Tupper Lake,#2Consumer Comment
Wed, October 08, 2003
Thank you Ed, for you'r comments.
Dalton,#3Consumer Comment
Wed, October 08, 2003
I stumbled on this category while researching your site and just had to take a peek. I am both appalled at the behaviour demonstrated and at RipOff report for allowing the posts. I certainly appreciate your thoughts on why they should stay. I was just wondering, though, do you (ripoffreport) expect or solicit non-tax deductible donations from people like these? If so, do they ever donate to your 'cause'? I can't imagine that they would, but then, who would have thought that this kind of drama would be played out on the internet. I just hate to see time wasted by staff when there are so many more important issues in this world, and certainly much better ways to resolve differences than defaming someone else. Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinion.
.,#4Author of original report
Wed, February 19, 2003
To those of you who think this particular Rip-off Report does not belong here, you're not alone, but you are out numbered. Rip-off Report has received over 3,000 e-mails regarding the stories filed about Tupper Lake, and an overwhelming majority enjoy the Jerry Springer type Reports. In fact, some have called the Tupper Lake reports our comic section, and have asked us to leave them as is. Others have even referred to these reports as the official Tupper Lake news, and thanked us for publishing them. Unfortunately however, the Tupper Lake reports have their critics. Many of those who seem to dislike such reports said we are ruining the Rip-off Report, and that we should be ashamed of ourselves. We appreciate their opinion as well. Regardless though, our opinion on this controversial issue is simple. We feel that any consumers who do not want to read these reports, should just ignore them, and go on to visit other Rip-off Reports. Before coming to this conclusion, we engaged in many staff meetings. After these meetings, it was determined by a unanimous decision that the Tupper Lake reports should remain. One of the main reasons for this was the over-whelming majority of e-mails we received supporting the Tupper lake Reports. At worst, consumers felt that these Tupper stories were just something to laugh about. After reading so many disheartening Reports, this result can't be all that bad for most consumers. In any event, we have faith in our readers, and we truly believe that they can separate fact from fiction; especially with regards to Tupper Lake reports. As the creator of the Rip-off Report, I purposely created many unusual categories to file Rip-off Reports under. These categories include areas such as Court Judges, Dead Beat Moms and Dads, Drunks, Rotten Neighbors, Probation Officers, Government Officials, attorneys, Drug Dealers, and so on. It is no coincidence that many of the reports files under these unusual categories originate in Tupper Lake. TUPPER LAKE A NICE PLACE TO VISIT Tupper Lake has a fluctuating population ranging from about 4,000 to maybe 9,000 people in the summer months. Tupper Lake is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable with lakes and streams everywhere. Tupper Lake is also a fisherman's heaven, and a hikers dream come true; a definite place to visit. Unfortunately, you don't want bed there for the night because you'd have to go to neighboring Saranac Lake, or better yet, Lake Placid for quality lodging. Tupper Lake has a variety of people. Most of which are extremely honest down to earth people. In fact, some of them are the nicest people you would ever what to find. But, -- yes but -- you must know, Tupper Lake is a logging town, a small town. It is typical small town USA where for a good many, drinking is # 1 when compared to one's family and job. CORRUPTION, DRUNKS, SLUTS N' BACK STABBERS Tupper Lake did not invent corruption, sluts, drunks and back stabbers. Tupper Lake is sadly just not run by people with vision. The Town and Village politicians are mostly responsible for the situation. This is due to their small minds, greed, corruption, and a good ole boy mentality. Hello Jack Delehanty. ;-) Those who have come to Tupper Lake with the money and motivation needed to buy property, make improvements, or implement new ideas, have all been run out of town. This happens primarily because of jealousy and greed, as well as corruption between police, business leaders, and politicians. Of course you cannot say all about anything. Certainly not all police personnel, business leaders, and politicians are bad. Likewise, it is doubtful that the the ones who are bad started out that way. TUPPER LAKE NOW & THEN In the mid 1980's Tupper Lake had many outsiders come to their village. These individuals