  • Report:  #533840

Complaint Review: Trinity Institute Of Christian Counseling - harvest Alabama

Reported By:
Alchemy Doc - , Arkansas, United States of America

Trinity Institute Of Christian Counseling
www.trinity-sem.edu harvest, Alabama, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Trinity is the same old rip-off you might find elsewhere.  The Weyant's have made a pretty penny by bilking the good servants of the Lord out of their hard earned cash. They gobble it up and use "volunteers" they've duped to do all the work.  Apparently, the Lord doesn't like to share His bountiful blessings.  As for the computer crash... that's crap. They first were called BFFF, Inc. (or something like that), and then Trinity Institute of Christian Counseling (hiding well under the 1st Ammendment umbrella of the Trinity Evangelical Christian Ministries- also run by none other than the Weyants).

I guess someone finally realized that an "Institute" does not usually confer doctorates (a divine revelation, perhaps?) and now they've morphed into Trinity Evangelical Christian University!  Wow!  Talk about delusional!  Although the certificates on their site still read "Trinity Institute", the crap they hock at CafePress reads something else, too.  Oh, what a tangled web we weave.  They don't even know who the hell they are.  Their website portrays the proud smiling suckers (and apparently cowboys) they duped into spending hundreds of dollars on worthless certificates and over-priced academic regalia.  Perhaps they are smiling because they know something we don't?  The Bible warns that it is a sin to lead people into thinking you are something that you are not. 

Behind that lying smile awaits Satan's cunning breath.  Also, why does it take 4-6 weeks to print a diploma on certificate paper purchased at Office Max (which no REAL university would ever do)?  I can print you one in five minutes and for hundreds less.  I'll even post it the same day and you can be a doctor by supper-time.  What a scam.  The Trinity minions will no doubt swarm to the good Reverend Weyants' defense.  If you want to act like a doctor, either go to acting or medical school.  At least then, no one will talk about how deluded and you are behind your back.  The truth will hurt when they find out and you are cast out of their circles for violating their trust.  (Hint: Folks don't like that kinda' stuff.)  Ask yourself...  Does God really bless churches based on lies and deceit?

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Why do you ignore your students? Such as myself for over 6 years

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, November 30, 2015

I would like to have believed that Trinity Institute of Christian Counseling was a reputable Religious Institution. I have formal academic degrees in Medicine, Public health, Behavioral Medicine etc. I also have Masters Degree in Rabbinic Studies and Hebrew Letters. Because of my interest in Pastoral Counseling rather than Secular Psychology, I applied to this institution for a Doctor of Psychology in Pastoral Counseling based on earned credits and transfers from other institution, where I did actual extensive course work. I recieve a Doctor of Psychology Degree in Pastoral Counseling. However I was confused about the transcripts, because the Transcripts doesn't even remotely reflect the Course work I had taken whatsoever. I can post my transcripts and show it doesn't even reflect the current Course work required to recieved a Doctor fo Psychology in Pastoral Counseling as listed on the college website....

When I began to inquire how my transcripts ended up with these courses that made absolutely no sense as it related to Pastoral Counseling, My inquiries went ignored. I kept making calls and filing Tickets to be reviewed. In each instance by ticket was cancellled. So I filed a complaint. Nothing was resolved. When I leave messages on the answering machine, my message go completely ignored. Then they changed their names from the Institute to the University. So then I was stuck with Transcripts that did not reflect my experience, course work etc, but now I cannot get updated transcript to reflect the new college name..... I literally have filed a support ticket around 20 times per year since 2009.... That does not included calling and leaving messages.... My support tickets were cancelled every time....

How is that a college of integrity? How is that being honest? How is that being spiritual and examples?  I am now the president of a global Jewish Yeshiva, that provides academic and spiritual education to impoverished and underpriviledged children in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. We are properly and legally registered and recognized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Global Compact. We are also apart of the International Association of Educators for World Peace. Not only would I never tolerate our College doing such to a student after they'd worked hard to recieve their Diploma or Degree, But I would expect any college to not tolerate this kind of behavior...

