  • Report:  #153624

Complaint Review: United Auto Credit - Greensboro North Carolina

Reported By:
- Stuart, Virginia,

United Auto Credit
Greensboro NC 27417-7419 Greensboro, 27417-7419 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Payment is due on the 7th of every month. This company will call you several times on that day and speak with you in a very unproffessional manner at work and at home.. I was staying with some friends temporaily for about a month at their home about 5 miles from where I reside. The seventh fell on a Sunday and I went the next day on the 8th and Western Union the payment. The continued to call everyone that I knew and even drove 50 miles to look at my car. My wifes Grandmother at our residents just told her I do not know what you are talking about I do not have a blue car. When I got home that day she told me what happened and I could not believe it. Where does these people get thier proffessional office skills. I think they want you to, if you finance an auto through them, they think you should send them a schedule of all your plans of your life, where you are going on vacation, how long you are going to be there and everything. My payments are up to date and have insurance on it and they are still harrassing me. They have even called a friend of mine and my parents numerous times even though My payments is not due again until the 7th of Sept. I have dealt with companies in the past and this by far is the most unprofessional place to do business I have ever seen. One lady on the phone even used a few curse words with me at one point a few months ago. I have gave them my address and I had two phones at this address I canceled one of them and they freaked out. I am switching jobs and have taken my vacation days and have been staying with a friends extra house to help with some work there and they have freaked out even though payments are not due yet. What is the deal with these people. When I get this car paid off or find some other company to fiance it, I will never EVER deal with this company again and will make it a lifetime commitment to direct tohers away from this company


Stuart, Virginia

13 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 14, 2006

I can't believe some of the responses I see on here. This marc Character really thinks he has the answer to everything. Once again Macr, congratulations on being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I used to work for UACC unfortunately, and I've seen how they work. People whether or not that have good credit deserve to be treated with respect. Of couse you should pay your bills on time, but as the saying goes, s**t happens! Some things can't be controlled unfortunately. That does not give anyone the right to make them feel like dirt. To Tom, the office you worked in must have been nice. The one I worked in sent people out as early as 2 days late. I've listened to them call people deadbeats and threaten them. That is so illegal. I don't care who you are, no one has the right to speak to someone like. The company is so unprofessional! I've already filed a report with the FTC about their practices because it makes me sick. I wish everyone who has been belittled by this company had recorded calls of them. I didn't do the collections, thank goodness, but to have to sit there and listen to it was hard enough. I've been in collections before, and I can say the way they do it is wrong and illegal. They go as far as to be nasty or as they say firm with the person before they even give the final approval. Telling them this is how it is, I don't ever want to talk to you after this and so on. I hope they go out of business soon. At the rate they're going, I hope it won't be too far off. Everyone needs to quit talking crap about a situation they have no idea about (ATTN: Marc).


New York,
Sorry to TOm.. That last post was meant for Pete

#3Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 13, 2006

Sorry Tom.. That last post was meant for PETE


New York,
My sense of humor

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 21, 2006

Tom, Challenged credit is not my euphanism for dead beat. Most folks were challenged prior to getting involved with UACC. Not everyone with challenged credit is the type to NOT pay their bills. Many of us, had unforseen issues which got us behind. Just keep in mind, one twist of fate and your credit could be damaged by the loss of a job, deadbeat wife or husband, medical bills, etc. I find it interesting how you seem to be so interested in us unfortunate souls who have had to deal with the inhumane treatment this company bestows upon their "valued" customers. Tom, let me ask you this... I'll set the scenario. You are hospitalized due to a severe illness. You have not had the opportunity to even pick up your payroll check to deposit it in the bank. So, you end up having to be late by say, 2 days on your account because you physically have to be able to leave the hospital to cash the check in order to pay UACC. So, you call UACC to explain the situation to them so they dont think you are being the typical deadbeat. (while you are in the hospital) Then UACC begins HARASSING you at the hospital every day you are in there to see if you have been discharged yet? I am certain there are those folks out there who are just deadbeats however, do you think YOUR car loan company would resort to harassing you while you are in intensive care to shake you down for a car payment that is 2 days late? Oh and for added fun, because they could not get a hold of you while you were having tests in the hospital and was not in your room.. they decided to start calling references and telling them what a piece of crap, no good deadbeat you are... Oh here's another good one... While I was on medical leave to recover from major surgery, I did not answer your phone one day and they decided to call my JOB and tell the human resource director that I wasn't really sick and I was out of town. This almost cost me my job. I wish I could have filed suit on them for this not to mention for the unnecessary stress. So, until you have actually dealt with these low lifes, please do not assume you know everyone's personal situation. Bottom line: Regardless of your credit status, NO ONE has the right to disclose personal information, harass you or treat you the way UACC treats their clients. I have a friend who has challenged credit and had their car loan through HSBC which is also a subprime lender and was NEVER treated like this.


