  • Report:  #1027257

Complaint Review: Ab Fab Management - Internet

Reported By:
Angry Model who got Scammed - Orlando, Florida, United States of America

Ab Fab Management
1680 Michigan Ave Suite 700 & 1121 Mills, Orlando 33139 Internet, United States of America
305 335 4915
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After reading all of the complaints against AbFab I felt compelled to write my story.  I first met Jane Rooney when she was Jane Humphreys at BMG Models through a friend who was a model and also worked for BMG.  Later for whatever reason I noticed she changed her last name to Rooney.  I wasn't at BMG very long before she approached me and told me that she was leaving to start her own agency and to please keep in touch.  So I did as did my friend an a few other girls I made friends with who were also former BMG Models.  For a hot minute she worked at an agency on Colonial (I can't remember the name) and then she announced she was opening her own agency and calling it AbFab.  I followed her because she seemed like she really cared about her models. In fact she refers to herself as the "mother" to her models.  And I really believed she was genuine.  I ignored the many negative things I heard about Jane most of which I can confirm now were true.  I trusted her and believed that BMG was the reason why I wasn't working or being paid!

After she opened her first office on Edgewater (it was upstairs from some type of doctors office) I thought all would be better.   Not so this is when the downward spiral began.  Also at some point around this time her last name changed to Rost.  She asked me to do some free shoots for some local photographers and I even did a local magazine shoot which was fun but I never got paid for it.  She explained these free jobs away as gaining experience so I would be prepared for paying jobs.  After all of these free shoots I did I get a call one day from her telling me my pictures are no good and she needs me to sign up to shoot with a famous photographer who is her friend and will shoot me picture for a reduced rate.  She also told me that I would be needing NEW comp cards since she could no longer use my old comp cards because they were not good.  So I reluctantly sign up and pay her over $300 dollars which she said was going to pay for the photographer, stylist, makeup and hair AND my new comp cards.  I showed up to the shoot along with a bunch of other models who signed up at one of her casting calls.  Some who met with and signed with AbFab that day and they all paid over $300 too!!! So I took my pictures and left with an uncomfortable feeling I had been ripped off!  But I ignored my gut and continued to trust her.  So weeks later I asked for my pictures and was told that they haven't received them yet.  I wait and now months have passed and still no photographs so I called and asked for my pictures or my money back at which point I was told by Jane that Azwah her famous photographer friend, stole the pictures and refused to send them to her.   So now I am angry and confused, why did it take so long to tell me this?  So  scheduled another shoot at her expense to make up for the lost pictures.  After the shoot I get some pictures and then she asked me to pay for new comp cards.  She moved her office and is now further down on Edgewater at this point.   When I told her that I had already paid for comp cards she told me no that I only paid for the shoot and that she can't cover the cost of comp cards for me and that if I didn't pay her to create them for me I wouldn't work.  So I stupidly paid her.  Much later I call her and after several calls I finally get my comp cards.  Now she is at her new location on Mills in the Orange Studio. In the meantime I am offered free jobs but refuse them because I can't miss school or work to do these free jobs and not be paid.  After a frustrating year and some o ants of getting nothing ABSOLUTELY nothing from my investment a friend and I decided to investigate who and what I was dealing with.  I spoke to several former interns and employees all of which had nothing nice to say but they all explained what was taking place.  Here is pretty much what all of them had to say: 
  • Her personal life is a wreck and she and her kids were not living with her new husband married less than a year and he wasn't supporting her so when her personal bills were due models didn't get paid for their jobs and she scheduled photshoots and model workshops to cover her personal bills.
  • They also said her office is a mess and nothing is organized and NOTHING is on paper. There are no records of anything because she doesn't want anyone to know what she makes and how she is making it.
  • They also said that she doesn't pay anyone on time.  She gets paid by the client and then pays herself but models will go months without being paid.
  • They ALL said she has a drinking problem and that her family problems are so bad that it spills over into the agency.
  • A couple said she has no experience running an agency and doesn't have a clue how to run one properly and legitimately.
  • They also said she surrounds herself with credible people to make herself seem popular or credible in the local community.
  • They said she has her favorite models who get ALL of the few paid jobs that come through AbFab.  Everyone else gets to do free jobs or get no work offers at all! 
  • One person even told me she scammed her friends out of money to help her.
  • One of them said her financial situation is so dire that she had to move the agency around and she couldn't pay her bills.
  • They all said she uses people friends, employees, clients to get what she can out of them and to also reach other people to scam out of money
  • They said she is flaky and unethical and is a pathological liar.
  • They all said she pays someone to remove negative reviews off of Google and other sites so people only see the good one. And the only good review I see looks like it was written by her or one of her friends.

