  • Report:  #1491065

Complaint Review: Rohan bias of investofeeds.com - pune Maharashtra pune Maharashtra

Reported By:
Justin - Steinbach , Canada

Rohan bias of investofeeds.com
Unknown pune Maharashtra, Unknown pune Maharashtra, India
WhatsApp +918806431111
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I want to report a fraud that has happened to me..

The scammers name is Rohan bias at [email protected]

He has the website investofeeds.com telling people he will send them forex trading signals for a certain fee or start a managed trading account where he trades with their money and they are to give him 30% of the profits..

I sent this guy $500.00 USD on skrill on dec 25,19 after he gave me his word that he would be honest with me and setup a managed account that i could profit from..He asked me for id and mailing address and he has identity information on me and my money and stopped communicating with me shortly after I sent the money..

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He assured me that he would send me a receipt and documents for the managed account he was going to setup...I never got these...I emailed him and sent messages on telegram and Skype and emailed the 2 email addresses on the investofeeds website but he won't reply anymore to me..

I ask him for my money back but he won't give it...I see he is currently advertising on telegram to people asking them to invest money with him to be successful...

This guy is scamming people obviously like he did me...I am angry and want my money back and this man has to be stopped as soon as possible...On Jan 23,20 Rohan bias contacted me after I sent a few words of conviction to him and asked for my skrill Id number so he could return my money but I didn't give it because he only needs my email address to repay the money...

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I only needed his email address to send him the money at the beginning on skrill..I felt he wanted my skrill id number to hack my account...I still have not received the money at my skrill account so he was just trying to pull another trick on me...

Jan 27,20 I seen that Rohan deleted all the chat messages we had on telegram but I got screenshots of them all ahead of time..

Don't believe any good remarks made about this guy in the comments of his YouTube videos...I did and suffer for it...He maybe gets scamming friends to write good comments to deceive people into believing in him..

Do not invest with this guy and his friends..If you got scammed to, then report them to the police and FBI and as many places as you can to warn others and help get this guy (s) punished for his crimes...

I can prove with screenshots how this guy tricked me...

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