  • Report:  #12052

Complaint Review: Dreams aka Dream Maker - Hollywood California

Reported By:
- Simi Valley, CA.,

Dreams aka Dream Maker
1438 North Gower Street Building 48, 2nd Floor Hollywood, 90028 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
One of my sons had wanted to meet the Lakers. He had waited in line for half a day to get into meet Kolby at a Sports Chalet opening only to be cut off just as he was next in line to shake his hand and get his autograph. Then he worked hard to make $40 to get a Lakers Sweatshirt that he bought himself only to have someone at his school steal it the first day he wore it.

When Dream maker by Richard Simmons came on the air, I filled out a dream for matt asking for him to go to a Lakers Game and meet Kolby, his hero. Billy Kemp who worked/works for Richard Simmons, called and said they would like to use it. I sent them pictures that he requested of my son in his YMCA Lakers Team at his game. The only pictures I had. Then he also requested any video tape I had. I was hesitant but Billy Kemp PROMISED ME THAT I WOULD GET THEM BACK, JUST TO LABEL THEM. He had me to send them to him by way of the shows Federal Express Number.

I sent the only video tape, because I had no video camera for most of my oldest sons life, so the tape I sent to him had also pictures on it of my twins idental twin cousins from New York, video tape of my twins when they were babies, and my oldest son, who is long gone from home now (25) and of my other two sons. Right after I sent it, they closed the show down.

I called several times, no one would return my call. I sent twice once with a return receipt requested, which came back to me unopened and again to by way of Federal Express to where the account came from and was still active with even now. I e-mailed Richard Simmons asking for the tape back and no answer. I even e-mailed Oprah Winfrey asking her to ask him for me....that tape has our whole life on it. Yes, I was stupid to send it....but I BELIEVE HIM TO BE A MAN OF HIS WORD AND SEE THAT I WOULD GET IT BACK. He told me everyone always got theirs back.

Where is my tape of my children? The only tape of my son and our cousins and my baby twins? Instead of Dream Maker Richard....I call you Nightmare Maker. The airbill I sent it to them in was 814875584370. It was the tracking number. and the airbill was 2403-8027-7.

I just want my tape back and if you tell people to send you something valuable like that, you ought to take good care of it and get it back to them. They are not responsible and I blame myself yes, for believeing them to be people of their word. I also blame them for their negligence and disregard for memories that I cannot replace. How would you feel if it happened to you?

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Celebrity rip-off's ..Boycott this slime, and all the others like him.

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 16, 2003

Unfortunately, I believe that the last rebuttal to your report was correct. Your priceless moments were filed in some low-level scumbag's circular file; never to be replaced. Going through FedEx won't get your tape back. They'll simply send you the replacement cost of a blank tape (what, a whopping $3.99?). What I'm saying here doesn't mean I agree with the last poster's comments. You expected that your treasure would be treated with the respect it deserved. Instead, some flunky took it upon himself or herself to trash it. My wife bought all Richard Simmons's exercise tapes, and really worked hard to bring her weight down. She wrote him to tell him how much his tapes had helped her. Well, neither Richard nor his flunkies ever responded. They're too d**n busy raking in the bucks to care about the people who help them make their living. I contrast this with the conduct of Mr. Dave Barry, who writes a very amusing column for the Miami Herald. He has authored several books (one of which has been made into a movie); and briefly had a TV series (cancelled by network executives who think prime-time soaps like "The O.C." are the ultimate in entertainment). I wrote him to express my appreciation for one particular article he had written back in 1996. The humor in his article literally saved me from committing suicide at a very bad time in my life. He responded with a personally handwritten postcard, which I hold dear to this day. He thanked me for my letter, and said that he hoped things would work out for me. He didn't ignore my letter, or let some flunky throw my letter in the trash. He treated me like a human being. To sum it all up? Some celebrities are real people. Others want your bucks. Richard Simmons and his flunkies want your bucks. Your priceless memories don't mean anything to him or his punks. I wish I could tell you how you could get your tape back. You can't -- it's in a landfill somewhere. Boycott this slime, and all the others like him. They don't care about working-class people; they don't care about their dreams or memories. They just want your money.


Video not returned from company out of business

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 16, 2003

They probably had good intentions. If they are now out of business, you have to understand what they are probably going through, financial difficulty, inability to pay bills, creditors, desperation, etc., madly trying to figure out what to do next, find a job or start a new business. Your wanting the return of a video tape is a small matter compared to their problems. Next time, have the video copied - $20.00 in Phoenix, includes pick up and return by next day. You were very foolish. It is unfortunate, but you took a foolish chance if it meant so much to you. Stop badmouthing them. If they are bankrupt, they have real problems. NEVER send in the mail anything that means so much to you, especially videos you can copy for a measly $20.00. Sorry, someone's got to tell you. Learn from the experience.


Richard Simmons Ripped You Off. ..Ouch!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, August 03, 2002

I have had experience from wasted stamps on celebrities that moved and lost over $200.00 to some diploma course, etc. Yeh. That wasn't a smart move. But, were human and make mistakes. All I can say is report it to the local authorities. The best move for you to make to ensure you get you video, etc. back is to call the United States Postal Inspection Service and file a free complaint with them. The Operations Support Groups toll-free number is: 1(800)-372- 8347, and you can file a complaint via online at: www.usps.gov (under the title "postal inspection"). Good luck getting your video and stuff back. Don't waste your energy on celebrities as I was told.

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