  • Report:  #1486935

Complaint Review: Nielsen Company - New York NY

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Nielsen Company
85 Broad St. New York, 10004 NY, United States
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Why doesn't Nielsen Company fire a racist manager?

Tanner William Tate's linkedin is https://www.linkedin.com/in/tannerwilliamtate

If you take a look in today's society, there are several news stories about companies firing employees for racism. I did a brief google search, and here are some headlines I found:

1) teacher fired after calling student the ‘n-word' at virginia school

2) how one stupid tweet blew up justine sacco's life

3) campbell ewald's ceo has been fired amid fallout over a staffer's racist email

4) ad agency splits with ceo accused of rape jokes, racist remarks

5) comedian shane gillis fired from ‘saturday night live' for racist remarks

6) 13 philadelphia police officers to be fired over racist facebook posts

7) roseanne barr blames sara gilbert for being fired over racist tweet

It is clear, that there are good companies out there that will do the right thing and fire employees for racism - no matter how high the wrongdoers are on the corporate ladder.

However, one company that has not appeared to fire an employee over racism is The Nielsen Company. Not only did a member of management call an employee a Chinese racial slur, this individual has also tweeted several racist tweets.

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He has also posted things online that can be considered sexist, homophobic, and one tweet can be considered anti-Semitic.

David Kenny (CEO and Chief Diversity Officer) of The Nielsen Company was informed. However, since it appears the individual still works at The Nielsen Company, then one might wonder how come some companies fire employees for racism, while others might not?

I think this is one issue all companies need to be united on. Especially large companies that have Chief Diversity Officers.

Message to The Nielsen Company,

If you are reading this, how come you have not fired the manager for racism?

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