Valley View,
I like your humor, Kristina

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, February 20, 2006

Tell me, is your use of the new term 'challenged credit' your political correctness or is it a euphemism for 'dead beat?' If a first time buyer who has no credit goes about paying his bills in this manner, it certainly is not the correct route to establish credit now, is it? I've read many, many reports here about this company and all the complaints are: I don't pay on time so they come after me--which is highly illegal. NOT! Tom has the right idea. Pay on time and you'll never hear from them.


This is the real deal

#6UPDATE Employee

Mon, February 20, 2006

Guys. I worked at United Auto Credit as a debt collector. In fact, I was a debt collector for 16 years. I thought i had seen it all. United auto credit is without a doubt has the harshest collection practices i have ever seen. Who has 16 years experience in a variety of collections? Not that many people. Nobody at united auto credit did. I did. I was immediately aghast that they wanted me to tell people that they could NOT pay on their payday because their payment would be 2 days late. I was also AGHAST to find out the interest rate was the state maximum 24.99% I was also horrified to find that I had to go out personally in my own car and hunt these people down at their work or home , if they were more than 5 days late. When someone is dealing with subprime, you charge more interest because there is more risk. I tried telling them that tightening a 'noose' around their necks would cause more to default than help. They could care less. They literally think and treat the borrowers like they are sub humans with less rights than the rest of us. I tried telling borrowers to pay early so they dont get into this mess, but again these folks are on tight budgets, and are not the most responsible people in the world. Thus the 24% interest. United Auto Credit wants it both ways. They want the 24% cause the folks are high risk, but they ALSO then turn around and scold them like they should be 750 fico credit score people. Saying 'oh visiting their house isnt illegal' is in fact true. However, it is highly intimidating for someone who doesnt know what this person will do if they dont cough up whatever they want on the spot. Most of the time the people i went to visit 'were not home' or more likely were afraid to come to the door. These people cannot understand why the phone company , the mortgage company, cell phone company, and all of their other creditors do NOT come physically banging on their door when their payment is a lousy 5 days overdue. They do not call their home and job when the bill is one day overdue and call their family and friends when its 2 days overdue. How do you explain to them UNITED AUTO CREDIT deserves to treat them differnt? It doesnt wash. Calling references, jobs, etc, is very old collection tactics. Its intent is to 'embarass' the truant customer into paying. Not to 'find the guy' as collectors will 'state for the record'. Its an old trick to actuall reveal to their significant others that 'creditors' are calling, which is the same thing as violating the FDCPA as 3rd party disclosure. GET AWAY from united auto credit. If you cant, do whatever you can to get 2 weeks ahead on your payment, then just pay it once a month 2 weeks ahead. You will never hear from them if you do that.


New York,
Pete Misses the point too

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 17, 2006

Again, The suggestion was never about not paying the company back. If you read the OTHER THREADS, you will see, UACC also does not practice ethical business practices even with customers who pay on time or perhaps even had a buy off check. UACC still tried to collect on this. Unless you ever dealt with this company directly or actually read the other threads with the various circumstances, I do not think you are able to comment on this situation. Again. No one regardless of their credit status deserves to be treated like they are treated by this company. Again, just because a person has challenged credit, does not make them fair game for this type of treatment. We are simply trying to educate others in the same situation.


Valley View,

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2006

How right you are! " you do not have to accept a loan offer." Especially if they're going to expect you to pay it back! Why not learn to live within your means? Or are you one of the many, many who have your credit cards all maxed out, keep issuing NSF checks, and then expect a legitimate loan company to let you slide?


New York,
Marc misses the point

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 16, 2006

Yes, the answer to dealing with any finaicial institution is to pay the bill on time. No one is disputing this fact. However, obviously you have never had the misfortune of having to deal with this group. Unfortuntaly, all it takes is one twist of fate and you could have a credit issue too. The issue me and everyone else on this forum has with UACC is the fact that they use ILLEGAL collection practices and treat their customers poorly from the get go. Bottom line. Just because you have challenged credit does not make you less of a person or less deserving of commen respect. I think Marc misses this point entirely. If you read all the posts you will see that this is a common theme with this company. What about the person who is a first time buyer and has no credit? Do they deserve to be treated like a child, threatened, bullied and be treated like a criminal too? What about the person who went through a divorce and their spouse ruined their credit? Do they deserve to be talked to treated like a criminal?


