  • Report:  #227137

Complaint Review: Internet-yellow-pagesDOTcom - Internet

Reported By:
- Northern, Illinois,

the-internet-yellowpages.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First of all, I did not get ripped off, mainly because I have built up such a high immunity to telemarketers over the years.

About 5 years ago, the World-Wide Source/Ameri-Source scam got my business in its sights, mounting quite an operation in attempts to "hook" us. That's the $399.99 "American Business Index" listing scam. I still have the big stupid book they sent and most of the "invoices." Eventually I wore them down by saying, "No, I never ordered it, don't want it, and will not pay" enough times, etc., and bringing up tidbits I'd learned about them such as the legal actions in Vermont, etc. I remember asking them sarcastically if they'd like to try for being barred from doing business in yet another state, if so just keep annoying me.

It's a long story with amusing footnotes (I have tape recordings of a couple of their calls dunning me for the fraudulent bill, including where they played their tape that was supposedly a "verbal contract"). I reiterate, we held out in the face of their bluff, and did not pay them, nor did I worry about mailing back their "valuable" doorstop of a book.

The funny thing is, I believe they still call us from time to time. Mostly, as soon as I hear, "We're updating your directory listing...," I interrupt with, "We don't buy advertising over the telephone, never have, never will," and hang up.

This month I took one of those "updating your account" calls, but it was from "Theinternetyellowpages.com". Hmm, I replied, "We don't buy adverti--" but the operator butted in to rudely exclaim, "What business doesn't advertise!?" I shot back, "Over the phone." She started in on her speil anyway, about how it was an "existing account," and that she just needed to verify the listing.

Ignoring that, I asked her to spell the website, and said, "Thanks, I'll check you out," {{click}}. Apparently they have a few variations of the domain name-- I'm not actually sure that I landed on their site, because in fact I have not even found my business listed there (the WWS book at least had that!). I did rummage their listings a bit, though, and noticed certain similarities to the WWS/ABI book. Poorly organized and far from complete, for example. While many of the listings have the business' full address, a significant number only show the city and state, for another eg.

It might not be the same bunch as AmeriSource, but it's the same M.O.


Northern, Illinois

1 Updates & Rebuttals


YellowPages.com use pretty aggressive "sales" tatics..........

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 14, 2007

As an ex-employee of YellowPages.com, I can tell you first hand how overly aggresive their "sales" tatics are. It all starts at the top, their V.P. of Sales demands total cult like dedication from all his Employees. He tells you that if you ever question him , even in the slighest way publically, you're gone. He's a snot nosed punk who brags endlessly, how he "was #1 at Verizon yellow Pages selling the Internet advertising in the country" or " I can outsell any of you by a 3 to 1 margin". Classic short man's syndrome! They "train" or should I say brainwash ( basically threaten) to so agressively sell their product as the "Local solution". but truth be told they cater to the National customer.

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