If this were a true University, religious or not, I wouldn't have had hundreds of support tickets deliberately cancelled, emails ignored and phone calls ignored. It was soo pathetic that this College has been emailing me every week with updates, and yet I can send a email, my email gets ignored yet they are emailing me to update me on what is going on with the college...

I say If you are true, then I challenge this college to prove it. Show some respect and integrity and do right by me and your other students. Fix my 6 year plus problem and prove you are not mere ripoofs and frauds....

People are not complaing for no reason, espcially me. I heave been courteous for all of these 6 years because as a spiritual man and leader, I refuse to allow the wrong behavior of others cause me to stoop down to a level  that doesn't reflect my character

Report Attachments


United States of America
Not so fast...

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, February 01, 2010

I've been an active Trinity Member for nearly a decade. I just felt like I should share this information from their FAQ page, because this poster is way off base in my opinion (http://www.trinity-edu.com/tecu-faq-c-29.html):

Is Trinity Evangelical Christian University accredited? When asking if the Seminary is accredited it is important to note we are talking only about the degree-granting function of our Seminary. Ordinations are granted by The United New Testament Church, International and there is never a question whether an ordination is "accredited" or "unaccredited" because there is no such thing as accrediting a church. Churches have complete freedom to give minister and rabbi credentials as they see fit. The question of accrediting only applies to degrees.

Our Seminary does grant religious degrees for use in Christian ministry and does so legally without accreditation because we are exempt. (we don't grant academic degrees, only religious degrees). Unfortunately, many people have been heavily indoctrinated by the "Big 6" accreditation companies (yes, they are private companies - not Government entities) and will claim that non-accredited schools are somehow illegal, fake "diploma mills" or in some other way inferior. This may be true for secular educational institutions - and "fake" organizations certainly do exist - but what they are forgetting is that legitimate church affiliated religious educational programs are legally protected and set apart by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Furthermore, as many other religious degree-granting institutions have chosen to do, we wish to maintain our independence from state interference and regulation. Many seminaries choose not to take part in the accreditation system even though we would qualify easily. (And qualify to pay their $10,000 - $40,000 accrediting fees!) As a religious organization that exclusively grants religious degrees, we do not wish to be subject to any state regulatory or "approval" system. 

Furthermore the fees for applying for and then annually maintaining accreditation are exorbitant, which would require us to triple, even quadruple, our tuition. There exists a system, a sort of vicious cycle, wherein dedicated devout people with middle class incomes cannot get credentials. Only the wealthy or those able to enslave themselves to twenty years of student loans can afford to pay the accredited institutions' fees. Our alumni include lawyers and doctors who have told us we are a refreshing exception to that glass ceiling. Due to the separation of Church and State, churches and seminaries are entitled to remain independent -- in all things being set apart. Therefore we remain unaccredited, technically termed non-accredited, or exempt from accreditation, by choice.

Is Trinity Evangelical Christian University incorporated? No - and we are not required to be.  TECU is the educational arm (Seminary) of The United New Testament Church, International. What you are asking when you ask if an organization is "incorporated" is actually two fold: "What about their legal structure - how are they set up for daily function?" and "Are they registered with the Government?".  The legal structure of our worldwide church is a Personal Prelature - TECU is the training arm of that organization. As far as Government registration, it is Constitutionally illegal to require this of churches, therefore we operate within the full authority of the law. 

Is Trinity Evangelical Christian University legal? Yes - as legal and valid as any other educational institution in the world. We exist to train Christian ministers in matters of Christian ministry. We aren't for everyone, and have never claimed to be. Furthermore, the state in which we practice our faith (Alabama) does not require religious educational institutions to register for an "Statement of Authority to Grant Degrees". It is not required of us - we are completely within the law to train our ministers in the manner of our choosing without any sort of governmental registration.

