  • Report:  #949943

Complaint Review: Freedom enterprises - Hoover Alabama

Reported By:
WLBLUSK - Fultondale, Alabama, United States of America

Freedom enterprises
Hoover AL Hoover, Alabama, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


FREEDOM ENTERPRISES - Birmingham, ALGENERAL LABOR Able To Start Immediately? We are a rapidly growing company that is ahead in production and behind in personnel. 18-25 hardworking, ambitious, and dependable people needed. No Experience Needed ?We train ? Full time and permanent ?$1025 biweekly ?$2,000 sign on bonus Must be able to start now! Call Brandi 733-4018 NOW HIRING! Web Id: 5716028This is the ad that we responded to today and as you can clearly see there is no mention of Kirby. When we got there EVERYONE that went before us was hired. When it came our time we went in sat down and she started pitching to us right off the bat. Then she said we would make 1200.00 together for working Mon-Sat 9:00am-9:00pm EVERYDAY!! If you do the math that is 72 hours Every week! The ad clearly says that we will make 1025.00 per person not 1200.00 as a couple! The 2000.00 sign on bonus is not true either. We listened to the "interviews" before us and there was no mention of the sign on bonus and as you probably guessed she did not say a word about it to us. When I called to get info the receptionist said we would be assembling displays, when in reality they wanted us to demo their vaccum!

Another red flag is that in their ad they call themsevles Freedom enterprises, when you call they call themselves MRM Marketing and in reality they are a Kirby company! She also in the ad said that the were a new company in need of new people, and she said they had been there 14 years in the interview. If they are not running a scam why all the lieing??? I feel bad for the couple of guys that were "hired" before us. Oh yea as we were leaving we warned the man sitting in the lobby and she got so mad that she scream at us "GET OUT! GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS!!" Someone doesn't like to be exposed!

4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 28, 2015

For those who want to come on here trying to bash MRM Marketing and Kirby. Let me make this real clear for you so you can get out your little feelings. Kirby is a highly successful company, matter of fact a Fortune 500 company....(do the research yourself) and a lot of people join the Kirby opportunity. But what annoys me to the core is when negative, close-minded individuals come on here trying to trash Kirby. It is inevitable that there are people who are successful and who become good leaders and then there are those who do not succeed. There are many people who make a ton of money with Kirby, some have even went on to owning their own businesses through Kirby and becoming multi-millionaires. The ones who don't succeed or should I say 'suck at direct sales, close-minded and never saw the bigger picture' are quick to blame the company and say it's all a scam and more than likely you are broke living paycheck to paycheck. I am a employee of MRM Marketing and they were very honest with me during my interview and orientation. It wasn't no bullshit. I was told upfront exactly what I would be doing....unless you are deaf, don't pay attention or whatever the case may be, they let you know what you'll be doing. Ever since I've been with MRM Marketing, I've been very, very successful. I've been on so many VIP trip such as Club Med, Cancun, Mexico, The Bahamas, Orlando Florida (Universal Studios), New Orleans, LA, etc. I've never made this much money before in my life working minimum wage jobs. I bring home $1500 weekly (YES WEEKLY!) plus commission and bonuses. Now could you really make that much at a minimum wage job?.....NO YOU CAN'T! thanks to the great leaders and mentors at MRM Marketing and Kirby I've had on this great journey so far, I will be opening up my own distribution business really soon & I'm so excited!!! Kirby is not for the weak-minded, it's for those with a RHINO MENTALITY. Is Kirby long hours? YES! Is it hard work? YES! but if you're willing to work hard, show up everyday with a positive attitude and determination to succeed an learn, than this is the opportunity for you! If you want to be financially free, give you and your family a better life and create the life you really desire, then this is the opportunity for you! This opportunity is not for everyone, but just because it did not work out for you does not mean you have to trash the company. On here trying to bash Kirby because you think putting in a 9-5 job will gain you financial freedom. Anyone with common sense knows that success does not sleep and you have to put in long hours to become successful.....you can ask any real entrepreneur that! No matter how much math you do or what negative comments you say, at the end of the day....you're still living paycheck to paycheck or on a salary....while people like me are well on their way to having their own business and becoming a millionaire. Living paycheck to paycheck, on a salary is no way to truly live. Maybe it's a comfortable life for most but it's not really freedom because at the end of the day you're working for someone else making them rich. You and you family's life financially is in the hands of that 'BOSS' and your time of making money is limited until he or she says so. I mean come on, that's no way to live. I'd rather be in control of my own life and future financially, instead of someone else being in control of it. I know for most this is going over your head but I refuse to be a slave to the system.


You must have misunderstood how interviews work...

