  • Report:  #1046344

Complaint Review: Trust /Benjamin Mire - Internet

Reported By:
shirin - London, ,

Trust /Benjamin Mire
Colindale Internet, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Benjamin Mire/ Trust. Based in London Colindale.

Was/is the night mare for our block of flat. AS the result of his corrupt behaviour our insurance premium jumped up 10 times. Our roof was / is leaking for more than 13 years. He wanted to build another storey on the top. This is why he neglected our roof. He allowed every body to move in for the sake of money. Our corridor changed to a place for smoking and drinking. We did/do not have security.

He charged us 50,000.00!! for a felt roof. Our roof was asphalt 145 square meters. Did not finish the work. New company Crabtree took over, he still is influencing them. New company is asking for 85,000.00!!we are in mess. Benjamin Mire sits in LVT panel.!! http://www.carlex.co/benjamin-mire/

7 Updates & Rebuttals


MR MIRE/Crabtree/Corrison Water tank/ Dead Pigon in the water

#2Author of original report

Mon, January 27, 2014



Following to my recent report. Please look at the picture at the background.

This hole in tank house  has not been repaired for 4 years. The pipes  has not been covered also. Pigons has gone to the cold water tank.

Crabtree is complaining which did not have money. We have been charged around £9300! for our  building insurence. with my attempt this has been reduced to around £4000. They were willing to spend £6000.00 for entrence door and security camera.The entrence door was changed 3 years ago for £2000. We have not been given  autided acount for 3 years.

Much more about the account!

when our block and resident life will be resqued?



Benjamin Mire/Trust. Corrosin and Dead pigon in the water

#3Author of original report

Mon, January 27, 2014



Over the years I reported the situation of the roof and the pictures showed the hole in the house which water cold water tank is kept. The picture has been sent to County court, LVT, OF, etc.

NO body picked on the extend of crimes and amages in Albert Court. Every body was busy with the COSTS!

Now, the result which has come from surveying the cold water in the tank; which is for daily use of 12 flats shows the danger and the risk of using this water. The corrosion and dead pigon has been found in the water....

Th roof job was done during MR Mire for nearly 50,000.00. Job was never finished . NO body took my complaints seriously.

Every body was busy to make money from our block.


Benjamin Mire/Trust

#4Author of original report

Fri, November 15, 2013



I am please to announced Mr Mire can not hide away any more. Please look at two following link.






LKP, bravely stood against one man who made leaseholders and thier property suffer. Mr Mire is not forgiven for all damages he created in  Albert Court W2, and its leaheholder owners.


Benjamin Mire/Trust

#5Author of original report

Sat, November 09, 2013

Leasehold Knowledge partnership /keeping the wolves from your door (LKP)website; on Novemebr 6, 2013 wrote an article as follow:

Parlimentary queations over Benjamin Mire Case

Please read the article.


Benjamin Mire/Trust

#6Author of original report

Sat, August 31, 2013

Mr Mire Took ontrol of our building in 1999. In the first meeting with the residents I felt I am no body I felt humiliated and frightened. . On 3rd of August 2001 we recieved a letter from him, his company was (RICS Benjamin Mire). In this letter he asked each of us to pay around £20,000.00 for refurbishing the block.He already accepted and introduced  the tender of a company called(Mulalley & Co Ltd) to us. He gave us one week to pay the costs! I remebr prior to receiving this letter one  of the leaseholders called me and asked me "to sit down steady I have a shocking news for you". He was the first person gave me the above shocking news. At that tim the value of our property was arounf 50,000.00- I still  have his letter. In this letter he also suggested he is asking for planning permission to build one story above our block. Albert Court still has not recovered from  this first shock was given by Mr Mire.

His above plans were stopped.He was like a black cloud above the building and entire  leaseholders' energy was used to push him back and have some control. His invoices started to come for the services which was not delivered. Threatening solicitor letter, court letters , bullying and black mailing was following.

My complaints and feedbacks to Mr mire was responded to in a very arogant way. once I was told: " you shot up, you and your funny accnent, do you understand Ebglish Woman!?" And once, on the phone he told me: "you always are moaning, the job is not finished yet, I do not answer your question unless you drop a cheque"

In 2003-2004 Mr Mire sold  our freehold to a company called Greentree Estate, at this stage he changed the company name to (NESBITT & MIRE). The two directors of this company are Mr Paul Barret and Dony Spiro. The cousultation documents in my belief  were not deliverd  in a legal way. Even once Mr Dony said; " we bought the freehold in an auction, we did not view ths block , there are some illigality". The rights of leaseholders in my belive were taken away from them. At this periond some of very valuable leaseholders sold their flats and walked away. Albert Court changed from a freindly and quiet place to a misery. Our block was used for different occupancy with no supervision. Subletting was not cheked and all sort of people even different businesses were stablished in our residentail block. People moved in to make some quick money. Greentree Emploees were following the same approach similar to Mr Mire; dismissive, impolite and arogant on the phone. They even did not know where was the block, Mr Donny visited the block for the first time with me in 2010.