Someone said Trinity Evangelical Christian University is fake. Is this true? Saying something about an organization doesn't make it true... In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. We train real ministers who make a difference in the world every day. We offer real courses, requiring real work. Many of our courses, in fact, have been reported to be as "tough" as some of the most prestigious Seminaries around. Our graduates have been accepted into active ministerial positions in the United Methodist Church, the Lutheran Church, the American Catholic Church,  as well as many Non-Denominational churches, worldwide.

Often, these kinds of statements come from individuals who may not be very well educated in matters of religious education.  They may know a great deal about secular education, but religious education is Constitutionally an entirely different matter. Attempting to oppress religious educational freedoms by imparting an understanding of secular educational laws and models is unfortunately a relatively common practice. We have heard of this before, and undoubtedly will again. For those who have done their homework with regard to religious educational freedoms, statements like these only highlight the individual's lack of education and understanding in the matter.

The bottom line is that we exist to train Christian ministers to reach the world for Christ. Some people will stop at nothing to prevent this kind of positive outreach.

Why did Trinity Evangelical Christian University change its name in 2009? The educational arm of this ministry was originally called Trinity Institute of Christian Counseling, and offered only coursework and degree programs specifically related to the area of Christian Counseling. This name change was done in response to growth - to broaden the school's ability to train new and existing ministers in differing areas of Christian ministry outside of the field of Christian Counseling. Many schools start out as an institute of specialty training, only to grow and expand their offerings as the opportunities and needs arise. We are no different. There isn't anything at all unusual about a Seminary reacting positively to accommodate the growth it experiences.

Is it true that TECU is run by Volunteers? Yes! We have an extraordinary team of dedicated Volunteers who are committed to equipping Christian ministers with quality educational programs at affordable prices. In fact, our Volunteer structure is one of the main reasons we are able to keep program enrollment contributions so affordable!

Why does the site say to allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery? What's wrong with TECU that it takes so long? This suggested timeframe is mainly to accommodate the time it takes the Board to review course work submissions, and to approve or disapprove the work. We don't just print off a sheet of paper - there is actual work involved. It should be said that this length of time for delivery is extremely rare. Most certifications and degree packages are disbursed to the graduate within 2 - 3 weeks, at most. In the busiest of times, we do ask that you allow for 4 - 6 weeks.

In doing a simple search for the term "allow 4-6 weeks for delivery", we found over 313,000 websites representing perfectly legitimate organizations who recommend this exact same time frame. To insinuate that this is some sort of shady business practice is highly inaccurate, if not laughable.

Why can't I reach anyone by phone? When are you calling?  The Ministry office hours are clearly printed on each page of our websites. During those times, volunteers are available by phone and by live chat to assist you in any way they can. If the lines go to voice mail during those hours, it means the lines are busy and we are helping other ministers. Be sure to leave a message. We have no way of knowing you need help if you simply call and hang up. 

"Accreditation is a process colleges and universities submit to voluntarily.

Regional agencies accredit entire schools, and professional agencies accredit either specialized schools or departments within schools. There are no national accrediting standards.

Because accreditation is not mandatory, lack of accreditation does not necessarily mean a school or program is bad. Some schools choose not to apply for accreditation."

by U.S. Department of Labor - Published 1996 (view the original document here)


United States of America

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 28, 2010

Many, many organizations are incorporated / do business under various, similar names.

I suspect that many "real" universities buy paper at OfficeMax. Did you think there was some special paper store for prestigious colleges?

Beyond that, you ought to have known what you were getting into. Christian denominations, certificates, etc. are a metaphorical dime for a dozen, especially in the Southeast. Every other yokel you run into down there is Associate Bishop of the Landmark Free Will Temple of Hopelessness (or whatever). You sound like just one more cog in this machine of idiocy and oppression.

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