  • Report:  #69934

Complaint Review: Kroger - Harrisonburg Virginia

Reported By:
- Penn Laird, Virginia,

1790 E. Market St. Harrisonburg, 22801 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Almost every time I shop at Kroger, something that was on sale does not come up at the register for the advertised price. I have to go to the customer service counter, wait in line, show them my receipt, wait for them to go check the item, then wait for them to count out my refund.

There are so many people who buy these products because they see the sale sign, must be hundreds in a day. If the sale price isn't noted on the cash register's computer, how many dozens or hundreds of times does the store get away with an extra fifty cents, an extra dollar? I don't shop until 6 p.m., after work. Imagine how many people that day have been lied to, ripped off, by the time I tell the manager. And does he change the computer? No, that's done at the headquarters, so the next several customers who make that purchase will also be deceived. I believe deceptive advertising practices are illegal in this country.

The Giant Food Store in McLean has solved that problem. If you don't get the item for the right price, and if you stand in line at the customer service counter to complain, you will get all of your money back on that item; the item will be free. I think this kind of response ought to be state law. It would certainly get deadbeats like Kroger to double-check their sloppy records.


Harrisonburg, Virginia

19 Updates & Rebuttals

I am the law

Whine much?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, June 30, 2011

I find it humorous that when a company makes a mistake, usually a customer's first reaction is to assume that the company is intentionally scheming to rip people off. I don't suppose you ever thought that it was just a legitimate error and if you brought it to their attention, they'd fix it? No, of course not! It's easier to point your little finger at them and scream "EVIL CORPORATE GIANT! THEY'RE JUST TRYING TO SCREW US OVER! LET'S WHINE ABOUT THEM ON THE INTERNET!" You need a reality check; there are thousands of products on those shelves. It stands to reason that there might be an item here and there that is mispriced or entered into their system incorrectly. (or maybe someone tampered with the shelf tag or the cashier might've made an error at the checkout)

Come on, grow up. Just mention it to the cashier and get on with your life. There's bigger problems in the world than a mispriced jar of mustard.


United States of America
You've got it figured out.

#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, January 02, 2011

But not really. If you go in and check the prices on the monitor as you go (it's for you; we don't look at it unless you ask us to), especially for the items you believe were marked down, you can get everything resolved right at checkout. Cashiers can ask a courtesy clerk to check the price of the item in question, and if the customer is right (and sometimes even if they're not) the customer will get the Scan Rite Guarantee.

For those of us who don't know the Scan Rite Guarantee, every item is guaranteed to ring up at the price listed in the store. If not, any item under five dollars is free and any item over five dollars will be corrected to the right price and you will receive a five dollar gift card.

The prices are not adjusted at headquarters. The prices for items in each store are different. Therefore, each department in every store is responsible for its respective merchandise. When the Scan Rite Guarantee is used, the cashier or customer service representative must fill out a card with all the information for the item that goes to the item's department.

The department manager is usually responsible for correcting the prices in the store's system, and it can be done within a minute's time. It's not deceptive advertising practices. Sometimes people make mistakes. So give us a break. We're only human.



#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 18, 2010

Amazon & Ebay does it All Day, ALL Season, ALL YEAR, ALL Century Long,
With ALL kinds of PEOPLES" working, Delivering All Over The UNIVERSE!
And they 'SELDOM, NEVER, EVER, make not even (ONE) Mistake!
Wonder Why?
You Think they try?
I think it is no coincidence, that (99.99 %) of ALL these ERRORS" are in the Retailer's
favor, and are Huge money wise!

And as I've stated, I've seen them go on for weeks, months, uncorrected!
Don,t mean to be singling out Kroger!
They're the biggest, the greatest!
I just recently over the course of months, experienced at Walgreens, multiple visits, where I purchased HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.
About 6 bottles each visit, because they were marked down, $1:99 to 99 Cents!

Each time, they had to reimburse me on my entire purchase not just for peroxide.
Enough money to pay for my $10 lunch!
About 6 times that happened!

