Waldron,#2Consumer Suggestion
Thu, February 20, 2003
Why are you having so much difficulty getting documentation from your payroll department? Your payroll check stub should have the check # and date of the check at issue. Work on them because you will need to get them to send a copy of the cleared check (front and back)to the bank. I assume the $147.31 taken from your account was some sort of overdraft fee from the bank. Banks never make mistakes, according to the banks!(Humbug, says I!). There is so much of this on this site alone that it is starting to look like any other deliberate scam. How can banks possibly "lose" so many documents? Unfortunately, you will be viewed as being in the wrong until you produce irrefutable proof that the bank cannot deny (copy of check). Consider that money gone until you get this straightened out or they will credit your account, and then debit again (without your knowlege) and continue to deduct their lovely overdraft fees (manna from heaven, considering THEY made the mistake). What a great job; screw up and get paid for it!