  • Report:  #847116

Complaint Review: IADT International Academy of Design and Technology - Internet

Reported By:
ffmlawgroup - tampa, Florida, United States of America

IADT International Academy of Design and Technology
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We are investigating the practices of IADT, the International Academy of Design and Technology, and its parent company, Career Education Corporation.  If you are a former teacher, admission or placement or career services employee, financial aide employee, teacher or professor, we would like to hear from you about your experience with this institution.

If you are a student who now has substantial school loans as to which you have difficulty paying for, we want to hear about your experience.

If you are an alumni or former student and unable to find suitable employment in the field of your study or find that your degree is either not considered credible or of value to the business community or cannot transfer or further your education at other higher education institutions, we would like to speak to you. 

If you believe that IADT has mislead you or misrepresented any material facts related to the loans, payment terms, interest rates, your degree, placement success or rates, transferrability of credits or accredidation, please contact us to share your story.  (((REDACTED)))

5 Updates & Rebuttals


I was scammed :(

#2General Comment

Wed, November 30, 2016

 I graduated in 2012. Everything about earning my graphic design degree seemed way to easy. Since graduating I haven't even been able to use my degree and I'm struggle like most to pay back my loans with other bills in life. Something made me curious to look up information about the school and to search what a REAL ONLINE SCHOOL is like and have found many articles of people saying it's a scam. After graduating November of 2012 it took months for my diploma to be given. I kept fighting to get in touch with the school. I was promised it was coming in a few weeks. Finally after nagging them my diploma showed up in the mail 6 months later.

Not only are the loans on me but my parents took a huge chunk of my loans under their responsibility to help me because I didn't fully qualify and now I'm just seeing the weight of the loan crush them too, and they don't deserve that. I saw something about a loan forgiveness if the school s**t down 120 after graduation. Which shortly after graduating I remember being told my diploma was on a hold because they were busy merging with another school. Sanford brown I believe. I'm just looking to get this weight of the loan off my back so I can move on with my life and even more so help my parents. It would mean the world to me if I could tell my parents they no longer have to worry about paying this loan back. I'm open to helping out with any cases need to be filled against this scam of a school!


Belleview ,
class action

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 10, 2016

 We are trying to get Morgan & Morgan to pick up the IADT case and they said they will probably do it if they get enough enquiries. We currently have over 100 people. Go to http://www.forthepeople.com/ and fill out information under contact to join. Tell every former students you know. :)


Las Vegas,
Complete Scam

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2014

How do I get in on this lawsuit?  I've spent most of my day today and the past 5 years trying to figure out how to handle my student loan situation with IADT.

Today, I found out my mom's wages were going to be garnished for loans in her name.  I thought "how is that possible?"  I have a forbearance currently as I'm trying to attend school again in the fall and she was a co - signer on my loans.

I called the Dept of Education first who explained to me my mother did have a loan pulled out, for $7,000.  I also called my consolidation company FedLoan Servicing to inquire about my current loans, $4,616 and $5,545.  In short, this adds up to roughly $18,000.

After figuring out these amounts, I went online and found a breakdown of my loan disbursements.  Okay, makes sense the amounts add up.  Then, I called IADT and before explaining my story so they can't talk their way out of it, I ask financial aid how much one semester is (I was only enrolled for 1 semester).  The woman on the phone told me roughly around $4,500.  I think to myself "even with books and tuition, how is it possible there's currently $18,000 worth in loans for this?" 

I ask, and she tries to cover it all up, "Oh it's interest, it's books and supplies, or I don't know".  Not sufficient.  Something is not adding up here in this scam that they pulled on not only myself but so many other unsuspecting students.

How can a human being, even a large corporation, make a living off of being deceiptful and dishonest with young students hoping to brighten their future and carry the future of this country on their backs??  I wish to do anything I can legally to get out of this.

I was lied to, so was my mother, so were many other people.  Something needs to be done!


IADT, orlando fl rip off

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, August 25, 2013

I attended IADT from 2005-2008. I was young, just out of college. I moved from home, 1000 miles away to this school. Before I moved, I was never told ANYTHING.  When I moved, the person that met me upfront to welcome me to florida and congradulate me, never said anything but happy things. So i started taking loans out. I never understood what I was doing or what I will have to pay, I was very foolish. I just kept taking them out. My hope was to graduate and maybe pursue masters in Architecture.

Until I found out the school is not accredited. I found that out from a student. 2 years after being in the school. So i started asking the teachers, some said it was, some said it wasn't. So i wasn't concerned. Then, someone said they failied accredidation again. So then I was concerened and started asking Mrs. Love and those higher folks. They all assured me not to worry because it will be accredited and even if it isn't accredited by the time I graduate, it doesn't matter how many years later it will get accredited I would be covered.

During my last year, they failed accredidation again and they had this big thing going on assurance all of us that everything will be fine and that our edu will be accredited shortly after we graduate. It never got accredited. None of my credits ever transfered anywhere. I am stuck with over 100k in loans. I learned NOTHING from this school. The teachers were all a joke. They always contridicted themselves, they didn't know anything. They gave grades based on their opinions not any structure. I have no idea what to do now.

I am a mom and this degree has gotten me nowhere. I have been deferring my loan until now, I cannot do it anymore and I don't know what to do, honestly. This is the most saddest point of my life I am soo upset and grieved at all of this. I cannot believe my interest is 900 dollars a month and my actual principal is only 300. I cannot believe at the age of 21 I came out with a loan of over 100k. I cannot believe that I have been scammed like this, they have ruined my life. Yes, I was imature, young, yup, I should have looked, read, blah blah.... and they should have instructed me, stopped me, protected me, as normal adults would. They scammed. 


Is it a scam?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, April 22, 2013

My son is currently attenting the school in Orlando.  Apart from them not working with him financially, he is now told that they are no longer offering the degree he was working on.

Apparently, the teachers either quit, were fired, or one was even deported.  he was also told that they no longer have evening classes.

Is there anything we can do.  If he has to pick another career, he would have paid all this money for nothing.  I do not see how they can go ahead and discontinue his major (game design) right in the middle of getting his degree.

Any advice?

Thank you.

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