  • Report:  #165050

Complaint Review: David Sheldon - Tupper Lake New York

Reported By:
- Tupper Lake, New York,

David Sheldon
Tupper Lake, 12986 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have known Dave Sheldon for at least 15 years and was never interested in little girls in a perverted way. I first met Dave in Saranac Lake where he used to live. He then moved to the shithole town of Tupper Lake where gossip, judgement, and a persons fate is born. Dave was accussed of having sex with a 16 year old female, repeatedly.

The local newspaper said there was no RELATIONSHIP between victim and accused. I find it very interesting that the local newspaper has stated that the supposed victim was violated several times but never cried wolf. See, I know the victim, whom is Cynthia Barber, daughter of Shane and Penny(Farnsworth)Barber.

Well, I just purchased the Free Press of Tupper Lake and saw Cynthia posing for a picture, she looks very content, and not traumatized, or withdrawn as a rape victim would look or act.

Dave Sheldon worked at the state run facilty- Sunmount DDSO, his ex- Patty Reandeau also works in the very important (upstairs office)(near ICAD) Dave was a caring person, never violent, never perverted, and always friendly. I think he pissed the wrong people off at Sunmount and seeing how Shane Barber is dad of accused victim and also PRESIDENT of C.S.E.A.- 634, draw your own conclusions. I know I have seen young girls trying to grow up WAY TOO FAST! Parents WATCH your children!


Tupper Lake, New York

36 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States of America
Get it right

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2012

First of all his ex was not Patty Reandeau, That was his mother in law his ex is Paula Sheldon (Reandeau).My Step-father's life was completely ruined! He was the best step father and father to my sister. Never missed a performance by my family, dance, whatever it was he was there. He missed one dance recital i remembered and was more upset than us. If there was a rescue call he was there before anyone else even if he wasn't on call and he lived out in Piercefield! He was a really good man and his life was ruined by Cindy because little girls in Tupper just want to have sex and are mad. Because of this my sister is MESSED UP IN THE HEAD! She cries, she cut, she hates herself and her life and she always asks what happened and she was so young. she grew up without a father because Cindy took him from her by throwing him in prison like that. Now I have to do everything I can to take care of my sister and make her feel like she is loved like she is. She doesnt think she is just because of this. You f***** up our family and messed up my litter sister. I'm so afraid for her now and want her to do so good but because she grew up like this with kids making fun of her and treating her like because of her father who was the best father to her she is messed up and views herself as nothing. So THANK YOU for f******  up my family!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Oh you poor thing Cynthia (Cindy) ..you people that are not from Tupper Lake you don't know how nice and caring a lot of people in this town really are

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, March 17, 2006

Dear all who read this, Now lets see where to begin... last spring through the summer I hung out with Karen, Dave, Josh And Billie. Everyday like a charm Cindy would show up with her little friends. And everyday not so skinny and pretty Cindy would be wearing clothes like a little hoochie( ie. short skirts, belly shirts, et cetra) and she was always flirting with all the guys whom were in her sights. Including married men, and my boyfriend at the time right in front of me. She was always the one to go up to any of these guys and put her hands all over them. And say innapropriate comments to them. From the first moment I met her I knew right off the bat that nothing good would come of her presence. Cindy was also a bad influence on Karens oldest daughter whom is a really smart girl who let her "cool" friend control her. If Cindy lived in a more violent town or even a city while acting in this manner I'm sure she would've been raped and murdered long ago. And I mean raped in a forcefull way not just giving the consent. I, myself have lived in this town since I was born and I know that you people can do better than this. The drug rate has gone up, the crimes committed have gone up, and even the amount of kids(10yrs to 17yrs) thinking they can do whatever they want including sex, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol have gone way up. Cindy I'm sure if you really LOVE Dave you would've and should've just watched him from afar. The only reason you "hung out" with Chelsea and tried to get in Justin's pants (Dave's son) was to use them to get to Dave. You are way beyond control, its kids like you that give us all here in Tupper Lake a bad name. Kids shouldn't be yelling, hitting, and screaming at their parents. They shouldn't be TELLING they're parents what to do and they can't stop you. To all the parents with troublesome teens. SEND THEM TO REFORM SCHOOL. They might learn something. or better yet semd them away to a disiplinary BOOT CAMP. Where the can't just run and hide. Ok so now what do you think. I think of anything here, Dave is the victim and Cindy should be in Juvy for raping a man. Cindy you are no better than little Ms. Smith and Heidi h*o. In closing you people that are not from Tupper Lake you don't know how nice and caring a lot of people in this town really are. Karen, I'm sorry something like this had to happen, you are a nice person and I think you should put this matter behind you, you have two smart girls to worry about. And Cindy, well you're a s**t, drunk, immature, LITTLE girl. Your actions do not make you an adult but a troubled little girl(oh sorry your not little you wear, what, a size 14 misses pant size, WEAR SOMETHING FITS AND COVERS THAT NASTY STOMACH AND LEGS)


Chamber of Commerce has to appreciate this...

