  • Report:  #443825

Complaint Review: Long Realty Company Title Security Agency Of Arizona And First Magnus Now Called StoneWater - Tucson Arizona

Reported By:
- tucson, Arizona,

Long Realty Company Title Security Agency Of Arizona And First Magnus Now Called StoneWater
River Rd Tucson, 85718 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Beware of: Long Realty Company, First Magnus/Stonewater, and Title Security Agency of Arizona!

This is a true story about my 81 year old father who is a World War II Veteran who got the Royal shaft from Long Realty Company, and their affiliate companies. He decided to retire and buy a house in Tucson, AZ. He put his trust in Long Realty Company. After one day in the home, the nightmares began. This all started at the Oro Valley office with the Long agent / broker on January 22, 2007 and the Mortgage Advisor via telephone conversation. She highly recommended using this Mortgage Advisor because he was a Christian and a very dear friend of hers.

They both took advantage of my father's age and the lack of knowledge of Real Estate. She had him sign and date a blank , Loan Status Report .

she also had him initial and sign 9 pages of a blank Purchase Contract. She told him on page 9 to leave the date blank. She told him this was just to get started, and for him to write a check for $1,000.00 earnest money. She told him to offer full price which was $127,500.00, because this house would not last much longer on the market.

My father had only one appointment with the Mortgage Advisor for Pinnacle Mortgage / First Magnus, now called StoneWater. On January 24, 2007. My father brought all his documents to his appointment, such as Bank Statements, US Military Retirement Pay, VA Disability Income, and Social Security Income. He had my father sign many blank documents. My father came home without any copies of the documents he signed.

The Long agent also said she was very good friends with the Escrow Officer. On February 5, 2007 which was the COE, she had my father sign numerous documents including page 4 of 5 and page 5 of 5 of the loan application.

The Long agent used Pinnacle Mortgage/First Magnus, Title Security Agency of Arizona, and etc. she never gave my father any other options.

They increase his monthly income and liquid assets to quality him for a loan he could not afford. After these companies received their money they sold the loan to CitiMortgage.

My father called the Escrow Officer to get copies that were missing from the closing, she told him they could not give him copies of the documents.

At the end of March we went to the Mortgage Company to get copies of my father's documents. The Vice President said she could give him what she had, and one of those documents was the, Good Faith Estimate that was not signed or dated.

The very first mortgage payment was due April 1, 2007 to CitiMortgage.

I called CitiMortgage when I found there was a problem and asked if they could please send me the loan documents. On November 9, 2007 when we received the information we requested , I was horrified to find two sets of loan applications with different information including forgery.

We also found out that the owner's mother was the Long listing agent for this property, as it turned out, she was also the seller's agent for her son when he purchase this property back in December 20, 2004 for $63,700 per the MLS #2427963.

1. Falsified MLS!

2. Falsified Loan Status Report!

3. Falsified Loan Application!

4. Falsified Purchase Contract!

5. Falsified Seller's Property Disclosure Statement!


7. Falsified Home Inspection!

8. Falsified Appraisal!

My father had good credit until he did business with Long Realty Company, and their affiliate Companies. His credit is now destroyed. My father's house is in foreclosure and is being auctioned February 27, 2008. In addition this house is literally falling apart, the plumbing system is on the verge of total failure, and etc.

Long agent told my father to offer full price which was $127,500 because this house would not last much longer on the market. The seller Tim Hagyard walked away with over $63,000. This same house just sold in June 2008 for only $57,000.

Long Realty Company and their affiliates companies, Pinnacle Mortgage/First Magnus, and Title Security Agency of Arizona committed fraud and forgery?


tucson, Arizona


20 Updates & Rebuttals

The Truth Speaks

Long Gone!

#2UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 13, 2009

There is good news to report. Despite her efforts to villify the owners and employees of several prominent Tucson businesses--failing miserably to achieve her goals of extorting money from honest business people, Ella and her dad have left Tucson. Crime truly does not pay or "Came with Nothing, left with Nothing." In Ella's case, her feeble attempt to create a retirement nest egg at the expense of hap hazardly chosen victims (keep in mind that the real estate agent's contact information was chosen off the side of a city bus), her ill concieved scam simply faltered and then ended without notice. No legal retribution, no investigation into wrong doing on anyone's part, and no big check for Ella and her Dad. Unfortunately, Ella and her father are most likely plying their trade in some other city on poor unsuspecting saps wanting to believe that they(too) are doing a good deed for an elderly man who lives in a camper. Yea right!!! Too bad there isn't some kind of reality TV show that profiles "Crooks on the run coming to your town." Breathe a sigh of relief Tucson-the White Camper Gang is Gone for Good!

