  • Report:  #1107846

Complaint Review: Cynthia Renee; cynsinger.com - Internet

Reported By:
Michele - California,

Cynthia Renee; cynsinger.com
Internet, USA
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I went and saw Cynthia Renee at a local restaurant after seeing her website (www.cynsinger.com). Even though I thought her voice wasnt' that good from the videos on her website, I still went to hear her. What a waste of time--she thinks she is next Celine Dion but can't carry a tune. I don't even know how she got the gig at the cheesy restaurant I went to. She was off key and and a horrible performer. Luckily I didn't have to pay a cover charge! I wante to ask for a refund for my meal because her voice ruined it.

7 Updates & Rebuttals

HH Ice Rink

Can't wait to have Cynthia Renee come back again!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, December 21, 2013

If you missed her for our opening gala check it out here,  youtu.be/-UPbw_cxMwE and  its airing  on local Comcast through the weekend in the El Dorado County region on with ch 2 or 7 or both.   Remember music fans, we will be rockin out at the Hangtown  holiday ice rink again on New Year's Eve complete with a ball drop, live music and tons if fun so come back out and thanI you again Cynthia, Chris and Dante!  We can't wait to do this again.   - J 



#3Consumer Comment

Sat, December 21, 2013

Never know what motivates a person to take the time and effort to throw dirt for no apparent reason. It's just simply amazing. Even more so when an "undiscovered" true talent with a gift of both voice and soul such as Cynthia Renee begins to catch some popular attention. Just one performance did it for me! I know Cynthia Renee has what it takes... both to rise above such nonsense and continue to share her inspirational gift and talent with appreciative audiences wherever she performs. This girl is going places... Just attend one of her performances and you'll understand why! You're on your w ay Cynthia Renee... never look back!

HH Ice Rink

Cynthia Renee and cynsinger simply the BEST for an event!!!!!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2013

For the opening night gala of the new Hangtown Holiday Ice Rink there were many musicians to choose from and Cynthia Renee and cynsinger was our number one choice and definately a GREAT CHOICE. The group came with good references from other shows, charities that she has performed for, nascar promotions and tons of loyal fans. With many county and state dignitaries at our kick off event it was important to us to have a great performer that had talent and class all in one beautiful package! Ignore the stranger than fiction review below, its obviously a personal attack. This woman can SING!




El Dorado HIlls,
Cynthia Renee a wonderful singer and person

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2013

I have heard Ms. Renee sing in many forms and venues over the last several years and she by far is born to perform. This negative report on her is completely bogus and clearly is the product of her ex  once again as anyone who knows either of them is well aware of the fact that this person continues to blog and criticize her success and her passion. Cynthia is not only a great performer but a wonderful person with a huge heart and a strong faith which has helped her through troubling times, much of which is illustrated in the original songs she writes. Judging from the responses already on this heartless attack written by a very sick person that should focus on their own life or better yet, take the time they took to write this and do something for charity, it will be must more constructive and will help others rather than hurt them and their children by writing such hatred.  We can't wait to go hear cynthia at her show tonight and I'm sure she will be as amazing as always. Ignore the tacky, distasteful review below. Cynthia Renee is truly a talented young lady!



Cameron Park,
You Can't be Serious?!

#6General Comment

Thu, December 19, 2013

I get that being slimy comes natural to some people but to stoop so low should be embarrassing...

Anybody who has listened to Cynthia sing knows that her voice is as beautiful as her gorgeous face.  I'm not a long time friend, a sister or even someone who gains from her success.  I am a fan who has travelled on more than one occasion to hear her fantastic voice.  It is obvious that anybody who listens to someone sing on their website and dislikes what they hear wouldn't take the time to travel and listen to them live.  Some people have nothing better to do than make up nonsense and then try to spread it.  Some people aren't bright enough to realize that anybody could go to her website and find out just how wonderful her voice is for themselves.

If Cynthia reads this I hope she brushes off the crap, holds her head high and keeps giving us the music we all love <3



"Voice Of An Angel"

#7General Comment

Thu, December 19, 2013

Cynthia Renee is a truly gifted singer!  Not only does she have a voice of an Angel but a "Heart of Gold" too! She is a singer that cares deeply about others!  Her original song "The Journey" not only truly expresses  her own feelings of a desperate journey the last past two years but gives hope for others experiencing the same.  Her music reaches so many because she gives so much thru her music and is a truly real and down to earth person. I know  this singer will be and is "Blessed"


We love Cynthia Renee

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, December 19, 2013

This report on Cynthia Renee is by far, estremely inaccurate. We are longtime fans of hers from the days she was in the ripoffs and even more so now. This is obviously another one of the ongoing attacks by her ex who can't seem to move on and chooses to blog about her. Sad and pretty sick!  Rock on Cynthia, we love you and will see you soon. :) 

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