  • Report:  #304765


Reported By:
- r.s.m. pkway., California,

2700 N.MAIN, #1200 SANTA ANA, 92705 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a former manager at Helpufinance/OCM Mortgage company. After several months at the compnay i observed some very frightening bad beahvior. During four days during the month of december I recieved several phone calls from disgruntled laon officers and branches who had not been paid their commission checks on funded loans in many months. One company claimed that the Helpufinance was holding over $70,000 for over a 6 week period. they were nervous that they would never be paid.

Another loan officer called and asked me why he had a signed broker agreement stating that he owed the compnay 10% for all the loans he closed, but the company had removed 30% on his last check. When he called to inquire what had happened, he was told the company was changeing their fees from 10% to 30%. When he asked why he was not being given any advanxce notice on this, he was told that if he didn't sign the new ageement that he would not recieve any of the commission on his next check.

Finally during mid December I was informed on pay day that 7 of the customes service and telemarketers would not be paid their past two weeks salaries! At that time I expressed my opinion to managemnt about the unethical behavior that I was seeing...over the following week end I was locked out of the office and terminated without pay or any of my funded commission checks.

I have gone toi the department of labor on this and have found out that Helpufinance has many complaints files against them for unpaid employees. Everything I state in this complaint is true. I hope others can learn from this.


r.s.m. pkway., California


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Santa Ana,
There are two sides to every story

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 30, 2008

As with any business relationship gone sour, there are two sides to every story. Help U Finance and Mr. Aziz prefer to seek redress for wrongs it suffers from the actions of others through the court system, rather than posting defamatory and untrue statements on the Internet. It is, however, an unfortunate fact of life in the Internet world that anyone with the ability to type can portray themselves as the bearer of the only truth. As such, readers of this report should be aware of the obvious fact that they too could be the next victim of an undeserved attack. Usually, sooner or later, what goes around - comes around. HelpUFinance Corporate Office Email: [email protected]


Santa Aan,
Removal of Posting on HelpUFinance and HelpUFinance.com

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2008 Webmaster/Administrator RipOff Report Re: Removal of Posting on HelpUFinance and HelpUFinance.com Dear Webmaster/Administrator: Over the course of the past several weeks an ex-associate of HelpUFinance, Steve Hibler, has used your website and other similar sites as a medium for posting false and malicious statements against HelpUFinance and its' principals in retaliation for the company terminating him for various unethical business practices. While we recognize that the forum provides for freedom of expression; our legal counsel views these statements as libelous and that the actions of Steve Hibler expose him for legal ramifications for various violations of business practices and tort. Steve Hibler's blatant disregard of the Cease and Desist Letter served on him on January 29, 2008 and by his continued posting of these statements through your site and other similar sites has given no other recourse than to pursue further legal actions against Steve Hibler. A copy of the Cease and Desist Letter is available for your review through the attached link. http://helpufinance.com/Documents/SH01292008.pdf This letter serves as our written request to have any and all postings pertaining to HelpUFinance, authored by Steve Hibler or any associate of Steve Hibler and any subsequent responses related to the blogs on HelpUFinance.com are immediately removed. This request should not be viewed as a threat against your website; however, we must clarify that allowing Steve Hibler the ability to continue his slanderous postings is exposing HelpUFinance to further liability and damages. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in honoring our request. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly at the addresses and or phone numbers shown below. Sincerely, Lina Colon President HelpUFinance.com (714) 474-2960 Direct (714) 619-0060 Direct Fax [email protected]

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