  • Report:  #472505

Complaint Review: University Of Phoenix (UoP) - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Raleigh, North Carolina,

University Of Phoenix (UoP)
3157 E. Elwood St. Phoenix, 85034 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I filed chapter 7 on October 15, 2005. The discharge was February 22, 2006.

In 2004 I was sold by a telemarketer for University of Phoenix. Being that I was a young mom and a full time employee, I didn't want to take all the classes they suggested only to see if I could juggle adding classes to my already busy life. The class I enrolled in was a class to prepare me to go to the school online...Not an actual class. I had a tuition with the school of $775.00. However, 3 weeks later, my son contracted Hepatitis and I called the school to let them know I could not continue. I told them I very much wanted to complete college eventually but I had to focus on him and I was withdrawing. My admittance counselor told me that since it was less than 30 days I could withdraw and to let him know if I was planning to return.

A year and a half later, we could not keep up with the cost of living during my son's illness and we filed for chapter 7. After our discharge, I obtained a copy of my credit report and knew that I would need to update all the accounts with the bankruptcy information. But I noticed two accounts that were odd. I didn't think too much of it at first because they were included in the chapter 7. But they were 1) College Loan and 2) Acs (both I found are the same company but reporting as if I had two accounts with them.) I called them to update them and they told me that it was a student loan submitted to them by University of Phoenix 6 months AFTER I had already withdrawn from the school.

I have been fighting this and fighting this for a long time. University of Phoenix had been reporting it, College Loan had been reporting this and ACS had been reporting this. Then, this year in February (3 years after my discharge) I found a negative on my file from California Student Aid. At first, I thought someone was using my credit. I contacted them. They didn't have my numbers or address but told me this was from this tuition thing with the school. I was completely confused. They said that ACS submitted it to them and they as the Federal Government paid them for this loan. I didn't get a loan I told them. I keep explaining that it was just for a start up class to see if I was able to juggle the schedule.

California Student Aid is reporting this now as if I opened this account in 2/2009. I explained that I didn't open this account with them, especially not in 2/2009. They gave me no notice that there was any debt...they just placed it on my credit.

If I do in fact have some Federal Student Loan (which I think I should know if I do or not), I'll pay it. But my concern is that I now have 3 companies reporting this as 3 different charge off accounts on my credit file. I have been fighting this now for 3 months. Every time I ask them to please show me what contract I have that states I have agreed to a loan, nobody can supply me with one.

"College Loan" Reports to all bureaus Opened: 09/27/2004, 09/2004, 09/2004

Reported: 06/01/2009, 06/17/2009, 06/2009

As an open charge off

(Over 3 years after they were discharged and I never agreed to have a loan with them.

"University of Phoenix" Reports to two bureaus Opened: 08/2004, 08/2004

Reported: 02/22/2006, 09/2007

As an open charge off $770.00

"California Student Loan" Reports to all three bureaus | Opened: 02/2009, and a blank open date

Reported: 06/17/2009, 05/2009

Collection Charge Off $1072, $920 and $931

I do know that University of Phoenix has a bad reputation with messing up their students in similar ways and has been in trouble in the past. Thank God for www.ripoffreport.com.

I have disputed this with all the credit bureaus and the companies for three months without anybody being able to get anything straight or give me any documentation.

There are so many people being ripped off by these unethical people...they have financially ruined many others I see online. Can anything be done? Will anything be done?


Raleigh, North Carolina


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on University Of Phoenix

7 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
Still fighting and have an attorney now

#2Author of original report

Thu, February 11, 2010

I hired an attorney in January.  Keep in mind UoP only took some $744 (or so) in my namke without my knowledge but I had to pay $1250.00 to fight this and God only knows if I have to pay more for the attorney.  It is all about the principal that I should not have to pay back a debt that was fraudulently opened in my name by this school!

I have had it with these scam artists.  They signed me up for a class without my knowledge in order to obtain federal funding, lied saying I would have a grant and have RUINED my credit and have cost me huge loss.

Anybody want to send my attorney your case about UoP?  email [email protected].

They settled this $78.5 million amount because of their corrupt enrollment practices...most of which is being paid back to the Federal Government...So what about the students this company de-frauded and used their names and credit to obtain that Government money? 

It doesn't make sense that people will honestly be required to re-pay loans that were opened fraudulently in the first place and then to add that Student Aid is getting so much money back because of the fraud.  What do the innocent students who have been de-frauded get?  More interest, fighting and bills?


North Carolina,
Still fighting and have an attorney now

#3Author of original report

Thu, February 11, 2010

I hired an attorney in January.  I have had it with these scam artists.  They signed me up for a class without my knowledge in order to obtain federal funding, lied saying I would have a grant and have RUINED my credit and have cost me huge loss.

Anybody want to send my attorney your case about UoP?  (((Redacted)))

They settled this $78.5 million amount because of their corrupt enrollment practices...most of which is being paid back to the Federal Government...So what about the students this company de-frauded and used their names and credit to obtain that Government money? 