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 26, 2014

 Hi, I work for this office currently and I love every minute of it! Let me explain to you how job interviews work...the interviewer will asses your strong suits/experience and also find out tings that are weak points for you to see how you work under pressure(obviously job interviews can be stressful!) you discuss pay,job requrements, hours etc. They ask you questions and you in return ask questions to clarify if you (wich you obviously didn't) understand. Yes they offer a sign on bonus and its paid out after your probationary period(60days) If she didnt mention it, why didnt you ASK about it. If you didnt understand the bi-weekly salary of $1,200 why didnt you ASK to clarify? why would you assume that because it was a coupled interviewed you would be paid as a pair? THAT MAKES NO SENSE AND IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. And you "warned" someone in the lobby about the potential position they were applying for? Its obviously not everyone's cup of tea but for some people and Im included you make a great pay check for being a hard worker. Also they may have just opened a new location, Kirby promotes managers who are interested in owning a distributorship. AND in case you didnt know how small businesses work, They have other parent company names that theyll operate under and use their business name as in DBA LLC _whatever larger co name____.


So here are the facts to clarify:

You work 6 days a week

your 2 week salary is $1,200 for 30 demos=$2,400 for 60

theres no commission cap so if you made a $2000 that week you get $2000 that week

they provide your transportation

assistant managers and managers help set your appointments and teach you how if youre interested in moving up

The sign on bonuses are for attendance so you get paid to be to work on time


there can be only one

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 18, 2014

yea you make money you're the one running the scam. 

the people doing your dirty work dont have to be paid at all. your so called employees are miscategorized as independent contractors although they are on your time. they wouldn't come to "kirby church" ( look that up on youtube) every morning otherwise. if you actually manage to sell one of these 500 vacuums for $3200 you might get get your commision or they might tell you the customer's credit wasn't approved when they bring the other guy in to handle the paperwork, then go back and sell it to him later. they dont want to pay you for just demonstrating the vacuums without actually selling any. Just take a fraction of a second to think about how that makes no sense whatsoever. you have to perform a certain number of demonsrtations per month which is kinda hard to do if the driver decides they need to go back to a house where they sold one that the customer didnt pay up on to go threaten them though you had nothing to do with said sale or go to their buddies  house party and have all the guests sighn demostration logs that never took place  for everyone but you. hard to do it from jail because they took you into a no soliciting area too. remember THEY are liscensed and bonded not you. you are expendable as hell. also enjoy spending alot of time with your new bff's on those 3 hour car rides to a faraway land where they think people might be that dont hate their guts yet. like to Decatur for example. kinda makes doing  about 3 demos a day pretty sketchy factoring in the long trip and however long it's going to take you to find someone naiive enough to let you in.

 People, dont let them in. some of these guys might be getting pretty desperate having not been paid a red cent. it's a good vacuum dont get me wrong but it aint no 3200 vacuum. honda accord is a good car too but do you want to shell out $120k for one? didnt think so. (500 is to 300    as 20k is to 120k).  if you really wat one get it from craigslist or a pawn shop( i know a pawn shop that has one right now that i wont mention the name of in this post so the bastards dont try to go flip it.  it's not like the KIRBY distributorship will ever cone out and service it for you. like i said good vacuum nifty self  propulsion mechanism. says made in America( i dont know one way or the other about this) feels like something made in soviet Russia it's so heavy. grandma aint gonna get it up the stairs. Sold by utter scumbags. The manufacturer is complicit in this. mr. DYSON if you are listening put your product in a carbon fiber case with a brushless motor and charge $2900 bucks for it to wipe this plague off the face of the earth. 


Freedom Enterprises promotes financial freedom!!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 09, 2013

First I want to say I have worked at the kirby office in question here and the owner is a good guy!  They do not lie about what you will be doing, I've been through the interview process tthey may evade the questions but they dont bold face lie to you. Who really dreams of growing up and selling vaccuums??  The office is not in hoover, al so you are wrong. its in pelham.  I have worked for the kirby company for five years and my fiance has been with the company for 18 years and we have always been successful in the business but at the same time, we are willing to work hard to live a nice.lifestyle.

I am tired of reading lie after lie about the company. I came into Kirby with nothing, and now here I am 5 years later I have opened my own distributorship and want for nothing financially.  If it weren't were for Freedom enterprises selling me on the dream of being financially free, I probably would of never gotten to where I am in life.  I am 25 years old and own my own business make 200k+ a year and own a nice beautiful house on a golf course in Florida bought outright in cash with money earned in Kirby. I am not saying thats what EVERYONE that goes through the.doors at any kirby distributorship will do but EVERYONE that is hired is.given the.million dollar opportunity of a.lifetime..

I will be a millionaire by the time I am 30 and all of it will be thanks to the Kirby opportunity.  so, thank-you Freedom enterprises for assisting my career with Kirby!  Thank you for being one out of several steps to success!

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