The peroxide registered $1: 99 instead of 99c for months!
I think it was accidental!
But in their favor!
I think Kroger A&P was deliberate!
GROSS NEGLIGENCE on this level like ABU GHRAIB is deliberate!                            


kroger employee's freebie rebuttal

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, October 17, 2010

I got a free item once, when I caught an error!
I didn't know & they didn't tell me I was entitled to it!
I thought it was another error!
Say this is the policy!
How many, especially poor peoples, watches the checker like me!
Seldom see one!
I've seen them, continue on the phone, magazine off the racks, inspect the lighting.
I saw 2 ghetto women with 2 train loaded grocery carts!
Resolving all the soap operas!
When the got to the checker, they advanced to the middle of the floor,
and got knee deep in soap arguments!

Kroger knows, that for every (1) like me, there's a million, like them!
And I can't catch them every time!

Point is with the Odds" & "By the "Numbers, do you think that they can afford" to give me my one little FREEBIE



Kroger Has had a scan check Guaranty if you didnt ask for it dont blame them.

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 01, 2008

Kroger Has a scan check Guaranty(if its scans wrong its free) (but you do have to ask about the scan right guaranty because they only do it on request because most people are fine with just getting the difference back. BTW its not easy to catch every item but the stores do a very good job at it NO store is Perfect and alil understanding goes a long way.


Scan Rite

#7UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 05, 2007

I work at a kroger in texas and if an item scans at the wrong price you get one of the items for free and the rest at the correct price.


im a file clerk too and i know what we as file clerks face

#8UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 11, 2005

i agree with all the good and bad sides of these rebuttals. first of all i have worked with this company for nearly 20 years, ive been a backup file clerk for 17 years until i became a file clerk recently so i know all about prices and the thousands of tags we must tear down and put up i have gone from maintaining 160,000 items on file to over 245,000 items on file within a matter of years. the more experienced file clerks know what is going on, the company sends us batches of price changes, here in illinois my ad comes out on thursday my normal tag run is about 5000 tags and an additional 1750 tear aways or offsales. monday i am ripping and sorting tags and adjusting them according to the aisles, that is about 4 hours and then i start my ad check and pull tags and set them aside to hang on thursday morning for all these items that are in the ad. tuesday i finish and then verify the items i dont have a tag for to the shelves. wednesday i am pulling down offsales as long as they are not in the ad. that wednesday night i am back to tear down what i cannot during the day, resign the store and hang tags and make certain that the items i did not have a tag for or were not on sale already were scanning the advertised price. i can tell you as a file clerk that 99% of our problems are not our fault but of that of the general office who misses these sale prices that are sent down to us in batches that we execute. we are like the end of the road so if we dont fix the problem it does not get fixed. friday i am still haning tags and with the company the way it is being run these days they have cut hours on the file clerks helpers SO I AM FACED WITH HAVING TO WORK OVERTIME BEING 6 DAYS IN A ROW BECAUSE SOME MASTERMIND AT GENERAL OFFICE HAS COME UP WITH A PLAN TO CUT EXPENSE, IN THE LONG RUN I HAVE GOTTEN OVERTIME BECAUSE OF THESE MASTERMINDS WITH THEIR MASTERPLANS TO CUT EXPENSE IN FILE CLERK HELPER HOURS I WENT FROM 3 ADDITIONAL 8 HOUR SHIFTS TO 12 HOURS ADDITIONAL HELP!! THE HOURS WENT TO DRUG GM AS THE MASTERMIND THOUGHT THAT THEY WOULD HANG THEIR OWN TAGS THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED AS OF YET AND ITS BEEN A MONTH NOW AND I AM DOING OVERTIME. GIVE THE FILE CLERKS HOURS OF EXTRA HELP BACK OR WE CONTINUE TO HAVE PRICE PROBLEMS AS OF THIS DATE I AM OFFICIALLY A YEAR BEHIND IN MY TAGS THAT I HAVE NOT WORKED THOROUGHLY TO ENFORCE THE SCAN RITE GUARANTEE thankyou for your time i agree file clerks do all we can to maintain correct scanning and i do agree that there are people with nothing better to do than come to my store as well and find price problems, there is an old guy as i speak who does this to me every thursday or friday morning when he comes to shop his biggest pet peeve is half gallons of buttermilk. get a life after your shopping is finished. put yourself in our shoes! if you think that being a file clerk is easy and simple try it for 17 plus years now like i have. things have never changed beleive me some of the technology has made being a file clerk better but the mistakes from general office as far as pricing goes have not changed a bit. any good file clerk is normally there during the day and when a price discrepancy arrises then the employees usually notify the file clerk who should look at the problem at hand and then correct the problem or explain why scanning is correct. most problems we fix are problems that are sent to us incorrect, this is beyond our control but is within our control to fix at store level. thankyou!