It doesn't make sense that people will honestly be required to re-pay loans that were opened fraudulently in the first place and then to add that Student Aid is getting so much money back because of the fraud.  What do the innocent students who have been de-frauded get?  More interest, fighting and bills?

CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


North Carolina,
They double dipped!

#4Author of original report

Thu, December 10, 2009

They signed me up with a Criminal Justice Program that I never agreed to take.  I am a mother of three young children and operating a home based childcare. They did this in order to obtain Federal money without letting me know. They kept some money, yet billed me for the entire amount and then got a tax write off for the entire amount.  That's not just offsetting, that sounds criminal!


North Carolina,
More information

#5Author of original report

Thu, December 10, 2009

After 8 months of investigating to figure this mess out, I find that UoP signed me up for some Criminal Justice Program which I never would have done (seriously, mother of 3 young children and operating a home based childcare.  I am not interested in law enforcement.) But they did this to obtain loan money at the same time they were billing me for the entire class and got a tax write off already.  (i.e. double dipping!)


How did you pay for the course?

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, August 02, 2009

I have attended classes online and on campuss for amn years. I have also worked on college campuses and it seems that you do not understand that the missing money was the cost of the course you started but doid not finish. A common misconception among people who have never attended college that you can withdraw and get all your money back once you start a course but do not finish it. That is not truw. In most cases, you can only get all your money back if you do not start the course and you drop/withdraw BEFORE the course starts. In some cases you must withdraw the week before and others allow you to withdraw within 3 days and get a full refund. It depends on the college's policy. Every college is different. Uof P should have a reimbursement/refund policy posted online Now, if you withdrew after 3 weeks and you did not finish the classs you still owe money for the course because you did have access to the class The college did not drop you, you chose to withdraw when you could have finished the class. While I am sorry that your child had problems, that is not the college's fault. At the last college I worked for, you could not get a refund after 3 weeks-you could only get one if you withdrew within 2 weeks. For many colleges 3 weeks is the certifiation date beyond which NO refund is given. For colleges that do give refunds, it is usually a prorated refund and not the full amount of the class after a certain date. Regarding getting a refund, if you did take out a loan, at the college financial aid department's discretion, exceptions to policy can be made but are rarely made so you need to contact that department first to see what documentation they have on you. If you paid out of pocket, the business office is the one who can help you. Sometimes a college will cancel a debt if the student can show that they could not finish the classs due to a death in th family, hospitialization, or something of that nature like military service. It is a possibility but it is a long shot. Keep in mind that anytime you have access to a college course online or on campus, it is NOT going to be free unless you have a grant or outside party payor paying the tuition. You had to pay for it somehow and apparently you signed a loan agreement in order to pay for it. Unless you can show that you paid out of pocket for the class, the money is still owed to ACS and student loans ARE not dischargeable through bankruptcy. I have checked into this as I have a great deal of loans out and even if I declare bankrupcy, I still have the pay back my student loans as they are federal loans and are federally regulated like when I owe the IRS. Like child support and IRS tax leins, student loans are not longer dischargeable in a banckrupcy. The only way you can get rid of them is by dying or paying them off! I hope this helps. Feel free to post if you need any more help.


North Carolina,
Still with the run around

#7Author of original report

Sun, August 02, 2009

So they send me this letter to tell me that I was apparently signed up with a 12 credit plan. What 12 credit plan? I was only taking 1 class for 6 weeks just to see if I could manage the juggle. Then I asked them what my classes were for and for what major. They couldn't answer me. They stated that They returned the money to ACS but that I had earned $719 or something like that for the 3 weeks I was there. They explained that I had earned enough credits for them to retain that money but I still owed them another $740 something. However, they can't show me what credits I earned for the 3 short weeks I was there. So then they can't answer my questions and they tell me to talk to ACS. ACS tell me to talk to EdFund who they just sent the account to. EdFund tells me to talk to the school. Dear God, where do I go to get this resolved once and for all. This has been destroying my credit for over 3 years. I have been unable to buy a house or a car. (That and I never really used my credit but having them place 4 different collections on my credit for this is really killing me.) Where do I go for answers and some resolve? Are there any people who are with UoP or ACS that have any ethical reason why this is happening to me?


North Carolina,
I got a letter from them today!

#8Author of original report

Mon, July 27, 2009

I got a letter from UoP stating that they supposedly returned all the "borrowed" money to the lender because I was only in class for 3 weeks. However, some $700+ was not returned and nobody can seem to tell me why that wasn't given back to this bank. Not only that....Why was anything taken from a bank. I only had a tuition for one class. This letter states it was a tuition, not a loan. Also, it stated that I was signed up for a 12 credit program. I was only taking the intro class just to see if I could juggle school work and three small kids. I never signed up for a 12 credit class!!! So if UoP "gave" back the money, why is there still over $700 missing?

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