  • Report:  #1237099

Complaint Review: Maha Vajra / Mahajyra - Internet

Reported By:
Jules - Detroit, Michigan, USA

Maha Vajra / Mahajyra
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My experience with maha vajra and his made up form of Buddhism called mahajyra has been a very grueling bad experience. Canada has very small Buddhist community pockets and nobody remembers Francio Leppin or that he was ordained into Pure Land Buddhism?

He hones in on weaknesses that appear in you when he initially meets you and exploits it to make you dependent on him. To which you give donations and hours of time trying to sort out your problem which he has affixed you to.

A blown out of proportion insignificant problem that produces other problems making you neurotic. Which requires you being helped by one of his masters or himself which adds up in donations and time taken up focusing neurotically on the perceived problem; now problems that s****.>

The Mahajyra organization is an absolute petty judgement factory.

I have personally watched his organization membership to be a revolving door. Once people realize mahajyra and maha's manipulations they leave in a hurry. This is what happened to me when I realized that something was not right and I left while I still had some personal empowerment and direction left.

Nevertheless there is the ever flowing stream of newbies that come for help who end up needing REAL HELP from credible counselors after maha vajra and his group of masters have their way with them. He has tried to use noted scientists to back up his scientific theories only to have these people walk away from association with him when they realized what he is about.

None of his people are registered clinicians and if they are they walk a very fine line of malpractice lawsuits. It took me ages to sort myself out and get away from his group.

Because they condition you to be dependent on them. I basically began to feel bad all the time after making contact with maha vajra and mahajyra; worse than before I met up with his group. I had no problems until I mixed with them.

Apparently he passes personal details onto law enforcement and works closely with the police so if you have anything personal don't tell him or his associates who will pass your information on to him who will then pass it onto whomever he has in mind.

I have seen his book website and mahajyra websites change numerous times so as not to scare people off. There were controversial magic books that he offered for sale. Books with reputations of being the most sinister books ever written. He is heavily into use of magic and Kabala for his personal gain; having very little to do with spiritual achievement.

 Maha Vajras main thrust and that of his mahajyra group teachings is selfish manipulation of people, circumstances and events although he and his associates completely deny it.

The group's main presentation bent and web appearance propagates spiritual mastery which is a far cry from what really is taught in the mahajyra group.

He used to have closed bootcamps where he taught controversial things yet now because of dubious rumors circulating he has tried to soften himself, his group, and its appearance to the public.

The mahajyra person's associates tried to tone them down with little success.

 There have been so many of his higher up devotees with pathological problems after they joined up with him for years that it creates a question mark as to what is really happening in his Buddhist group?

He changes his group's direction and format based on what will keep his group going; to the extent that it looks and feels blatantly dishonest.

 He used to have a very young women in tow;  that he used to chat up new male recruits under the guise of spiritual processing although it was pretty obvious she was using her job to spend a lot of time reclining with those she interacted with.  Quite a perk for those in need of various forms of release.

I have noticed that maha vajra and his followers have managed to scourer the internet looking for any controversial things about him and removing these. This seems unlikely as the postings were on staunch websites guaranteeing free expression.

Yet the posts are down. Such posts as questioning his credentials; and his followers nonchalantly just happening to mention him in relation to various subjects.

Site moderators commenting on their threads as trying to propagate maha vajra. Maha Vajra the moderators observed did not seem to have any credible spiritual or professional qualifications at all in the subject areas being discussed.

I have to tell you I don't understand how people believe this man is spiritual? My experience with him is that he is very corrupt and crooked.

He helps people out with various low cost, no cost programs but his charity is tainted by his his gross actions that show somebody that needs to feed off the good intentions of others and give out painful restrictions in return; many of which are downright dangerous.

 If you would like to study Buddhism do it with a credible time tested group not one that has appeared out of thin air.

The Buddhists, remote viewers, ninjas, police, soldiers he creates or passes through his organization in my experience are not worth the value stated on the pieces of paper he hands out to them.