The Truth Speaks

The Spin of Nothing

#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 05, 2009

Why haven't the companies named in the Rip Off Report posted by Ella sued her and her father, Ellis? Pretty much for the same reason why no attorney or government official has looked into the false claims made by Ella. Ella should know that by now, too. You can't get something for nothing, nothing from nothing is still nothing and since she has nothing, nothing would be gained.


Government Officials and Attorneys

#4Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2009

Everything stated in the website Beware of Long Realty / Sly as a Fox is 100% true and correct. For any Government Officials, or Attorneys that might want to view all documents please notify Beware of Long Realty website at http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/?t=anon If these statements are not true, Long Realty Company, and their affiliate companies would have sued for slander. They have not. WHY?


Government Officials and Attorneys

#5Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2009

Everything stated in the website Beware of Long Realty / Sly as a Fox is 100% true and correct. For any Government Officials, or Attorneys that might want to view all documents please notify Beware of Long Realty website at http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/?t=anon If these statements are not true, Long Realty Company, and their affiliate companies would have sued for slander. They have not. WHY?


Government Officials and Attorneys

#6Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2009

Everything stated in the website Beware of Long Realty / Sly as a Fox is 100% true and correct. For any Government Officials, or Attorneys that might want to view all documents please notify Beware of Long Realty website at http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/?t=anon If these statements are not true, Long Realty Company, and their affiliate companies would have sued for slander. They have not. WHY?


Government Officials and Attorneys

#7Author of original report

Thu, April 30, 2009

Everything stated in the website Beware of Long Realty / Sly as a Fox is 100% true and correct. For any Government Officials, or Attorneys that might want to view all documents please notify Beware of Long Realty website at http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/?t=anon If these statements are not true, Long Realty Company, and their affiliate companies would have sued for slander. They have not. WHY?

The Truth Speaks

The Wheels of Spin Go Around and Around and Around

#8UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 30, 2009

Dizzy yet? You should be! Especially if you've visited Ella Silveira's website. It doesn't make sense, does it? It's a mumble jumble collection of nonsense. Her story is nothing more than false claims and ridiculous accusations that she can't prove. The story has changed so many times, it will make your head spin. Ella names more than 20 people; (the vast conspiracy in Tucson) at her website as having some part in what she dubs the Royal Shaft. The only people who were shafted were those people who attempted to help her father purchase a home. What they didn't know about Ella Silveira and Ellis Herman has become their biggest regret. It's been never-ending cycle of abuse, verbal attacks and continual harassment. Many questions still go unanswered such as: 1. Who forced Ellis Herman to buy the house in Tucson? 2. Why did Ellis Herman leave California to move to Tucson? 3. How many 81 year-old retirees sign for a 30-year mortgage loan? 4. If Mr. Herman's retired military monthly income is $2564.00 a month, why was he unable to pay a mortgage payment of $900.00 month? His mortgage loan papers are posted at the website. He never made one single payment on his mortgage loan. Why aren't his pay stubs posted on Ella's website? 5. Was Ellis Herman really awarded an honorable discharge from the military? 6. Who supports Ella Siveira? Who pays the bills? Why didn't Ella Silveira co-sign with her dad on the mortgage loan? Why didn't Ella Sliveira buy the house instead of her 81-year old father? What kind of daughter does that? 7. Who forced Ellis Herman to use the mortgage company for his loan? 8. Who forced Ellis Herman to use the title company to close his loan? 9. Who forced Ellis Herman to sign the real estate purchase contract? 10. Who forced Ellis Herman to sign the mortgage loan paperwork? 11. Why did Ellis Herman insist on closing his mortgage loan two weeks after he signed the purchase contract? 12. Why did Ellis Herman not order his own home inspection report? 13. Ella Silveira claims her father was taken advantage of because of his age. Where was Ella Silveira during this whole home buying process? 14. Why didn't Citi Mortgage believe his story? 15. Why hasn't Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard started an investigation into all of the claims of fraud as reported by Ella Silveira? 16. Why did the Tucson City Council dismiss Ellis Herman's claims of fraud? 17. Why hasn't Warren Buffet come to rescue of Ellis Herman? 18. Why was she banned from posting comments at the Arizona Daily Star? 19. Why does the Tucson Police Department monitor her activities? 20. When will she and father leave Tucson?



