  • Report:  #614554

Complaint Review: Stone Cottage Villas - TLEC Services - Nashville Tennessee

Reported By:
Anonymous - Houston, Texas, USA

Stone Cottage Villas - TLEC Services
P.O. Box 111421 Nashville, 37222 Tennessee, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

TLEC Services P.O. Box 111421 Nashville, TN 37222

Leasing Information: 615-519-9522

Emergency After Hours Maintenance: 615-788-0848

Fax: 615-250-9405

Email: [email protected] http://tlecservices.com/

Stone Cottage Villas

I would not rent from TLEC Services or at Stone Cottage Villas for several reasons. Some of them have to do with the way the homes are built, other reasons are the way management handles things, and the rest are about the area in general.

I lived there from 08/2009 until 03/2010 and was forced to leave because I had a violent neighbor that was harassing and threatening me. Since nothing was done by management or law enforcement, I took into consideration the other down sides, I left with the whole mess still unresolved. In general, this guy was an idiot, drunk all the time and would essentially stalk me and hang around outside at night. I had to call the police and they ended up making excuses for him. No doubt since I was new to the area or some such. This leads into the next consideration, the people on the other side (This guy was in the building next to ours.) that share a wall with my unit, were just as bad. They'd pound on the walls which were thin, slam cupboards and doors in the kitchen sometimes repeatedly for 5 hours. They'd also do the same at 5am when they went to work. Again, another form of hostility and even attempting to say hello to either of those people had them stare back at me as though I was a leper. The manager did the same thing after renting to me one day as she drove by I waved and she was no doubt now too important to even acknowledge I was alive.

The homes are built in 2006, so they are 4 years old, mine needed painting in many places and she claimed it was being done before I got there, it was not. Other concerns besides the hostile neighbors and other nonsense (I have to think she put me in this unit so this guy could give me a hard time but that is another story but at this point it seems obvious she planned this based on her odd commentary and dishonesty when I signed the lease.) are:

Units have no basement or crawlspace and are built right on top of a concrete pad. As a result, they are COLD in the winter since you can NEVER get that thing warm. There is too much heat sink into the ground and your feet and legs will freeze. The pad cracks and you'll have a daily supply of fresh earwigs and millipedes that come out of the woodwork in the warmer months. Not fun at all.

The furnace and AC are in the attic, with blown in insulation of the fiberglass type. The in ceiling filters are not installed properly and the air box up there is not either. As a result, it picks up insulation fluff from behind the filter and blows it through the heat exchanger into the living space. I began to get headaches and had other problems from breathing the fiberglass dust. It is NOT pleasant.

The ductwork and other things are essentially exposed to outdoor temperatures and in the winter the ducts will cool to a VERY cold temperature. With that, they start a convection process that will have freezing cold air drop out of the ceiling vents onto you when you sleep, or into the other rooms. Unless you want to run the heat all the time and breathe in the now warmed and more reactive fiberglass powder to keep warm. Again, not very nice.

The homes look nice, the area has some up side, but I'd say with the health concerns and other problems you are basically paying a mortgage to rent. You could probably purchase the duplex itself for what you pay in rent for only 1/2 of it. It was not worth it for the long haul and with the other things I found out, I'd NOT live there AT ALL!

14 Updates & Rebuttals


Right on that, do NOT rent here.

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, August 30, 2013

Right I agree on that, they have problems with these units see the other reviews and a lot of nonsense goes on over there. Suffice it to say you won't be happy living there with all the habitability concerns and management is useless beyond cashing your checks.

They changed names and seem to have two or three new ones but are really the same old company. Manager is the same woman so you have the same units and same management with new names.

Oxford Property Management - FKA TLEC Services

PO BOX 3304

Brentwood TN 37024

OFFICE ADDRESS: Oxford Property Management

277 Wilson Pike Circle, Ste 102

Brentwood, TN 37027

Leasing Information: 615-309-6979, Fax: 615-250-9405

Jacqueline McDonald -- 615-519-9522

Email: [email protected]




United States of America
I'm renting from tlec services to...

