  • Report:  #380333

Complaint Review: Continental Warranty - Malibu California

Reported By:
- New York, New York,

Continental Warranty
24955 Pacific Coast Highway, Ste C-303 Malibu, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On April 25, my spouse and I put down a deposit on a plan that was described to us by the sales rep as "new car certified." After an hour and half of explaining as to why he had to start that warranty on our two year old vehicle with 13,000 miles RIGHT NOW, we put down a deposit and were sent to a verification department. Verification was very helpful and explained everything again. But when we asked the verifier "the plan is certified, right?" She said "this is what we put on new vehicles." I wanted to back out because it sounded very fishy. She transferred us back to the original rep who explained that the verifiers only know coverage and that I shouldn't ask them questions even though they are verifiers. So we got sent back to verification, we though "we have thirty days" but when I asked about my radio, I was told that we needed a different plan. Back to the original rep. This time we had to be moved up to a higher level of coverage, a plan that covered even more than the original. I thought this was wierd since the original plan is what they put on new cars, why not give new cars the best coverage? This next plan covered the radiator and my ball joints, and the radio, stuff that I would have thought would be covered on the FIRST plan! But no. Deposit stayed the same, so oh well, we did it.

Well, we get the plan in the mail, take it to the mechanic who tells us the plan isn't bad but for the money we paid we should be getting better coverage. One that would cover our entire suspension, all of our electrical, everything. I told him that the salesperson told us the plan was most comparable to the original manufacturer's warranty and he laughed. he said there are plenty of components not covered on this plan, and he wasn't talking about wear items.

Frustrated that I had spent so much time to get no where, I contacted Continental Warranty to cancel. After twenty minutes on the phone with customer service, after they tried to get me to pay MORE money yet again for their "full coverage" plan, the one that NOW covers EVERYTHING, I told them I had enough and the I needed to cancel. They said it would take 3-4 weeks. Not a problem.

That was April. It is now October. No money refunded. Calls un-returned. Email state "it's coming, sorry for the delays"

This is a joke. This is a scam. Here's the truth:

Had the original agent sold me the "full coverage" plan in the beginning, i would have done it.

Selling me the plan the "entry-level" plan, telling me its like a new car warranty, ill skip the whole certified junk, and then not refunding my credit card, that is a scam.

Bestbuy, Walmart, Toys R Us, Bloomingdales, Amazon, heck even Ameritrade doesn't pull stuff like this. I can guarantee you that all of the above companies deal with a lot more people than Continental Warranty, and a refund with any of those companies takes 5 business days, MAX!!!


New York, New York


16 Updates & Rebuttals


Not a term we use

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, November 10, 2008

Mike, You must have us confused with a different company, we do not use the term "certified warranty". Certified warranties are sold at dealerships and are certified by the manufacturer of the vehicle. As far as the difference between new and used car warranties please refer to our website at www.continentalwarranty.com. In our coverage plan section we clearly spell out new and used car coverage and in no way refer to any plan of ours as certified. Anyone reading these last couple of comments by Mike should know that he has an agenda against my company, he has written several comments in the past. I offered him to show him claims lists and he said he didn't care, no he's reaching for straws trying to claim we refer to our plans as certified. Please go to our website and do your own research and let the Mike's of the world just keep leaving their two cents lying around. Mike, do you honestly not have anything better to do? Lonnie Pitts Welcome Center Manager [email protected]

Mike R

Jersey City,
New Jersey,
Ok, I don't really care.

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, November 07, 2008

Since you cannot provide that info anyway. I just cannot figure out what a new car warranty is, and how it compares to a used car warranty. This does not add up, since the car is not new. What is New Car Certified, cause I talked to a lot of companies, and none of them ever heard that before. Even know they use the same administrators as you do, they have no idea what a new car certified warranty is. The "term" "New Car Certified" is made up by you. If not, please tell me who certified the new car plans.


If you want to see the list of claims my company pays weekly

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 05, 2008

I am more than happy to share the information on how much we authorize in claims on a weekly basis. I cannot divulge specific contract numbers, but the amount of claim and the vehicle type we paid the claim on I can certainly provide. Email me at [email protected] The 2 claim administrators that authorize payments of claims for my company are Royal Administration Services, Inc and Premiere Dealer Services, they both have an outstanding record of fair authorization of claims. Any questions shoot me a call at 1-866-989-9100 Extension 1620 Lonnie Pitts Welcome Center Manager

Mike R

Jersey City,
New Jersey,
I want to see it!

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2008

Lonnie, I want to see how much your company pays out in claims weekly. Make it happen.