#9Author of original report

Sat, April 25, 2009

ANNA STARK - REO SPECIALIST / FIRST MAGNUS http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/page/Anna+Stark+-+REO+Specialist+%2F+First+Magnus

The Truth Speaks

The Queen of Spin is at it Again!

#10UPDATE Employee

Sat, April 25, 2009

There's a pattern developing with each and every post Ella Silveira adds to the Rip Off Report. This is how she and her father operate--it's their way of doing business. Creating spin creates a diversion. She doesn't want the public to know the facts. She doesn't want the public to know the real reason why she and her father moved to Tucson. Her days are spent "cutting and pasting" at various websites, blogs and internet chat rooms creating a diversion away from the REAL TRUTH. That's the first part of her ongoing nasty smear campaign. The goal is to convince folks that a large group of business people in Tucson (there are dozens of people she's targeted at her website) who came together to financially ruin her elderly father. If you disagree with her, challenge her on the facts or voice a differing opinion as to what really happened, be assured your name (and a picture of you) will be added to the growing list of people who have earned a spot her website. Your family, friends and co-workers will also be included. It's a package deal. If you are really lucky(?), she and her father may show up in front of your house or your place of employment with their big yellow signs in protest. Harrassing innocent people is the second thing she does best. The important thing to keep in mind is that if she's not sitting in front a computer, she's out protesting. She doesn't work and she doesn't have a job. She and her father moved to Tucson to RIP OFF local business people. That's their job. She made the mistake of believing she could get away with it using her father's age. Ellis Herman NEVER made one single mortgage payment after he purchased the home. That fact doesn't appear at her website. He never intented to repay the loan; yet the complaints about the house began the DAY AFTER they moved in. That was the CON--buy the home, sign for the loan, move in and begin their campaign in an effort to discredit the very people who tried to help. She demanded that the real estate company buy back the house. When that tactic failed, she insisted that Citi Mortgage forgive the loan on the basis that her father didn't know what he was signing. Both companies refused her demands and did "give in" just to make her go away. She pretends to be the victim when in fact, she's victimized dozens of good, honest hard working people.


Long Realty plans to bust Tucson housing market 'myths'

#11Author of original report

Sat, April 25, 2009

Long Realty plans to bust Tucson housing market 'myths' Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 04.14.2008 http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/fromcomments/234314.php If you think the market is a "disaster," Long Realty representatives want to set you straight. Some of the beliefs the real estate representatives will discount are that the real estate market is in a crisis and that there's a credit crisis ... and that houses aren't selling,"


StoneWater execs to step down

#12Author of original report

Fri, April 24, 2009

StoneWater execs to step down Team cites lawsuit against its former firm, 1st Magnus By Josh Brodesky Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 04.23.2009 http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/289922.php

The Truth Speaks

The Truth Speaks Again

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, April 17, 2009

Plan the scheme, run the scam, create the spin. That's what Con People do best. They lie, steal, and cheat. In this case, Ella Silveira and her father schemed the con, screwed the scam and have over shot the spin. Three years later, they are no better than when they arrived in Tucson. The good news is that business owners in Tuson are wise to their ways. The Chamber of Commerce alerted their members and the Tucson Police Department monitor the where abouts of Ella Sliveria and her father, Ellis Herman. The police always seem to turn up when Ella and her father show up. They have a bad habit of harrassing innocent people and endangering others. Numerous restraining orders have been issued by the Tucson Police Deparment against Ella Silveria. She and her father moved to Tucson with a plan. The so-called retirement plan was running a con game that would put them in a house. They came to Tucson in a camper with the clothes on their back and no money in their pockets. The plan was to rip off a real estate company, a mortgage company and a title company. The schemed to purchase a home quickly, make no mortgage payments and then claim that they had been duped by honest business people who tried to help out an elderly WW II vet. Fortunately, Citi Mortage saw the con game for what is was and foreclosed on the home. For all of their efforts, the real estate agent, mortgage consultant and the title officer (their friends, family and co-workers) have been subject to a never ending nightmare of harrassment, false claims and a grossly distorted version of events. Doing a good deed in this case has had no reward and all of these people regret ever having met Ella Silveria and her father. The crooks are back to living in a camper collecting monthly food stamps and welfare checks. Don't be fooled-- Ella Silveira and her father aren't victims of some vast conspiracy in Tucson. It's only a matter of time before they move onto some other town ensnaring another group of unsuspecting business people in order to get something for nothing. In plain speak, it's called stealing. And that's what they are--thieves.


First Magnus Collapse.