invested their time and a lot of their money; all in an effort to make improvements. Regrettably, all of these outsiders, including myself, fell victim to the wrath of the politicians, police officials, and business leaders working against them. Now look what Tupper Lake looks like. The town is filled with pizza parlors, insurance agencies, and realtors, as well as with beer and alcohol retailers. Most towns have all of the aforementioned, but Tupper Lake has many more than necessary. For a good example of the difference between today verses the late 80's, when outside investors flourished, just take a look at the Northland Hotel; which is now under local ownership/vision. Moreover, one needs to think really hard about Big Tupper. Remember what the locals did to good old Roger Jacobouski? More local vision! .. Hmmmm?? Today, Tupper Lake downtown is mostly vacant. So vacant in fact, that if a bomb was dropped there, it would leave very few casualties in its wake; if any at all. Tupper Lake is a town that truly deserves everything it's getting, and then some. Blame your leaders. Get rid of those who are corrupt and lack vision. Tupper Lake, one of the biggest driving forces and inspirations leading to my creation of the Rip-off Reprot and ED Magedson [email protected] We are not lawyers. We are not a collection agency. We are Consumer Advocates. ...the victims' advocate WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers
Albany,#5Consumer Comment
Wed, February 19, 2003
Lisa, Thanks for the clarification. I am so glad to hear that the child is ok and the husband had enough brains to move out.
I will never understand why people do things like this. Especially when young children are involved.
I can hear your anger in your rebuttal and rightfully so I expect.
My only hope is that the other wife and this Nancy person get what they deserve. Cathy all of Walst is worth and nancy nothing. Are their any other children involved besides this one Child mentioned?
I am so glad that this site is here so that people are aware of things as they happen.
Who would have expected the ex wife of the husband being cheated on to be reading this. Thank you so much for the clarification and wishing your child the best.
Nevis Island,#6Author of original report
Tue, February 18, 2003
To those of you who think this particular Rip-off Report does not belong here, you're not alone, but you are out numbered.
Rip-off Report has received over 3,000 e-mails regarding the stories filed about Tupper Lake, and an overwhelming majority enjoy the Jerry Springer type Reports. In fact, some have called the Tupper Lake reports our comic section, and have asked us to leave them as is. Others have even referred to these reports as the official Tupper Lake news, and thanked us for publishing them.
Unfortunately however, the Tupper Lake reports have their critics. Many of those who seem to dislike such reports said we are ruining the Rip-off Report, and that we should be ashamed of ourselves. We appreciate their opinion as well.
Regardless though, our opinion on this controversial issue is simple. We feel that any consumers who do not want to read these reports, should just ignore them, and go on to visit other Rip-off Reports.
Before coming to this conclusion, we engaged in many staff meetings. After these meetings, it was determined by a unanimous decision that the Tupper Lake reports should remain. One of the main reasons for this was the over-whelming majority of e-mails we received supporting the Tupper lake Reports. At worst, consumers felt that these Tupper stories were just something to laugh about. After reading so many disheartening Reports, this result can't be all that bad for most consumers. In any event, we have faith in our readers, and we truly believe that they can separate fact from fiction; especially with regards to Tupper Lake reports.
As the creator of the Rip-off Report, I purposely created many unusual categories to file Rip-off Reports under. These categories include areas such as Court Judges, Dead Beat Moms and Dads, Drunks, Rotten Neighbors, Probation Officers, Government Officials, attorneys, Drug Dealers, and so on. It is no coincidence that many of the reports files under these unusual categories originate in Tupper Lake.
Tupper Lake has a fluctuating population ranging from about 4,000 to maybe 9,000 people in the summer months. Tupper Lake is surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery imaginable with lakes and streams everywhere. Tupper Lake is also a fisherman's heaven, and a hikers dream come true; a definite place to visit. Unfortunately, you don't want bed there for the night because you'd have to go to neighboring Saranac Lake, or better yet, Lake Placid for quality lodging.