They are reckless, delusional, bewitched, aggressive, hypnotized. Finally for what ever reason Francio Leppin seems to have a very bad opinion of the Dali Lama. The Dali lama is an advocate of honesty and rightful practice in authentic Buddhism.

These are threads I came upon later which verify some of what I wrote. If anything, this man misuses his abilities.

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10 Updates & Rebuttals


San Antonio,
Unqualified Amatures

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, July 03, 2015

I will comment on my experiences with maha vajra and mahajyra. I was raised Buddhist so I know a little about Buddhism. I have studied martial arts since I was a child so I know a little about that as well.

I do not purport to know everything however. I have studied martial arts and Buddhism through reputable lineages with good marks that have not been tainted by bad behavior. Two of my relatives trained with ninjutsu clans before World War Two so I know a tiny bit about those arts.

I am a licensed psychiatrist and have worked in the Hale Clinic in London and held a practice at one time in Harley street so I know a little about treating emotional and mental issues. I have also worked with Doctors Without Borders and The U.N. .

Slander is a big word but one that requires consideration if in fact slanderous remarks have been made? Looking over numerous posts for and against I will only throw in my two pence worth from my own experience with maha vajra and mahajyra.

The way I would sum up mahajyra is; the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing and the left foot does not know what the right foot is doing. This is the most disorganized bunch of people I have ever seen. Politics runs the group. Those who do not comply get the boot, end of story.

Mahajyra fits the model of a quasi spiritual group doing overkill in which they over compensate to correct their incompetency by attempting to mimic what they believe is the way real Indian gurus would act toward those in their care.

I have witnessed this in a number of non Indian directed spiritual groups. Groups trying to appear legitimate and functional which are grossly dysfunctional.

I have public profiles as many do; some of which have been hacked which is pretty common these days. The hacking was so pronounced on one of my public profiles that I had to remove friends.

The head honchos at mahajyra put this de-friending to my schizophrenia. I had to chuckle at that one. So much for mahajyra attained intuition.

I had a go at one of the top mahajyra masters and that master had a go at me. I also had a go at another one of the top masters and again that master had a go at me.

Finally, I had another go at another one of the top masters and again, they had a go at me. I was disputing various practices mahajyra was doing as not being spiritual nor falling in line with even traditional Buddhist tantric practices.

I experienced a hodgepodge of gobbledygook gibberish throughout mahajyra mixed in a big convoluted stew. It almost seemed that they were making it up as they went along?

Then I was contacted in a huff by a writer in the mahajyra group paranoid that I had written a story about him on one of my public profile blogs which was a bit preposterous as I had no knowledge or interaction with him outside the internet.

As to his background and credentials I know nothing and basically that is his affair. If he is misrepresenting himself I am sure eventually the general public will be made aware of that.

It did not surprise me after I refused to reveal because of confidentiality laws whom I had been writing of in the blog questioned earlier in paranoid tones; believing I was writing about him, that the writer made an announcement to other masters not to promote me to mastership within the organization.

He told them not to allow people to study with me to try to nip it at the bud in his belief that I would tell someone something defamatory about him.

The accuser not realizing that I don't really have the time to defame anyone, even if it's true. What ever is going on with maha vajra and his group is not my concern.

I would give this group a miss. Mahajyra is a bad example of a real spiritual group.


Simon Lacouline

Walks the Talk

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 01, 2015

I won't write a testimonial about the great experiences I have had following Maha Vajra's guidance, although I very well could. To be honest, I'm a little surprised at how easy it is to slander and publcly piss on someon'es lawn, so I am totally reacting here. (Yes, my ego believes in this drama. There, I said it.)

Numerous times Maha Vajra has begun his seminars saying not to take anything he says at face value, and to not automatically doubt him either. He has also stated numerous times that it's impossible for most to know whether or not he is enlightened, and not to believe that right away either.