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 17, 2006

Jim: Please see my post from January 9, 2006 titled Tupper Lake is unique. It's in the heart of the Adirondack Park Reserve. It appears at the very beginning of the rebuttals after your initial post regarding Dave. You ask, What do you want from me? and What's your point in this set of reports? I, like many others, want nothing more than to hear the true stories of Tupper Lake, NY. I would like for you to fill in the missing details of some of the more scandalous stories that have been discussed and REALLY give the skinny on some of the stories that have had light mention. Just for the recordI, for one, do not distrust your judgment. I'm actually quite sympathetic. Your diligent reporting of these events is much appreciated. Please continue your dogged pursuits. We find them so intriguing. The Chamber of Commerce has to appreciate some of this. I'm already planning my trip for summer 2006. I don't like it too cold and I've read somewhere on here that you have black flies in the springtime. I hate bugs. Summer is looking really good. What's the elevation? I think your highest peak out there is just over 5000 so I'm wondering how humid it gets. I don't do humidity either, hence Colorado. My invitation for a more private discussion on Tupper Lake still stands. Jenniferyes, it's my real name. Aurora, Colorado To Doc in Indiana: I, too, am quite sure that there are many hidden angles to the Dave/Cynthia thing. Karen, Dave's ex,states that Cynthia has flipped their world upside down for the last time implying that there was a FIRST time. I would like to hear more about that first time. I would like to see that picture of Cynthia that ended up in the Tupper Lake Free Press. (I still cannot believe that both Karen and Cynthia actually posted in response to this stuff, but it was awesome, nonetheless. I loved the part where the girl, Cynthia tells, Karen, the adult woman, that Dave's playin' youa knee slapping howler, that was), If you google Tupper Lake in the Images file, you get a buttload of thumbnails. Pretty sceneryI especially enjoyed the prom pictures. Yep, they're out there. Some real sexy bitches turn out for that tinman thing and the fishing looks good too. I love Tupper Lake. I am convinced that this is as close technology has come to actually being able to give you one of those total recall vacations like in the movie. And to think that Arnold wanted a nice relaxing vacation on Mars


Wow. Just Wow.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, January 16, 2006

After reading all of this I am glad I have the life I have. I now realize God must have a plan for me after reading about how some 16 yo skeezer jailed a guy with a family because she got off seeing a family break up over this. Oh, I am sure there are many angles and hidden truths not yet revealed and to many of us outside of Tupper Lake our problems pale in comparison so we realize the value of our problems. I grew up spending my summers in the Adirondacks and I had almost forgot why I never went back until pulling up this webpage. Thank God I found this! My wife can't stop laughing at the misfortunes of others from Tupper Lake either.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
People, I post the truth here, I am not afraid of anyone!

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, January 14, 2006

People of Tupper Lake!- I will continue to post ALL corruptions on this website as long as I am able to. I will always post the truth, so if you don't want to be acknowledged be a straight person. Cynthia Barber was a very young player who roped a 35 year old guy. Jennifer from California, whats your point in this set of reports? I am sick of people distrusting me of my judgement! I know a true story and I pursue it!


Tupper Lake is unique. It's in the heart of the Adirondack Park Reserve.

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, January 09, 2006

I had found myself with an abundance of free time when I discovered Tupper Lake. It's like an addiction. Subsequently, I've read many (almost all) of the posts. I've come to recognize your writing style and wording. After extensive reading, I became concerned that something had actually happened to you and I believe that you DO speak quite truthfully. Moreover, I'm under the impression that you have suffered repercussions in Tupper because of it. I admit James LaVair killed himself as he wrote about wrong doings in the small town of Tupper Lake and took many pictures showing corruption, but he was outclassed. He was tarnished and he still is accordingly to people in town. Writings like this made me concerned for your welfare. Tupper Lake is unique. It's in the heart of the Adirondack Park Reserve. This park is larger than the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone combined. So many different things factor into creating the Tupper Bubble, but one of those factors is the isolation. This bubble is a microcosm; an encapsulated society with few outsiders. I liken it to an ant farm. Jennifer really is my name and my interest in you is because of your desire to speak the truth. I'm not looking to challenge you; I'm looking for you to fill in the blanks from other things that I've read here. I have many questions. For instance, I was called to the New York State Police Station based in Tupper Lake for a threat posted on here for supposedly threatening people at Sunmount with a Timothy McVeigh-Terry Nichols thing. I read the entire post that contained the mention of Timothy McVeigh-Terry Nichols and here's what you wrote: I will do what I have to do to survive. I am sick of people turning on one another and spreading gossip. Hey people remember TIMOTHY MCVEIGH, TERRY NICHOLS, and ERIC HARRIS and DYLAN KLEBOLD. MY point being watch who you @#$# over! You never know what they think. You got called into the State Police for this? You've got to be kidding me. I mean, maybe it's just a writing thing. If you had left out that sentence about doing what you have to do to survive, perhaps they would not have had any issue. In the interest of fairness, I left that part in. One should not support or engage in biased journalism. Jim/James LaVair will not die by the hand of another but by god or himself. Smart people know of the re-percussions of my death. What does that mean? The people of Tupper Lake are not worth the taking of one's life. Move. You'll probably earn a better income elsewhere, anyway. Incidentally, who are these smart people and what the f do they know, anyway? I would like to extend permission to the editor to give you my e-mail address on file. I have a lot of questions that only you can answer and this current method of communication is too public. You're always so defensive. I think you will find that you are more than willing to oblige once I explain in greater detail. Lastly.how were Dave, Cynthia, and their affair discovered? Sincerely,


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Jennifer from Colorado!

