  • Report:  #469644

Complaint Review: Cricket Wireless Cricket Broadband - Internet

Reported By:
- north las vegas, Nevada,

Cricket Wireless Cricket Broadband
www.mycricket.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Cricket "Unlimited Broadband" is a scam and an outright lie. I live in the very populous city of North Las Vegas, NV (yes, that's right Las Vegas). Well, apparently Cricket considers Las Vegas (and anywhere else you happen to live) as a remote area. Their so-called "broadband access" has never gotten a full 4 bars of strength and typically (90%) lingers around 2 bars no matter where or when I'm attempting to use it. The broadband access is prone to failing in several ways. 1. You have to reactivate this thing at least twice a week just to keep two bars going. 2. Several times a day the service will disconnect itself for no reason. 3. This service often refuses to connect to the internet at all.

Please tell me how Cricket can consider a service this terrible as UNLIMITED!!!! This service is severely limited. If Cricket's "Broadband" was a person, it would get a disability check and a free wheelchair! CRICKET HAS OBVIOUSLY LIED TO THEIR CUSTOMERS! THIS SERVICE IS NOT UNLIMITED OR EVEN RELIABLE. The only thing you can rely on is the absolute failure of this service. How would you feel if you shelling out $40 + per month and getting nothing but trouble and headaches in return?

Cricket makes it's money by preying on the poor. You go in to their store, pay $200 just to get what turns out to be a worthless piece of plastic. Then, when you plug it in to your computer you find out that you'd be better off sticking with AOL or some other dial-up from the 90's. I have taken this modem all over Las Vegas (even to the strip) and never once got a steady 4 bars of service. You know what that means? CRICKET HAS LIED. THIS MODEM AND THEIR SERVICE IS NOT CAPABLE OF BROADBAND SPEED! They have told outright lies and have used those lies to prey on the poor community.

IF YOU HAVE INITIATED A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST CRICKET, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I will join forces with you; if for no other reason than to shine a light on the lies that Cricket has told to millions of people via television, billboard and radio ads. I will join your lawsuit! I cannot stand companies that prey on the poor person's desire to better themselves. CRICKET BROADBAND IS A SCAM!


north las vegas, Nevada


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