Almost never worth what you pay for them

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, October 24, 2008

These third party warranties are a huge profit center for dealers and others who sell them. They like to scare you into paying big bucks for something you will likely never use. If you do need them, just take a look at the 1230 posts here under the heading of "auto warranty". These companies always find a way to weasel out of paying when you actually need them. I've been buying cars for nearly 30 yrs. and not once have I slapped my forehead and said, " Oh I wish I'd bought that extended warranty they were trying to push on me when I bought this car". If you buy a good car and maintain it properly, you won't need it. If you buy a piece of junk, good luck getting the warranty company to fix everything.


Last comment on this subject, and lets calm down Barry

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 22, 2008

I am responding to a complaint on a consumer blog that was written about my company as us being an alleged rip off. My company is in no way shape or form a rip off, if you saw the amount of money we pay in claims we pay on a weekly basis for clients you would find Barry's comments extremely offensive and ignorant. My response is in the case of this customer is that we dropped the ball and we didn't offer him our best plan initially and we have not been prompt on his refund. Barry's generalization of my company and the industry in my personal opinion reflect an example of a customer who starts shopping for a product, gets 10 different sales people who give him their insights on the industry and all of the sudden "SHAZAMMMM" he's an expert on my industry. I read an article in the Men's Health Magazine recently and watched ER, it doesn't make me qualified to argue with a doctor. The personal attacks on my company as far as length of time being in business, the administrators we use, which our the people who pay claims to dealers directly both have over 20 years of direct dealership warranty experience. This experience is undisputable and I cannot name another warranty company who has 2 100 year old insurance companies backing them and claims administration with as much experience. This includes Toyota Care, Mercedes, GMAC, Ford, etc. They have not been in business as long as Great American or Protective and since 3 of those companies are seeking bail outs from the government I trust both of our insurers more. I am done responding to Barry's complaint, I have offered to be of assistance to help with his refund. Barry's comments from here on out are those of someone intending to vent frustration towards a reputable business. I understand, but I encourage anyone reading them to take the angry words with a grain of salt. As far as my initial point, we are not a rip off, call me at 1-866-989-9100 Extension 1620 with any legitimate questions on my company or any questions you need answered. Lonnie Pitts Welcome Center Manager [email protected]


New York,
New York,
Learn your facts Lonnie...

#8Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

"Calling a bunch of companies and getting quotes is not research, it is listening to a bunch of sales people and choosing based on what you wanted to hear, which in this case is a $1,200 cheaper warranty. I personally have sold warranties for General Motors, Audi, and also directly for Mercedes Benz and have been in after market warranties for the past 10 years, trust me I know this business a lot more than you do." I agree with that. Research is getting a price, reviewing the coverage, seeing what insurance company is behind the product, and going over the service contract. I'm not an idiot Lonnie. I'm offended by your insinuations and anyone reading this will be turned off from your company because of you alone. Your remark "I know this business a lot more than you do" is not a professional remark. But to touch on your comment, if you worked for all of those companies, than you know better than anyone that their PLATINUM PLANS are EXCLUSIONARY, which is why I brought it up. you claimed most dealers reffer to their "freedom plus like plans" as platinum. You're wrong. "Saying that you can get an exclusionary policy with a 0 deductible for $1,200 cheaper for 6 years and 100,000 miles let me respond to that." Your reading comprehension is HORRIBLE. I wonder how much training you had to go through to get to your position. In my original post, I said INSURANCE COMPANIES THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD, IF NOT BETTER THAN GREAT AMERICAN. I didn't say "mom and pop companies." I didn't say "comapnies in the cayman islands." I said COMPARABLE TO GREAT AMERICAN. "Mercury Insurance is not a car warranty company, it is not their main business." Again, not too smart with your comments. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THAT AND GREAT AMERICAN? Great American is not a car warranty company. Their extended warranties make up for, what, 1% of what they do? "versus a company who for 20 years has specialized in selling service plans directly." Let's get the facts straight here. I don't work for your company but I seem to know things a lot better. Continental Warranty has not been in business for 20 years. Continental Warranty is not INC or LLCed, it's a DBA for another company called MCG Enterprises, which started Continental Warranty in the early 2000s. A simple search on the internet reveals that. Before then, NO WARRANTY SELLING WAS DONE, as the insurance commisioner has NO RECORD OF A LICENSE FOR YOU!!! "Your falsely comparing our industry to retail and other industries where the products are all the same and the only difference is the cost. Do some real research in my industry and you will find that is a horrible way to shop for a warranty. For example: One Source Auto Warranty Smart Choice Warranty Warranty USA Warranty Gold E Warranty Solutions Platinum Warranty Corporation These companies all sold 'Bumper to Bumper' plans for cut rates and all went out of business afterwards." Those companies went out of business for their own reasons, reasons unrelated to your company. Their "cut rates" were not reasons for going under, read the chapter 11 and 13 reports... you'll see why they went under. DO YOUR RESEARCH. I understand its not all about price, but when two insurance companies are offering plans, one has better coverage than the other, both a rated insurance companies in business for 20+ years, and both companies pay dealer rates for parts and labor, WHY WOULD I SPEND MORE FOR THE LESSER COVERAGE? "Truthfully the most amazing part of your complaint is to allege that car dealers always give the best plan available to clients, you even listed Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Toyota Care, Mercedes. Let me tell you something right now, except for Toyota Care which is pretty similiar in cost, I will definitely take the PEPSI CHALLENGE in a price for coverage comparison to the dealership, especially the higher end ones you mentioned. I love when people refer to dealerships as a source of honest business and fair pricing, having worked at dealers I would think it is a little bit naive." HAHAHAHAHA similar in cost? Toyota Care has prices listed on their site, and their new car PLATINUM FULL COVERAGE is more than 1000 LESS THAN ONE OF YOUR PLANS!!! Are you crazy, similar in cost. as the kids say, LOL. As for the Pepsi challenge, I would be more than happy to do a conference call to 5 dealerships of YOUR choice, and we can see what the finance guy/girl offers for my vehicle. I can guarantee you, as it is advertised on the manufacturer's website, that both coverage and price will always be superior to what your company offered me.


