  • Report:  #279605

Complaint Review: GUaranteedSIgnups.org - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Boston, Massachusetts,

Http://www.GuaranteedSignups.org Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company puports to advertise your website and soicit members. They charge you bythe member who actually enrolls. I order 40 members. I got four groups of two (eachgroup was two people enrolling within one minute). After two weeks when I troed to make contact with the ocmpany, I received a "flush" of 10 signups and then 30 signups all within one minute.

WHen I contacted these members, most had invalid or disiconnected phon enumbers. The few that I managed to reach denied even having access to a computer for several months, or they started yelling at ME for annoying them with phone calls because people had been claling them for along time.

These leads and members are completely fraudulent. The company shoudl go to jail. But I cant even getthem to respond to an email, their phone system does not take messages, and their on-line support system does not have a person attending it.


Boston, Massachusetts


4 Updates & Rebuttals

Nate Holland

Mountain Home,
In Response.....

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 22, 2007

I'll address this latest post and that will be it.

First, I explained the sudden spike in signups. Perhaps that was missed.

Again, we have a live operator available at anytime during business hours. To use
the feature, just click on the Live Chat button and a window will pop up. Enter the
information required and click "Start Chat". You will receive a response during business hours and if it is after business hours, you will see this message at the top of the box. "Online Support is currently not available. Please leave a message."
We have a record of every live support conversation and every message left and
do not have one for you, Bob. When leaving a message after hours, you must fill in
the required information and click on Send Email in order for us to receive a message.

We usually don't risk our reputation by ignoring our customers or trying to "make them go away" and "force feeding" "fraudulent" signups. We wouldn't be in business for as many years as we have been if that was our practice. It's just not
good business. In fact, we don't want our customers to go away. We want them to come back and keep coming back.

"finally" managed to find a contact phone number? If you will look, there is a contact link right at the top of our website. The link reads "Contact Us". All you have to do is click on that link and you will be redirected to a page where you can find our email address, live support button, physical address, phone number,
etc. I didn't realize it was so hard to find. Thanks for letting me know.

I'm not sure what the problem is with receiving a callback at 7pm. Most people would appreciate a callback as soon as possible. I know I would. Perhaps we should have waited until the next day. Also, the callback was received less than
4 hours after your message was left. I would think a person could wait more than 4 hours before posting a potentially damaging report endangering the livelihoods of hard working individuals. Unfortunately we sometimes deal with those with, shall I say, short fuses.

As far as only receiving a callback due to your posting. I learned of your posting about 15 minutes before I posted my first rebuttal, which was the next day, and after you received your callback. Notice the date and time of my rebuttal.

As far as violating our privacy policy, we have not.

If a person has a complaint, why try to hide and falsify your identity?

You should have already received a refund. All you had to do was wait 4 hours.


My response to them, since they would rather fight in public than resolve the issue.

#3Author of original report

Sun, October 21, 2007

Since the owner of the company would rather post here than resolve an unhappy customer, I will play this game too.

1. I never received a reply to my first email. Maybe he did reply and it got lost. But I did receive a bunch of signups over a one minute period, so I assumed they were just going to force-feed me rather than actually respond. My bad, I guess.

2. When I got these ten signups, I used their "live operator" feature, but there was no live operator. So I left a message there asking them to call me, since email did not work. At the end of the day, I got the other 20 signups (original 30 reported was a typo). It seemed that they were just trying to make me go away by being able to say they were "done". I managed to find a phone number for the company and that was when the voice mail was not working properly. That was when I got pissed enough to bother with this nonsense.

3. By the time they called me back, 3 hours after their office closing time, I had already filed the report here. In fact, I assume that filing the report was what got them to call me at 7pm.

4. If at any time they had responded, made it easy to find a phone number, answered the "live operator" chat, contacted me directly (other than the first call after I posted here asking for clarification of my problem), or made an attempt to fix the problem, I would have gladly filed a retraction and apology here. Instead, they chose to post personal information about me in violation of privacy laws and their own published privacy policy. I am glad I did not give them my social security number. This is how little regard they have for their customers. They still have not contacted me except for a threatening email.

Here is the raw info. You decide:
Note the consecutive timestamps of the "Guaranteed signups" submitted.
Missing sequence numbers are due to leads from other sources being intermixed. These are 38 of the signups generated by them. The other two came in one at a time, so may have been legitamate.

