  • Report:  #193410

Complaint Review: Xpress Cash Laptop Shop PD6 Wistler DMS Marketing - Kansas City Missouri

Reported By:
- chicago, Illinois,

Xpress Cash Laptop Shop PD6 Wistler DMS Marketing
1044 Main St Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I took out a Payday Loan on 5/03 for $300. It was one that you get charged interest and it also pays down the loan in increments each pay period. In December 2003.I closed that bank account and opened an account at a different bank. There was no money being debited from this company at that time as I figured I had paid the loan off several months before.

In January of 2006 I received an email from this company that seems to have several names that I had never paid a cent on my loan to them. I was astonished, not only because of the 3 year time frame to contact me, but that this loan had not been paid. I also had not moved, nor changed place of employment, nor changed my phone number or email address.

This email they sent claims that they have contacted me several times by email & telephone. I Never received any contact. It also says that I've never paid a cent on it..and when I spoke to their rep, Heather Lawson, she said I did make payments. I asked her for documentation with dates of when they contacted me... she refused to give it to me. SCAM??? is what I'm already thinking at this point.

This company uses several names and identities..yet I speak to the same person every time. The rep or consultant or account manager, heather Lawson shows different company names on her emails. Email address is from DMS marketing, the company is xpress cash/ laptop shop, and i've had debits from PD 6 wistler. So which is it?

When I contated her right away after receiving the first email 3 years after the fact, I asked her to send me original documents. She said she could not do that. i asked her to send me proof of payments. She told me to contact my bank and refused to give me what her records showed. I told her if I did owe money I would gladly take care of it. When I asked why noone contacted me she told me that they had a collection company that just didnt do anything with it. The next time I spoke to her she said they were unable to reach me. Which one was it?

I emailed her several times...and replied to her email several times..for some reason her emails were being sent back to me as undeliverable. i was replying to her email so I wasnt typing the address in. I was asking for her to give me more info..and she was blocking my emails. She would get real biligerant in emails and on the phone. All I wanted was the info before I handed over any info for a SCAM. She requested my new bank acccount info and I refused it. She should have understood that...and I NEVER said I wouldnt pay what I legitimally owed. After 3 years its a hard thing to prove without documentation.

She obtained my new bank account number and started taking payments out of this account that I did not authorize. When I saw debits on my account earlier this year from PD 6 Wistler for different dollar amounts I let it go because I figured I was not going to fight if they took this money out and was done with it. Then 6 weeks ago a few months after the original unauthorized withdrawls...I started seeing 90.00 taken out every 2 weeks for the past 6 weeks from a company called EXpress cash. So I called the bank because I didnt know who this was as they had taken money out previously from PD6 wistler and they weren't 90.00 amounts. Also, I had never given them authorization to take money from this bank account. The bank finally found a number and called it for me as I sat there and had me call them back.

The ladies in the bank could not believe how nasty heather lawson was speaking to me on the phone. They told me to ask her to fax the loan document to me. heather told me that was illegal. If i signed them and they are trying to get me to pay money I dont see why they won't back up the information. She said she would fax them to the bank but not me. So I proceeded to give her the number and she said she would only fax it to the bank they originally deposited the money in and not to the bank here that they were taking the money out of. When I asked her why she told me to quit cutting her off in sentance. She told me that when i signed the original loan documents that it said in there they would take 90.00 out every 2 weeks. I know for a fact that was not the original agreement. I also know that I would not have paid 180.00 per month for 7 months! Most payday loans were not like that then anyway. They charged interest and a paydown amount. Which is what this was. I told her that I just wanted proof and would take care of what was owed or whatever needed to be done. She would not let me finish my sentances and always had some sort of comeback to my questions. I asked her to quit speaking to me like that. She told me I was talking to her "like that" Then she hung up on me while I was asking her what I should do.

The ladies at the bank reversed the charges after hearing every work this condesending individual had to say to me. They put a stop payment on it and will reverse any and all charges this company or any other name they use. They said that if she is not providing proof of this it is a scam and to file a police report. That is being done today. Also, oddly enough, another lady at the bank said she had the same issue with this company for another customer. Sounds like a huge SCAM to me!!

I dont deny having the loan with them 3 years ago..but give me some proof that I owe it!! Or cut your 300.00 loss and move on. The company must really be hurting if they contact someone after 3 years all of a sudden and want money that they know noone can prove. I'm most people are intimidated by her and just pay it. I'm not going to anything without proof.

I dont believe they have the proof. I also had told her that if their collection company sat on it for so many months, how does she know that they didnt collect from me and they are scamming her. I know this loan was paid off.

I saved all the emails this person had sent me and all the emails i sent her that she blocked. I just wanted proof and after she got nasty with me I fed it right back to her. Just because I applied for a payday loan..doesnt mean I'm stupid. Although going with this company/companies was stupid.

I'm awaiting what they are going to do to me next, as I have proof of emails and witnesses to her telling me she would not provide me with the documentation for me to take care of this.

This rep, heather lawson, has always been extremely rude every time I have spoken to her or received any contact. She appears to be a person who has had rough life and probably physically abused by a male in her life. She is possibly bi-polar split personality as she switches from personality to personality while on the phone. I'm not going to put up with a scam. Besides if I didnt argue the original amounts they took from me... let it go!!!!

Beware...payday loans are dangerous enough..but to end up with problems like this!!

Please help if there is any advice on this!!!! Or if anyone else has experienced dealings with this company or companies whoever they are this week.


chicago, Illinois

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