So don't borrow from them

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2006

One comment says, "Just because you have bad credit it doesn't make you less of a person." Well,it DOES make you less of a person in the financial world. It makes you a monthly headache and a potential court case. How do you ensure that your payment gets posted into their account on time? What if their clerk is out sick? You could really outsmart them by paying your bill a couple of days earlier than the due date, ever think of that? On the due date they'ed be checking their books and say, "There's ol Mark, outsmarting us again. No phone call this month. And here we are thinking he's a deadbeat loser. d**n, were we wrong." No, you won't do that, you like the drama.


So don't borrow from them

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2006

One comment says, "Just because you have bad credit it doesn't make you less of a person." Well,it DOES make you less of a person in the financial world. It makes you a monthly headache and a potential court case. How do you ensure that your payment gets posted into their account on time? What if their clerk is out sick? You could really outsmart them by paying your bill a couple of days earlier than the due date, ever think of that? On the due date they'ed be checking their books and say, "There's ol Mark, outsmarting us again. No phone call this month. And here we are thinking he's a deadbeat loser. d**n, were we wrong." No, you won't do that, you like the drama.


So don't borrow from them

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2006

One comment says, "Just because you have bad credit it doesn't make you less of a person." Well,it DOES make you less of a person in the financial world. It makes you a monthly headache and a potential court case. How do you ensure that your payment gets posted into their account on time? What if their clerk is out sick? You could really outsmart them by paying your bill a couple of days earlier than the due date, ever think of that? On the due date they'ed be checking their books and say, "There's ol Mark, outsmarting us again. No phone call this month. And here we are thinking he's a deadbeat loser. d**n, were we wrong." No, you won't do that, you like the drama.


So don't borrow from them

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, February 16, 2006

One comment says, "Just because you have bad credit it doesn't make you less of a person." Well,it DOES make you less of a person in the financial world. It makes you a monthly headache and a potential court case. How do you ensure that your payment gets posted into their account on time? What if their clerk is out sick? You could really outsmart them by paying your bill a couple of days earlier than the due date, ever think of that? On the due date they'ed be checking their books and say, "There's ol Mark, outsmarting us again. No phone call this month. And here we are thinking he's a deadbeat loser. d**n, were we wrong." No, you won't do that, you like the drama.


New York,
My Mission to educate

#14Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 15, 2006

I too, am a victim of United Auto Credit. Over the last 4 years of this loan, I have endured harassment, beliegerance, intimidation, stalking and frustration with this company. I recently declared bankruptcy due to mounting medical bills. I included my car in the bankruptcy because I could not endure the abuse any longer. Just remember if you become a "valued" customer of United Auto Credit be prepared for the following: 1. If you are 5 minutes late, for harassing phone calls to begin. 2. If you do not immediately return a phone call to have your friends and family harassed. 3. To be abused via phone. 4. Have them show up to your place of employment demanding payment. 5. Calls to people's relatives on your reference list. This one really mystifies me to how they found my references mother who has a different last name and lives in a different state. I figure they ILLEGALLY obtained the information some how. 6. God forbid you go on vacation, move, change jobs, or live your life. The expectatin from UACC is you give them an itinerary of your life plans. 7. Threatened Repo for inadvertanly transposing a number on a Western Union payment then demanding you pay $15 to Western Union $11 in order to not be repo'd. 8. Phone calls harassing you prior to the time your payment is even due. I could go on and on.. Bottom line folks, be EDUCATED before you buy a car. United Auto Credit is one of the worst out there and I have also heard this from several dealerships specializing in challenged credit. Also, if you absolutely have to use UACC for a loan, also be educated. Know your rights and educated yourself with your contract. The mentality of UACC is just because someone has poor credit, they are void of any intelligence. My advice is be on time. and EDUCATE yourself ! That is all you can do. Unfortunately, things may come up that you can not avoid. They do not care. Most of my problems regarding cash flow with this group stemmed from some serious medical problems which effected me financially. In reading everyone's posts, I feel the frustration... again: just because you have bad credit.. does not make you less of a person. ask questions and remember: you do not have to accept a loan offer.

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