New York,
New York,
Learn your facts Lonnie...

#9Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

"Calling a bunch of companies and getting quotes is not research, it is listening to a bunch of sales people and choosing based on what you wanted to hear, which in this case is a $1,200 cheaper warranty. I personally have sold warranties for General Motors, Audi, and also directly for Mercedes Benz and have been in after market warranties for the past 10 years, trust me I know this business a lot more than you do." I agree with that. Research is getting a price, reviewing the coverage, seeing what insurance company is behind the product, and going over the service contract. I'm not an idiot Lonnie. I'm offended by your insinuations and anyone reading this will be turned off from your company because of you alone. Your remark "I know this business a lot more than you do" is not a professional remark. But to touch on your comment, if you worked for all of those companies, than you know better than anyone that their PLATINUM PLANS are EXCLUSIONARY, which is why I brought it up. you claimed most dealers reffer to their "freedom plus like plans" as platinum. You're wrong. "Saying that you can get an exclusionary policy with a 0 deductible for $1,200 cheaper for 6 years and 100,000 miles let me respond to that." Your reading comprehension is HORRIBLE. I wonder how much training you had to go through to get to your position. In my original post, I said INSURANCE COMPANIES THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD, IF NOT BETTER THAN GREAT AMERICAN. I didn't say "mom and pop companies." I didn't say "comapnies in the cayman islands." I said COMPARABLE TO GREAT AMERICAN. "Mercury Insurance is not a car warranty company, it is not their main business." Again, not too smart with your comments. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THAT AND GREAT AMERICAN? Great American is not a car warranty company. Their extended warranties make up for, what, 1% of what they do? "versus a company who for 20 years has specialized in selling service plans directly." Let's get the facts straight here. I don't work for your company but I seem to know things a lot better. Continental Warranty has not been in business for 20 years. Continental Warranty is not INC or LLCed, it's a DBA for another company called MCG Enterprises, which started Continental Warranty in the early 2000s. A simple search on the internet reveals that. Before then, NO WARRANTY SELLING WAS DONE, as the insurance commisioner has NO RECORD OF A LICENSE FOR YOU!!! "Your falsely comparing our industry to retail and other industries where the products are all the same and the only difference is the cost. Do some real research in my industry and you will find that is a horrible way to shop for a warranty. For example: One Source Auto Warranty Smart Choice Warranty Warranty USA Warranty Gold E Warranty Solutions Platinum Warranty Corporation These companies all sold 'Bumper to Bumper' plans for cut rates and all went out of business afterwards." Those companies went out of business for their own reasons, reasons unrelated to your company. Their "cut rates" were not reasons for going under, read the chapter 11 and 13 reports... you'll see why they went under. DO YOUR RESEARCH. I understand its not all about price, but when two insurance companies are offering plans, one has better coverage than the other, both a rated insurance companies in business for 20+ years, and both companies pay dealer rates for parts and labor, WHY WOULD I SPEND MORE FOR THE LESSER COVERAGE? "Truthfully the most amazing part of your complaint is to allege that car dealers always give the best plan available to clients, you even listed Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Toyota Care, Mercedes. Let me tell you something right now, except for Toyota Care which is pretty similiar in cost, I will definitely take the PEPSI CHALLENGE in a price for coverage comparison to the dealership, especially the higher end ones you mentioned. I love when people refer to dealerships as a source of honest business and fair pricing, having worked at dealers I would think it is a little bit naive." HAHAHAHAHA similar in cost? Toyota Care has prices listed on their site, and their new car PLATINUM FULL COVERAGE is more than 1000 LESS THAN ONE OF YOUR PLANS!!! Are you crazy, similar in cost. as the kids say, LOL. As for the Pepsi challenge, I would be more than happy to do a conference call to 5 dealerships of YOUR choice, and we can see what the finance guy/girl offers for my vehicle. I can guarantee you, as it is advertised on the manufacturer's website, that both coverage and price will always be superior to what your company offered me.


