  • Report:  #237908

Complaint Review: Quicken Loans - Livionia Michigan

Reported By:
- Walled Lake, Michigan,

Quicken Loans
20555 Victor Parkway Livionia, Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Updated 2/23/2007

Quicken Loans

The initial deadline to join the Quicken Loans case has passed and over 450 current and former loan consultants have opted into this action to recover unpaid overtime. We are in the process of reviewing the over 90,000 emails we received from Quicken as a result of the Court?s order. As we believed, these emails are proving to be very helpful to the case. We are attempting to obtain even more emails from Quicken. Additionally, we are obtaining the payroll information and employment dates for all Plaintiffs in order to calculate damages in this case.

Updated 1/8/2007


The deadline to join this case is January 15, 2007. As such, if you know of any current or former loan consultants, web loan consultants, or web mortgage bankers who have not yet joined this case, please tell them that it is not too late. Additionally, we have a hearing scheduled with the Court on January 17, 2007 to resolve some outstanding issues related to discovery, the scheduling order in this case, and the corrective notice that was sent to Plaintiffs by Quicken Loans Inc.

Updated 11/17/2006

Quicken Loans

On November 15, 2006, court-authorized Notice of this lawsuit was sent to over 3,000 potential class members. Currently, over 200 individuals have joined this lawsuit as Plaintiffs and we are hopeful that this number will continue to rise as a result of the Notice. The deadline to sign up for this case is January 15, 2007.

Updated 9/29/2006

Quicken Loans

On Thursday, September 28, 2006, the District Court Judge in Michigan ordered Quicken Loans and Dan Gilbert to produce directly to NKA the names and addresses of all loan consultants from the past three years. As a result of this ruling, court-authorized notice of this lawsuit will soon be sent to all potential class members, including current employees of Defendants. We are very excited about this ruling and are optimistic that more people will join and make our case even stronger. In the meantime, we continue to add new plaintiffs to the case on a regular basis. Currently, we have over 180 individuals who have signed-up to join the case. If you know of anyone who may be interested in joining or have any information regarding this case, please have them contact us as soon as possible.

Updated 8/9/2006


Our motion to obtain a list of all loan officers who worked for Quicken Loans during the relevant statutory period is still pending before the judge in Michigan. In the meantime, this case continues to grow on its own with new individuals joining weekly. Currently, we have over one-hundred and fifty (150) individuals who have shown interest and consented to join this lawsuit. If you know of anyone who would like additional information concerning this lawsuit, please have them contact us immediately.

Updated 2/20/2006


We recently had a small victory when the Court overruled Defendants' Objections to one of the Magistrate's Orders. Therefore, we re-filed our Motion for Judicial Notice to get a list of former and current loan consultants from Quicken. While we wait for the Judge to rule on our motion, we are still attempting to get additional individuals to join the lawsuit.

Updated 9/21/2005


We plan to schedule a demonstration of the LOLA/Lakewood system. The ruling on our motion for Judicial Notice is still pending. There is still time to sign up for this case if you have not already done so.

Updated 6/27/2005


We continue to answer Quicken's discovery requests. Some of our clients have given depositions in this case, and more depositions will be taken in the coming months. There is still time to join this case if you have not already done so.

Updated 2/2/2005


We are in the process of answering discovery requests from Quicken. When you receive these in the mail from us, please sign and return them to us promptly.

Updated 1/3/2005


To date, close to 80 individuals have joined this case. We have scheduled a hearing to take place in two weeks, asking the Court to order Quicken to participate in the depositions we have scheduled of its corporate representatives.

Updated 5/28/2004


We filed our Complaint with the Court in May 2004 and Quicken filed an Answer. We have requested that Quicken provide us with a list of loan consultants but they have refused to do so. Therefore, we are in the process of asking the Court to order them to provide us with that information. In the meantime, if you have any lists or names of current or former loan consultants please send them to us immediately so that we can notify these individuals of this lawsuit. With each day that passes, these individuals may be losing a day of overtime pay.


