  • Report:  #4364

Complaint Review: No particular one at this time - Nationwide

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No particular one at this time
Nationwide, U.S.A.
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I have worked at a couple of different chain type audio and electronic retail stores. In one store, which is now defunct, I was asked to "rig" a low-end VCR so that the more expensive models would appear much better. I simply told the manager that I had done it and let the products stand on thier own merit. We were frequently required to inspect returned merchandise and, if we found a problem, send it back to the manufacturer. If we did not find a problem, we were to pack it back as original as possible to be sold for full price. If a sharp customer noticed that the product had been opened before, we would negotiate a fair price...IF! The problem here is that some customers returned merchandise because they had simply changed their minds, or had regrets about the money they had spent, and so lied about a defect. Others simply didn't really know how to express the nature of the defect and so our testing team might not be able to recreate the problem and set it back out on the floor.

In another store, however, I saw first-hand how refurbished TV/VCR combos were brought into a store and labled as "Refurbished". The problem was when I saw employees taking these labels with a heat gun. This happened quite a lot there.

On another note, I purchased a PC from Best Buy. Later, I purchased some software from them. It was shrinkwrapped as new, but, inside the box, the envelope that held all of the floppies appeared to have been opened before. I denied this to myself because the box was sealed. After that, I had a multitude of problems with the PC. I called Best Buy service many times for support; and they were helpful. But after the second time I needed to have my CD driver installed and they wanted $50, I did a little digging.

I almost lived at Best Buy for a while, pestering them about the problem I had. It was during one of these trips that I followed a salesman back into the stockroom area and discovered their shrinkwrap machine. It all made sense now. It was possible that someone had corrupted the software and then returned it.

I confronted the store manager about this and, after dealing with this problematic PC for 9 months, they allowed an even exchange for a new PC. I had a similar and less expensive incident with a Best Buy product later, but it was a different manager then and his attitude was a complete 180! The toll-free customer service was not nearly as cooperative either.

The morale: It seems that there is a delicate balance for chain stores. On the one hand, they want to please the customers, but the word gets out and people take advantage of it, so the company toughens their attitude. The word gets out again and people shop elsewhere. In an effort to keep their remaining customers and attract others back, they soften their attitude again. What may be policy at a store this week may be history 6 weeks from now. All you can do, if you feel that this type of business or any other has wronged you, is to boycott them and maybe encourage friends and family to do the same.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Winston Salem,
North Carolina,
Best Buy's little secret... very corrupt operation down to the "T".

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, May 16, 2002

I am an ex-employee of Best Buy. To tell you the truth I only worked there 5 months and I made myself quit. Best Buy is a very corrupt operation down to the "T". Here is a little secret if you do shop there... The main area of the store where just about all money flow comes from is the PC area. I was a leader in the PC sales area within only 1 month because I was GREAT with people. I sold the Performance Service Plan just like they asked and they actually had me believing in it. After one of my customers came back to me only 60 days after she purchased the PC and said " Why did you make me pay 400 dollars for this extended warranty?!!?!?!?!?" I asked her why and found out Best Buy's normal turn around for warranty work is between 7 to 12 weeks. GIVE ME A BREAK! The manufacturer fixes them in only 1 to 2 weeks!!! My managers were aware of the problem and basically said "Sell the warrantys or leave". The next step for the managers was to put me on stocking duty which last from 9PM when the store closes until normally 1 to 2 AM. This is where I decided to just quit on the spot. I was in the back removing items from a tractor trailer when I noticed people were just throwing the items around like they were toys. I am not talking about CD's or video games......I am talking about TV's , VCR's, and COMPUTERS! I was like........."GUYS! give me a break someone is going to buy that soon, would you want to walk home with that computer you are throwing around?" They simply said "Shut up and let us do our job. That is why we have the Performance Service Plan!" My managers stated the same thing shortly after when I brought it to there attention. Moral of the story...look at the boxes closely when you are in best buy...you will see evidence of what I stated and understand the true philosphy of Best Buy... P.S. Interesting fact that managers will tell new associate managers..."REBATES at Best Buy are on a 3/5 ration". You may wonder what this means...3 out of every 5 people will get there rebate back. Most will forget and some will complain however the complaints will go NO WHERE...TRUST ME I worked there!

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