  • Report:  #1411897

Complaint Review: Global Zest Business Solutions - Trenton New Jersey

Reported By:
Lisa - Simi Valley, California, United States

Global Zest Business Solutions
3240 East State Street Ext, Trenton, 08619 New Jersey, United States
(609) 360-0233
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In August 2017 we purchased a list from Globalzest.com based on their promise the following:

Project Details :

Provide a list of 5,375 contacts from the target audience mentioned below:

 Criteria: Non-profit organizations

Geography: Southern and Central California 90001 to 93930

Title: IT Manager/Director or CFO or Owner/President/CEO

Records to contain:  

Project Value: $1,000 USD

Our database comes with information like: Company Name, Company Website, Contact Name, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Executive Title, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Phone, Industry, Revenue, Employees size and most importantly verified Email address.

Each contact will come to you with an guarantee of 100% on all contact details. However, considering major factors like, the domain you use to send campaigns, template, subject line etc. We only guarantee you 90% on the email deliverability. The list will come to you in an excel file for your own unlimited usage.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you 


Andrew Jordan

Business Development Manager


Global Zest Business Solutions Inc



In October, they delivered the first list that they tried to pass off as having extra contacts but those contacts didn't meet the criteria we had specified.

My email to them on 10/18/17

We were told that the list would include LinkedIn profile, fax number, and number of employees.  These were not included on the list you sent.  Also, could I please get a copy of the invoice indicating that the list was paid for.

Another issue came up upon further review of the list that was sent.  There were only 3149 contacts within the zip code range we requested - 90001 to 93930. 

The original number quoted was 5300.  That is 2151 contacts short.  Can you please explain the discrepancy?

They replied with a new list on 10/25/17

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

 Please find the attached rework project for your review.

Criteria: Non-profit organizations, Zip code range 90001 to 93930

My best wishes for your campaign!!

Do feel free to email me anytime if you should have any questions.

 Thank you,

Warm Regards,

Chris McCarthy

Data Delivery Manager

Global Zest Business Solutions Inc,


After making some 20 random test calls to the list, we discovered that the list was inaccurate.  I sent a follow-up email marked URGENT


We have completed test calls with the list that we purchased and the results were very disappointing.  Out of 18 calls, the results are as follows:

    • 15 were not non-profit companies
    • 18 had incorrect addresses
    • 17 phone numbers were incorrect
    • The web URLs were incorrect for 9
    • 16 of the contacts were incorrect

I would like to schedule a call with you ASAP, to discuss how we obtain a list that is accurate.  Please contact me

To date, 11/14/17 I have yet to receive a call or email.  I have left messages, called the numbers on their website and can't get anyone to respond.  This company is a total scam and sells lists that garbage!


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