New York,
New York,
Learn your facts Lonnie...

#10Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

"Calling a bunch of companies and getting quotes is not research, it is listening to a bunch of sales people and choosing based on what you wanted to hear, which in this case is a $1,200 cheaper warranty. I personally have sold warranties for General Motors, Audi, and also directly for Mercedes Benz and have been in after market warranties for the past 10 years, trust me I know this business a lot more than you do." I agree with that. Research is getting a price, reviewing the coverage, seeing what insurance company is behind the product, and going over the service contract. I'm not an idiot Lonnie. I'm offended by your insinuations and anyone reading this will be turned off from your company because of you alone. Your remark "I know this business a lot more than you do" is not a professional remark. But to touch on your comment, if you worked for all of those companies, than you know better than anyone that their PLATINUM PLANS are EXCLUSIONARY, which is why I brought it up. you claimed most dealers reffer to their "freedom plus like plans" as platinum. You're wrong. "Saying that you can get an exclusionary policy with a 0 deductible for $1,200 cheaper for 6 years and 100,000 miles let me respond to that." Your reading comprehension is HORRIBLE. I wonder how much training you had to go through to get to your position. In my original post, I said INSURANCE COMPANIES THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD, IF NOT BETTER THAN GREAT AMERICAN. I didn't say "mom and pop companies." I didn't say "comapnies in the cayman islands." I said COMPARABLE TO GREAT AMERICAN. "Mercury Insurance is not a car warranty company, it is not their main business." Again, not too smart with your comments. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THAT AND GREAT AMERICAN? Great American is not a car warranty company. Their extended warranties make up for, what, 1% of what they do? "versus a company who for 20 years has specialized in selling service plans directly." Let's get the facts straight here. I don't work for your company but I seem to know things a lot better. Continental Warranty has not been in business for 20 years. Continental Warranty is not INC or LLCed, it's a DBA for another company called MCG Enterprises, which started Continental Warranty in the early 2000s. A simple search on the internet reveals that. Before then, NO WARRANTY SELLING WAS DONE, as the insurance commisioner has NO RECORD OF A LICENSE FOR YOU!!! "Your falsely comparing our industry to retail and other industries where the products are all the same and the only difference is the cost. Do some real research in my industry and you will find that is a horrible way to shop for a warranty. For example: One Source Auto Warranty Smart Choice Warranty Warranty USA Warranty Gold E Warranty Solutions Platinum Warranty Corporation These companies all sold 'Bumper to Bumper' plans for cut rates and all went out of business afterwards." Those companies went out of business for their own reasons, reasons unrelated to your company. Their "cut rates" were not reasons for going under, read the chapter 11 and 13 reports... you'll see why they went under. DO YOUR RESEARCH. I understand its not all about price, but when two insurance companies are offering plans, one has better coverage than the other, both a rated insurance companies in business for 20+ years, and both companies pay dealer rates for parts and labor, WHY WOULD I SPEND MORE FOR THE LESSER COVERAGE? "Truthfully the most amazing part of your complaint is to allege that car dealers always give the best plan available to clients, you even listed Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Toyota Care, Mercedes. Let me tell you something right now, except for Toyota Care which is pretty similiar in cost, I will definitely take the PEPSI CHALLENGE in a price for coverage comparison to the dealership, especially the higher end ones you mentioned. I love when people refer to dealerships as a source of honest business and fair pricing, having worked at dealers I would think it is a little bit naive." HAHAHAHAHA similar in cost? Toyota Care has prices listed on their site, and their new car PLATINUM FULL COVERAGE is more than 1000 LESS THAN ONE OF YOUR PLANS!!! Are you crazy, similar in cost. as the kids say, LOL. As for the Pepsi challenge, I would be more than happy to do a conference call to 5 dealerships of YOUR choice, and we can see what the finance guy/girl offers for my vehicle. I can guarantee you, as it is advertised on the manufacturer's website, that both coverage and price will always be superior to what your company offered me.


