  • Report:  #46198

Complaint Review: Bank One - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
- Livonia, Michigan,

Bank One
450 E. Washington ST Indianapolis, 46277 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 12/23/02 I walked into a bankone branch at Gratiot and E. Warren in Detroit MI. and cashed a $1,241.59 City of Detroit payroll check I deposited $440.00 in my checking account and took $801.59 cash with me. Two days later i went to the bank atm only to discover the bank had withdrew from my account the entire $1,241.59.

Icontacted them by phone and was advised that the check was lost I explained that if it was it was the banks responsibility they explained it was their practice to take the amount from the customers account regardless of the circumstances. after a day I called the customer service line and was informed by rep Farrin Edwards that the check had bounced win i explained it was payroll she told me that the amount would be replaced.

The amount was replaced and a few days later I found my account short $147.31 I again contacted the customer service line and after several different contacts with several different people Manager Diana Griffen arranged for the entire transaction to be sent to my home. In the time awaiting this transaction I contacted city of Detroit payroll to try to secure the payroll regisrty for that check and it has been a real hassle.

on January 30th I recieved in the mail from Bankones corporate investigation a team a photo copy of the entire transaction. enclosed was the copy of the deposit slip 440.00 a reciept for the cash taken away from the account 880.00 and a copy of a check that their razor sharp coporate investigation team insist was mine actually belonging to a Braxton C. Hall.

The check was endoresed by mr. Hall has his name drivers liscence number SS number and all the other things included on a payroll check. I went into a local branch and was told well it is strange that they have substituted your check with some one elses but if you bring the proof we can go from there.

Ive been running now entirely to long to corect bankone's mistake. It is not the first one I was told I overdrew my account from the atm and still I'm not sure how thats possible.

I have been in contact with several people at customer service have been given the run around to herculean proportion still have not recieve money or appology for a mistake that is or should not be possible for a bank to make. I would like for Bankone to be held accountable just as any customer would


Livonia, Michigan

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Photocopy your payroll checks.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, February 20, 2003

Why are you having so much difficulty getting documentation from your payroll department? Your payroll check stub should have the check # and date of the check at issue. Work on them because you will need to get them to send a copy of the cleared check (front and back)to the bank. I assume the $147.31 taken from your account was some sort of overdraft fee from the bank. Banks never make mistakes, according to the banks!(Humbug, says I!). There is so much of this on this site alone that it is starting to look like any other deliberate scam. How can banks possibly "lose" so many documents? Unfortunately, you will be viewed as being in the wrong until you produce irrefutable proof that the bank cannot deny (copy of check). Consider that money gone until you get this straightened out or they will credit your account, and then debit again (without your knowlege) and continue to deduct their lovely overdraft fees (manna from heaven, considering THEY made the mistake). What a great job; screw up and get paid for it!

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