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, January 06, 2006

James and Jim are one in the same, I was not thrown out. I decided to use my REAL NAME but I admit that some freaks were allowed to use my name to post my name in a post where I never posted. Jim/James LaVair will not die by the hand of another but by god or himself. Smart people know of the re-percussions of my death. Anyway, I post the truth on this website, but of course I will be challenged, which is fine, I always come out ahead. Anyway, why do you have an interest in me there Jennifer(not real name)? What do you want from me?????


Not Here,
New York,
and on and on......

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2006

Hey Jen,
To clarify, Meghan WAS "babysitting". Supposed to be anyway. While she was sitting, she had company, her boyfriend. You can gather the rest from there. Not paying attention, because she was in another room, the little girl got into her depression medication. Yes, Meghan was a teenager. The medication was Paxil or some other form like that. As for Ray's countless other things...lets see, you seem to have alot of what he has done. But let's add this: was his mother's house fire really an accident? I have my doubts since he tried burning down his own house before. Yes, for money. Oh, and for the parents not getting into trouble, well NY is a place full of corruption. See, in NY, or at least mostly Franklin County, if the parents said they knew Meghan was on depression medication at the time of her death (RIP), then they too would have gotten in trouble for "endagering the welfare of a child". See, me and probably other countless parents would have taken the charge, but apparently they didn't want to. But, to this day, the Mikalls are wack jobs! But to tell you the truth, I, and probably you, wanted to know the link between this little ones death and Cynthia's doing like James first stated. This turned into a "Mikall Roast", I don't mind cause they need to be roasted, but let's finish the story. So, James, that's where you come in. Now that we all know the Mikall-overdose story, what's the link? Oh, and Jen, half of the stuff that you answered from my post, was directed to James. The whole him being friends with the Mikall's and stuff. But that's OK. I think I answered all of your questions. And now the table turns to James..............

I forgot to mention that Meghan did go to rehab a few years ago. Still the same though. And I did mention her boyfriend at the time. It was posted in another thread, but anyways his name was Billy Benway (not sure how to spell the last name).


michael a young girl is still a young girl...

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, January 03, 2006

NO Michael I wasnt a virgin at 16 because I was stupid enough to let an older man be intimate with me.I loved the guy I was with and couldnt see that this guy should have been dating ladies his own age.I only see now at 37 with a daughter who is 17 that 16 is sooooo younge.Hey Michael little girls who are selling themselves are still little girls the adults that dont screw or seek out young girls below legal age dont realize what advantage sickos take of kids.I think you must one that doesnt do that and cant conceive how an adult would do this.I am not a feminist at all,just know how vulnerable girls feel especialy when they have sex,most girls think LOVE while the guy thinks ALL RIGHT! SO,do you think david is on this young girls level or is she on his??I believe shes too younge to be on his...whatever,I do really appreciate the comment



#11Consumer Comment

Mon, January 02, 2006

Let me begin by reiterating, once again, that I'm a huge fan. I love Tupper Lake. Unfortunately, I've never been there. I discovered Tupper Lake when I was in my accident. I made a wrong turn on the information superhighway and broke down in Tupper Lake.

First of all Jennifer, if you want people to understand the "who, what...." then you have to get the information right, I do? I'm here SEEKING information. This is where you come in. Keep up the good work, you're doing excellent reporting.

It's over and done with. Next, those threads don't even mention Meghan's name.
Nothey don't mention Meghan's namethey don't have to. If you read enough of these and are capable of keeping track of the cast of characters, you see the links. If you read the Brian McCottery thread AND the one's pertaining to Ray Mikall; it's not hard to figure out that:
a) Misty and Brian are married.
b) There was a hostage situation with children involved and a KNIFE.
c) One of Brian McCottery's children is also Ray Mikall's grandchild.

I find that understanding these filial relationships helps understand the big picture. What I mean is that in order to understand the corruption of this small town on the political levels, you need to understand the relationship and connections of its citizenry. You and Jim would like to expose corruptionI'm listening. I'm actually listening a lot more than you think.

And, those threads were written YEARS ago Great. Now we have documented reference material that continues to be updated. (Sorry to hear that Meghan's still on crack)

So, you probably already knew they were a couple at one time, which means you are originally a Tupper Laker!! This one's my favorite. I'm flattered. Actually, I'm just researching the stories because I'm intrigued by the corruption and the symbiotic relationships that foster it. And when you out my mistakes you make my job easier. You'll understand soon enough.

If you read the threads right, and apparently you haven't, Dude, there are 239 other threads with mention of Tupper Lake. It's hard to keep everyone straight. I might need a chart or a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone's transgressions and the instruments they used.

So, make sure you tell people that he had nothing to do with that whole thing when you go running at the mouth. LISTEN UP EVERYBODY: He had NOTHING to do with that whole thing. (Barber's child overdose, that is). And if you read my posts, I do not indicate any such thing. I merely reference Brian as a side note and Chief has just FED on this. I suspect it may keep him awake at night.

But we LOVE Chief anyway and here's why:
a) He's provided 2 mores names to add as former paramours of Meghan's.
b) HE has actually clarified (better than Jim, I might add) that Meghan was NOT babysitting at the time.
c) He's provided more intrigue... And everyone knows what she was doing at the time, with her then boyfriend, (I can only imagineshe was a teenagerYes? No?)
d) He specifies a gender and age of the child. (which until now, I had no idea but was leaning towards a boy)
e) He divulges the type of medication. (I'm sure Meghan thanks yougiven the way she has been portrayed here on the net, I really wondered what it was that the child got. Sad. Truly sad for all parties involved.)