At this stage Mr Mire company's name changed to (Trust). The pain and fear stopped me going to AC for a while. Once I went there in 2007 with the company of my son and fainted. Leaking water from two roofs, shop roof as well as main roof,The block was not cleaned for many years, broken windows, dirty carpet, you name it.  PLease go to Albert Court W2 face book page. meanwhile Trust kept sending invoicecs.

Our roof was changed from Ashphelt to Felt in 2009 without any counsulation. We were chrged £50,000.00 for this job. £12000 was for changing the rotteon wood on the roof.  The plaster work in the building has been damaged as the result of long terem leak.

Mr Mire passed the management to Crabtree in 2009. Unfortuanately our hope shattered again and nothing changed.This company in some area even made  the situation worse. I have been involved in AC afair  from 2009 and I am doing a big part of the management job. In past police, westminster Council were regularly visisting the block due to criminal acts of vanldalising  and using our common area for smoking drungs and even buying drugs. In first 6 months of 2012 AC has been targetted by vandalisers 6 times and even we have knife theretening crime once in the block. Crabtree did not do any thing for this, no visit from Them. I visisted the block weekly and tried to bring some awarenss to the other leasholders. All crabtree did sent insurence polict to htose who want to claim the losses.

Our Building  insurence  has gone up  from around £800 in 1998 to £9000. Crabtree has informed us that there is no limit to fill application for claiming  losses with our Building Insurence policy!

We end up to go to LVT twice. Mr Mire Stopped the cases to go for hearing. He himself used to sit on LVT panel.Recently I have made a complaint to Ms Siobhan  McGrath the president of LVt. She has confirmed more complaints regarding Mr Mire and has  promised to do her investigation and help us. I have to say at LVT each time I had massive help and support from emploees. But Mr Mire could enforce his way even at LVT.

I am doing eevery thing to save Albert Court and clear the past and start a new bright future. I have asked My MP, ARMA and any other authority. Please help us if you can.

Report Attachments


Benjamin Mire, Lakeside Developments & Trust Property Management

#7General Comment

Thu, August 08, 2013

All of the above companies & people being one and the same, require to be taken to task. The only way is to use those same laws that Benjamin Mire uses BUT use them to you benefit.

I did and to him to a Tribunal. – AND WON

Our small block of only 4 flats was awarded £3421.96 refund

The Freeholder (Mire) was not able to demonstrate that the charges were reasonably incurred thus they were ordered to ;

Refund the Asbestos charge as such a survey was totally unnecessary – Refund £458.85

Freeholder ordered to refund ONE HALF of that management charge since 2005  Refund £2549.13

Freeholder ordered to refund Accountancy Fees – Refund £413.98

Within the determination The Tribunal commented, That in respect of The Asbestos Survey the freeholder at no time passed onto the contractor the year of build which clearly within the Health & Safety Regulations a survey for properties built after 2000 is not necessary.

It is clear that Mire did this (or lies) to charge unnecessary fees. I am aware the Benjamin Mire has for more that our property, made this charge which is clearly illegal. So if your property is built after the year 2000 and Mire has charged you then under case Number CH1/19UC/LSC/2012/0063 – CLAIM YOUR REFUND NOW

The Tribunal said that they are disappointed that it took over two years to do “A Fire Assessment”  of course Mire waited to put the report thru this company, 4site consulting so he could make the money – it does not get away from the fact That Lakeside, Trust and Mire broke the Law.

The Tribunal said that Trust overcharged in their management fees as a comparison to local fees.  It noted “A Lack of Routine Maintenance”  

That there was more than one breach of The Landlords Covenants when Mire (remember he is a qualified Surveyor and he clearly knows the law) said that covenants are his right to pick and choose what covenants he decides to do – This statement by Mire is in my view something that Mire should be fined on – The statement is ridicules and its wrong he can say this and get away with it.

The Tribunal also stated that they were disappointed that Trust did not maintain their records to show they visited the property. Of course Trust had the records but they did not produce them as it wold have proved they neglected the property. In fact the Tribunal said “They only were able to prove management visits twice in 6 years.

We did not win all we claimed mainly due to the bad system which we the owners are not clear on, but a refund of £3421.96 is a jolly good start

Its £855.49 per flat and now we also have “The Right to Manage” which kicks Mire out of our property

For Mire, there is more to come – watch this space

Benjamin Mire

Albert Court, 353/355 Edgware Road, London W2

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, April 30, 2013

 If any reader is interested in the truth of this matter they should read the LVT determination at http://www.lease-advice.org/decisions/8587pdf/6001-7000/6979.pdf in which they will see that the applicant's case was dismissed on the grounds it was an abuse of process.

If any reader would like a copy of that determination or of the LVT's subsequent determination that "...the grounds of appeal provide further evidence of the applicant's approach to her case..." in the applicant's appeal for leave to appeal they should contact me at [email protected]

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