New York,
New York,
Learn your facts Lonnie...

#11Author of original report

Tue, October 21, 2008

"Calling a bunch of companies and getting quotes is not research, it is listening to a bunch of sales people and choosing based on what you wanted to hear, which in this case is a $1,200 cheaper warranty. I personally have sold warranties for General Motors, Audi, and also directly for Mercedes Benz and have been in after market warranties for the past 10 years, trust me I know this business a lot more than you do." I agree with that. Research is getting a price, reviewing the coverage, seeing what insurance company is behind the product, and going over the service contract. I'm not an idiot Lonnie. I'm offended by your insinuations and anyone reading this will be turned off from your company because of you alone. Your remark "I know this business a lot more than you do" is not a professional remark. But to touch on your comment, if you worked for all of those companies, than you know better than anyone that their PLATINUM PLANS are EXCLUSIONARY, which is why I brought it up. you claimed most dealers reffer to their "freedom plus like plans" as platinum. You're wrong. "Saying that you can get an exclusionary policy with a 0 deductible for $1,200 cheaper for 6 years and 100,000 miles let me respond to that." Your reading comprehension is HORRIBLE. I wonder how much training you had to go through to get to your position. In my original post, I said INSURANCE COMPANIES THAT ARE JUST AS GOOD, IF NOT BETTER THAN GREAT AMERICAN. I didn't say "mom and pop companies." I didn't say "comapnies in the cayman islands." I said COMPARABLE TO GREAT AMERICAN. "Mercury Insurance is not a car warranty company, it is not their main business." Again, not too smart with your comments. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THAT AND GREAT AMERICAN? Great American is not a car warranty company. Their extended warranties make up for, what, 1% of what they do? "versus a company who for 20 years has specialized in selling service plans directly." Let's get the facts straight here. I don't work for your company but I seem to know things a lot better. Continental Warranty has not been in business for 20 years. Continental Warranty is not INC or LLCed, it's a DBA for another company called MCG Enterprises, which started Continental Warranty in the early 2000s. A simple search on the internet reveals that. Before then, NO WARRANTY SELLING WAS DONE, as the insurance commisioner has NO RECORD OF A LICENSE FOR YOU!!! "Your falsely comparing our industry to retail and other industries where the products are all the same and the only difference is the cost. Do some real research in my industry and you will find that is a horrible way to shop for a warranty. For example: One Source Auto Warranty Smart Choice Warranty Warranty USA Warranty Gold E Warranty Solutions Platinum Warranty Corporation These companies all sold 'Bumper to Bumper' plans for cut rates and all went out of business afterwards." Those companies went out of business for their own reasons, reasons unrelated to your company. Their "cut rates" were not reasons for going under, read the chapter 11 and 13 reports... you'll see why they went under. DO YOUR RESEARCH. I understand its not all about price, but when two insurance companies are offering plans, one has better coverage than the other, both a rated insurance companies in business for 20+ years, and both companies pay dealer rates for parts and labor, WHY WOULD I SPEND MORE FOR THE LESSER COVERAGE? "Truthfully the most amazing part of your complaint is to allege that car dealers always give the best plan available to clients, you even listed Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Toyota Care, Mercedes. Let me tell you something right now, except for Toyota Care which is pretty similiar in cost, I will definitely take the PEPSI CHALLENGE in a price for coverage comparison to the dealership, especially the higher end ones you mentioned. I love when people refer to dealerships as a source of honest business and fair pricing, having worked at dealers I would think it is a little bit naive." HAHAHAHAHA similar in cost? Toyota Care has prices listed on their site, and their new car PLATINUM FULL COVERAGE is more than 1000 LESS THAN ONE OF YOUR PLANS!!! Are you crazy, similar in cost. as the kids say, LOL. As for the Pepsi challenge, I would be more than happy to do a conference call to 5 dealerships of YOUR choice, and we can see what the finance guy/girl offers for my vehicle. I can guarantee you, as it is advertised on the manufacturer's website, that both coverage and price will always be superior to what your company offered me.