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 05, 2010

....and I have been having nothing but problems with them.  I have submitted my own report on this site to so I will keep this short.   These people are scum.  They are super friendly and nice when you are interested in rented from them.  However the second you have a problem or you tell them you are moving out they take a steaming dump all over you.  For people searching for TLEC Service reviews and see our reports, so yourself a favor and keep looking else where.  You will have nothing but a massive headache by the end of your lease.


Please note the company is using an alias here.

#4Author of original report

Wed, August 04, 2010

Manager: Jacqueline McDonald 712 Woodmere Dr Nashville, TN 37217-2325

Alternate website for this company that does business in Texas as well as Tennessee:


Locally in TN:

http://www.tlecservices.com formerly http://www.tennrent.com


This is the same company and the credit card billing for my deposit came through as Texas Longhorn Equities. The homes look to be built the same as shown in this website and it must be the same company. Manager's home address is listed above also.

Report Attachments


So in regard to "Family Values"

#5Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

Oh and don't forget Russell's drinking buddy Steve from down the street, another one of these professional geriatric drunks from next door in "Paradise" as it is described by Kate. Steve has to come over right after the police leave, as if all the drama of that evening is not enough, this jerk has to come over, shake my hand to which I ask "Are you going to punch me too?" to which he jokes no, but then starts accusing me of something saying "You keep to yourself quite a bit" to which I say so what? I don't need to explain this to anyone and he then shouts at me "JESUS CHRIST...I think you are a F***ing WEIRDO." to which I told him to get off my sidewalk or I'll call the police again. See I think Steve thinks since he is older than me and taller by a couple inches he can swagger over and pull this stunt, eventually having his fat dumpy wife come over in a drunken slur and tell him to come back to the "Party". As he walks away he makes a joke what number to dial for 911 he asks, "What is that number?". I asked him what he called me since his wife is there now, and he repeated "A F***ing WEIRDO." to which I asked, can you spell that for me? I could have said, you seem to have a hard time driving the maroon GMC Sierra you drive around here drunk all the time, but I did not. I could have, but I did not.

So you see, I am not missing anything in your little sewer and don't feel a need to enrich Ms. McDonald, Gallatin, The State of Tennessee, or pay Dr. Booth's salary. Nor do I feel a need to endorse such places and people who run around calling people they don't know names. I think your neigbors are scum personally, and the duplexes themselves for rent are poorly built and not worth the price. I think Steve and Russell need to drink more so they might even begin to think that YOUR F***ing cat is a genius and they can have a protracted evening chat with it. Wait until that happens or they hit one of YOUR KIDS with their truck, boat, or whatever hillbilly toy they are slamming Bud Lights in and screaming down the street in.

If you love that foolishness, then leave me out of it, and stop preaching how good a place it is for your kids, families, or people who have neither, and have trouble walking and other handicap, such that you can have all that family fun calling each other F***ing this and F***ing that as you belly up to the trough of Budweiser the pigs slop out for you. You can't have it both ways, endorse that and then offer "Family Values" to boot. I don't buy it, I left. You pay the bill since I am not going to.



The obvious problem -

#6Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

The obvious problem with all the PO Box nonsense is that this is being done to attempt to make it impossible to file lawsuits against these people.

I like street addresses where I can serve them with LEGAL complaints, you know, that is what this country is founded upon?  The rule of law and NOT mob rule and vigilantism as it seems we have going on there.

Honest people and businesses don't need to hide.



If nothing else -

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

I should thank Ms. Bellamy since this gives me a chance to revisit this mess and to elaborate more on it.  I don't think her reply accomplishes anything towards refuting what I wrote at all.  Just because you have a good experience and have neighbors who are not idiots, does not mean I had the same experience.  I attempted to say hello to these people the FIRST DAY I was there and they looked at me like I was a leper.  I never said anything since then to them and went about my business.  So you having reasonable people next to you does not prove that I have the same good people next to me and it does nothing to disprove the defects and other flaws within the units either.

