  • Report:  #352557

Complaint Review: Jeanie C. Barbee - Kannapolis North Carolina

Reported By:
- raleigh, North Carolina,

Jeanie C. Barbee
2020 Rollingwood Dr. Kannapolis, 28081 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
What a RIP off First off She tells you the b***h has been shown (NEVER HAS) Then find out she is not even the FULL owner of the b***h. Then later find out the b***h did not pass all the tests.

Stay away from this breeder !! SHE lies about everything !!

I live in NC and paid $1,200.00 for these lies DONT let it happen to YOU !!!!!!!!!


raleigh, North Carolina


24 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
too funny

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, July 26, 2008

she has been caught in one of her scams/schemes, her pattern is what folks have and will experience, the references to lawyers/sheriffs/FBI etc are part of her defence ploys to get information in order to harass others, its been goin on for years. if there is a controlling force in the universe, her 'dog days' will end, for the sake of the mutts she sells and to the unwary people that she preys on.


North Carolina,
my email

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, July 25, 2008

This is my email and the response I got from ms.barbee. They asked me to get the names and phone numbers so they can call them back when they are available. They also want to know who they are talking to before they call to make sure they are not wasting their time on flakes and to people who are just in this for the wrong reasons. If you don't want to do that, I'm sure sooner or later you will be hearing from them anyway. In a message dated 7/22/2008 12:46:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, SickenedO1 writes: I would like to ask you for the names of the Investigator and Attorney's. I would like to speak to them about this mess. thank you as you can see she evades how hard would ith ave been to simply reply with names and numbers? Could it be because there is no attorneys or federal agents or police that are working on her "cases". I know if I were in her shoes and had this going on I would be more than willing to provide this information if I had nothing to hide. Isn't that what attorney's are for? Or maybe she is just consulting with a paralegal online. How funny!


North Carolina,
its jeannie with 2 Ns

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 25, 2008

She has been scamming folks for ages, the only thing she has an interest in is running a scam to make money, you will HAVE to take her to court to get a refund. she claims it takes 2 yrs to be a member of that club, doubtful, not that it matters, she said she had not gotten around to apply to it, and showing a dog is meaningless, unless it wins. only then can you add CH (champion) to a dogs name, anyone can bring a dog to a show, pay the entrance fee, but you cant truthfully claim that as some sort of selling feature. she relies on gimmicks etc to sell her mutts for a high price,, btw how much documentation does she provide when she sells one, including a vet's report? its obvious she has no clue about being a breeder


East Coast,
North Carolina,
What I cant figure out is

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 24, 2008

Why has AOL been brought into this? AOL is an Internet Provider, whats the connection to the purchase and lies that Jeanie Barbee has told us puppy owners? I for one dont intend on getting and Attorney and seeking my money back. After learning of the 1st posters experience with Jeanie on them trying to get there money back. I have learned now to cross investagate people like Jeanie Barbee for myself. I do plan on continuing to report her to as many Puppy Mill groups as a bad breeder and send reports to The Havenese Club and AKC, and post it anywhere I can find potencial Havenese owner wanttobe's. I will post flyers at my Vets' office with this link plus the Humane Soc. of Rowan County and others. I have read and reread all these rebuttal's and noticed a large pattern of Jeanie Barbee's lies. This woman deserves no respect from anyone, seems with every stroke of the keys on her keyboard she enters a lie onto our monitors. It has been about 4 days now with no response from her with the names of the Investigater and Attorney names. Her open lies here in this forum speaks very loudly for her reputaion as a bad breeder, she has proven to all us here that her lies, are just that, lies !


North Carolina,

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2008

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. You people have serious mental problems. Whatever your catty games on AOL are, gives you NO right to downright lie to the public. This is crossing the line BIG TIME. How would you like it if the games on AOL came into your living room or place of business and kept you from making a living or got you fired from your jobs? Perhaps its time for you to cancel your accounts and get a real life free from drama or are you so addicted to creating it that you just can't walk away! Look in the mirror people? Do you like or respect who you see there? I don't think so!


North Carolina,

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2008

Seems to me Jeanie is not backing up any of her lies she is telling. In the post I have read and reread she says if you email her she will sned you the information. I tried emailing her and she has me blocked I emailed her under another name and she deleted it and has yet to respond. Another lie from Jeanie? YES. I wanted to be nice and say she doesnt deserve this but as long as she spews her lies she deserves what she gets! Get your crap straight and tell the truth!