I'm sure you've done extensive research

#12UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 20, 2008

Barry, Calling a bunch of companies and getting quotes is not research, it is listening to a bunch of sales people and choosing based on what you wanted to hear, which in this case is a $1,200 cheaper warranty. I personally have sold warranties for General Motors, Audi, and also directly for Mercedes Benz and have been in after market warranties for the past 10 years, trust me I know this business a lot more than you do. Saying that you can get an exclusionary policy with a 0 deductible for $1,200 cheaper for 6 years and 100,000 miles let me respond to that. Mercury Insurance is not a car warranty company, it is not their main business. They add it on like a dealer will do GAP insurance, Wrap coverage or Security protection, when you make a claim you will see major differences dealing with a company who sells warranties as an after thought versus a company who for 20 years has specialized in selling service plans directly. Your falsely comparing our industry to retail and other industries where the products are all the same and the only difference is the cost. Do some real research in my industry and you will find that is a horrible way to shop for a warranty. For example: One Source Auto Warranty Smart Choice Warranty Warranty USA Warranty Gold E Warranty Solutions Platinum Warranty Corporation These companies all sold "Bumper to Bumper" plans for cut rates and all went out of business afterwards. We don't price our plans on competition, we base them off each vehicles ratings and how much has to be set aside for claims. Thats why we are still in business going strong. Great American doesn't invest into risky fields like the real estate and mortgage industry. They provide a guarantee to every client we sell that the money they spend today will be guaranteed the entire term of our service plan, and very few companies can provide that type of assurance. Truthfully the most amazing part of your complaint is to allege that car dealers always give the best plan available to clients, you even listed Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Toyota Care, Mercedes. Let me tell you something right now, except for Toyota Care which is pretty similiar in cost, I will definitely take the PEPSI CHALLENGE in a price for coverage comparison to the dealership, especially the higher end ones you mentioned. I love when people refer to dealerships as a source of honest business and fair pricing, having worked at dealers I would think it is a little bit naive. Anyone reading the previous posts and have questions or comments please email me at [email protected] I do still offer the apology about the delay on your refund Barry and if you wanted help it was there, and I do whole heartedly agree with one part of your complaint, if you asked for the best we should have given you the Full Coverage. I do strongly disagree with you of your assessment of Freedom Plus and of course comparing us to a greedy Wall Street company, though considering your experience with us I guess I understand a couple harsh words. Lonnie Pitts Welcome Center Manager 1-866-989-9100 Extension 1620


New York,
New York,

#13Author of original report

Thu, October 16, 2008

"As far as selling someone the exclusionary plan up front, Full Coverage is generally $800 - $1000 more expensive than Freedom Plus, and Freedom Plus is what many dealerships call a Platinum plan. We never refer to Freedom Plus as bumper to bumper but it covers most clients needs exceptionally well and is far better coverage than what a dealer offers in most cases." I've done a lot of research, and I'd say 95% of the companies out there, including Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche, just to name a few, call their top of the line plans "platinum" and they are exclusionary. I can tell you from the homework I've done that most companies who have a "platinum" plan are offering you their exclusionary warranty, and if it's not exclusionary, it covers both the front and rear suspension, the radiator, and the ball joints. When you say that Freedom Plus covers the clients needs exceptionally well, I think you're forgetting that most of your clients don't know a thing about cars and don't really realize the lack of coverage on Freedom Plus until they go to make a claim. If your sales agents explained to every client the difference between Comprehensive, Freedom Plus, and Full Coverage, I don't think you would have as many "sales" as you would like. True, people would not want to pay the extra $ for the better coverage when it is available elsewhere for less, through insurance companies that are just as good, if not better than Great American. But if your company is as invested in the customers needs as you make it out to be, I don't see why you don't do this. I've found that vehicles under the original warranty will always qualify for a FULL COVERAGE plan through dealerships. You should check your facts because your statement regarding Freedom Plus being better than what most dealerships offer is bogus. I know you said "in most cases" but we're talking about MY CASE, and my car still has warranty. The truth is if we told everyone about Full Coverage first we would be hung up on at the price constantly," Perhaps your company should work on your pricing. What you just said above makes your company sound like a bunch of $ hungry SOBs. You would rather get the sale on lesser coverage than actually do good for the customer. Sounds like those greedy wall street people... "unfortunately in this world you do get what you pay for." Did you know that a 6 year freedom plus plan cost $1,218 more than a Mercury 6 year exclusionary plan with a ZERO deductible? Tell me, what makes Great American better than Mercury? Both are A rated, have been in business for quite some time... "In the future, if you want bumper to bumper I would suggest asking for Exclusionary coverage and bring your wallet." I believe my exact words to your sales rep was "I want the best coverage available." But I don't think I should have to ask. If someone tells your agents that they want everything covered, everything means EVERYTHING, not SOMEthings. "As far as the refund, that is an unacceptable length of time to go without a refund, call me or email me at [email protected] and I will resolve that issue." Don't even worry about it... My credit card company is taking care of this for me. Your company is filth and I want nothing to do with it.