I think making such claims is foolish, naive, and dishonest. Oh and it disrespects me further and those who come here for ACCURATE and HONEST ways to address concerns.

These people acted with prejudice based on something and what was done was more akin to a hate crime.  Examples I cite there are things said to me in the middle of the night by a drunken neighbor who I had never met and just moving into that area from another state.  He and I never met and I never lived within a thousand miles of this person in all my years on this planet but he said the following things to me:

"You seem like an intelligen man." - I won't disagree with that and made no claim to the contrary about him until meeting him that evening.

"Nobody is trying to hurt you." - I am a victim of violence and have some large and nasty scars to prove that.  We disagree on that point.

"You are a Fu**ing HERMIT!" - I am not sure how that would be or that Russell would know where and when I go and don't go anywhere.  In any event it is none of his d**n business when and where I go and how often and who I speak to.

"I am being nice to you!" - In a kind of sarcastic and sticky sweet kind of way.

Following this since I failed to respond to his nonsense, overtures at being my sweety, and trash talk, he flared into this violent rage, rushed over to (This time he stopped at, later he come right up to my porch to threaten me.) our property line and started hurling profanities at me, snarling, shaking his fist, and screaming at the top of his lungs.  This short little pot bellied idiot over there blustering away at me.

Before this he was outside another evening glaring at me as I went to mail a letter, violently snapping his cigarette ash onto the sidewalk.

So this went on, I called the Gallatin PD finally, the first responder was listening to the report I gave him but a few minutes later Russell's friend Mr. Booth, the bald headed n**i circus freak arrived to make excuses for my idiot next door lunatic, explained it was his word against mine, he did not witness it, that Russell smokes implying he has a right to be outside and I don't, Booth went on to say he was not calling me a liar and that it would be up to me to arrest the man.  I explained that I would NOT be doing that and even if he did call me a liar I'd not believe anything he said for certain, so you see, the police don't care, this was a friend of someone in the law, and as such he gets away with it.  The report number is 10-0810 if you have interest since Booth took one but did not want to at all and made that clear to me.  Even lying to me, suggesting I should take care of it, and then putting me off and making excuses for this crook.  Complete nonsense.

Do you care to put up with that crap?  I don't.  When I call the cops about something I expect a report to be taken, for it to be investigated, and it to be fixed. I don't need to be run around, put off topic, or given lame excuses on how violent people get away with being violent people and beating up or picking on handicapped people they never met.

I reiterate my position, I WOULD NOT INVEST THERE AT ALL.



Don't Forget "Neighbors Inc." at Stone Cottage Villians...

#8Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

Also note that you have, and I don't know where "Kate" fits into this, a cliche of people who rented something like three or four of these duplexes, not all contiguous, and were running a business out of them. With one unit basically sitting empty most of the time with pickup trucks coming and going on occasion at odd hours, the others being used to accept and send deliveries of palletized items, I had them on something like four occassions send me parcels UPS addressed to either Micheal Rassmuson, Imagine Nation Books, or something else and I had to return them. For a while we had about two deliveries per week with semi trucks with 53 foot trailers coming down the cul de sac and our "Quiet" neigborhood offloading pallets of items. You now have Russell's truck with modified exhaust and doors slamming so loudly I thought he'd shatter my windows. The muffler on that white chevy truck is basically nonexistant. And a new kid on the block with a modified Camaro Z28 is so loud, it is deafening six houses down. I don't think you can call the place quiet or safe. With this guy out tuning and tinkering with his loud toy all the time.

I moved there to have a nice place to live. I did not move there to complain, be insulted, to move again in one year, or to fix other people's slipshod, and cheesy properties or to put up with their ignorant and violent behavior, I could have stayed at home and got all that. I moved there to get away from all that.