North Carolina,
no response either

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2008

I sent an email also to [email protected], and got no reply either! This does not surprise me at all.She will say things to make her self look innocent and say she will do this and that but she never makes good on her word! Surprising? NO! This woman is apparently a liar! Mrs Barbee, WHY WON"T YOU ANSWER EMAILS LIKE YOU SAID YOU WOULD? mAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE AFRAID OF SOMETHING OR HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE? MY GUESS IS THE LATTER


East Coast,
North Carolina,
** NO REPLY **

#9Consumer Suggestion

Tue, July 22, 2008

An email was sent to [email protected] asking for the names of the Investigater and Attorney's. It has been 24 hours now with NO REPLY. What does that tell you?


North Carolina,
as usual

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, July 21, 2008

Offering to provide info via email is a ploy to get an email address, so that Barbee can harasse someone. She has used this before in her dealings. Her threats of filing complaints with law enforcement, such as the FBI (what federal statutes she has claimed were broken is anyone's guess) are well know, via her own claims of filing them. Its a reverse conspiracy syndrome. As of this date the only thing she has claimed is by anonymous phone calls of false charges to the Division of Social Services (they are obligated to respond to them, anonymous or not) in her area, about child abuse, etc. She has literally advertised that she has done this. So much for the guilt trip she wants to put on others. Its her way of intimidating people, it always has been.


North Carolina,
Funny as heck

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, July 21, 2008

You are right not only has Jeanie lied to me but about me. But she or no one else deserves this kind of harassment. If you did indeed buy a dog from her then take it back make her give you your money back or take her a*s to court. I am sure you have a case, there is no reason to bring aol crap on this kind of site. Deal with your issues like adults. And besides WHO HAS NOT LIED ON AOL. LMAO

Jeanie C Barbee

North Carolina,
This is the last response from me.

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, July 21, 2008

Obviously anyone with any intelligence can see what is going on here. It's a smear campagne from someone that doesn't like me. They probably haven't even met me. They sure haven't bought a puppy from me or they would know a lot more. They would also have a contract with all the information needed in it. If you want to talk to the Rowan County Sheriff's Deputy that has been involved in this and my Attorney, then email me. I will gladly give them your name and number and have them contact you. But you won't do that will you? LOL Like I said, this is my last post, see you soon in court.


East Coast,
North Carolina,
TO: Gone Far Enough

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, July 21, 2008

Anyone can have puppies, wanted or not. Its different when someone lies to you about them, when your taken advantage of being told lie after lie after lie. It has nothing to do with the care and love for a dogs and puppies, its the lies You are right, I would not have been on here if the 1st poster would not have contacted me with all the lies I knew nothing bout. I am so glad I was contacted. It proves that even tho I have a college education, (which Jeanie pointed out) I am still gulable to lies. Question: What is AKC going to do about her lies? You said you have not spoken to Jeanie in months? Something wrong with that picture, right? Sounds to me like you have also been involved with some of her lies or something has made you two not talk in months. What is it? Jeanie you can lower yourself to attack typos if you want to. I will be trying my best to help the 1st poster contact each and everyone of the puppy owners and any future puppy owners. Be honest with yourself since you wont do it with anyone esle. Jeanie, I would also like the name of the Rowan Co Sheriff Dept Investigater incharge of the investigation you claim that is going on right now. AND your Attorney's names.


North Carolina,
This has gone to far

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2008

I am sure if you people had actually bought a dog from Jeanie or anyone you deffinately would not be on here complaining about it. You would be making you complaints to the AKC. I know nothing about Jeanie's puppies. I do not talk to her. But the sad thing is there is no law against having puppies and selling them. From what I have gathered in the past from people that have contacted me about rescuing dachshunds these people know Jeanie and respect her. I can not see how Any of you would want to get on a website like this and spew lies and things you know nothing about. I have not spoken to Jeanie in several months. BUT COME ON PEOPLE THIS CRAP HAS GONE TO FAR. You have no business or right to get on sites like this and spew lies. LET IT GO. I hope you know you are not accomplishing anything by this.


North Carolina,
as usual

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2008

The usual response from jeannie barbee, she has told so many lies about just about everything, she believes herself. She has practiced deceit for so long it has become her psyche.

Jeanie C Barbee

North Carolina,
Email me and I will send you proof of all AKC registrations and Health Testing. Problem solved!