They all told me to beware of her but it was already too late I spent quite a lot of money and got nothing in return. In the end I wouldn't cooperate with her anymore especially when she called to tell me I needed to schedule another shoot and order even more comp cards.  At which point I told her don't call me unhonor.  Now I found out through a friend who still works for her she is running accounts and is scheduling these shoots etc and charging it against the models accounts and paying herself out of the models checks.  I also hear she has a new partner who is opening a Miami location with her.  I would tell any new models to stay far away from AbFab.  It is a rip off and you will get promises that will never be kept and you will be scammed.  Please find an honest agency and spare yourself the hell I went throught for almost 2 1/2 years.  I don't know how this woman stays in business but I know one day her dishonest behavior and lack of morals and ethics will catch up to her.  She is the perfect definition of a scam artist and should by all means be in jail for taking advantage of people and ruing their dreams.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Take Real Action

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 12, 2013

Unless models take REAL action, things will never change. You must file a formal complaint with every overseeing government department (federal, state, county and city). You should start with the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation. 

These types of agency problems are NOT new and are NOT exclusive to the agency that you are referring to; it happens every single day, all over the country. Until an agency gets in trouble for what they are doing, and are splashed in the newspaper when their license is revoked, other agencies will not take notice not bother to change their policies. 

If you are under contract, and are not receiving casting calls or quality casting calls, then you may have the legal right to break the contract. The agent is OBLIGATED to work hard on your behalf and not merely present you with the left over scraps that their favorite models declined. Your prime modeling years will pass you by before you know it, which is why you need to obtain the legal advice of an attorney and get a new agent right away. Again, you will encounter many of the same issues at other agencies, but perhaps not at such drastic degrees.

Whether an agency keeps or destroys their records, is of no importance during an investigation -- an agency's inconsistencies and dishonest behavior will be revealed. Subpoenaed bank statements will show: when an agent received or deposited client payments, their subsequent withdrawals or charges, as well as when the models' check was issued and cashed. In addition, the affected models will have a copy of all their emails to show how frequently they were requesting their payment, which would prove that the agent did NOT pay within the 5 days that Florida statute requires.

Relying on an Internet "complaint" site does nothing in the long run...these posts will soon drop down on major search engine results. And when readers see that the agency is STILL up and running, without having endured any major fallout, they will assume that these posts were merely the rants of scorned models.

Angry Sarah

United States of America
I didn't want ot believe it but it really is a SCAM!!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, March 12, 2013

I am sorry you went through all of that!  My mom and I met with the owner Jane too and she seemed so honest and likeable and she talked about how she mothers her models like they are her babies and protects them from scammers but something about her true side started to show after I signed her contract.  She was constantly harrassing me about attending these photo shoots and paying to be on her website.  I had been with another bigger agency so I already have pictures and I am on their website. 

I know I can go to any photographer and have photos but she kept on insisting I use hers.  I told her no paid her to be on her website but refused to go to the photoshoot.  My mom and dad sensed a potential shady scam taking place and I am now cautious about any phone calls I get from Jane and AbFab.  I have gotten paid jobs from her but she says I owe money towards my account and either gives me a portion of pay or keeps the whole check and says she will continue to do this until my account is paid off or if I want out of my contract I can pay her the balance in full and she will release me. 

Because I signed that contract she gets paid off all jobs I do even ones she doesn't get for me.  My parents and I regret the day we ever went in there to meet with Jane. Oh and don't ask her about any of the negative things you hear about her agency because then you will see a very different side of her.  She gets even more shady and can't look you in the eye and lies and says it is all not true and that it is former models or coworkers who have it in for her.  

She says she is the only legitimate agency in town and that all of the good clients in town like Neiman Marcus are her friends and that if you want legitimate work you have to sign with her because those clients like the good photgraphers in town, Orlando Style, Orlando Magazine, Universal Studios, Fused Fashion, Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus and the Mall at Milennia only deal with her. Which I am finding out is not true. 

Earlier this year she announced that she is opening in Miami and she has all of the connections to good jobs in Miami.  I met her Miami connections and they are all drunks and drug addicts and wannabee designers, nobody important.  Too many lies and very unethical! I agree with you it truly is a scam and every detail you give about her and her business practices in your statement is true.  I saw or experienced it first hand and so did some other really angry models.  We are all ready to leave.  As someone else said in there complaint run far away from this agency!


United States of America

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 12, 2013

Hey, I heard from a few models pretty much the same thing about Jane Rooney and her lies.  I was also was told that she said the photographer (Azwah) disappeared with pictures and didn't give them to her.  But, the truth is that Jane Rooney stole the money that the models paid her to pay him for photo shots and he didnt get paid.  Just send him a email found on his website and the detailed information he'll give about Jane Rooney will surprise you like it surprised me.

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