Is Maha Vajra enlightened? Does he have cable TV? Does he wipe his butt facing East with the "Ying" or "Yang" hand? Does he own unicorns and dragons as pets? Who cares? All of this is just words. The word "water" has never wet anyone.


And frankly, none of this matters. What does matter are the results, and Maha Vajra hands out a palette of tools that deliver just that. No, those tools are not always easy to use. No, the wisdom is not always easy to put into practice. And most importantly, no Maha Vajra doesn't save anyone, nor does he do the work for you. What he does is show you where you are not at peace within yourself, and then guides you to resolve the issue.

Being told that our suffering is of our own making, and to look within to find the source and dissolve it, is enraging at times. It is at those times usually that some people's butt begins to hurt and they backlash.

Nobody wants to look at their own shame, their own guilt, their own suffering. It's much easier to point the finger, looking for someone else to blame and write a "report" on the Internets to "help others avoid being scamed".


Mexico city
Maha Vajra teaches how to free your mind

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, July 01, 2015

I live in Mexico and it's been at least 4 years since I study in the Mahajrya, an unorthodox buddhist school, where I’ve learnt mainly to be responsible for everything that happens to me, for all I feel, think and do. I’ve also learnt meditation and healing techniques from different traditions, I’ve fed and destroyed lots of philosophical concepts, and I’ve met admirable people who have taught me by example to be virtuous.

Maha Vajra is the main teacher of the Mahajrya. He’s a Canadian man with a great presence and a pretty peculiar sense of humor. The first time I saw him, he gave to me so much love that my heart broke, for I couldn’t even love myself. With him and with Shivagam, another great teacher from the Mahajrya, I’ve learnt Emotional Integration, a self-observation technique that help me to liberate the emotional pain accumulated for years, and to dissolve the one that emerges from the different life experiences. 

Emotional Integration has handed to me the most beautiful experiences in life. Through it, I’ve learnt to know and accept the darkest aspects of myself, and to feed and express the brightest. I’ve discovered a peace unimagined, I’ve experienced limitless love in absolute freedom, I’ve gone thru hell and I’ve came back feeling only forgiveness and gratitude. 

Each experience that I’ve had in the Mahajrya, has helped me to grow, spiritually and as a worldly human being, always at my own pace and manner. And when I’ve needed it, my teachers and fellows have offered their compassionate and wise help. I’ve even gone to some classes without paying a cent when I had financial problems.

Now I’m always ready to share the Mahajrya teachings with anyone that asks, always in a frame of absolute freedom, for that’s the way I was taught. Freedom is the main teaching of Maha Vajra. It's true that his ways are sometimes shocking, but the results are real. He teaches how to free your mind from pain, fear and judgements.  

Thanks to Maha Vajra and Shivagam I understood that the passion that moved me to question and search for answers, can make me free and happy, and help others to be so. To both of them, my biggest Love and Gratitude. 

Parvati Bhum

Patricia Shivani

Santa Cruz de tenerife,
Maha Vajra

#5General Comment

Mon, June 29, 2015

My Name is Patricia, I'm from Spain.

My experience with Maha Vajra as a master, I can just say it's been awesome. I did not have self confidence, I was suicidal, I did have loads of heart breaks in my life, with my family going away, my partner cheating on my back....He taught me how to handle my emotions, my mind and my body.

Today I'm a completely different person. I mastered my heart breaks, I do not depend on the love of others. I'm autonomous, I gained so much self confidence, that now I guide people with the same problem I had.

I was never asked for any money by Maha Vajra, or the Mahajrya Buddhist Tradition to study with them, in the opposite, they helped me so many times when I needed it.

I have a free mind, to attend to seminars when I decide to. No one forces me to take the changes I take. I'm a happy, very happy person now. 

I just can say thank you to Maha Vajra and to the Mahajrya. I understand perception is different from each being, depending on the expectations we have on each situation. We must be responsible and do not blame others from our suffering, and just embrace it, dealing wit it not hurting anyone.