Walled Lake, Michigan

17 Updates & Rebuttals


Bloomfield Hills,

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 12, 2007

After all the postings, looks like what I was tell you all is CLEARLY the truth. I've worked for the company and was well trained in this mortgage scam that QL has been doing to people for years. I WOULD URGE ALL UNHAPPY CUSTOMERS TO CALL QUICKEN ASK FOR BILL EMERSON (tell him your DAVID KATZMAN) and DEMAND your money back. HE MUST RETURN EVERY PHONE CALL IN 24 HOURS or he's fired. He's done this to people who have worked their for years, calls them to his office, gives them this sneer look, then he will fire them for not returning a call. REPLY BACK AND LET US ALL KNOW IF YOU'VE SPOKE WITH HIM. PS: 462 people are still sueing them for not paying overtime after working 70 to 80 hours a week. BILL is one the master minds behind the sweat-shop call center, they fire 100 people a month and hire 150 people month. PSS: Why is the racist DVP Joel still working their? IMUS was let go so why not let this scum bag go?


Walled Lake,
Racist DVP Joel Imus 24k Salary Scam

#3Author of original report

Fri, April 13, 2007

Henry you are right. Thanks for telling it like it really is at Quicken. The leaders their love to hide behind that sham "Best Place To work In Metro Detroit" - that's BULL S***. They all know that it's a boiler room shop with HIGH job turn over. Also, can someone please tell me what did they do to the racist Divisonal Vice President Joel (aka Don Imus) Did they send him home for two weeks? How could he treat someone like that who has kids and force him to quit - then sue him. They sure in the hell didn't get fired, this guy - he's still romming the halls at QL. After reading the past posts on him a few months ago and talking to other co-workers he seems to be on the same boat as Imus. They should never keep someone who treats people certian ways because of the color of their skin. That's not the American way. I'm white, and would never deal with this type of stuff. - SHAME ON DAN. Also, they need to pay the 462 people who have busted their a** working overtime and only being paid for 40 hours a week. They know how to get their money worth. 24k A YEAR AND YOU WORK LIKE YOUR BEING PAID 100K. But they would rather pay some creep like DVP Joel 300k a year for doing nothing. AMAZING! The Public should look at these posts and see that this company is not even close to being the BEST PLACE TO WORK AT - that's a joke. I bet Dan Gilbert paid big money to buy that title from FORBES. How sick is that? You have to BUY a title and hide what the place is really like.


Everything this 'Brian' is saying is 100% correct

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 16, 2007

I am not suing because I don't want my being part of this to go on public record, for future employment. I tell you one thing, Quicken is going down. They are alienating the people that work here. I am 100% embarassed about putting Quicken on my resume! It will keep me from jobs I am sure. Can not wait to quit. Oh the new compensation plan is bogus too, you get your commissions for the first 6 months then you have to close 5 units (as many as 20 loans) to get paid after that. What a sham, Dan, Bill, Pat if your reading this com'n guys, this is ridiculous! God bless my team leader, he puts up with a lot of crap, he's a 'blood sucker' too though forcing people to stay later than him. When I first started, I was excited and worked real hard. I was told that it was an 'unspoken rule' that we had to stay until our direct leader left. If our direct leader leaves before his leader, he gets pulled into a little cramed room B*$#hed out for leaving early. I have missed my commission for quite a few months, closing 15(but not enought for the minimum 8 units (as many as 32 loans))loans in month working all those hours and getting my base salary of 24k a year. oh and when you finally get a commission check there are all of these different adjustments now, if you don't close or write at least 18 first liens, they will cut your commission by 10%, not to mention suspense issues (these conveniently would pop up at the end of the month, just when oyu thought that you were getting a check), shortage appovals, all coming out of the Loan officer's pocket...you are crooks!


Walled Lake,
Racist DVP Joel? Company Drug Testing?

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 16, 2007

Welcome Back R, Glad to see one of Quickens biggest cheerleaders back and still hasen't answered my two questions. Why on earth do you all have to keep hiring more and more everyday? The mortgage game is changing my friend - wake up and smell the coffee pal. I bet you all will not be around in 5 YEARS - you will all go bankrupt or to prison. As far as me being LOUD, I will not stop until DANIEL GILBERT pays us our money. IT'S SIMPLE, PAY THE 462 PEOPLE AND WE GO AWAY. This is pocket money to him, chump change. I can't figure out why these people are so d**n CHEAP -DAN?, you can not die with your money and take it with you - but DAN thinks that you can. Huh! Him and his ISM's can kiss my a%@, pay up you crook.


Respond to what?

