  • Report:  #371645

Complaint Review: Bridal Preview -Simplicty Simply Bridal Equitable Acceptance Franklin Collection Services Satan - Minneapolis Minnesota

Reported By:
- modesto, California,

Bridal Preview -Simplicty Simply Bridal Equitable Acceptance Franklin Collection Services Satan
PO Box 27007 Minneapolis, 55427 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After being told we had won a free gift, camera, and possibly a trip to Cancun, Mexico, my wife and I decided this must be a good thing so we decided to go to this sales show set up in a room at the Ramada inn located in our home town. After hearing about how we were poisoning our bodies with cheap pots and pans and about how nice there pots and pans where in addition to the fact that my wife cooks a lot, the investment seemed a no-brainer. We signed up for the biggest set we could and went home thinking of all the things we could cook. The next day we realized there was NO POSSIBLE WAY of us paying for this because we were throwing our own wedding and it was quickly stretching us thin.

After figuring out or finances my wife called and canceled the order. She was told it was canceled and like one would imagine, we went about our lives like it never happened. Four months later we get a bill saying they never received our first payment. I thought, "wow someone must have made a mistake" so I called them up myself and let them know we canceled and that it was a big mistake. The lady agreed and we terminated the call. Two weeks later they call us saying the same thing, you owe us $1500. From then on it was relentless, they called us sometimes twice a day for atleast 2 months threatening our future ability to buy a home and said things like "you'll never buy things with credit again."

Keep in mind that all this is happening and we haven't payed them a dime because we never received any products because we called and informed them of our desire to cancel the order. It makes perfect logic to me but not to them. We are now currently in collections and they have threatened us with a possible law suet now. What I'm wondering is if we payed this incredibly absurd and repulsive "debt" they claim we "owe" what do we owe for if we have nothing to show for it? How can you be in debt if you never completed the transaction? This experience has by far been the most eye opening, jaw dropping, I can't understand how these people can sleep at night, happenings that I ever have heard of or gone through from a "legit" business/corp.

Something needs to be done legally to bar this kind of "practice" because it does nothing but harm consumers, jade and callous happy positive people, and ruin future families from obtaining the minimal amounts of what American Dream is left. Destroying and/or threatening someones credit is like threatening their future. Good credit is needed to purchase a home which is the biggest goal for every couple embarking on family hood. When companies prey on newly weds to hawk their products by promising gifts and prizes that never surface is one thing, but to force a new family into accepting something they canceled, can't pay for, and never received by threatening their future on the sole basis that they signed a credit application should be punishable by imprisonment and at very least high fines, business revamp, and/or shutdown.

There must be something done and I believe that we will triumph in this matter because unlike all the rest of the reports I read, we actually canceled our order in their 3 day time frame (which doesn't seem to matter to them) and obviously never payed for what we don't want and never received. The absurd nature of this situation should be enough for ANYONE to realize we are in the right. I feel betrayed, lied to, threatened, harassed, distressed, and overwhelming anxiety when I get reminded of this ridiculousness. Please if you have any information, tips, or can help us out in any way please please make contact. The sooner this is gone the sooner we can resume our normal life in peace.


modesto, California


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