I just can give good compliments to Maha and the Mahajrya, and I wish everyone can experience the kind of free joy I feel constantly, cause there's no enough in the world.


Now You See It Now You Don't

Now You See It Now You Don't

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, June 29, 2015

I agree on all the points made by the original writer of this complaint. I attended bootcamp and talked around with mahajrya people concluding that the group and founder were fraudulent. I think if you talk to a good friend when you have a problem and you feel better or your life changes for the better you should stay with that friend and use that advice.

A friend and a real Mikkyo transmitter are not the same. Spiritual guide makes you cemented in self realization. A friend generally cannot do that. A real spiritual guide has authority to link you with permanent religious experience. A friend can give food, shelter, shoulder to cry on and sound advice.

From reading these threads MV seems like a good friend to you all. Yet, I am not fooled. I have had direct experience, not book reading, with Japanese Mikkyo which is relatively rare even now with the internet and some teachers who have been teaching Westerners. Nevertheless, these bonafide teachers are not liberal in giving secrets away.

Secrets are secret to protect abuse of others and misuse for selfish reasons. I remember hearing of Mikkyo aspirants being required to sprout small trees within an hour as proof of accomplished initiation. Nevertheless, it was the process of transmission which was important not the result.

This, is the acid koolaide test that defines a magician and fraud from a real Mikkyo lineage transmitter. Those who are legitimate transmitters know what I am writing about.

I never ever got the impression that Maha Vajra was a master just an insecure wanna be craving people to believe in him.

Substance abuse whether food, drink, sex, being a workaholic, or having a frantic need to help others, does not make a stable companion with real spiritual mastery. You guys keep looking.

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Maha Vajra Mahajrya Buddhist Tradition

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, June 28, 2015

Maha Vajra is an authentic spiritual master--read here the impact of his influence on my life:

Looking back, I see I had a fairly normal life—early abuse, controlling parents, fear to make mistakes and to be punished. I left home as soon as possible, going to the university. There I met husband #1, much like my father in a different body. We married and my life continued unchanged except for the location. My feelings closed and I cared about nothing. After 6 years, I realized if I stayed with him I would die. I tried to find love by having an affair. Then, I left everything behind except the cat, one suitcase of clothing, and my monthly paycheck.

I lived a while with friends, then returned home. My parents paid my plane ticket and I cried after that, feeling their love. I got another job, but my father remained critical and controlling. The other man followed me and we married. After six months, husband #2 had an affair. The karma arrived and I saw I deserved what happened. Again, I left everything behind except some clothing. I closed down some more so that nothing would ever hurt me again and built my shield of pride to deflect everyone and everything. I felt so ashamed, failing at two marriages and most my relationships. I felt depressed, lost and I began to search for answers.

My life continued in sorrow and depression, working at a minimum wage job even though I had earned a Bachelor’s degree. Someone encouraged me to read some spiritually oriented books and to attend an Edgar Cayce meeting with her. There, I met husband #3. I felt beaten down, disappointed, angry and fearful, but I had prayed to Jesus for a spiritual partner. We married.

We were perfect mirrors, helping us see our imperfections. Sometimes, he would race away on his motorcycle; I would hide in my meditation, feeling so proud and invulnerable. We saw that when we blamed, pointed the finger at one another, the other fingers pointed back. We hunted around, attending many spiritual seminars, reading books, meditating, and reading channeled works. It was like a duck sitting in a pond, swimming around in maya, hoping something good would come along. But we were still projecting, not accepting the responsibility for what we created. We were victims of life.

By word of mouth, we learned that an enlightened master, Maha Vajra, was giving a seminar. We went out of curiosity and because it was free. But after the Friday evening talk, we went to the bank and took some money from our savings to pay him. He talked about the masks of the ego and we both knew he spoke the truth. He told everyone not to believe him, that we were free, but what he said rang true. It was scary, thinking that we created everything. We didn’t want to face that—our egos felt threatened, and for six months we didn’t take action about anything he taught.