Sometimes it actually is the employee's fault

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 29, 2005

I was a cashier at kroger in high school. At my store, it was rare for something to ring up wrong. Nearly every time I go to the one near my house, something rings up wrong. If the employees at the store I worked at could keep most of the prices right, why can't the ones at this other location? It's no bigger, and it's certainly not as busy. Tonight I went to this store and bought six packages of ground turkey that were on sale for 1.49/lb. They scanned at the regular price of 2.19/lb., about a dollar difference per package. I was at one of those self-checkouts so I had to go get the cashier and she voided them off then entered the correct price. Well when I looked over my reciept I noticed that she only voided five of them, but punched in six more. She told me that I'd have to come back the next day and get a refund from customer service. I didn't want to do that because it would cost me more in gas than the $3.00 that I was overcharged. So I asked if I could just get two more packages and pay the difference. She said sure, but when I came back, she told me that I could get the one package free and I'd have to pay sticker price on the other one. Now keep in mind this has happened nearly every time I've gone to this store and I've let it go. I just void the stuff that doesn't ring up at the sale price and don't get it. Well tonight I was fed up with doing that but I still didn't ask to get it for free. I just wanted to pay the price on the sticker. Well, having been overcharged 2.78 she told me I could get 1.89 worth of turkey and we were even. I spent 15 minutes trying to explain to her that I was still being cheated out of .89, and she couldn't understand, so I finally informed her that I knew about the scan rite policy. She told me that it only applied to sale items that rang up more than the sale price. That's exactly what happened, but she said no, it doesn't count because it came labelled at that price from the manufactuer. That turkey has been on sale for five days now with a big yellow sign advertising it. In five days I'm sure it has been called to the manager's attention, but it still hasn't been changed. I know they sell a ton of it because they have a huge bin just for it. They just figure most people won't notice and that's an extra buck for each one that doesn't. I'm calling the manager tomorrow to tell him know why he's lost a customer, and also reporting the store to corporate. Also, I hate those self-checkout lines. You have to ring yourself up and bag your own groceries and still pay more than at other grocery stores. You'd think they could extend the savings on to the customers.


something seems a little off about the complaint - you cannot please all the people all the time

#10Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 07, 2005

I am a Kroger shopper going on 14 years. I have shopped other stores from time to time but always come back to Kroger because their prices are simply the best (love the Kroger plus card). I have had my share of inncorrect prices at the register. From my experience, everytime it was mistagged they go and check on it right there and then give me the product for free. If anyone is getting ripped off for having the wrong price it is Kroger. They are the one taking the hit for their mistake not the customer. Never have I gotten hassle during this procedure. I have shopped at four different Krogers in that time period and it always the same. I can't imagine they have different policies at different Krogers, that would make no sense. What even makes less sense is that you have to goto customer service to get a price ajustment when they always take care of it in line. It makes me a little suspicious that right after your slandering of Kroger that you advertised the name of a competitor...hmmmm. Seems suspect to me. Anyway, thanks Kroger for being great to me and my family but I guess you cannot please all the people all the time.