The point being....

#9Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

I also think I can cite another example of how this Russell person next door behaved and many of the people as him in that area struck me. And I'll use this recent example akin to the "Rugby" shirt; I encountered another "Gentleman" in a bus terminal who had on a black hat that said "Security" written on it, he wore a black leather vest, and on the back of that vest was a Confederate flag and written below it was the caption "Try Burning This One A**hole" and he walked in front of me, turned around, and displayed it for me to see and all but walked backwards into me to be sure I "Got the message". I sure did, I think if people like him and Russel care to fly a different flag and want to start a war, then maybe they can leave the country and start their own country someplace else and leave it for the real Americans like me who've actually bled for what they believe in.

 I don't appreciate offering my honest opinion at my expense and inconvenience done for your benefit and not mine about something that caused me harm and upset and then having your mother show up with cookies and coffee to call me a liar and claim everything in the world is just fine as frog fur. This smacks of more of the "Girls Club" if you ask me.

And if you look at it, Kate can't even decide if she is calling me a liar, or is being sympethetic towards my plight but just saying it does not matter since it is unfair and inaccurate.  Which way is it?  It is too bad I can't breathe more of the toxic crud and be called more names and have people threaten and harass and shake their fist at me while standing on MY front porch?  Or is it that I just need to have a picnic with Russel and get choked to death, punched in the face, and then stabbed with his "Butter Knife" since he needs to see if I am a "Real Man" and not a slang word used usually to denote a female cat of course with an "F" word in front of it as per Russell?


Eventually I discount such offers of support for those poor little companies like TLEC who's owners live in multi million dollar homes, drive RV's larger than my old home and costing ten times as much, and drive cars that cost more than the homes we rent. With that such rebut of my complaints then leave me to resort to the reply I've saved in a text file and I can just paste it in here for you: Whatever.....


When did I move in?

#10Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

Oh and Kate would have no idea when I moved in since she does not know who I am and could not possibly be privy to my lease agreement made with TLEC. I also wonder why Kate would even visit RipOff Report at all if she is offering such a glowing referral for a friend to TLEC? Why not just go to the www.tennrent.com website, oh excuse me, it is now called www.tlecservices.com and do they have a new PO box as well? I don't know, anyway, whoever they are, why not just call your friend Ms. McDonald and ask her what is available? Seems odd to me, your story does not make much sense. I'd say it is biased and prejudicial and pro management.


Speaking of Rugby....

#11Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

Oh and I never had a chance to meet my neighbors and it seems it only took one to ruin the experience. As I said they were drunk all the time screaming at me and calling me names, we never got to the fun stuff of "Being Buddies". Complaining to Jacqueline by email where I said that I "Do not want to get involved in a rugby scrum" with a neighbor had the woman next door out parading around in a shirt that said "Donate Blood Play Rugby" a few days later. All but walking backwards so I could see it plastered all over her back in bold black letters. So it seems Ms. McDonald shared that joke with her buddies next door, what do you think? I DO NOT consider that just a "Coincidence".

 I'd also not let others befriend me at this point to trap me in a place that has me breathing in fiberglass dust to protect a bad landlord or manager. Kate may need to consider it is the dust she is breathing in that she is allergic to, but that is going to be her problem to figure out. I don't care if she is a "Bellweather" for all things airborne or claims to be, my unit was defective and I am sure if she was honest with us and actually considered looking into it, she'd find hers was also. I think it lame she'd suggest others move from out of state and move into that place as is, or that we need to all have engineering degrees as I do and inspect each place we move into for such things. I assume or would like to at least, that certain things work safely. Maybe Kate can consider why she needs to dust every day she uses the heat or AC as I did?

 I also doubt Kate has my credentials and can speak to anything in those places and how they are built or engineered.