Then, I decided to try some things. I spent only 20 minutes per day observing each mask, making many discoveries, and I used his technique of emotional integration to take off some pressure. Next, I spent one hour per day on each mask and more was revealed. I saw that I created my life and all that had happened—now I blamed myself and my persecutor became strong. I began to charge the mantras. I began to feel again. I saw that I had been a taker, vampire-ish, self-centered and egocentristic. At a seminar, I learned about the healing mother. I decided to work at the progression, to integrate each day, to take responsibility for my life, and most important, to give more than I received. Steadily my life improved, becoming happier.

We attended more Maha seminars and practiced more what he was teaching. Maha never bragged about what he could do. Instead, he provided the tools for his students to accomplish something. We learned how to transmigrate, to transform blue cheese into a mild cheese, to change water into apple or lemon juice. Those of us who practiced became more efficient. He gave us the tools for telekinesis—to move a small object or a bowling ball with consciousness. Many students were successful, not just a few. Lately, some of us were able to create bits of matter—dirt, sand, small fibers. We practiced in class, but then we did it on our own after showers, naked, without him there. It was real. I have the pictures on my cell phone of the small bit of silica, and of earth that was created.

Maha is not training followers, he is training masters. In this process, we must observe ourselves. It isn’t easy—facing ourselves is the hardest thing we ever do. It’s so easy to project outside, to blame something or someone, instead of taking responsibility.

Words don’t quite express how much his guidance has meant to both me and my husband of 40 years. We’ve come very far in the six years since Maha entered our life. Now our life is harmonious. Sometimes one of us will react, but we have the tools to resolve that and return to happiness quickly.

I bow before you Maha. I have not forgotten that you took some of my abandonment into your own holy body at my first seminar, causing you great pain. I didn't understand at the time that I would not "make it" to God-Realization without help. Thank you for incarnating, for being in service, helping all humanity, and guiding each one of us in the way we need it to evolve. It would take us many incarnations to accomplish what you have helped us with in only these few years.

Deepest Gratitude to you, Maha Vajra, from a humble student


El Paso,
Love, Support , Guidance is what I expereinced from the Mahajrya.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, June 28, 2015

I have had such a positive experience with the Mahajrya and learning from Maha Vajra. I have received nothing but love, support and guidance. In my opinion Maha Vajra's teachings focus on freedom, personal empowerment, self-responsability and love.

I have never been forced or pressured to donate money or attend seminars. I have actually seen the opposite ,Maha Vajra and other members of the Mahajrya giving money to people that are in need, asking for nothing in return.I have never been forced to believe a specific thing, actually it has been the other way. I have been encouraged to find my own prespective and voice in life and to learn from other teachers. My free will has always been respected.

I spent most of my life searching for self-help and spirituality to help me grow, and nothing affected me as positive as the teachings of Maha. The person I was in 2011 and the person I am now, are two completely different people, only for the better. I use to suffer from anxiety, depression, having panic attacks, not taking action with anything in my life, feeling stuck.I am forever grateful for everything I have experienced, specially learning to take full responsibility for all that I am. I feel free, at peace and happier than ever in my life.



An unfortunate experience

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, June 28, 2015

It seems that you have had an unfortunate experience.

I am Bhaktyakarma, a member of the Mahajrya group and I respect your experience and hope that future experiences in life are more to your liking. 

