  • Report:  #138063

Complaint Review: Collins College - Tempe Arizona

Reported By:
- Mesa, Arizona,

Collins College
1140 S. Priest Drive Tempe, 85281 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is Megan and I went to Collins College for an Associate's degree in the Arts in Media Arts. All I really wanted was a tour of the place, and the next thing I know, I'm sitting down with a representative and handing her a check for $100. I'm still stunned to this day how fast they can con people into going to their school.

After that, it all went down hill from there. The core classes were 5 weeks each, and there is a lot more information than time to learn it. Some of the teachers know what they're doing, and some do not. I agree with the other rip-offs, those teachers are underqualified.

So, I'm in school from July '03 to November '04. In the last few months I got a job in the library being a student assistant.

That was fun, until they started the remodeling in the lobby. Everybody who worked or went to class in that building got sick. Some of the employees filed compliants, including myself. Did that solve anything? No. They moved me out of the library into fiancial aide. Where I pretty much did nothing for a lousy $7 an hour.

They also moved another co-worker of mine. She practically ran the library and she couldn't even go in there because she'd get so sick. It's really hard to run that part of the school, when you're across the parking lot. So, they took a year to remodel the lobby. It still smells of polyeurthane, and looks weird. Too many colors on the walls, if you ask me.

But that's not all. When I found out they were raising the price of tution, I backed out of getting my BA. They didn't even teach Final Cut Pro! In the industry, editors use that, or Avid, and I learned only Avid. They should have Final Cut Pro in the curriculum as well.

Not only do employers not like Collins students, most colleges and universities don't take the credits. There is one tech school who offered take take all but three of my credits. And that's the Univerisity of Advancing Technology. They weren't pushy, and they had a lot of great programs. Except they wanted me to take web designing programs, when all I want to do is make films. So that school is out of the question too. Plus, they're more expensive than Collins. You should do more research about that school than I did, it might be a scam too. I don't know.

And now, the Firestorm I got doesn't work at all. All of my important files are on there and it doesn't work. It worked fine last month, and now it doesn't. Collins sells you crappy hardware and jacks up the prices of books.

And to top it all off, my husband went there with me, and now he's going to go there again for his BA. He said that they didn't prepare him for the web design market. He needed to know more programs. Just another way to rip people off, get more money. His credit is all ready bad enough. The worst thing about it is, he is really talented, as was I. He thinks he will teach at Collins when he's done. I will try to talk him out of it. It's just not worth it. He even tried looking into other schools. They wouldn't take his credits. He could be going to MCC instead, but no.

There's little I can do for him at this time. If there was only a way we could fight back and get our money back for a worthless piece of paper. (I got my degree in the mail, he hasn't received his yet.) We must band together and close them down. I urge all who read this, not to go to this school. It's a waste of your precious money and talent, and will do you more harm than good. I regret it everyday.

One more thing, I've noticed the other rip-off reports, and Collins hasn't said anything about them. Get you thinking, doesn't it?


Mesa, Arizona

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Oak Park,
Rebuttal sounds fake to me

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, October 06, 2006

That last rebuttal reads just like one of their catalogs. I was recently considering going to this place, until i did a little research and discovered ripoffreport and all the other various horrifying accounts from people who had gone there. If even 1/4 of the stuff I've heard is true, Collins is still 100% con job. Don't beleive anything else you hear. Even the ONE positive rebuttal ^ reads like it was pretty likely written by someone from inside the company.


Good Experience Collins is an accelerated learning program

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 27, 2005

Collins is an accelerated learning program. Classes are 16 weeks of information crammed into five weeks. They are very upfront about that so it should be no surprise to anyone that these classes are going to be tough. I purchased a firestorm and have had it for two years. I make sure I back up all my files once a week to rw-cds. Teachers can't say it enough to back up your files to cd. It said over and over in case of instances like an external hard-drive bailing out. It's not the responsibility of the teacher to make sure you have your projects backed up. Its true the hardware they sell is a bit pricey and you are better off getting it on your own but the books are very comparable in price. It's unfortunate to hear that people feel they are getting ripped of by Collins College. I attended Collins for my Associates and my Bachelors for the Visual Communications degree. I will admit the Associates degree is a bit effortless and somewhat elementary but I do not regret the Bachelors portion. I believe it was money well spent. Don't get me wrong I did learn a sufficient amount about the fundamentals of color theory, type, history of design, pre-press and software programs. When I entered into the Bachelors program it was as if I had entered another school. Most of the design teachers have over 20 to 30 years experience in the field and are extremely talented. One typo and you receive a D or an F. They are very strict on craft and deadlines. These teachers were not there to waste time and if your work was lacking they did not hesitate to let you know. Being owners of there own businesses or creative directors of design firms they expected quite a bit from students. If you didn't know how to come up with a solution at this late in the game you were probably not going to make it far in the industry. Its just honest and I find nothing wrong with that. These are the things you face in real life and its great that they focus on such issues. I did very well at Collins and have found a great job making in the upper 50's. Its not about what school you went to its about the work you represent. If the work isn't there the job isn't there. You make your situation what it is. I focused on what worked for me. I asked as many questions as I could. Collins is a great deal of money (cheaper than Art Institute and Advancing Computer Technology) but you only get what you put into it.

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