  • Report:  #225171

Complaint Review: GQ Imports - Addison Illinois

Reported By:
- oak lawn, Illinois,

GQ Imports
367 Rohlwing Rd Ste R Addison, 60101 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company promised that I would be interviewing for a management position. It turned out to be anything but that. They lied to me in the interview, and told me they were very impressed with my qualifications. They said if I had time they would do the second interview immediately, on the spot. Needless to say, I was excited and agreed to the 2nd interview. That consisted of shadowing a manager. Things appeared to be going good. I thought to myself "THIS IS IT!!!!!!!! What happens next is not a joke! I assure you that I am not embellishing, or exaggerating any part of this. Here's what happened -

I met the manager that I was going to shadow. (By the way the interview was in Addison Il., near Carol Stream). A far drive to work everyday, but I thought for the right job and the right pay scale it might be worth it. After all BEGGARS, can't be choosers right? Any way, here's what happened.

After meeting the manager, he told me we were going to visit some clients out in Evergreen Park, some 30-50 miles away. I thought that it was strange, but O.K. whatever it takes. Just the two of us get into his car, which was small - a Volkswagen jetty. The vehicle was a total mess. The back seat was full of crap from the floor to the ceiling. He continued to interview me informally as we drove along. Here's where it gets just totally nuts!

The manager had to stop fast at a stop light, a small box came flying from the backseat and smacked me in the back of the head. No big deal, it didn't hurt or anything, but when I went to put it back into the pile of crap in the back, a human hand reached out from the mess and grabbed it from me. Yes i'm not kidding; there was a person underneath all that mess. I immediately freaked out. The driver never said anything about the guy in the back. He continued asking me interview type questions as I tried to play it cool. I thought I might be getting abducted or something.

Now I'm not one to get scared by to many things, and even if I do, I won't admit it. But, I don't mind telling you that I seriously thought I was in some severe trouble. I was looking for an opportunity to bail out of the vehicle or take this guy out some how. I turned the pen I was writing with around in my hand, on the off chance that this guy was going to get freaky on me, and I was thinking I was going to have to stab him in the neck!

Now I know you're probably questioning the validity of this story, but seriously what would you think if this guy was hiding somebody in the back of his vehicle, and didn't tell you about it? I was freaking out. I thought I was never going to see my wife or my family again.

Finally, we get out to Evergreen Park. Now the driver still has no idea that I know someone is in the back seat. We park in the parking lot of a popeyes chicken, we exit the vehicle and I'm getting ready to bolt outta there. He opens the back door and sure enough a guy who is about 6'2" crawls out from underneath all the crap, and starts taking boxes and duffle bags out of the car. While I'm watching this, the driver starts this sales pitch to me. Yeah, seriously he's trying to sell me a kid's toy, electronic, piano. He told me that in stores they normally go for $49.99, but today only, I could purchase it for $9.99. "Can I count on you to buy 3 or 4", he says. I reply with "Are you (expletive) kidding me! He said no, this is what we're doing today. Direct marketing this stuff to the businesses up and down 95th street.

I politely told him that there must be some mistake. I said the guy who interviewed me back in Addison told me that I would be shadowing a manager to learn more about the management training program, and to see if I'm interested in the position. In turn, he politely told me that this is the management training. I almost lost my mind! Again, very politely I told him that I was not interested in sales and there must be some mistake, after all the interviewer never mentioned anything about sales. I asked him to bring me back to Addison to pick up my vehicle, and told him that I was mislead, lied to, and not interested in this type of career. He said "NO" I can't do that. He points to the guy packing all the stuff up, who, by the way, doesn't even have enough pride to look at me, and says this guy has to make $ today, and I can't just leave him out here by himself. He asked me to call for a ride. I said "NO" and then told him that he would at least drive me to my parents house (thank god it was only a couple miles away). He agreed and then, I embarrassingly had to ask my mother for a ride up to Addison, and tell her the story.

Upon arriving in Addison, my mother begged me not to go back into the office, because she was afraid of what I would do when I got in there. She thought I might get arrested or something. To my surprise I was pretty cool about it. I talked to the owner of the company, and gave him a 15 minute dissertation on ethics, morals and common courtesy.

To this he replied, "did you see that expensive Mercedes Benz in the parking lot. That's what I'm talking about! I asked him if that gave him the right to treat people like animals, and how he could sleep at night knowing what he's doing to people like the guy in the backseat or to people coming in for interviews. His answer was "did you hear that guy complaining at all?" Then he told me he really liked me and that I could be very successful in this business, he offered me a sandwich and something to drink and said he would like to talk with me more. He seriously told me that there was a position in his business open immediately for a guy like me. I replied with your nuts; go to hell I would never work for anyone like you. I politely told him goodbye and good luck, because the next guy might not be as calm as me and might just snap, after all people are desperate and some might be close to just losing it.

What the hell is wrong with people in this world?


oak lawn, Illinois

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