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 16, 2007

Brian - You have added zero additional allegations and zero additional, factual information to any of your recent posts. It sounds to me as though you feel the loudest voice must absolutely be the right voice. I've neither heard nor seen anything to back up your claims that layoffs are coming at Quicken. Quicken continues to hire more and more people every month, and, with some recent changes in training and compensation within the first six months, has had some of its lowest turnover rates in quite some time.


Respond to what?

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 16, 2007

Brian - You have added zero additional allegations and zero additional, factual information to any of your recent posts. It sounds to me as though you feel the loudest voice must absolutely be the right voice. I've neither heard nor seen anything to back up your claims that layoffs are coming at Quicken. Quicken continues to hire more and more people every month, and, with some recent changes in training and compensation within the first six months, has had some of its lowest turnover rates in quite some time.


Respond to what?

#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 16, 2007

Brian - You have added zero additional allegations and zero additional, factual information to any of your recent posts. It sounds to me as though you feel the loudest voice must absolutely be the right voice. I've neither heard nor seen anything to back up your claims that layoffs are coming at Quicken. Quicken continues to hire more and more people every month, and, with some recent changes in training and compensation within the first six months, has had some of its lowest turnover rates in quite some time.


Respond to what?

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 16, 2007

Brian - You have added zero additional allegations and zero additional, factual information to any of your recent posts. It sounds to me as though you feel the loudest voice must absolutely be the right voice. I've neither heard nor seen anything to back up your claims that layoffs are coming at Quicken. Quicken continues to hire more and more people every month, and, with some recent changes in training and compensation within the first six months, has had some of its lowest turnover rates in quite some time.


Walled Lake,
Racist DVP Joel? Company Drug Testing?

#10Author of original report

Thu, March 15, 2007

Did I run you all away? LOL. I know your their (R). Please answer the questions that I've been asking you for almost a MONTH now. Also, I here that the sweat shop (Quicken Loans) will be facing major layoff's. The old mortgage business just isn't what it used to be huh? What are you all going to do when rates really go up? People are hearing about how you get not so great of a deal at your company. I just quit a week ago and will never go back, I got sick of having my balls busted for going out to lunch and not eating at my desk after getting at the office at 8am and leaving at 8pm. WARNING TO CUSTOMERS: RUN as far as you can if one of the Refi Monkeys (Mortgage Bankers aka Web Bankers) call you. HANG UP AND HIDE YOUR CREDIT CARD. IF YOU DO BUSINESS EXPECT HIGH FEE'S, LAST SECOND CHANGES, CLOSING DOC'S NOT ON TIME, PROGRAM CHANGED AT THE LAST SECOND, AND AN REFI MONKEY WHO GOING TO CALL YOU EVERY MONTH TO ASK FOR REFERRELS.


Walled Lake,

#11Author of original report

Thu, March 08, 2007

What up Stick, You're right. I'll look into this today. Great Ideal my man. DAN is however so sue happy (according to people in the area) he'll think of a way to defend it and squander out of it like the COWARD that he is. SNAKES always crawl or slither their way thru things. I'm sure he's sitting here now, trying to figure out who I am so that he can sue the s*** out me and fire me like I care. Bring it! Some of us have no fear of the short man who spends millions to sue people just for looking at him the wrong way. I'm packing my bags now, and will quit next week. I have my past pipeline client list, which is going with me, even some new deals to close at the new place of work thanks to DAN. Always take your client list with you when you leave Quicken you would be a fool not to (I know of a few dummies who miss doing that and are now hurting for business). Once you get to the new place, you send each client a link to this website and trust me, they will never do business with anyone who colds call them asking to churn their mortgage again they will thank you and give you a referral. Quicken is a great place to build up a list of clients then you just got to leave so that you can really get PAID off your deals, because QUICKEN will toss you the old $300 bucks a deal, slap you on the a** then tell you to get back on the phones. 100 CALLS, 5 HOURS OF TALK TIME OH AND BY THE WAY WE'RE WORKING SAT AND WILL BE HERE LATE TONIGHT BECAUSE THE TEAM NEEDS YOU, OH AND BRING ME SOME OF THAT FREE POPCORN WE NEED MORE BOOKS WHO'S GOT THEM. And to top if off, our (according to some - a racist) DVP JOEL is a known drug user who smokes pot with some of his sales directors after work. What a place. I want the job of the DVP, all he does is sits on his a**, doesn't even know how to sale, no management skills what so ever, but sends out these creative e-mails about Who has books, were we need to be, how were going to get their, and who has them. It's only so many whys to ask us this stuff, but he makes it a d**n art of it. I here he makes $300,000 a year for doing nothing but BABY sitting a group of misfits mostly. That's why we're only making a few hundred a deal but yet we do all the work. Oh, well, I'm out of here next week. I may even leave a cup of piss on my manager and DVP desk hoping that they drink it mistakly for coffee. LOL


