  • Report:  #1257956

Complaint Review: Sears Kenmore - Nationwide

Reported By:
Monica - Petaluma, California, USA

Sears Kenmore
Nationwide, USA
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About four years ago I bought a Sears Kenmore Top-loading washer Model # 110.26002011 and dryer set. The dryer has been great but the washer is the worst home appliance I have ever bought from Sears. Originally  I bought a two year warranty from them, and it was a good thing I did, because almost immediately I noticed my gardening clothes which had mud on them sometimes came out with the same clumps of mud on them after the washing cycle was done. I called Sears numerous times and they've sent out their warrantly repair persons and they've found nothing wrong with it. After the two year warranty was up, I renewed it again for another two years. The washer washes lousy. My clothes non-gardening clothes looks dingy and when I've resorted to hand washing on the washboard, so much dirty water comes out of my lightly used clothes. My second two-year warranty has expired and I'm not renewing it, nor will I ever purchase another Kenmore product from them again. My parents always bought Kenmore everyting from them so I followed suit, but this last experience with their product and warranty was the deal-breaker. It turns out that in order for my washer to be deemed a "lemon", the repair personnel have to not only come out four times in one year, but they have to replace four parts that same year. One time repair person came out, he ordered a whole new washer drum. However the next repair person that came out said it was not neeeded and did not know why the previous person ordered it, so he took it back with him. No repair person knows why this machine washes so shitty, but it is apparent by Sear's repair/parts website that this model washer has numerous problems:  http://www.searspartsdirect.com/partsdirect/part-model/Kenmore-Parts/Washer-Parts/Repair-Maintenance/Questions-Answers/Model-11026002011/0582/?mmlLandingSearch=11026002011&page=5&diagramPageId=&documentId=&modelNumber=11026002011.

This model very poorly designed and Sears is not taking responsibilty. I tried to get Sears to give me credit for a new washer and all the supervisors I've spoken to say, "It is out of my hands".

I grew up on Sears/Kenmore appliances in my parents home and when I bought my new home my parents furnished my home with numerous Kenmore products, but I will discourage my adult kids from doing so now that they are building their own lives and furnishing their homes. 

I am viserally disgusted with the way this washer washes because it just makes woooshing noises but when I open it, the water doesn't even have one ripple in it. The water doesn't move nor does the machine wash. In actuallity, I'm sure my clothes just come out wet but not clean, I know because when I put them from the washer to the washboard, all kinds of dirty water runs off. 


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Sears' Kenmores, never more!

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 12, 2015

I just bought an (((REDACTED))) washer and I absolutely love it!!! Yes, it cost a pretty penny, $1000, but it is so worth it. My clothes not only come out clean but actually also smell clean, not like my previous dud washer made by Sears. I'm now in the market for a new dish-washer and although my family has been Kenmore product buyers for two generations, the buck stops here. My adult children will be swayed away from their products and lack of customer service. They not only lost a $1000 sale, but also lost a heritage consumer and the next generation as well. In the close-future,  I will be also replacing my stove and fridge, I won't be going to Sears, that's for sure. I'm kinda sad about this though, Sears had been in my life since I was a child, I guess as consumers it is our right to spend our hard earned money to go where we not only get quality products but also where the company selling them stands by their products, however this was not the case, Adios Sears!

Washer was in full-force warranty, but model poorly designed

#3Author of original report

Tue, September 29, 2015

The washer was in warranty for four years and during those four years I called numerous times for the SAME reason, it was not washing well or rather my clothes were not ever clean when they came out of the washer many times I had to run the cycle twice. I gave up on calling the service center as they kept telling me that there was no mechanical issues with the washer, one tech even told me that she hears the same complaint over and over with this model. The model was poorly designed and it would have been great customer service if Sears would have looked in to it and replace my washer. I asked them to do so many times when it was in warranty but to no avail, to bad they lost this generation and my family's next generation of Kenmore product buyers. 



#4General Comment

Tue, September 29, 2015

 So what YOU are saying is.........This model very poorly designed and Sears is not taking responsibilty. I tried to get Sears to give me credit for a new washer and all the supervisors I've spoken to say, "It is out of my hands.....AFTER 4 YEARS+!!!!! Guess what its YOUR WORD that the machine no longer works!!! THEY are NOT going to give YOU anything four years after the purchase. Odds are that YOU are purposefully embellishing the tale in order to gain more online sympathy. IF your washer is as bad as YOU have posted, WHY would you even put your clothes into the NON FUNCTIONING MACHINE!!!!!! Sorry but PLEASE understand that not every person on the web is going to look at your tale AS THE TRUTH!!! Common Sense plays a VERY BIG role here!!! Common sense would state that IF your washer is broken, YOU get it fixed or replaced. Since YOU had a warranty on the washer for FOUR YEARS, its only AFTER the warranty has expired and YOU have to pay for repairs that YOU go online and make an exaggerated post. See what I mean about COMMON SENSE? YOU are NOT displaying ANY!!!! Once you try and apply common sense to YOUR POST, well YOUR POST falls apart. meaning that odds are that its ALL a fabrication and someone misinformed YOU that IF you went on the web and WHINED that YOU would end up getting your way. WHAT you have done and that YOU have freely admitted to ,is trying to SCAM THEM into either fixing your washer so YOU don't have to, or for THEM to give YOU a "credit". So YOU don't have to pay full price. Firstly, YOU are nothing but a shiftless SCAMMER who has been called out on their scam. Secondly, YOU sit there and write how HORRIBLE they are yet Im betting if they had given you the credit YOU wanted, YOU would have ANOTHER Kenmore washer. So which is it?? THEY are a horrible company that didn't give YOU your way, or that YOU are so cheap and poor that YOU cant afford another washer and have used the web to INTENTIONALLY DEFAME a innocent company. All because YOU DONT WANT TO PAY FOR YOUR PROBLEM!!!!!

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