Shane having a grudge against Ray for it all? This is good too. If you read my post, you would understand that I believe it to be JIM LaVAIR who has a grudge against Shane Barber. With his termination from Sunmount and Mr. Barber as his union president, there is certainly motive for a grudge; in which case, I see Jim's earlier post-sparring with Cynthia as an outward manifestation of this. Quite shameful. Picking on his daughter, like that. His posts speak for themselves and quite frankly, I think he's jealous of Dave for having doinked her. His penchant for the young ladies has been discussed in other threads.

You must be friends with the Mikalls. Never met them. Never met any of these people. I only know them from their online escapades.

You think Ray Mikall getting fired is a bad thing? Absolutely not. Deplorable behavior. Many of the places where I have been employed, the people felt like family. Stealing from a co-worker is shameful. He is unconscionable. In the Middle East, they'd have cut his hand off long ago. Constant readers are well aware of his history. If he were my dad, I'd probably be on anti-depressants and smoke crack too.

On a side note: I would like to hear more about the countless other times he got arrested for stealing. I'm pretty up-to-date on the whole bank surveillance tape/purse thing and the subsequent drug bust (other than who actually went down?). I understand the Sunmount termination (justifiable) as it is documented on these boards as well. But, I'm wondering, does New York have a 3-strike rule?

Please don't get me started any more on the Mikalls. Please accept my apologies in advance.

But no Meghan did not get into any type of trouble for it. She's alive and kickin and still smokin crack. This is sad too. Her heart hurts. There are more issues here than my mother's National Geographic collection.

Apparently, since the parents of the baby knew she was on medication, they would have gotten in trouble also. Bizarre. What kind of world do these people live in where they could feasibly get into trouble because they knew a teenager, a girl who WASN'T babysitting their 3-year old daughter but IS on anti-depressant medicationsit makes no sense. How could they have gotten into trouble anyway? Who was REALLY watching this child and what was Meghan really doing with her (nameless) then-boyfriend when this tragedy unfolded?

Maybe with these reports, some kind of justice will be given to Meghan You say she's still smokin' crackI imagine she' getting some justice even as we speak. Being screwed up on drugs could quite possibly be some sort of divine retribution. Or she could just be punishing herself. Who knows? She needs rehabsomething I cannot recall anyone ever really suggesting. Hmmm.

OK people....let's move on now.........................Yeah. Now would be a good time to address the other item that James, Tupper Lake, NY decided to chum the waters of Raquette Pond with his allusion to the suicide of Jim LaVair. These details have yet to be forthcoming and nothing in the obits corroborates this story. I now have doubts. So again, has he really passed away, was his character written out or did he fake an internet-death? I need to know. I'm a huge fan.


Not Here,
New York,
This is too funny!

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, January 02, 2006

First of all Jennifer, if you want people to understand the "who, what...." then you have to get the information right, but, then again, look where we are...the rip off report. If you read the threads right, and apparently you haven't, they said nothing about "guns" and the people who wrote in that are just as half witted. Go ahead and make some kind of stupid comment about it, we're almost expecting it. Its over and done with. Next, those threads don't even mention Meghan's name. And, those threads were written YEARS ago. So, you probably already knew they were a couple at one time, which means you are originally a Tupper Laker!! Now, again, the whole overdose thing happened waayyyyy before BM and her were together. Years before. So, make sure you tell people that he had nothing to do with that whole thing when you go running at the mouth. To James, and everyone else, every one knows that she wasn't watching that little girl. And everyone knows what she was doing at the time, with her then boyfriend, when the baby, who was actually 3 years old, got into her pills. It was her own depression medication that did it. Shane having a grudge against Ray for it all? Hell yeah! Who wouldn't have a grudge against someone that killed their baby!! You must be friends with the Mikalls. I'm sorry for that. But, just to let you know, I know the whole story. I just wanted to see what other people knew. You think Ray Mikall getting fired is a bad thing? You have to be kidding me. Among the countless other times he got arrested for stealing, stealing old ladies purses out of the vehicles no less, he got caught at Sunmount too. That's why he got fired. Please don't get me started any more on the Mikalls. I know way more than you think I know about the WHOLE family. But no Meghan did not get into any type of trouble for it. She's alive and kickin and still smokin crack. Apparently, since the parents of the baby knew she was on medication, they would have gotten in trouble also. Maybe with these reports, some kind of justice will be given to Meghan, somehow, someway, at some point.

OK people....let's move on now.........................


Elaborate on "Provocative"

#13Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

Jim: You come down pretty hard on Cynthia placing a great deal of blame for the predicament (yeah, that's how it's spelled Class) on her shoulders. You wrote earlier, "you are VERY provocative and are surely no VIRGIN". Karen also writes, "I have known David for many years and there is a lot more to this than people realize. I can't comment much, but people need to be aware (that) if anyone should claim Rape or Sexual Harassment it should be the men in Tupper that this girl goes after. Married or not." Please elaborate on "provocative". What's your idea of "provocative"? Karen seems to agree with you on this.

To people reading this thread it looked like you're simply sticking up for your friend Dave, while Karen, understandably, is reacting out of anger. However, her statement that "there is a lot more to this than people realize" warrants further examination.