HEY Brian in Walled Lake, Michigan Think of this Idea

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, March 08, 2007

SO you want to get the word OUT! Mention the radio stations that they advertise on. make sure that the radio stations that bring them to consumers. If a radio station gets enough flack they might tell Quicken that they no longer want their business. NO radio, no customers. BINGO no incoming of cash! How many loans would this company NOT get if they were NOT advertising on radio stations?


Walled Lake,

#13Author of original report

Tue, March 06, 2007

Hello (R), Cat got your tongue? Come out, come out, where ever you R. LOL .Are you on the phones to your big bad legal teams (who you pay MILLIONS to) trying to stop us from telling the TRUTH about the real inside of Quicken Loan's? Freedom of Speech pal so get over it. Only a COWARD would not pay his people for slave sweat shop labor ? and Dan, Bill, Pat and even punk a** Jay (a gay company cheerleader) know that the 462 people have worked their butts off for you. How can you even walk around as if you owe these people nothing? YOU FORCE PEOPLE TO WORK OVERTIME WEATHER THEY WANT TO OR NOT, YOU SET THE TONE THAT IF YOU LEAVE EARLY ? YOU WILL BE FIRED, BLACKMAILED ETC. 70 to 80 HOURS A WEEK AND NO PAY FOR IT ? WORK EVERY SAT OR SUN AFTER BEING TOLD ON FRIDAY BECAUSE THE TEAM IS BEHIND IT'S d**n GOAL. I know they're reading this. They have already blocked this website off of company computers ? SO WHAT! Everyone reads it at home anyway LOL! I can tell you this, if I had almost 500 PEOPLE (wow) walking around Metro-Detroit where I live at and lay my head at, these people walking around pissed off at me. I WOULD PAY THEM, AND QUICKLY. I wouldn't like looking over my back everyday, but no, not these cat's. They act as if they have huge brass BALLS. They are pure COWARDS. I would never even think about selling my soul out for money to screw 500 people out of their hard earned money ? when their all millionaires and DAN (BIG NUTS) GILBERT owns a NBA team (Cleveland) and worth a billion dollars. They say money will make you blind and dumb, that is so true ? because if I was these clowns I wouldn't even have the balls to do this to people when you look at the TV news and see all the nut cases out there who make the news everyday because their employer screwed them and they snapped and went crazy and then their on the 11 o'clock news trying to give an excuse for it. They are pure fools, and the worst of it all is that SMALL amount of money that they owe the 462 people is NOTHING to DAN GILBERT. I guess if sleeping with one eye open is worth it than god bless them, you can't take it with you. I bet his pillow is filled with hundred dollar bills as cheap as his a** is. LOL.


Peep what I found, Former Quicken Loans workers file suit. "The Detroit News"