P 52961 1 Mon 1-Oct-2007 16:49
P 52962 2 Mon 1-Oct-2007 16:50
P 53295 5 Sun 7-Oct-2007 18:47
P 53296 6 Sun 7-Oct-2007 18:48
P 53550 14 Sat 13-Oct-2007 09:18
P 53551 15 Sat 13-Oct-2007 09:19
P 53922 18 Wed 17-Oct-2007 23:09
P 53923 19 Wed 17-Oct-2007 23:09
P 53930 20 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:44
P 53931 21 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:45
P 53932 22 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:46
P 53933 23 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:46
P 53934 24 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:47
P 53935 25 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:47
P 53936 26 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:48
P 53937 27 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:48
P 53938 28 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:49
P 53940 29 Thu 18-Oct-2007 10:49
P 53954 30 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:20
P 53955 31 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:21
P 53956 32 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:37
P 53957 33 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:38
P 53958 34 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:38
P 53959 35 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:39
P 53960 36 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:39
P 53961 37 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:39
P 53962 38 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:40
P 53963 39 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:40
P 53964 40 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:40
P 53965 41 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:41
P 53966 42 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:41
P 53967 43 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:41
P 53968 44 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:42
P 53969 45 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:42
P 53970 46 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:42
P 53971 47 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:43
P 53972 48 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:43
P 53973 49 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:43
P 53974 50 Thu 18-Oct-2007 16:44

Nate Holland

Mountain Home,
2nd and last response...

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 19, 2007

I'd also like to address the claim that Bob has made about our signups being fraudulent.

The statement is absolutely absurd. The man power, cost, and time it
would take to falsify sign ups with inaccurate information would be
counterproductive to say the least. To fake sign ups with actual
contact information would be doubly more so a waste of our time.

Let's get real.

Have a good day!

Nate Holland

Mountain Home,
In Response.....

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 19, 2007

I would like to address the following statements which are not true.
The complaining customer, who is not from Boston, Massachusetts,
and who's initials are not Po as he has stated, is actually Bob from Venice, FL.

Bob emailed me several days ago with this. "I think maybe we should review both
how I am listed in your advertising and possibly direct people to a different landing
page that may work better, since 5 signups in 12 days seems a bit weak. I cant
evaluate clicks to my site, so I am not sure if the problem is traffic or
signups/landing page."

First, I replied and gave him instructions on how to change his link but did not hear back from him.

Second, the only reference to a timeframe made on our site is this.

"As a common rule we set up most accounts to finish out within 30 days or less."

Bob also exagerates when he says that he received a 'flush' of 10 signups and then 30 signups all within one minute as he did not receive them in in just one minute. However, the sudden spikes in signups are very simple to explain. When you sign up with us, your website is rotated through a large search engine type listing page with various home based offers. Like any search engine,
those listings at the top get more exposure than those at the bottom.
At the time when bob received what he calls a "flush", his listing was at the
top of our network wide search results. After the listing has been in
the top position for 5,000 views it is moved to the bottom of the list
to cycle through again.

As for receiving bad signups, we do replace them and that is stated right
on the homepage of our website.


We will replace any signups with bad email addresses or disconnected/bad phone numbers if phone numbers are required during enrollment into your program."

All that is required is to click on a link posted in the back office that comes with each order and submit the signup for replacement. Bob did not do this and we did not receive any emails from him letting us know that he couldn't figure out how to submit signups for replacement.

As for trying to get a hold of us, the email mentioned above is the only email received from Bob. If he did attempt to reach us by phone when nobody was available, he did not leave a message as the only phone message received by him was yesterday. He was then called back by our customer service manager and during the call was belligerent and unable to conduct himself in a professional manner.

The statement he makes about our phone service not taking messages is false. Anybody can call us at any time. 1-877-293-2841. If we are not available, you can indeed leave a message and will receive a return call. Feel free to try it yourself. Someone can also be reached on live support at any time.

What is strange to me is that Bob posted his report here yesterday and then called and left us a message (the first message ever received by Bob) an hour and a half later asking for a call back. I would think that he would try to call us first to get his issues resolved rather than jumping on this site and filing a report, and then calling us.

Have a great day!


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