What have you got here? A teenage seductress (in which case, at least give us a general physical description--feel free to open Playboy and describe Ms. August in a schoolgirl outfit) or a bored middle-aged working schlub who indulged in a classic male fantasy (in which case, feel free to open Penthouse and describe Ms. August, her girlfriend, and that funny looking pacifier they're sharing).

This is a sad case... your friend, Dave made a poor choice. Even if this girl came on to him; he's the adult. Moreover, he's in a position of power--not good. Did the fact that he's paying her (to baby sit, right?) entitle him to a few "perks"? Judging by Karen's statement that "there's a lot more to this" Dave made poor choices before and she was aware of it. If this hasn't gone to trial, she's probably (not "prolly" as it's spelled in Tupper Lake) restricted as to what she can say about this case.

I hate to say it Jim, but your friend is now having to face responsibility for what he did. Today's teenagers grow up fast. If she killed someone, she'd be held accountable as a...Well, wait a minute. Oops, sorry. It' Tupper Lake. I almost forgot.


Jim Gave Me What I Wanted... Chamber of Commerce has to be thrilled, although, really they should just embrace this whole thing and generate some revenue.

#14Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

First, I'd like to start by saying I'm a big fanYou guys are awesomeI love Tupper LakeTNT does NOT have this much drama.

You know that feeling you get, when you're telling a joke that you find roaringly funny and you start to laugh uncontrollably as you deliver the punch line? That was me telling my mother about Tupper Lake. I told her not to tell my grandmother. She's recovering from surgery at home and now has 3 busted staples. She told my grandmother anyway.

Jim: You gave me what I wanted.but you could give us more. Previously, in another thread, someone alluded to the story of Meghan and the Barber's child. Thank you for confirming this. I can imagine how all of this comes together now. Curious, thoughhow long ago was this? Was she (Meghan) a teenager herself? Was Shane the president of the union then? How old was Cynthia when this happened or was she even born yet? Does she even know or has the whole town kept this scandalous secret? Oopssorry. It's Tupper Lake--I don't think anyone can keep a secret there; they just don't talk about it in the open. Scandal, incest, intrigue...Tupper Lake has it all.

Chamber of Commerce has to be thrilled, although, really they should just embrace this whole thing and generate some revenue. Oopssorry. It's Tupper Lakethey apparently ran any ideas of any traditional means of revitalization out of town. They're going to be a hard sell on my web cam concept.

Incidentally, Chief gave me something I wanted tooI understand I provoked some ire with the mention of a former boyfriend of Meghan's. Just for the record; there's an entire thread dedicated to him. Guns, child hostagesI don't feel bad or regret mentioning it at all. It helps the readers understand more of the: who, what, why, and when. Furthermore, it's Tupper Lakesomeone is bound to find this inflammatory and proffer (meaning: to give willingly) miscellaneous information (like the mention of 2 more dudes) that has nothing to do the original posting. In which case, I (and countless others) learn more and more about this fascinating microcosm in the middle of BFE.

Still, I have many unanswered questions...the suicides of the two Jims (did Jim LaVair really kill himself or was his character written out?)and Katie's involvement...Jack Delehanty and a timeline of crooked political decisions...the current location of the Chris Peacock tapes...(sold to Girls Gone Wild?)reports of recent sightings of the orbs and other supernatural occurrences (No, Polly and Randy fighting in the parking lot @ CJ's does not count as, or make them, a supernatural occurrence but you can tell us more about them anyway and maybe you'll convince us they are)...a physical count of actual forks in the Richmond family tree...the ghost of Thanksgiving past riding the streets of town looking for that last pack of smokes...Not to mention A Place In the Sun.

There has been mention of people from the outside attempting to re-settle in Tupper Lake and the political old school regime that conspires against themI would like to hear more of these...particularly the EDitor's experiences. Lastly, we need more pictures. That one of Mark Dewyea is a classic. Beer in one hand and thumbing for a ride with the otherbrilliant.

But, getting back on track...How were Dave and Cynthia discovered, anyway? Was it in the throes of passion or did he go with her to prom? Did she baby sit for them in an ongoing arrangement? How hot does it get there in the summer time? I'm trying to envision the seduction scene here and have images of steamy summer vixen babysittersvery sexy, good for tourism.

Exactly how old is he? Do you know or should we ask his "cell-ie" to count the rings on his trunk? Does he work out? If I were to cast an actor to play him, who would it be? What attracted a 16 year-old girl to this older guy in the first place? Moreover, are we to understand that he lost his job over this? Has this gone to trial yet? We need CourtTV to get up there. And what's the story about this particular young girl and the on-duty police officer? (on the hood of the patrol car, no lessthat's hot) Karen stated in her post, Cynthia I am glad you are sorry but that dont cut it you and Dave have flipped mine and the girls world upside down for the last time. This implies (to me) that this has happened before. I would like to hear details about the first time Dave and Cynthia flipped Karen and the girls world upside down. Inquiring minds want to know.

Big Fan.


Elizabeth.. it takes two to tango!

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

Dear Elizabeth,

Not trying to be an a*s about this, but I am quite appalled at your comments!

I must ask you this Elizabeth, "were you a virgin at 16"? Even if you were, you cannot speak for all the teenage girls in this world. Being from California I would think you are educated enough to know that to pick up an escort paper, you would see that most of these girls might be of age!!