Face the facts:

 Concete pad in winter. Cold, no other way around that, you won't heat that thing at all. Better wear warm cozy socks and dress warm. Recall what I said about earwigs and don't forget Brown Recluse, those will kill a child as well as an adult. No mention of those in Kate's "Review".

Furnace and AC Heat Exchanger in an attic that is exposed to the outside air. Going into the attic you can see light where the wind comes in under the eaves since they are not sealed. If it is ten degrees outside, it is ten degrees up there. I know when your furnace is on in the winter because your snow melts off your roof right where it sits. Your duct work gets to be the outside temperature, when they get that cold, the air drops out of them onto you as you sleep. You are better off not having that conduction path at all but you do like it or not.

Your heat exchanger and inlet is not air tight, it draws in fiberglass from behind the filter and through the ducting to the heat exchanger. They tried to fix it using low restriction filters which does not work either.

 Be honest and don't just show up and make excuses for bad business and unsafe housing because you shook a few hands standing on the sidewalk one day. You are not qualified to do so and it smacks of more "Good Ole Boy" greasy palm sales tactics.

I'd also add that I found many of the people in that area hostile to outsiders, part of being a hillbilly I guess. They must have thought I came from NY City or something, not that this would matter. Little did they know I drive pickup trucks too, real large ones with motors I rebuild myself, and did so in some pretty remote places as well. I don't consider Gallatin or any part of TN to be the "Country". It just seems that everyone there is a real smart country boy, we are all just city slickers, and if you aint born in Gallatin, then you aint crap. I was told that by more than one person I met while I was there. I say fine, let them live in a tarpaper shack, I am not spending one penny there now or ever again. And I don't need to be "Educated" by a drunken neighbor who never made it out of 8th grade. I've been around the block and the world more times than I care to think about. I doubt he could even find Schwabish Hall if I gave him a map AND he was sober, and I doubt Kate can find all the embedded systems in her car let alone tell me how they work. Same is true of her heating and air conditioning. I can do that and more.

Despite what she says I'd not rent from these people for those reasons and keep in mind the lack of honesty about all of it. Oh and I'd bet Kate got preferential treatment since I could not even get a paintbrush and touchup paint out of Ms. McDonald, how come Kate rates and I don't? My money is just as green and my rent was paid weeks early more often than not.


Unfair and inaccurate?

#12Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

How can Kate speak to my experience and characterize it as unfair and inaccurate?

You can contact the Gallatin PD, I can provide you a report number.  I had to call the police more than once for Russell, no last name that I know of, who resides at 546 Rose Cottage Circle who was outside all the time drunk, skulking around the units, who became hostile and profane, charging at my residence more than once. 

It does not matter that one person feels they enjoy their unit, mine was cold all the time in the winter, you can not change that fact since there are no basements, and the heating and AC did not work properly. The way the things are built caused it to blow insulation dust all over the apartment and I had to breathe it. And so do you.  That and your duct work gets to the outside temperature as did mine and with the heat not running, they drop cold air out of the ceiling, so either you run the heat all the time and heat the great outdoors, or you freeze until the heat comes back on. 

I think once you wake up and realize you don't know what you are talking about and leave such things to people who've built homes before, you might be better served by living elsewhere since down the road you may encounter health problems also and wished you listened to someone like me.  Kate's place is built the same as mine and as such has to have the same problems as mine, she probably just does not realize it yet.  Walking in the neighborhood does not prove it is safe either, it just means you never witnessed the foolishness I had to put up with.  Talk to the other residents who did, like the people who lived across the street who saw "The Little n**i" Russell in action.

Just showing up here to Rose color your experience and whitewash mine seems like another lame attempt at damage control for what really are poorly built, very expensive, duplexes. I think if you've not encountered or realized these problems yet, there is no reason to refute my experience since it is just as valid and likely more so than yours.  I had to live there longer than you and needed to test management's ability NOT to fix things as well as their UNWILLINGNESS to do so. 