An easier way to shop

#11Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 07, 2005

I shop Kroger's exclusively and have for over 20 years. Yes, I have had many times that the price came up wrong and it had to be corrected. I know I also saw many,many people tamper with a price or find something priced wrong and CLEAN the place out b/c they knew it was wrong. My husband DID work in marketing, and the amount of prices he sent EACH day in batches always had an error, either human or computer downloads. A very simple fix is this: as you use your Plus Card, write down the shelf price and the yellow tag price. Then as you check out, watch the cashier and compare the price that rings up. Before getting angry, make sure you have presented the Kroger Plus Card. If afterwards it doesn't seem right, step off the side and compare the receipt with the numbers you have written down. If it does seem wrong,proceed to the customer service desk and calmly explain that you have been overcharged and would like a refund. Show the numbers you wrote down, and ask for the CS mgr to please verify that the tag does say what you believe it to say. Offer to wait for the answer, and thank the customer service desk for any help they provide. I can absolutely say that every times I have done this, I have received a 5.00 coupon towards my next purchase IN addition to getting a full refund. Kroger employees recognized my pleasantess and absolutely want my business. Granted, having worked in retail, I realize the importance of respecting anyone who provides a service to the public. Treat everyone as you expect to be treated and things will be more in your favor. I understand that Krogers may need to eliminate the Scan Right Guarantee due to alot of fraud going on with customers, and I honestly see it this way: I wanted the item anyway, and it's nice that I get charged correctly or even a full refund. I can interact pleasantly with the employees there and enjoy each time I go. If you are impulse buying on something, instead of ranting it is wrong, ask yourself, well do I really need it anyway? If you do, then proceed to CS to get a correction. Human beings make mistakes, and all of us have made one no matter what. Anger simply forces the defenses up, and will get you no where. Kroger's is an honest, fair store with a clear understanding of the needs of their customers. I know that everyone I meet there is pleasant and courteous, and eager to help me have a great shopping experience. Thanks Krogers!


Go somewhere else to shop

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, April 07, 2005

It sounds like Maggie & Jason want something for nothing and will probablly get it.These folks at Krogers do a great job.Keep it up guy's.Some people will b***h,even if they get it for free.I think Maggie is one of these people.


Everyone wants something free Maggie!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, April 07, 2005

I have been in retail 13 years now and half of the customers have learned that if you whine and complain enough you will get something for free. It seems to be your AMERICAN WAY!!! Kroger has a scan-rite guarantee that if the item scanned does not match the tag price then that item is free. Its posted everywhere in the store, I dont know how you can be so stupid to miss it??? ARE YOU BLIND???? Also if you think you can do any better then why dont you go to your local Kroger and work for a while and run Customer Service and handle returns, cashing payroll checks for every local business because peoples credit is so bad they cant get a bank account, sell money orders, do ticketmaster, sell lottery tickets, do western union, answer the phone, handle complaints, I mean its like working in a bank at Customer Service. The only thing thats not done in Customer Service Desk YET and knock on wood is utility payments and airline reservations. So if you think you can do better, fill out an application and you can see what its like or move to Cincinnati, Ohio and work in the IS Department to see if you can do a better job running all the UPC's for thousands of stores. Whats funny as hell is, everytime a customer says they will never be back, you will see them back less than a month later....


A walk in someone else's shoes

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, April 04, 2005

I worked at Kroger from 1992-1998 in the Customer Service Desk at a Nashville, TN Store. It is very hard to change thousands upon thousands of tags in a store and not miss a few, and you just wound up on the roulette wheel to get something to ring up wrong. I think if anyone out there thinks that they can do better, they I am sure that Kroger will gladly take an application. Plus if you like finding crap scanning wrong, then you can get a job with your local state government in the department called "Weights and Measures" and all you do all day long is go to stores and pickout x amount of items and write down the tag price and see how much they ring up at the register to see if it matches the tag price. I think everyone out there in the world should have to work retail or in a restaurant at some point of their life to get a better understanding and respect for retail. To the people whining about something scanning wrong or the scan price not matching the tag, whoopty d**n doo; if that is the least of your problems of your day to worry about, then I think you have it made. It must be nice to not have to work while your husband works and you get to sit at home and go shopping, go get your nails done, your hair done, so to the mall like a Barbie wannabe - GET A LIFE!!!!