New York,
New York,

#14Author of original report

Thu, October 16, 2008

"As far as selling someone the exclusionary plan up front, Full Coverage is generally $800 - $1000 more expensive than Freedom Plus, and Freedom Plus is what many dealerships call a Platinum plan. We never refer to Freedom Plus as bumper to bumper but it covers most clients needs exceptionally well and is far better coverage than what a dealer offers in most cases." I've done a lot of research, and I'd say 95% of the companies out there, including Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche, just to name a few, call their top of the line plans "platinum" and they are exclusionary. I can tell you from the homework I've done that most companies who have a "platinum" plan are offering you their exclusionary warranty, and if it's not exclusionary, it covers both the front and rear suspension, the radiator, and the ball joints. When you say that Freedom Plus covers the clients needs exceptionally well, I think you're forgetting that most of your clients don't know a thing about cars and don't really realize the lack of coverage on Freedom Plus until they go to make a claim. If your sales agents explained to every client the difference between Comprehensive, Freedom Plus, and Full Coverage, I don't think you would have as many "sales" as you would like. True, people would not want to pay the extra $ for the better coverage when it is available elsewhere for less, through insurance companies that are just as good, if not better than Great American. But if your company is as invested in the customers needs as you make it out to be, I don't see why you don't do this. I've found that vehicles under the original warranty will always qualify for a FULL COVERAGE plan through dealerships. You should check your facts because your statement regarding Freedom Plus being better than what most dealerships offer is bogus. I know you said "in most cases" but we're talking about MY CASE, and my car still has warranty. The truth is if we told everyone about Full Coverage first we would be hung up on at the price constantly," Perhaps your company should work on your pricing. What you just said above makes your company sound like a bunch of $ hungry SOBs. You would rather get the sale on lesser coverage than actually do good for the customer. Sounds like those greedy wall street people... "unfortunately in this world you do get what you pay for." Did you know that a 6 year freedom plus plan cost $1,218 more than a Mercury 6 year exclusionary plan with a ZERO deductible? Tell me, what makes Great American better than Mercury? Both are A rated, have been in business for quite some time... "In the future, if you want bumper to bumper I would suggest asking for Exclusionary coverage and bring your wallet." I believe my exact words to your sales rep was "I want the best coverage available." But I don't think I should have to ask. If someone tells your agents that they want everything covered, everything means EVERYTHING, not SOMEthings. "As far as the refund, that is an unacceptable length of time to go without a refund, call me or email me at [email protected] and I will resolve that issue." Don't even worry about it... My credit card company is taking care of this for me. Your company is filth and I want nothing to do with it.


New York,
New York,

#15Author of original report

Thu, October 16, 2008

"As far as selling someone the exclusionary plan up front, Full Coverage is generally $800 - $1000 more expensive than Freedom Plus, and Freedom Plus is what many dealerships call a Platinum plan. We never refer to Freedom Plus as bumper to bumper but it covers most clients needs exceptionally well and is far better coverage than what a dealer offers in most cases." I've done a lot of research, and I'd say 95% of the companies out there, including Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche, just to name a few, call their top of the line plans "platinum" and they are exclusionary. I can tell you from the homework I've done that most companies who have a "platinum" plan are offering you their exclusionary warranty, and if it's not exclusionary, it covers both the front and rear suspension, the radiator, and the ball joints. When you say that Freedom Plus covers the clients needs exceptionally well, I think you're forgetting that most of your clients don't know a thing about cars and don't really realize the lack of coverage on Freedom Plus until they go to make a claim. If your sales agents explained to every client the difference between Comprehensive, Freedom Plus, and Full Coverage, I don't think you would have as many "sales" as you would like. True, people would not want to pay the extra $ for the better coverage when it is available elsewhere for less, through insurance companies that are just as good, if not better than Great American. But if your company is as invested in the customers needs as you make it out to be, I don't see why you don't do this. I've found that vehicles under the original warranty will always qualify for a FULL COVERAGE plan through dealerships. You should check your facts because your statement regarding Freedom Plus being better than what most dealerships offer is bogus. I know you said "in most cases" but we're talking about MY CASE, and my car still has warranty. The truth is if we told everyone about Full Coverage first we would be hung up on at the price constantly," Perhaps your company should work on your pricing. What you just said above makes your company sound like a bunch of $ hungry SOBs. You would rather get the sale on lesser coverage than actually do good for the customer. Sounds like those greedy wall street people... "unfortunately in this world you do get what you pay for." Did you know that a 6 year freedom plus plan cost $1,218 more than a Mercury 6 year exclusionary plan with a ZERO deductible? Tell me, what makes Great American better than Mercury? Both are A rated, have been in business for quite some time... "In the future, if you want bumper to bumper I would suggest asking for Exclusionary coverage and bring your wallet." I believe my exact words to your sales rep was "I want the best coverage available." But I don't think I should have to ask. If someone tells your agents that they want everything covered, everything means EVERYTHING, not SOMEthings. "As far as the refund, that is an unacceptable length of time to go without a refund, call me or email me at [email protected] and I will resolve that issue." Don't even worry about it... My credit card company is taking care of this for me. Your company is filth and I want nothing to do with it.