"Where have you been"??
Is your town anywhere near L.A.?

I have many friends there and travel there frequently, and I'll tell ya, "some of the girls selling themselves are younger than you think"!!

Thats not from experience, thats from looking at a paper!!

In a nutshell Elizabeth, it takes two to tango!
Don't act like a feminist b***h. If the girl wants to have sex, she will regardless of whether you think it's right or wrong.. Don't just blame the man...she's at fault too..

Michael Dagley


Cynthia.. To the alleged rape or statutory victim....

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

Dear people of this town,

Being an outsider, it appears that this is a small town where everyone knows everyone!

My question is simple.

To the alleged rape or statutory victim....

Who told the story to who, and who is getting prosecuted? What I mean is, is your dad suing the defendent? Or did you go to the police yourself?

Or what the hell is the story???

In a court of law, you have to prove your case sweetheart!! And if this David guy has any sense, he will deny it till the end!!

Laughing my a*s off!
Michael Dagley


Tupper Lake,
New York,
A child was lost due to negligence!

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

I will say this once, and only once. Meghan was a babysitter and Barbers tot got into some drug and overdosed, unfortunately the tot died. The blame was put on Meghan as she was the babysitter. I believe that Shane held a grudge toward Ray Mikall because of Meghans supposed neglect. Ray Mikall worked at Sunmount for over 19 years. I find it funny he was messed around with and he was forced to leave the state job. Politics at it's best! I hope I gave you what you wanted.


Not Here,
New York,
again.... more to the story? like to know what, where, when, how, and why about the "mikall - child overdose - frame up

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, December 31, 2005

Listen carefully, james...Jennifer and I would like to know what, where, when, how, and why about the "mikall - child overdose - frame up" thing. If your so good at giving all the details on things, then do it! You left it a mystery, and if you are who you say you are then you won't leave it at that, or are you turning into a "good guy"? haha


I cant believe you people!!!!????

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

I cant believe a 16 year old would be treated like this by grown adults.Cynthia has only learned from this older man that her sexuality is what love is.She has the equipment but not the sophistication.Please give me a break that this guy david is a good dad,man.If he was he wouldnt be having sex with someone outside his marriage or with a high schooler.Dont you people know its wrong to treat this girl like a grown woman???David has no will power or discretion,couldnt he find someone a little closer to his age or was this too good to pass up??David is in jail because he should be there.I would thump you people if I was Cynthia's mom or dad.I would kick all your asses and let David know why he shouldnt screw a teen ager and make sure he doesnt or wont want to touch Cynthia again.I dont think you people against Cynthia have daughters,if you do you probaly have gossiped about this with them and snickered about it.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Jennifer and Chief! I tell it like it is!!!!!!!!

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005

I tell my stories as they are, the truth. There is alot of deceit in this world. I do not regret posting about people in Tupper Lake because I tell the truth. If people are pissed about me, they should see my posting about George W. Bush, how he is a scum, a liar, a fraud, a murderer, and an IMPEACHABLE PRESIDENT! We need to impeach this guy, he is the lowest IQ'd President in history. I say now back to the fact, I am not liked. To All who don't like me, tough, I do not like myself so you want to come get me, BRING IT!!


Not Here,
New York,
Ok... we're getting off subject

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, December 29, 2005


Good points about wanting details but what does stating "Brian McCottery's ex" have to do with anything? Why not say Rob Peets ex or whoever else's ex? Her "man" at the time of the unfortunate happening was Billy Benway. Anyways, whoever has the story about what happened should tell it since it was in this thread and if it had anything to do with what has happened then tell. Us nosey people want to know! And to "James", if you actually believe anything Ray Mikall does is a "frame up", then your as crazy as he is! Sorry, but true! Anyways, we want the story of the "said child" and the Mikall's.


We need details...

#22Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 28, 2005

Jim LaVair killed himself? When did that happen? Was he the one posting on here as "Jim, Tupper Lake, NY"? Is he the same Jim that was terminated from Sunmount (AKA "my state job making $29K")after being placed on administrative leave for taking pictures of the "consumers"? (A nice PC term for people who should be referred to as inmates or patients,I might add)

If so, he left many unanswered questions...reading his posts, he came off as a one-man paparazzi and it sounded like everyone in town might have wanted to kick his butt at some time or another.

Moving onward, I need clarification on the whole "Did Ray Mikall's frame-up have to do with the fact that while Meghan (Ray's daughter/Brian McCottery's ex) was responsible for the care of (the not so) said child. Said child died of some sort of overdose. (When did that happen?!?) The said child was son of Shane and Penny Barber!!! (And Cynthia's brother? Yes? No?!!!)

I mean, really...you cannot chum the waters with stuff like this...You're killin' me. I haven't had a cliffhanger like this since "Who Shot JR?".

On a sidenote, which is actually more to the vein of the original post, you come down pretty hard on Cynthia (after all, she is 16) who didn't commit a crime here. Perhaps a crime of poor taste or low class, but no real crime on her part was commited. Contacting Karen and her girls--very bad taste on Cynthia's part but still, not a crime. So...where's your REAL beef? Are you having fun giving the daughter of Shane (the President of your Union at Sunmount)Barber a hard time because you harbor bad feelings for Shane?

Lastly, exactly HOW was this relationship discovered?