In my experience with the group I started studying the processes of mantra and meditation about 5-6 years ago with a teacher here in the US. I already had a background in Tibetan Buddhism and it felt like coming home. I was never asked to pay for the teachings and wisdom I received but when I could always donated to help out. I was told to make sure that I never caused a hardship to myself by donating. I met Maha personally when I helped organize his participation in a conference in our home town here in the southern US. He is engaging and direct. That directness is more provoking to some more than others. Each person reacts based on the experience and expectations they have. Other people can only exercise control over you if you allow it and some people seem to have a need to be led. I have never experienced this personally but have seen it in others. The first boot camp I attended I was told that if I found a way to get there they would take care of whatever arrangements I couldn't afford. As to the mental health worker issue. No one in the group is encouraged to do anything illegal or out of their training area. If you say Mahajrya walks that line then you have to include the Silva Ultramind program by Jose Silva, The meditation
 techniques of Burt the American monk and his Quantum jumping program along with every Reiki practitioner, Bartender and hairdresser so I won't even go into that. The experiences I have had with the group have led me to take personal charge of my life for me (Not them). Cultivate my compassion for others(Not me) and listen to the universe for everyone. I don't mean to change anyone's mind here and I truly hope there was at least something that the author took out of the experience that moved them down their karmic path


Maha Vajra Mahajrya Buddhist

#10Consumer Comment

Sat, June 27, 2015

I was searching for 40 years for a spiritual teacher who could guide me to enlightenment. Until I met Maha Vajra, I was looking everywhere, but I could not seem to make progress. I had been abused, failed 2 times at marriage, was unhappy and depressed, angry at my parents and wanted to die because life was not worth living.

At my first seminar with Maha, he taught the masks of the ego. I had heard about ego, but I had no real understanding of it or how to manage it. He gave me the tool of emotional integration to help me start to resolve my ego-issues and in the process of looking at myself, I enlightened. I started to perceive the world differently, developing virtue and compassion, and becoming happier. I have been studying with Maha about six years now, but I am only beginning to comprehend his sacrifices for all humanity.

Maha doesn't always tell me what I want to hear. It's usually difficult for me to hear what he tells me, because my ego-human self resists. But when I take the time and have the courage to face what he points out to me, it's such a gift. I grow and evolve on my spiritual path. He's a good and a powerful teacher, wanting to help everyone evolve and become better humans. He teaches by example; his seminars are experiential. You can watch his YouTube videos and feel the power of his wisdom. He invites us to accept ourselves as Divine beings, to put aside our human beings, and he gives us the tools that we need to accomplish ourselves.

He encourages freedom and choice. Of course, we have students in the Mahajrya who get discouraged--looking at yourself is the hardest thing you will ever do. Maha is there to help us, but we have to make the effort to find our divinity. He promotes spiritual mastery and helps us master ourselves. I am so grateful that I found Maha in this lifetime.


El Paso,
Mahajrya brings liberation to discover love and happiness

#11UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Sat, June 27, 2015

I would like to share my experience about meeting Maha Vajra and his students 3 years ago. When I was a teenager, I grew up with an alcoholic father would use threats and bullying to control me. I didn't have any role model or friends in my life to tell me that I could be happy or accept myself for who I was. Later on, I had many issues with hating myself that I obsessively dated a boyfriend who was very jealous and was violent for many dates out of 8 months, including sexual assault. I knew I was sick in my mind and heart, but when I tried going to a counselor they just sat there and listened and didn't seem to help me how I wanted. But the first class of a seminar with Maha Vajra, I got so many hugs from the students there and they told me they loved me. I didn't even understand this type of love - people who didn't know me, but they wanted to share their kindness and love with me. More than that, people understood me and helped me work through my issues. I was so inspired by that experience that I worked so hard charging the mantras and meditations that Maha teaches. In only 1 year, I was able to break through my sickness and discover how to love myself for the first time. I was so happy, every day...didn't matter about the things I had in life, because that happiness was eternally within me. Discovering self-love and happiness was challenging. I had to go within the darkest places of myself and be honest with myself. But the challenge was a million times better than going through the hell I went through before Mahajrya. Not only that, but attending seminars is the most enjoyable time of my year...I use whatever savings and vacation time I can spare. I learn super awesome skills about how to make my life better...as well as supernatural abilities like transmuting water into orange juice (without even touching the cup), creating small grains of sand out of thin air, super ESP skills and more. I have accomplished these supernatural abilities myself. My life is forever better, and words cannot describe the gratitude I have. Buddhdevi / Rachelle

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