Your reply smacks of a paid endoresement for some useless landlords who rent defective homes and allow violent drunken idiots to ruin the neigborhood.  I also don't show up to refute your happy face reviews of other places, nor rain on your complaint parade elsewhere since it is possible you've not encountered or figured out what I have and vice versa.  In my mind it is better to know of the bad things since it should be harder to get a perfect review of someplace and you'd want to know about the things that don't work.  I think it is crooked you'd arrive on a website designed to air complaints and just start calling people liars and citing the "I took a walk" and it was ok defense of same.  It is possible for you to have a naive and uninformed opinion that says you like the manager Jacqueline, or made some deal with her to provide a good review and rebut of mine, or just not to know any better, and the rest of us who moved for these reasons to have had a bad experience, one does not preclude the other.  And your witness is probably worth less than mine since I lived there longer, and I know how these things should be built, you don't.  Your "Analysis" that offers dancing children is not sufficient to discount my experience and problem reports that were never resolved. Leading people into bad business as you do here really leaves you looking like another huckster.

My report is both fair and accurate and likely overly kind on both accounts.  There are other things I could complain about there as well, to be honest, I don't have the time or the energy and Kate just wastes more of both; mine, hers, and yours.  She offered nothing to directly refute my experience other than "I just moved there and talked to my neighbor and everything is wonderful".  Sounds inaccurate and unfair to me, I think Kate is full of crap and so is her friend Jacqueline McDonald.  And of course if she is friends with the creep next door to me such as Russell, then it is likely she'd say just what she said.  All of which you can toss in the trash as I am doing now.

We don't need your UnComplaint on the complaint website, thanks.  You also cite nothing to refute my claims which I stand by. 






Unfair and inaccurate?

#13Author of original report

Wed, July 07, 2010

How can Kate speak to my experience and characterize it as unfair and inaccurate?

You can contact the Gallatin PD, I can provide you a report number.  I had to call the police more than once for Russell, no last name that I know of, who resides at 546 Rose Cottage Circle who was outside all the time drunk, skulking around the units, who became hostile and profane, charging at my residence more than once. 

It does not matter that one person feels they enjoy their unit, mine was cold all the time in the winter, you can not change that fact since there are no basements, and the heating and AC did not work properly. The way the things are built caused it to blow insulation dust all over the apartment and I had to breathe it. And so do you.  That and your duct work gets to the outside temperature as did mine and with the heat not running, they drop cold air out of the ceiling, so either you run the heat all the time and heat the great outdoors, or you freeze until the heat comes back on. 

I think once you wake up and realize you don't know what you are talking about and leave such things to people who've built homes before, you might be better served by living elsewhere since down the road you may encounter health problems also and wished you listened to someone like me.  Kate's place is built the same as mine and as such has to have the same problems as mine, she probably just does not realize it yet.  Walking in the neighborhood does not prove it is safe either, it just means you never witnessed the foolishness I had to put up with.  Talk to the other residents who did, like the people who lived across the street who saw "The Little n**i" Russell in action.

Just showing up here to Rose color your experience and whitewash mine seems like another lame attempt at damage control for what really are poorly built, very expensive, duplexes. I think if you've not encountered or realized these problems yet, there is no reason to refute my experience since it is just as valid and likely more so than yours.  I had to live there longer than you and needed to test management's ability NOT to fix things as well as their UNWILLINGNESS to do so. 