James...thank you for your insightful reporting...although, at times it should be considered "incite-ful"


Tupper Lake,
New York,
I believe Ray Mikall, and Cheif Kulzur were set up!!!

#23Consumer Comment

Mon, December 26, 2005

I truly BElIEVE that Cheif Kulzer and Ray Mikall were both set up and eliminated as well as Jim LaVair. I admit James LaVair killed himself as he wrote about wrong doings in the small town of Tupper Lake and took many pictures showing corruption, but he was outclassed. He was tarnished and he still is accordingly to people in town. Tupper lake NEEDS an individual INVESTIGATION!!!!!!!!!


Not Here,
New York,
More to the story?

#24Consumer Comment

Mon, December 19, 2005

Hey Jim,

I was actually quit interested in this story, then you through something in there that caught me off guard. What's this about Meghan and Ray? You can't just jump something like that in there and leave us hanging! Maybe it needs to be in another thread but hey, inquiring minds want to know! Details details!! Thanx much!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Please Leave Me Amd My Kids Out Of This

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, December 13, 2005

If anything my kids and I were more of a victim in this then Dave or Cynthia. And Cynthia I am glad you are sorry but that dont cut it you and Dave have flipped mine and the girls world upside down for the last time. And if you think you are going to be with him when you are older you better think twice..... I want you to leave me and my kids alone. Stay away from them you two have hurt them enough and I am sick of my youngest crying because you talk to her when I am not around stay AWAY. The cops seem to protecet you because you are the supposed victim then if you are stasy away and stop stalking Dave and my kids. We have all been through enough and I just want to move on with my life and let my kids move on with theres. I just hope by chance you learned something and dont do this to another family who supported you the way I did.

Thank you for taking the time to post on here what you have because alot of the truth has come out and it made the decision to walk easier. Again Thank you...


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Cynthia, Cynthia, my right to speak FREELY!

#26Consumer Comment

Sun, December 11, 2005

Cynthia girlie,

I am simply enacting my right to free speech, the 1st Ammendment Right. You can call the cops ALL you want, they can't touch me. I was called to the New york State Police Station based in Tupper Lake for a threat posted on here for supposedly threatening people at Sunmount with a Timothy McVeigh-Terry Nichols thing. Cynthia, I do not feel sorry for you in the least, you made your bed now sleep in it, and also see when someone messes with me, they may damage me, but I damage them MORE. I am like gasoline and when someone burns me, it can accelerate until I feel we are square. I will not hurt anyone physically, but their lifestyle is on trial, for all to see. Oh, by the way, my brother KNOWS s**t about me! He is wrapped in his own little world. I never Cheated on any girlfriend. Most of the women in this town are h*o's. Cynthia, if you don't want to hear ALL this unsettling stuff, don't read it. It is OUR right to post it, especially since it's true. Paybacks a b***h, huh Shane. I know more about this town than the Free Press does, A. actually, they know, they just don't print it. I just might start a newspaper here!!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Cynthia, you do NOT SCARE me!

#27Consumer Comment

Fri, December 09, 2005

What I post is true and I expose the truth, not lies. You were a 16 year old babysitter that worked for David Sheldon, and for his girlfriend Karen Rossing, but you developed an infatuation with Dave! You were in your mind, in love! Well, Lust turned into rape, But I still have a defense against this. Barber, Do not threaten me, I know soooo much more than I have let on! I will bring ALL corruption with me if I go down!


Tupper Lake,
New York,

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, December 09, 2005

Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia........

Such an unfortunate predickament for a 16 year old s**t to get herself into!!! For someone who has stated many times about having a 30+ year old lover in Canton, NY who loves the oral sex you have with him, not to mention the anal sex, and the rumors that you have been spreading around Tupper Lake about having sex with a police officer while he was on duty (on the hood of the police car), do you really think that you have any credability left in this town?? All the kids in high school think that this is the most outrageous stunt that you have ever attempted, and quite frankly, so do I!!! You have the balls to say that you are being piss tested every week and that you are clean each and every time, makes me wonder just whose piss they are testing!!! I hope I have the chance to go to the court trial when it comes up and watch you squirm during crossexamination on the stand and then watch your world cave in around you when the truth finally is played out in court!!!
Until then you keep on with this fantsy that you have so dearly come to believe, and that you have your dear mummy and daddy believing too!!! Remember....."WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND"!!! and I for one can't wait until the s**t hits the fan!!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
police monipulated me into giving my statement

#29Consumer Comment

Wed, December 07, 2005

I am a very confused person right now... do you want me to tell you the truth? the police monipulated me into giving my statement... they told me that David already gave his statement... they knew personal things that only David knew... Dave knew how they monipulated me.. and he was NOT mad at me for it...

Jim, you can try to expose something that is false and untrue...

I love Dave and i will forever... I am turning 17 in September, and i am hoping with all my heart that when David gets out, we will be together... but if he is mad at me, i completely understand. But until HE tells me this personally, face to face, then i will keep believing that there is hope...


i know that you have cheated on your love before... and i know your brother... he has said so before... everyman has that right to make desitions, weather they are right or wrong, everone has them... Both david and I chose the wrong one at that particular moment. So guess what you little f**ker, say all you want but there is nothing that you can say to bring me down any lower...

A druggie you call me? I have a piss test every monday, and every monday, i have NO drugs in my system...

So i am asking you one last time, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!! i am not afraid to call the police if you keep harrasing me...

