  • Report:  #691558

Complaint Review: OneWest Bank - Pasadena California

Reported By:
Susan - Washington DC, Washington DC, United States of America

OneWest Bank
Pasadena, California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
IndyMac Mortgage Services, Inc. is a division of OneWest Bank.  It is the mortgage servicing company for Deutsche Bank National Trust Company.  It operates using fraudulent means to deprive people of mortgage loan modification so that, instead, it can foreclose and steal people's homes out from under them.

David Green is Senior Assistant Manager - [email protected]

Dushan Arnold is a Pre-Market Specialist  - [email protected]

Sandy Standish - [email protected]

This group comprises the company's REO TEAM which will work effortlessly to steal your home with the help of Susan Kline (aka Susan Joy Kline, Sue Kline of ReMax of Valencia, CA) their "VALUED REO broker"; Joan Mougel of Field Asset Services, Inc. the "home preservation" company that hires local trash out companies like Monster Mowers of Lancaster, CA (owned by Matthew Jay Cohick) to illegally trespass and break into your home and steal your property. 

This wonderful group of home wreckers does not require any bona fide proof that your home was foreclosed upon properly in order to do their dirty work.

Visit http://www. onewestbankfraud.com for more information

Read about the nightmare house that an unemployed military veteran and his wife lived in (as legally residing and paid up tenants) that the REO TEAM felt obliged to kick them out of:


Susan Kline of ReMax was the broker property manager of the nightmare house who lied repeatedly to the tenants and concealed information about the IndyMac REO TEAM, so that they could never get in touch with anyone about the situation in which they found themselves in after the owner of the property had been foreclosed upon.  She also refused to reveal information about her fellow home wreckers Field Asset Services or Monster Mowers. 

When the tenants filed a lawsuit against these pathetic excuses for humans, Kline, Field Asset Services, Monster, Deutsche Bank all blamed the tenant-victims for their plight, saying THEY were the cause of the attempted break-in and threats to their persons!

At the time of the California incident, Susan Kline worked for Prudential California Realty, also located in Valencia, CA. 

Field Asset Services, along with Deutsche Bank were named as defendants in another case of foreclosure fraud and breaking and entering - this time in Michigan.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Washington DC,
Washington DC,
United States of America
You Didn't Read!

#2Author of original report

Mon, February 07, 2011

Robert, you obviously aren't keeping up with news reports related to mortgage fraud and the denials by banks to loan modification requests, or them illegally foreclosing without proper paperwork that they even own banks or the illegal evictions and attempted break-in by trash out companies -- which you can find all over the internet if you looked. 

Furthermore, if you actually looked at the "nightmare" house story it says right at the top that it is only a disclaimer as to the condition of the home so that future prospective buyers would know what the real estate agent is trying to push on them - nothing more. 

The house was crap and Deutsche Bank investors now own it for EVEN MORE than the house itself was probably worth, so when you think of it, EVERYBODY is being scammed in this mortgage/foreclosure environment.  Frankly, maybe if the investors actually saw the house, they'd come to know that the bank is full of s**t in every regard.



#3Consumer Comment

Mon, February 07, 2011

What the heck does the link you posted talk about the issue of someone being kicked out of their house?  All the link is, is a disclosure on a "nightmare" house.  And quite frankly a majority of that stuff one would hardly consider a "nightmare" as a result of the bank and/or previous owners.

After all maintence has nothing to do with the dryer working on propane.  Maintenance has nothing to do with having no garage, anything weather related is not the fault of them.  Perhaps they should have talked to the county roads people about them piling up the snow in front of their driveway.   Or perhaps they should have talk to the CHP and tell them not to close the road in winter if it gets too much snow.  You can't in one sentence how they cut down 4 trees that were dead, and in the next talk about how bad the fire danger is.

But if this house was as bad as that disclosure is making it out to be, I don't see why that couple wouldn't be estatic to be kicked out.

Now,  here is some "facts" with an REO/Bank Owned property.  These houses will not always be in the best shape.  This is because the previous owners could not/would not keep them up.  Then there are some home owners that will basically gut the house out of some sense of agravation on loosing the house.  Just ask any Real Estate agent about some REO's and see how much animal urine is soaked into the carpets, or how many door knobs and closet doors are missing. 

In the end if these people are upset about being kicked out.  The REAL person that they should be upset with is the owners who didn't make the payments.  Because if they made the payments the bank would not have taken it over and forclose on the house.

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