  • Report:  #1180495

Complaint Review: DENCO DISTRIBUTORS - Eatontown New Hampshire

Reported By:
Former Employee - Spring Lake , New Jersey,

30 South Street Eatontown, New Hampshire, USA
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I worked for Denco Distributors for about a month. The way this company works is that they prey on good, honest, and hardworking people who have fallen on bad luck or are having economic trouble. To begin, you respnd to a vague and unclear Craigslist ad that promises between $500-750 a week. You will then set up an interview where they will ask you basic questions about your experience and abilities and you will essentially go over your resume, however, they will never tell you what the company does. They will then call you back for a second interview and say you are a good candidate for the position they are offering. Excited at the potential opportunity, you will go into the office for a second interview where they will then tell you that you will be selling KIRBY VACUUMS!!! They will do a brief demonstration and bring in other employees who will claim to make about $1,200 a week selling vacuums and will even have them show you a paystub that shows they received that amount. They then tell you that, at minimum, you will receive $550 a week simply by showing the Kirby System 15 times in one pay period, which is 6-days. Skeptically, you will take the job because you need the work and the money and they will begin training you. They have a script that you follow and teach you how to sell the vacuum. You are esentially tasked with demonstrating all the Kirby can do, and providing a free carpet cleaning to the person to whom you are showing the Kirby. The Kirby is actually pretty cool, but the way they sell the vacuum is a SCAM. After training, they will send you on some sales calls, and you will soon find that the 15 showing requirement in order to get paid is UNATTAINABLE. Each showing takes about 2 hours, and the cleaning takes about an hour,  and each sales call is about 1-2 hours away. Essentially, you will NEVER be able to get to 15 sales calls in a week. They also tell you that they will set your appointments for you, so you don't have to worry about booking 15 showings yourself. However, this too is misleading, because Denco does not have enough showings booked to give each salesperson 15 showings in one week, the most Denco actually provided for me in one week was six showings. In fact, while I was there, I asked EVERY SINGLE SALESMAN if they ever reached the 15 showing minimum to get the "guaranteed paycheck", to which they responded "NO!" When you ask about the other 9 showings they tell you to generate your own leads or go knock on doors, neither of which work and were NOT part of the job description. Essentially, the only way you will make money is to sell a Kirby. If you sell a Kirby at full price, you will receive $750, however, when you are trying to make the sale, they mandate that you call the office. When you call the office, they will tell you to give a discount, which you then have to do. If you make the sale and have given a discount, that discount comes out of YOUR COMMISSION and NOT out of the portion that Denco Distributors will get from the Kirby Company. Furthermore, they sell the Kirby for $1,829, when the MSRP is actually $1,289. Also, they will tell you that you should tell the consumer that they are "Running a Special", every time you go into someones house to create urgency and push the consumer into buying the product. Also, I am almost positive the company uses their upper management or recruiters as "Dummy Salesmen" or "Plants" because every day in the morning meeting people will claim to have made MULTIPLE sales, went on FOUR sales calls (which is humanly impossible), and attained DOZENS of leads simply to keep the carrot dangling in front of your face and keep you thinking that you can actually sell the product. I am almost positive that Denco Distributors gets money for simply SHOWING the product and gets about $600 for every Kirby that is sold, so you will essentially be driving around with your gas, cleaning peoples carpets, and showing/selling the product, all for free. Denco Distributors makes it so hard to actually make any money as a salesman that they have an extremely high turnover rate of employees and are CONSTANTLY conducting interviews and hiring new people. In the ONE MONTH that I was there, I met approximately SIXTY candidates and TWENTY-FIVE salesmen, some of which stayed for a week, others for two, but most left within one week of getting the job. Out of those twenty-five salesmen, three stayed on longer than three weeks and tried to keep chasing that unattainable Kirby dream. They will tell you that a new salesman should be selling two Kirby's a week and an experienced one should be selling 7 Kirbys a week. I have sales experience and was a top salesman at one of my former jobs, so I can assure you it was not my sales method that led me to only sell one God forsaken vacuum, it is just all smoke and mirrors to keep you there, again dangling that Carrot of money in front of you. The only way to make money at this company is as a recruiter or a factory distributor, of which Dennis Yurcisin, the owner is both. I only made $100 off the vacuum I sold, even though I was promised $550 a sale, because of the $450 in discounts Dennis MADE and FORCED me to give to the customer, which came out of MY COMMISSION. The woman was interested in the Kirby at full price, and I told him that, but he still MADE me give a discount because he knew that he would still get his $600 for the sale and his commission would remain untouched, and he would only have to pay me $100. DO NOT WORK FOR DENCO DISTRIBUTORS. THE JOB WILL COST YOU MONEY. YOU WILL BE FORCED TO CLEAN PEOPLES CARPETS AND HOCK A PRODUCT THAT IS OVERPRICED ALL TO THE BENEFIT OF DENNIS YURCISIN. YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO MAKE 15 SHOWINGS IN ONE WEEK TO GET YOUR 100% FICTIONAL "GUARANTEED $500 WEEKLY PAYCHECK". ANY SALE YOU MAKE WILL HAVE ITS COMMISSION SLASHED TO THE POINT WHERE YOU ARE ALMOST NOT GETTING PAID, WHILE DENNIS SITS IN HIS OFFICE AND MAKES HIS FULL COMMISSION. YOU WILL PUT WORTHLESS MILES ON YOUR CAR AND CLEAN GROSS HOUSES FOR NO MONEY. DO NOT WORK FOR THIS SCAM ARTIST!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!!!

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