#15UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 31, 2004

michigan's senate bill law or "scan rite" as ohio and w. virginia call it, are different for michigan stores. in michigan you are eligible for an amount 10 times the amount of the over charge UP TO $5 and not less than $1 on all scanned items excluding alcohol, tobbaco, and pharmaceutical items. However, i have heard rumors of this policy changing recently, and as the fact that i work for a kroger in michigan as a scan coordinator myself, it wouldnt take me long to find out the real scoop on this. With all respect sir or madam, we scan coord's try to do all we can, but in stores of 200,000 (not including the store coupons! ugh!) upc's or more, things do slip. i sincerely aplogize that it happened, even though it does not affect me up here, because even though i know the ins and outs of the job, i agree that these things need to be addressed


The Customer IS CORRECT

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, June 05, 2004

I shop at KROGERS in OHIO and NEVER have been given an item for free when the price didn't scan right! Let alone get the advertised sale price that I was overcharged on AND I WAS WITHIN THE SALE DATES OF THE ON SALE PRODUCT! Lets get frank here, you are an employee of KROGER. I AGREE WITH THE CUSTOMER'S FIRST COMMENT OF HIS SHOPPING AT KROGER. I FOR ONE WILL NOT SHOP THERE ANYMORE!


Mount Vernon,
Get your facts straight please

#17UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 13, 2004

I work at a Kroger in Ohio, and I know all the ones in Ohio and Michigan have the same policies, so I am sure Virginia has similiar if not the same policies also. Whenever an item scans wrong, unless it is alcohol or tobacco, the customer gets the item free. It is called our Scan Rite Gurantee. Then an employee changes the price in the system at store level to correct the problem. We do not wait for the main office to fix it. I know this because my full time job is fixing pricing errors, and scanning items looking for pricing errors. It is hard to check every single item when there are thousands of UPCs in the store, but we do what we can.


Mount Vernon,
Get your facts straight please

#18UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 13, 2004

I work at a Kroger in Ohio, and I know all the ones in Ohio and Michigan have the same policies, so I am sure Virginia has similiar if not the same policies also. Whenever an item scans wrong, unless it is alcohol or tobacco, the customer gets the item free. It is called our Scan Rite Gurantee. Then an employee changes the price in the system at store level to correct the problem. We do not wait for the main office to fix it. I know this because my full time job is fixing pricing errors, and scanning items looking for pricing errors. It is hard to check every single item when there are thousands of UPCs in the store, but we do what we can.


Mount Vernon,
Get your facts straight please

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 13, 2004

I work at a Kroger in Ohio, and I know all the ones in Ohio and Michigan have the same policies, so I am sure Virginia has similiar if not the same policies also. Whenever an item scans wrong, unless it is alcohol or tobacco, the customer gets the item free. It is called our Scan Rite Gurantee. Then an employee changes the price in the system at store level to correct the problem. We do not wait for the main office to fix it. I know this because my full time job is fixing pricing errors, and scanning items looking for pricing errors. It is hard to check every single item when there are thousands of UPCs in the store, but we do what we can.


Mount Vernon,
Get your facts straight please

#20UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 13, 2004

I work at a Kroger in Ohio, and I know all the ones in Ohio and Michigan have the same policies, so I am sure Virginia has similiar if not the same policies also. Whenever an item scans wrong, unless it is alcohol or tobacco, the customer gets the item free. It is called our Scan Rite Gurantee. Then an employee changes the price in the system at store level to correct the problem. We do not wait for the main office to fix it. I know this because my full time job is fixing pricing errors, and scanning items looking for pricing errors. It is hard to check every single item when there are thousands of UPCs in the store, but we do what we can.

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