Thank you for everything a*****e! :)

If you are not willing to take the fall for the love of your life, why even be in love? I would take a bullet for him... and he knows it!!!!!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Cynthia Barber, I see you ran away from home!

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, December 06, 2005


I know you are acting as a troubled 16 year old girl that was taken advantage of by a grown man but I know this as a farce. You are a typical 16 year old who wanted sex with an older guy and did it but never said anything until you were caught or exposed. You than had to protect your image, by telling the story. You are a sick individual Cynthia! Did Ray Mikalls frame up have to do with the fact that while Meghan -Rays daughter was responsible for the care of said child. Said Child
died of some sort of overdose. The said child was son of Shane and Penny Barber!!!

Now back to poor Dave!!! Cynthia, you are VERY provocative and are surely no VIRGIN. Why sleep with an older man???? You never told us a reason!

Cynthia, you just showed the truth! -
You are definately a fraud trapping a male into having sex with you. Knowing full well he would get charged with your RAPE. Cynthia, I Promise I will expose you! You will not escape prosecution. You were a pawn used to set up person, I will not forget this as this is very important.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Karen.... learn the truth!

#31Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2005

You know that i like you... i have absolutely no problem with you... but i want you to learn the truth... that he is playin you... still... i know you love him... and i totaly understand that... but we did have a relationship... and i don't mean to hurt you... i still love you and your children... you were always good to me and i want to appologize for hurting you, and lying to you... i hope you understand...


Sorry Karen.

#32Consumer Comment

Mon, December 05, 2005


I hate to break it to you, but when things are posted on a public forum such as this, there is no way that folks outside of Tupper are not going to respond. Tupper Lake is a legend on this website, the site owner has made sure of that.

If you want to get after someone, it should be James, as he is the one who saw fit to post this report. Besides, he has stated that he has made it his mission to expose all bad things about Tupper on this site.

Now, for Dave and Cynthia. Sorry to say, but no matter what type of man Dave is, he still committed a crime, sexual contact with a minor. It does not matter if the sex was consentual (which is what I think Cynthia was trying to say, not that it was "statutory rape", woe is the public education system in TL). In the eyes of the law, there is no such thing as consentual sex when one of the parties is a minor.

Now, for the charges. If Dave is being charged with rape, then Cynthia can at least come to his defense and state it was not rape, and that she consented to the sexaul contact. If nothing else, then maybe he could get off on a lesser charge (sexual contact with a minor as opposed to rape).

It's clear that Dave committed a crime, as Cynthia herself has come on here and admitted to the contact. Although it seems Cynthia is smitten with Dave, Dave is still a grown man who is aware of the law, and should have acted responsibly and not had sexual contact with her.

He has no one to blame but himself.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
David is far from a predator of children.

#33Consumer Comment

Sun, December 04, 2005

I wish people who did not know the situation would keep there comments to themselves. David is far from a predator of children. He is a good father and caring man. I have known David for many years and there is alot more to this then people realise. I cant comment much but people need to be aware if anyone should claim Rape or sexual herassment it should be the men in Tupper that this girl goes after. Married or not.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Cynthia, Admit your part in this!

#34Author of original report

Fri, December 02, 2005

Cynthia Barber,

You are 16 years old so why would you have sex with an older guy when you knew it was illegal? Especially when you claim to love him. Your love is going to prison and you seem very content anyway! That draws red flags, I believe there is so much more to this story that hasn't been told. Cynthia tell the truth, as daddy can't fix it for you in this world if you are found guilty of a crime you commited. Shane is just half-a*s president of CSEA. Shane has no civillian pull except for the local few that he re-instates jobs for. I will be willing to be a witness for Dave if need be. I will get the answers here, I promise that!

Honest Sam

Bay Area,
it's considered rape since she was too young to consent

#35Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005

Uhhhhh no. She responded that it was statutory rape (badly misspelled but that's what it looked like.)

This means that it's considered rape since she was too young to consent. Going to his trial and testifying won't help him, what's she going to say - she was underage and had sex with him - that's what he's accused of!!

Funny how you are trying to bash and trash her, what about your friend that is trolling around for teenagers to have sex with, he's the one that sounds like a loser.


Tupper Lake,
New York,
Cynthia, I will not drop this issue!

#36Consumer Comment

Tue, November 29, 2005


Dave is a friend of mine and doesn't deserve to sit in jail or more likely prison because of you. You are 16 years old, and you are having sex, well that says alot for your reputation. Do you do drugs like your dad (Shane)? I heard your dads father was an abusive jackass who was violent. See Sandy(Shanes mom) shared her unhappiness with people. Well I will not let you say you love Dave and let him go to prison. It takes two to have sex. Cynthia, if you love him soooo much, go to his trial and tell your side of story! I feel that if you don't you really don't love him, but set him up!


Tupper Lake,
New York,
You don't know!

#37Consumer Comment

Sat, November 26, 2005

How could you say that about someone... Yes, me and David did have a relationship, and yes, i did pose in that picture... but everyday deep inside, i keep crying... i am a miserable person without David, and absolutely no one knows how that feels... No he did not rape me, it was stagitory, and if i could do it again, then no i wouldn't of right then... i would have waited,

so if you have no personal intake on this matter, just stay away from the subject...

I can't even go to bed without crying everynight, everytime i walk by his house i start balling... and i can't be told i love you without his picture in the back of my mind...

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