Your reply smacks of a paid endoresement for some useless landlords who rent defective homes and allow violent drunken idiots to ruin the neigborhood.  I also don't show up to refute your happy face reviews of other places, nor rain on your complaint parade elsewhere since it is possible you've not encountered or figured out what I have and vice versa.  In my mind it is better to know of the bad things since it should be harder to get a perfect review of someplace and you'd want to know about the things that don't work.  I think it is crooked you'd arrive on a website designed to air complaints and just start calling people liars and citing the "I took a walk" and it was ok defense of same.  It is possible for you to have a naive and uninformed opinion that says you like the manager Jacqueline, or made some deal with her to provide a good review and rebut of mine, or just not to know any better, and the rest of us who moved for these reasons to have had a bad experience, one does not preclude the other.  And your witness is probably worth less than mine since I lived there longer, and I know how these things should be built, you don't.  Your "Analysis" that offers dancing children is not sufficient to discount my experience and problem reports that were never resolved. Leading people into bad business as you do here really leaves you looking like another huckster.

My report is both fair and accurate and likely overly kind on both accounts.  There are other things I could complain about there as well, to be honest, I don't have the time or the energy and Kate just wastes more of both; mine, hers, and yours.  She offered nothing to directly refute me experience other than "I just moved there and talked to my neighbor and everything is wonderful".  Sounds inaccurate and unfair to me, I think Kate is full of crap and so is her friend Jacqueline McDonald.  And of course if she is friends with the creep next door to me such as Russell, then it is likely she'd say just what she said.  All of which you can toss in the trash as I am doing now.

We don't need your UnComplaint on the complaint website, thanks.





Kate Bellamy

United States of America
A very different expierience

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, July 06, 2010

I recently came upon the Rip-off report when I was looking for available properties in "Stone Cottage Villas" to refer to a friend. I have had a very different experience here. We moved here about the same time as the reporting tenant. I like that it is a small, quiet community and have made it a point to know my neighbors. We often get together for picnics and walk the neighborhood together. I feel very safe and very comfortable here. Also, I had neighbors with young children and have never heard cupboard doors or anything else for that matter. We have made a few requests to the management for minor repairs and paint to touch up spots we damaged and they have handled them in a timely and friendly fashion. We have been warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Moving from out of state to Tennessee has caused us some discomfort from allergies (as I was told to expect by my doctor before we moved) but if I were breathing fiberglass I think I would know it as I have had sensitive lungs most of my life. I think it is unfortunate that this person had such a bad experience but I felt compelled to respond as I feel his report was unfair and inaccurate. I would recommend this community to anyone looking for a quiet, comfortable place to live.


Also note NO STREET ADDRESS for the management.

#15Author of original report

Wed, June 16, 2010

Please note that this "Businesss" only has a PO box and no office street address and this PO box seems to change.  It is hard to nail down how and who is managing the places.  Management does business at the units, I signed my lease on site.  All rent checks get mailed to another PO box.  Phone numbers are cell phones, or unlisted, the manager's is unlisted also.

Checking their domain name is useful since the changed it recently:


Registrant: Gary Prince PO BOX 708 Cypress, California 90630 United States Domain Name: TLECSERVICES.COM

Created on: 25-May-10 Expires on: 25-May-15 Last Updated on: 25-May-10 Administrative Contact: Prince, Gary [email protected] PO BOX 708 Cypress, California 90630 United States (714) 220-9074 Fax -- Technical Contact: Prince, Gary PO BOX 708 Cypress, California 90630 United States (714) 220-9074 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order: NS7.IXWEBHOSTING.COM NS8.IXWEBHOSTING.COM

The old domain was:

Registrant: TLEC PO Box 485 Nolensville, Tennessee 37135 United States Domain Name: TENNRENT.COM

Created on: 15-Aug-06 Expires on: 21-Feb-11 Last Updated on: 11-Jun-10 Administrative Contact: Pepe, Amanda [email protected] TLEC PO Box 485 Nolensville, Tennessee 37135 United States 6155199522 Fax -- 6155199522 Technical Contact: Pepe, Amanda TLEC PO Box 485 Nolensville, Tennessee 37135 United States 6155199522 Fax -- 6155199522

Domain servers in listed order: NS7.IXWEBHOSTING.COM NS8.IXWEBHOSTING.COM

I should have avoided them just based on this, but did not think of it then.

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