New York,
New York,

#16Author of original report

Thu, October 16, 2008

"As far as selling someone the exclusionary plan up front, Full Coverage is generally $800 - $1000 more expensive than Freedom Plus, and Freedom Plus is what many dealerships call a Platinum plan. We never refer to Freedom Plus as bumper to bumper but it covers most clients needs exceptionally well and is far better coverage than what a dealer offers in most cases." I've done a lot of research, and I'd say 95% of the companies out there, including Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche, just to name a few, call their top of the line plans "platinum" and they are exclusionary. I can tell you from the homework I've done that most companies who have a "platinum" plan are offering you their exclusionary warranty, and if it's not exclusionary, it covers both the front and rear suspension, the radiator, and the ball joints. When you say that Freedom Plus covers the clients needs exceptionally well, I think you're forgetting that most of your clients don't know a thing about cars and don't really realize the lack of coverage on Freedom Plus until they go to make a claim. If your sales agents explained to every client the difference between Comprehensive, Freedom Plus, and Full Coverage, I don't think you would have as many "sales" as you would like. True, people would not want to pay the extra $ for the better coverage when it is available elsewhere for less, through insurance companies that are just as good, if not better than Great American. But if your company is as invested in the customers needs as you make it out to be, I don't see why you don't do this. I've found that vehicles under the original warranty will always qualify for a FULL COVERAGE plan through dealerships. You should check your facts because your statement regarding Freedom Plus being better than what most dealerships offer is bogus. I know you said "in most cases" but we're talking about MY CASE, and my car still has warranty. The truth is if we told everyone about Full Coverage first we would be hung up on at the price constantly," Perhaps your company should work on your pricing. What you just said above makes your company sound like a bunch of $ hungry SOBs. You would rather get the sale on lesser coverage than actually do good for the customer. Sounds like those greedy wall street people... "unfortunately in this world you do get what you pay for." Did you know that a 6 year freedom plus plan cost $1,218 more than a Mercury 6 year exclusionary plan with a ZERO deductible? Tell me, what makes Great American better than Mercury? Both are A rated, have been in business for quite some time... "In the future, if you want bumper to bumper I would suggest asking for Exclusionary coverage and bring your wallet." I believe my exact words to your sales rep was "I want the best coverage available." But I don't think I should have to ask. If someone tells your agents that they want everything covered, everything means EVERYTHING, not SOMEthings. "As far as the refund, that is an unacceptable length of time to go without a refund, call me or email me at [email protected] and I will resolve that issue." Don't even worry about it... My credit card company is taking care of this for me. Your company is filth and I want nothing to do with it.


Refund Issue resolution

#17UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 13, 2008

Sir, I apologize for the obvious poor experience you have had with my company, some of it I can solve, some of the experience is unchangeable. For your refund call me at 1-866-989-9100 Extension 1620 Ask for Lonnie Pitts or leave me a message, I need your contract number and your information. As far as selling someone the exclusionary plan up front, Full Coverage is generally $800 - $1000 more expensive than Freedom Plus, and Freedom Plus is what many dealerships call a Platinum plan. We never refer to Freedom Plus as bumper to bumper but it covers most clients needs exceptionally well and is far better coverage than what a dealer offers in most cases. The truth is if we told everyone about Full Coverage first we would be hung up on at the price constantly, a good majority of people want it all, great price and top notch coverage, unfortunately in this world you do get what you pay for. In the future, if you want bumper to bumper I would suggest asking for Exclusionary coverage and bring your wallet. As far as the refund, that is an unacceptable length of time to go without a refund, call me or email me at [email protected] and I will resolve that issue. Many apologies and best of luck with your vehicle, Lonnie Pitts Welcome Center Manager

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