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 06, 2007

Former Quicken Loans workers file suit Company is accused of failing to pay overtime beyond 40-hour work week. By Karen Dybis / The Detroit News A group of former Quicken Loans Inc. consultants are suing the Livonia-based mortgage lender claiming they weren't paid overtime for working beyond a 40-hour work week. More than 70 loan consultants have joined the lawsuit, which also names Quicken Loans founder and Chairman Daniel B. Gilbert, Chief Executive Officer William Emerson and President and Chief Operating Officer Patrick McInnis. The loan consultants claim they should have received overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act. The act requires that most U.S. employees receive overtime at 1.5 times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in a work week. Quicken and its officers deny the lawsuit's claims and say they don't know of any violations of the Fair Labor act during the past three years. "Loan consultants know they are exempt from overtime, and that is outlined for them in their written compensation plan," said Emerson, Quicken's CEO. "We're clear based on how we look at the overtime law that they are exempt employees, just like stock brokers." Former Quicken employees such as Elizabeth Skomra, a plaintiff in the lawsuit, say they feel the suit's claims are valid. Skomra worked at Quicken from April 2004 through August 2004. The 32-year-old Canton resident said 60-hour work weeks were typical, and managers berated those who tried to leave after an eight-hour work day. Referring to Quicken Loan ads she said, "When they say, 'Call now, someone's always in the office,' it's true." The suit, which was filed in May, has been moving slowly through the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The two sides are now in the midst of taking testimony from the former loan consultants who have signed up for the suit. Quicken, also known by its local brand Rock Financial, is the nation's largest online mortgage lender with offices in Livonia, Auburn Hills and Farmington. About 1,000 of its 2,400 employees are loan consultants, Emerson said. It also is known as one of Metro Detroit's best employers, ranking No. 12 on Fortune magazine's "100 Best Companies to Work For 2005" list. Paul Lucas, an attorney with Nichols Kaster & Anderson PLLP in Minneapolis representing the loan consultants, said his firm hopes the case will become a class-action lawsuit involving as many as 500 former loan consultants. To become part of the lawsuit, people must have worked as a loan consultant for any Quicken office within the past three years. Lucas said companies like Quicken have a sweatshop mentality when it comes to mortgage sales. Traditionally, loan officers sit down with their clients. Quicken and others have reduced the entire exchange to a telephone conversation or online query. "These people are order-takers, basically," Lucas said. "You've got these people at call centers wearing head sets following on the company's leads or making cold calls. All they do is fill a computer screen with the information, and the corporation kicks back what kind of loan to offer."


Union Town??

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 05, 2007

It amazes me that the people of the Metro-Detroit area are still doing business with Quicken Loans/Rock Financial. If they were on strike they (the unions) would expect EVERYBODY to respect their picket lines and not cross them. And, of course they would expect everyone to not do business with them. Remember when a Detroit newspaper went on strike and everyone was urged not to buy the papers? This was over a pay increase and conditions. How about being part of a forced-labor scheme? What would the unions have done in this situation? Yet the union members may not even know that this issue of non-pay exists. Make sure everyone who reads this passes this on to anyone you know who is pro labor! It is a shame that the LO's of quicken loans are not part of a union. Maybe the unions could help to clean up some of the misjustice that happens behind those walls.


Union Town??

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 05, 2007

It amazes me that the people of the Metro-Detroit area are still doing business with Quicken Loans/Rock Financial. If they were on strike they (the unions) would expect EVERYBODY to respect their picket lines and not cross them. And, of course they would expect everyone to not do business with them. Remember when a Detroit newspaper went on strike and everyone was urged not to buy the papers? This was over a pay increase and conditions. How about being part of a forced-labor scheme? What would the unions have done in this situation? Yet the union members may not even know that this issue of non-pay exists. Make sure everyone who reads this passes this on to anyone you know who is pro labor! It is a shame that the LO's of quicken loans are not part of a union. Maybe the unions could help to clean up some of the misjustice that happens behind those walls.


Union Town??

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 05, 2007

It amazes me that the people of the Metro-Detroit area are still doing business with Quicken Loans/Rock Financial. If they were on strike they (the unions) would expect EVERYBODY to respect their picket lines and not cross them. And, of course they would expect everyone to not do business with them. Remember when a Detroit newspaper went on strike and everyone was urged not to buy the papers? This was over a pay increase and conditions. How about being part of a forced-labor scheme? What would the unions have done in this situation? Yet the union members may not even know that this issue of non-pay exists. Make sure everyone who reads this passes this on to anyone you know who is pro labor! It is a shame that the LO's of quicken loans are not part of a union. Maybe the unions could help to clean up some of the misjustice that happens behind those walls.


Union Town??

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 05, 2007

It amazes me that the people of the Metro-Detroit area are still doing business with Quicken Loans/Rock Financial. If they were on strike they (the unions) would expect EVERYBODY to respect their picket lines and not cross them. And, of course they would expect everyone to not do business with them. Remember when a Detroit newspaper went on strike and everyone was urged not to buy the papers? This was over a pay increase and conditions. How about being part of a forced-labor scheme? What would the unions have done in this situation? Yet the union members may not even know that this issue of non-pay exists. Make sure everyone who reads this passes this on to anyone you know who is pro labor! It is a shame that the LO's of quicken loans are not part of a union. Maybe the unions could help to clean up some of the misjustice that happens behind those walls.

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