#16REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 20, 2008

This is clearly a smear campaign from a certain person who hasn't even bought a puppy from me. First of all, you can not pull up Breeders on the AKC web site unless they list puppies for sale there in the classifieds, I have not had to do that to sell my puppies. But I'm sure you can call them on Monday, and they will clearly tell you I am in good standing with them. Prove to me that you bought a puppy from me, you shouldn't have to hide behind fake or nicknames, I'M NOT. If you know anything about dog breeding, then you can easily look up all the health testing of my dogs on the OFA website, it's all there. The Havanese Club of America, no I'm not listed there yet, as I have not been in this long enough. But do plan on submitting my application soon (read their application and you will see it takes a while, at least 2 years to even be able to apply). But you can check, I am on their list as one of their Rescuers. You can also contact the Havanese Rescue of America and I have been volunteering with them for 1 1/2 years. You can also look up my 2 dogs and any of their relatives and their wonderful pedigrees on the Havanese Gallery. I think it even has a picture of me on there at a dog show actually showing one of my dogs... There's another picture on my myspace if you are a friend of mine (obviously not). But I can send it to you. You can also email me under your real names and I will give you the names and numbers of the 6 puppy owners that I have sold to, so anyone that has taken this serious can be reassured. The owner's have given me permission to do this. One of the puppy owners is with the Humane Society at Lake Norman, I'm sure she can give you lots of correct information and a great reference. And the last person to post on here saying they are from the East Coast? I sold one puppy to someone even considered close to the East Coast, that couple has multiple college degrees and you are putting them to shame with your spelling and grammar. I have not made it private as to the areas of where the people I have sold puppies to live. So just saying the East Coast doesn't cut it. Anyway, like I said earlier, call the AKC on Monday, or email or call me, I will be glad to email or fax you copies of all my AKC papers and Health Testing. Or better yet, since you don't want anyone to know who you really are, stop being lazy and look things up online. And yes, my 2nd dog will be having her FIRST litter in October if things go well. Please educate yourself on dogs, breeding, the AKC, OFA and all the other things one should know about before buying a dog or making false statements. Better yet, instead of spending your time here spewing lies, go volunteer at a rescue or donate some of your money to one if you are so interested in the welfare of dogs. Owning, Showing and breeding 2 dogs does not make a puppy mill....go to Utube and look up puppy mills so you know what they are. You know folks, it's time to grow up and stop playing middle school games, grown-ups would reply or make comments with their real names, that would make you more credible. But you couldn't do that could you? Thanks :)


East Coast,
North Carolina,
puppy on the east coast

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2008

Jeanie Barbee should remember me purchaseing a puppy from her. She says she knows who she has sold the puppies to. As I had a long drive from the east coast NC. I was contacted by the 1st poster and learned alot of things I would have never known YES I was ripped off and lied to by Jeanie also. And her response to things really has disturbed me. If I would have known she was that "type" person I would have never even spoke with her about purchasing a puppy. I beleive her comment about "she does thorough reference checks" = in reality she is finding out if you are a sucker and going to believe her lies. I fell for it. Her threats of sueing us victims are utterly rediculas. The comment (obviously her friend "Urkiddnme") made about Jeanie that said "who truly cares for her animals like they were her children" disturbs me also. As I went to reread Jeanies puppy web page noticing that she has yet MORE puppies for sale and going to have YET another litter in Oct. ( I believe it said). Is that what she would do to her children? Keep breeding them for profit? Because it is for sure she has mislead the puplic on her puppies backgrounds.


North Carolina,

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, July 20, 2008

Where did you say your dogs are registered? AKC has nothing showing your dogs are registered. The Havanese club of america is not showing you or your dogs either. I checked.http://www.havanese.org/hcaBreederReflist.html Just some friendly advice. If you want these people to leave you alone then show your paper work! Instead of threatening with your so called lawyer and the FBI and the Police. Put up or shut up. Show your papers dear. Then if these people continue to call you a LIAR then do something about it. Just a suggestion. Provide the information IF YOU REALLY HAVE IT!


North Carolina,
offer of proof

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2008

Allegations by jeannie barbee that someone is being 'investigated' by law enforcement, rowan county, FBI and other law enforcement agancies, has, in the past been used by her in attempts to intimidate others, and lend some credibilty to her statements. When these agencies are contacted, they claim no knowledge of contact with her that led to any sort of investigation. It comes as no surprise that she uses it to lend some sort of twisted credibilty to her statements. Of course her friends add to that twisted trail of claims. It is noticed she gave no concrete evidence, such as official documents, etc to substatiate her claims of the pedigree of the mutts she sells.

