  • Report:  #1252799

Complaint Review: Micro Center - Duluth Georgia

Reported By:
KAW136 - Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA

Micro Center
2340 Pleasant Hill Road Duluth, 30096 Georgia, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I called Customer relations and spoke with Paula who said she would look into it and call me back. She called back stating that I can take it to Best Buy because they heard that they still can get parts for Sony Product. She also stated that they may be able to order a part from Hong Kong, but I should go to Best Buy. I told her I did not buy my laptop from Best Buy for $720. I am single parent and my daughter is in college and needs her laptop. I can not afford to just throw away $720. It wasn't like I paid $200 for it . I expected quality when I am coming out of pocket on $720.I just want a refund of my money so that I can purchases a new laptop for my daughter. I do not want a piece of junk that will continue to have problems. I offered to take an exchange but Paula said that was unlikely, sorry. SO, I just want my money back!!!

I would like Micro Center to refund my money for the defective laptop they sold me!!!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Joe Computer


#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, December 03, 2015

1) ...She called back stating that I can take it to Best Buy because they heard that they still can get parts for Sony Product...

It may seem unusual that MircoCenter customer relations is recommending you to go to Best Buy to get parts for your Sony Product. The reason is that the MicroCenter representative is assuming that Best Buy is a certified repair center for Sony, and because they are can order parts. Although buy service parts from the Manufacturer through a intermediary can be very expensive. It's like buying/repairing parts for a car at the car dealship, the cost is always higher than an independant repair place.

Best solution to this would be to bring it to a small computer repair place, usually in town that is not affiliated with a major retailer. Generally places like this may have stock or may be able to obtain stock for many brands (including Sony) depnding on how specialized the part you are requesting is. It may also cost a lot less.

2) ...She also stated that they may be able to order a part from Hong Kong, but I should go to Best Buy...

At this point she is just trying to get you off the phone by shifting responsibility to someone other than her.

3) ...I can not afford to just throw away $720. It wasn't like I paid $200 for it....

Just because you spent $720 or $200 or $10,000 doesn't mean that the parts should be cheaper than the price of the computer. In a lot of states manufacturers have to keep parts around for warranty purposes 5 years (7 years I believe in CA) after the product is released for issues like this. Most parts, like RAM and Harddrives are easy to come by. But specialized parts not so much. What I mean by specialized parts is that, for example, motherboards. The motherboard or main board is a critical component to the computer, but is also specially designed for that model. Meaning a main board for a Sony Laptop will not fit one for a Toshiba or Asus, and in most cases is specific to that exact model. These boards are also expensive, as other specialized parts, and as stock of these parts go down from repairs the price goes up (supply and demand essentially).

Additionally I understand that you paid real money for this object, and YOU feel that they should fix it because you spent the real money you had But the fact is that this is an electronic and forwhatever reason it needs to be repaired it is not something that the retailer is responsible for. You would have beeter luck contacting Sony directly and seeing if there is any kind of warranty or replacement program for what is broken.

4) ...I expected quality when I am coming out of pocket on $720...

This is YOUR expectation, MicroCenter is a retailer and only sells the product they sold. MicroCenter doesn't stand by the workmanship of a Sony laptop you spend $720 on, that is Sony's job. In fact Sony provides a warranty for it's laptop that provide the terms and conditions of what support it will provide you with in the event that there is something wrong with the laptop.

Expectations are the biggest reason people feel "ripped-off" on this site. They expect something and when they don't get what they want they complain. When in reality they weren't entitled to what they expected in the first place because people don't read the fine print or just expect things to work. Computers break, cheap computers and expensive computers break and unless you know how to fix them you will probably have to pay "somebody" to do it for you which can also be expensive. This is how the economy works people.

5) ...I just want a refund of my money so that I can purchases a new laptop for my daughter...

I feel your frustration. You have a daughter that needs a laptop, and now you have a laptop that doesn't work. You are frustrated because you aren't getting what you want, which is a laptop that works without having to put much money [effort] in to it.

I fix computers for a living, I fix all brands. I could probably fix your daughters laptop with minimal effort. But when my car breaks down, I bring it to a mechanic because I can't do much than change the oil or replace tires and a few minor things. I have the expectation that when my car breaks, and it will, it will cost me money to repair. I don't have that expectation with computers because I have a closet full of parts that I have hung on to over the years for when I need it. As a result friends and family ask me to fix things for them all the time, most of the time it doesn't cost them any money (maybe a pack of beer or some other small favor) and sometimes I know exactly what part to buy and they get it and I fix the computer.

I don't know what other skills you have, other than being a mom. But why is it you expect MicroCenter to replace, fix, or refund the money for a Sony laptop you bought some time ago (you didn't specify).

6) ...I do not want a piece of junk that will continue to have problems...

Most laptops are junk in my mind, this comes from 15-20 years of working on them."Most" are built cheaply but because of how they are built, small and mobile, they are not that reliable. As compared to Desktops.

7) ... I offered to take an exchange but Paula said that was unlikely, sorry. SO, I just want my money back!!!...

MicroCenter has done nothing wrong. There is no reason for them to refund you, unless they felt bad for you but that is a charity case and you have not indicated that you are in need of charity. I am not implying that you have the money to just go out and buy a new laptop, but it sounds like you just don't want too as it is an expense you are not expecting and can't plan for. I know how this feels, I live check to check as well. But MicroCenter shouldn't have to pay for that.

8) ...I would like Micro Center to refund my money for the defective laptop they sold me!!!...

See #7

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