Tupper Lake has a variety of people. Most of which are extremely honest down to earth people. In fact, some of them are the nicest people you would ever what to find. But, -- yes but -- you must know, Tupper Lake is a logging town, a small town. It is typical small town USA where for a good many, drinking is # 1 when compared to one's family and job.
Tupper Lake did not invent corruption, sluts, drunks and back stabbers. Tupper Lake is sadly just not run by people with vision. The Town and Village politicians are mostly responsible for the situation. This is due to their small minds, greed, corruption, and a good ole boy mentality.
Hello Jack Delehanty. ;-)
Those who have come to Tupper Lake with the money and motivation needed to buy property, make improvements, or implement new ideas, have all been run out of town. This happens primarily because of jealousy and greed, as well as corruption between police, business leaders, and politicians. Of course you cannot say all about anything. Certainly not all police personnel, business leaders, and politicians are bad. Likewise, it is doubtful that the the ones who are bad started out that way.
In the mid 1980's Tupper Lake had many outsiders come to their village. These individuals invested their time and a lot of their money; all in an effort to make improvements. Regrettably, all of these outsiders, including myself, fell victim to the wrath of the politicians, police officials, and business leaders working against them.
Now look what Tupper Lake looks like. The town is filled with pizza parlors, insurance agencies, and realtors, as well as with beer and alcohol retailers. Most towns have all of the aforementioned, but Tupper Lake has many more than necessary. For a good example of the difference between today verses the late 80's, when outside investors flourished, just take a look at the Northland Hotel; which is now under local ownership/vision.
Moreover, one needs to think really hard about Big Tupper. Remember what the locals did to good old Roger Jacobouski? More local vision! .. Hmmmm?? Today, Tupper Lake downtown is mostly vacant. So vacant in fact, that if a bomb was dropped there, it would leave very few casualties in its wake; if any at all.
Tupper Lake is a town that truly deserves everything it's getting, and then some. Blame your leaders. Get rid of those who are corrupt and lack vision.
Tupper Lake, one of the biggest driving forces and inspirations leading to my creation of the Rip-off Reprot and
ED Magedson
[email protected]
We are not lawyers.
We are not a collection agency.
We are Consumer Advocates.
...the victims' advocate
WE are Civil and Human Rights Activists
We are a Nationwide Consumer Reporting News Agency consumers, for consumers
Middleboro,#7Consumer Comment
Tue, February 18, 2003
I am the ex-wife of the man being cheated on and the mother of the child in question, there is no incest going on. It's a terribe mistake.
They moved out 2 weeks ago, by choice.
By the way Nancy, I told you before "What comes around, goes around" You'll see your date in court.
Albany,#8Consumer Comment
Mon, February 17, 2003
I come to this site often and was quite disturbed but yet interested in the report re: Nanct Silva and Walt Christy.
I am a NY resident but do not live near Tupper Lake, but do drive through there often. I am quite curious about the statement about the incest. I am hoping that there is no incest involved in this situation.
Having to know about an affair is one thing but to hear about incest is something else. I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine anything like this happening to a child and am hoping that I am reading the report in the wrong context.
I have never responded to one of the reports here, and do not know if my questions will be answered. I do hope that there will be a follow up on this.
1. is the child and father ok?
2. is the child and father ok?
3. why were the father and child made to leave the home instead of the mother and her lover?
I will make it a point to check out who owns a gas station in Tupper Lake and see to it that I do not buy gas there until this issue is resolved.
As I said, I do hope that follow ups are reported here.
Saranac Lake,#9REBUTTAL Individual responds
Mon, February 17, 2003
I went to school with her sister marla.she was the town oinker to (pig) there father & mother should be very proud of them . Asfar was walter he should go home . if he still has one.and lukes mobil over priced, brain dead people that work there.there have been a lot of people ripped off .