) Coverage commences from date of purchase until 1 year from that date. If additional ticket defenses are required during the 1 year term, you must provide by email proof that date of original payment was within 1 year.

3) Coverage includes and is limited to: SPEEDTICKETBEATERS.COM providing the materials necessary to properly defend yourself in speeding ticket trials. Those materials include and are limited to: Written suggestions, copies of case law that may pertain to your case, telephone and email customer support.

4) Each speeding case brought to SPEEDTICKETBEATERS.COM during the term of your insurance is governed by the SPEEDTICKETBEATERS.COM refund policy.

5) YOU must retain THIS refund terms email. You must email it to us with any request for a defense of another ticket within the year, or you will not receive a defense for that ticket!


2) AND YOU CAN PROVIDE US THE COURT TRANSCRIPT (or at minimum a VERY detailed play by play, by email, in your own words, telling us exactly what happened. IE: You said this, they said that, you did this, then they did that, etc) SHOWING THAT YOU PROPERLY FOLLOWED OUR SUGGESTIONS AND STILL LOST...


(The REFUND IF YOU LOSE policy does not apply if a) your trial date is less than 16 days from the day you ordered our service, b) you are not going to appear at the trial in person, but rather you will be mailing in a defense, c) someone other than you will be speaking for you at the trial, d) you have provided us any incorrect/incomplete information regarding your ticket e) at any time you admitted to the court or police that you were speeding, f) you have begun using our service after your initial court date, g) you lost at first trial, and did not contact us before your appeal h) you have failed to report to us immediately that you are missing emails needed for your defense, (ie: Instructions, Case law, etc), i) you beat a ticket using our service once already, j) you are fighting a school zone violation, k) you had us send your defense materials to an email address belonging to any of the servers/service providers listed on our FAQs page as faulty/inconsistent in accepting our emails ANY attempted charge back of your SPEEDTICKETBEATERS.COM fee with your credit card company or Pay Pal will result in: 1) NO refund of your fee. 2) FULL and comprehensive legal action against you for non payment of services rendered.

SPEEDTICKETBEATERS.COM reserves the right to change refund terms at any time. SPEEDTICKETBEATERS.COM Refunds may be minus PayPal or merchant account fees Any individual or entity that publishes, broadcasts, or describes ANY of the content of ANY of this companys emails or materials, without the express written consent of Speedticketbeaters.com on ANY website or in any media or publication , you will be prosecuted. So my suggestion is beware of the guys, and save yourself the money and headache.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


great custom

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 04, 2014

speedticketbeaters, gave me a great custom written defense for my speeding ticket in California as promised, and it worked well, for a very low/reasonable price.

Pat H.


#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, May 29, 2013

ANYONE who can definitely  prove otherwise, wins an enormous prize. Why would we make such an offer? BECAUSE WE TAKE ENORMOUS PRIDE IN THE REALITY THAT EVERY SINGLE TESTIMONIAL ON OUR SITE IS REAL.

Attn: Mr. S****, and others. PLEASE For God sakes already... GET A LIFE! This company has been in biz since 2004. IT'S NEVER GOING ANYWHERE. NOTHING YOU CAN DO will EVER stop it. Please GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD/S ALREADY.









Gary Studebaker

United States of America
An Interesting Blog I Found that Exposes Lies told by Speedticketbeaters.com

#4Author of original report

Fri, March 16, 2012

Here is something fascinating that I found while searching Speedticketbeaters.com.  It is a blogsite that posted an article about how He did a search of the names on their website testimonials and found out that none of the people that left "testimonials" exist.  you can read the Blog right here:


Two years later he posted an update after they sent him a Legal Notice on a Sunday by them claiming the he made defamatory remarks, when in fact he never did.  They also stated they would sue him if he didn't delete all the content about them, but clearly there was no follow through because 7 years later it is still posted.  I just loved reading that someone proved that their "Real Actual" customers are fake like everyone assumes. 

What is funnier is that they say that they keep records of all the people that use testimonals  and then they say they have no way of knowing if these people used fake names...SO they can't prove these people exist at all....hilarious double speak from the Criminals at Speedticketbeaters.com


That's funny.

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, March 12, 2012

" It is also against U.S law to use a company's copyrighted name in published/written/broadcast content without permission to do so. "

   There is no such thing as a copyright of a company name.   There is no law prohibiting  the mere mention of a company name. 

"  Neither of those offenses are protected "free speech" under the 1st Amendment of the U.S Constitution. "

   If this were true, everyone from movie reviewers to Consumer Reports would be out of business.  Nice try.

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