#14Author of original report

Fri, April 17, 2009

Read the Star's coverage of the mortgage lender's saga: First Magnus Collapse. http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/firstmagnus/


Title agency faces inquiry after internal fraud, theft

#15Author of original report

Fri, April 17, 2009

Title agency faces inquiry after internal fraud, theft http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/fromcomments/288912.php By Josh Brodesky Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona / Published: 04-16-2009 A title agency headed by a former executive of bankrupt First Magnus Financial Corp. faces possible revocation of its state license amid allegations by regulators that a lack of internal controls allowed former employees to commit fraud and theft.


Home deal gone sour

#16Author of original report

Thu, April 16, 2009

Home deal gone sour reflects tough market By Christie Smythe / Arizona Daily Star Tucson, Arizona | Published: 03.02.2008 http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/227653.php For months, Ellis Herman, an 81-year-old World War II veteran, has fought a losing battle against Long Realty Co.


For the real truth visit..

#17Author of original report

Thu, April 16, 2009

For the real truth visit.. http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/?t=anon Please verify this information yourself by using the Arizona Superior Court in Pima County, Pima county assessors office, and Google all the names provided in this website. Thank you


The Real Truth Speaks

#18Author of original report

Thu, April 16, 2009

For the real truth visit.. http://longrealtycompany.wetpaint.com/?t=anon

The Truth Speaks

The Real Truth

#19UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 16, 2009

The author of this report is not Anonymous. Her name is Ella Silveria. She and her father, Ellis Herman moved to Tucson for the sole purpose of committing mortgage fraud. They fraudently used an innocent real estate agent, mortgage consultant and title company agent to commit a crime. Ellis Herman never intended to make a mortgage payment despite the fact that he played the part of a elderly veteran looking to retire in Tucson. He gladly signed for a mortgage loan and then tried to convince the lender he was duped--Citi Mortgage didn't buy his story. They foreclosed on the house and and the Pima County Sheriff escorted the squatters to the curb. What really happend is Ella Silveria and her father thought they could get something for nothing. They conned a group of business people in Tucson and then waged a vicious internet smear campaign in an effort to gain public support. When that didn't work, they took to the streets protesting in front of various companies harrassing the employees and creating a dangerous nuisance. Fortunately, their schemes of deceipt have been exposed and they are back to living on the street. Don't be fooled. Business owners in Tucson have been alerted and this pair of crooks are well known by the Tucson Police Department. Be aware!!

The Truth Speaks

The Real Truth

#20UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 16, 2009

The author of this report is not Anonymous. Her name is Ella Silveria. She and her father, Ellis Herman moved to Tucson for the sole purpose of committing mortgage fraud. They fraudently used an innocent real estate agent, mortgage consultant and title company agent to commit a crime. Ellis Herman never intended to make a mortgage payment despite the fact that he played the part of a elderly veteran looking to retire in Tucson. He gladly signed for a mortgage loan and then tried to convince the lender he was duped--Citi Mortgage didn't buy his story. They foreclosed on the house and and the Pima County Sheriff escorted the squatters to the curb. What really happend is Ella Silveria and her father thought they could get something for nothing. They conned a group of business people in Tucson and then waged a vicious internet smear campaign in an effort to gain public support. When that didn't work, they took to the streets protesting in front of various companies harrassing the employees and creating a dangerous nuisance. Fortunately, their schemes of deceipt have been exposed and they are back to living on the street. Don't be fooled. Business owners in Tucson have been alerted and this pair of crooks are well known by the Tucson Police Department. Be aware!!

The Truth Speaks

The Real Truth

#21UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 16, 2009

The author of this report is not Anonymous. Her name is Ella Silveria. She and her father, Ellis Herman moved to Tucson for the sole purpose of committing mortgage fraud. They fraudently used an innocent real estate agent, mortgage consultant and title company agent to commit a crime. Ellis Herman never intended to make a mortgage payment despite the fact that he played the part of a elderly veteran looking to retire in Tucson. He gladly signed for a mortgage loan and then tried to convince the lender he was duped--Citi Mortgage didn't buy his story. They foreclosed on the house and and the Pima County Sheriff escorted the squatters to the curb. What really happend is Ella Silveria and her father thought they could get something for nothing. They conned a group of business people in Tucson and then waged a vicious internet smear campaign in an effort to gain public support. When that didn't work, they took to the streets protesting in front of various companies harrassing the employees and creating a dangerous nuisance. Fortunately, their schemes of deceipt have been exposed and they are back to living on the street. Don't be fooled. Business owners in Tucson have been alerted and this pair of crooks are well known by the Tucson Police Department. Be aware!!

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