Jeanie C Barbee

North Carolina,
This is a clear case of Stalking/Harassment/Liable & Slander

#20REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 19, 2008

My attorney's will handle this in a court of law. Not here where you make all your false accusations that you can't back up and won't even sign your real name. I know who I've sold puppies to, and every single one of them will be in the court room with me. If you had bought a puppy from me, you would know what was in my contract, that if you were unhappy, return the puppy and you'll get your money back....only problem is.....YOU NEVER BOUGHT A PUPPY from me. I do thorough reference checks, home checks, and vet checks. Someone like you would not get one of my precious puppies. So keep on going and digging your hole deeper. Come on, Lets get this out in the open, whats your name, and prove you bought a puppy from me, and I will love to give you $1200 back.....But no, you can't do that, can you???? Send a picture and a copy of the AKC papers for the puppy!!!! Or this can easily be looked up on line, I've sold 6 puppies my whole life....which of the 6 people are you? You will be fully prosecuted by the law, and I will sue you in civil court for everything you have.

Jeanie C Barbee

North Carolina,
This is a clear case of Stalking/Harassment/Liable & Slander

#21REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 19, 2008

My attorney's will handle this in a court of law. Not here where you make all your false accusations that you can't back up and won't even sign your real name. I know who I've sold puppies to, and every single one of them will be in the court room with me. If you had bought a puppy from me, you would know what was in my contract, that if you were unhappy, return the puppy and you'll get your money back....only problem is.....YOU NEVER BOUGHT A PUPPY from me. I do thorough reference checks, home checks, and vet checks. Someone like you would not get one of my precious puppies. So keep on going and digging your hole deeper. Come on, Lets get this out in the open, whats your name, and prove you bought a puppy from me, and I will love to give you $1200 back.....But no, you can't do that, can you???? Send a picture and a copy of the AKC papers for the puppy!!!! Or this can easily be looked up on line, I've sold 6 puppies my whole life....which of the 6 people are you? You will be fully prosecuted by the law, and I will sue you in civil court for everything you have.

Jeanie C Barbee

North Carolina,
This is a clear case of Stalking/Harassment/Liable & Slander

#22REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 19, 2008

My attorney's will handle this in a court of law. Not here where you make all your false accusations that you can't back up and won't even sign your real name. I know who I've sold puppies to, and every single one of them will be in the court room with me. If you had bought a puppy from me, you would know what was in my contract, that if you were unhappy, return the puppy and you'll get your money back....only problem is.....YOU NEVER BOUGHT A PUPPY from me. I do thorough reference checks, home checks, and vet checks. Someone like you would not get one of my precious puppies. So keep on going and digging your hole deeper. Come on, Lets get this out in the open, whats your name, and prove you bought a puppy from me, and I will love to give you $1200 back.....But no, you can't do that, can you???? Send a picture and a copy of the AKC papers for the puppy!!!! Or this can easily be looked up on line, I've sold 6 puppies my whole life....which of the 6 people are you? You will be fully prosecuted by the law, and I will sue you in civil court for everything you have.


North Carolina,

#23Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2008

I have heard a lot about this lady and her dogs. I am sure who ever posted the ad is for real. It seems to me that she may have a puppy mill going on in her house with the dogs. Which is intolerable. It seems to me that this lady has a lot of stalkers and from what she says should live with the d**n FBI since she always seems to be calling them. I have seen her boast about sellign her puppies for 1200.00. Maybe if she does sell them for that much she would pay the other lady out that she she still owes for the other dog. Good luck ms. barbee. I do not know you only seen you in chat rooms and seen what you have said. I am sure you do treat your dogs well. If i were you I would post some of hte AKC stuff and hte dogs records to prove you so called stalkers wrong.


North Carolina,
This posting is completely fraudulent!

#24Consumer Comment

Fri, July 18, 2008

I happen to know the person who posted this. This person is very warped and sadistic and who will stop at nothing to humiliate anyone just for the sheer fun of it. Sadly, there are these kinds of sick people in the world and all we can do is pray for their miserable souls. I know Ms. Barbee to be a completely reputable breeder, who truly cares for her animals like they were her children and I would never be afraid to purchase any puppy from her.

Jeanie C Barbee

North Carolina,
This report is from a stalker/harasser that the police are already investigating. They never bought a puppy from me.

#25REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, July 18, 2008

This is a false report. This person is being investigated by the Rowan County Sheriff's office already. This person has never bought a dog from me, and I've never sold one for $1200. I have pictures and ribbons and confirmation of my two dogs being shown. I have all health records of my dogs passing their health tests. I am full owner that can be confirmed by my AKC papers and by the AKC itself. Please have this information taken off immediately. This person is posting a link to this in chat rooms on AOL and has been reported there. I will be seeking legal advice from my attorney on Monday about pressing charges against you, your company and the individual who wrote this.

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