  • Report:  #919773

Complaint Review: Striderq - Columbia (U.S.A.)) - Columbia South Carolina

Reported By:
Ann - Columbia, North Carolina, USA

Striderq - Columbia (U.S.A.))
Columbia, South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Striderq - Columbia

Is a fake, blogger for hire, and works for one of those "reputation defender' companies. He trolls the clouds, looking for any postings about any company he has been hired to 'rebuttal' against. His "rebuttals" are usual excessively  long winded, and he always "claims" to "have worked" in the "industry" that the poster complained about. He is "critical" about the poster, but does not address the issues posted in the complaint. He uses "cliched" statements. 

So, dis-regard any of this guys postings on the web, internet, www or the cloud.  I have read streams of his postings under this handle 

Striderq - Columbia

And he may use more identification  handles to operate. 
I suspect this guy lives in his mother's basement...

16 Updates & Rebuttals


United States,
I will make a report of all the people who have caused me grief and bullied for no reason stacy auburn guy atlanta guy prissy moron from flordia and new york these are just a example

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 09, 2012

I will make a report and list the names of all the people who have caused me nothing but grief and heartache.


United States,
If people will listen besides off the bat calling me a liar and saying i have in the complaints i posted which shows y'all to be the insane ones

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, August 09, 2012

Ya'll really need to look at what y'all have posted to me.  Y'all say i have been a liar from the very beginning which i have not lied about the complaints i have posted.  Y'all are the insane ones saying i post complaints for the hell of it.

The complaints i have posted are 100% true i did not "LIE" in any of them,  i have been wronged over & over & over again & i'm pretty sick of being taken advantage of & done wrong & being terrorized by my neighbors.  That is all people want  to do to me is give me a hard time all the time.

I have rights to live without being harassed or terrorized by my neighbors or anyone.   So go ahead call me a "LIAR" i will continue to post complaints for who ever does me wrong or causes me injustices.


South Carolina,
Once again for Charles...

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 07, 2012

All anyone has to do is to read any of your posts to see how you change your story. If they compare the information in the numerous different posts, the contradictions become even more apparent. But we can not make you something you already are, such as a liar and insane. You've done that on your own.


United States,
There he goes again saying i'm a liar i have never lied about the complaints i have posted on here you think after almost 10 years on this site you think they will learn to give it

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, August 07, 2012

It has been nearly 10 year's & they are still at it in trying to bring me down.  It's hard to believe that it has been that long being on rip-off you think they would learn to just give up on attacking me,  because this "Non Sense" is really getting "OLD".  It has already gotten old a long time ago.

They think i'm not entitled to say anything & they say i "LIE" all the time.  I find it amazing that if i make a complaint they go in defend them right away & try to make me out to be the "LIAR".  I'm glad i live 500 miles from these mentally deranged people on rip-off report.  Who try's to make me insane.


South Carolina,
Charles, Charles, Charles

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, August 07, 2012

Now see this is why no one takes you seriously. I don't believe that I've ever told you not to post. I've said that your posts contradict themselves (meaning you did lie), I've told you your posts are ridiculous and I've told you that your posts have nothing to do with the OP's post (much like this one they try to make you the center of attention).
And as far as people getting sued for what they've posted on the internet, it depends on how/what was posted. I can not be sued for stating my opinion. And I can not be sued for stating fact. So if you're intending to try to sue anyone for saying you lie then you will lose the case because the proof is here on ROR.


United States,
Striderq thinks he can tell everyone what to do along with stacy who tells me i have no right to be on this site i have a right to post comments to and they try to take my right away

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, August 04, 2012

Team rebuttal which is Striderq,  stacy,  who harasses posters of complaints and call them liars just like how i've been treated.  He is nothing more then a bully thug.  After almost 10 years on rip-off report you think people will learn they can push me around don't they ever get bored.

Then they accuse me of calling them names not taking responsibility for their own actions,  and yet have the nerve to accuse of name calling.  They are a bunch of sad people i mean almost 10 years of still bothering me on rip-off report you think they will find somebody else to harass and make fun of.

No they rather post slanderous comments about me & say i am a scammer, deadbeat, loser which they can be held "LIABLE" and people have "SUED" their online attackers many times all they have to do is hire a lawyer and track them down and bring them to court 


South Carolina,
By the way...

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, August 04, 2012

From the OP: And he may use more identification  handles to operate.

Please search ROR for Tressi Rossi (or just Rossi, not sure if I've got the first name correct) and you will see that this person is posting as Mermaid, Ann & Sand. Guess it would be a case of pot vs kettle, but Striderq is the only sign in I use here.


South Carolina,
Wow, Mermaid...

#9General Comment

Thu, August 02, 2012

You come from out of the blue spitting venom. Accusing me of attacking in my posts, which is what you're doing by the way. Accusing me of not offering help, which is what you're doing by the way. And telling me not to post on a public forum. If Ed or his people have a problem with any of my posts, then it won't appear here.

Until and unless that happens I can post anything I want. By the way, wasn't really giving my history, just rebutting the accusations that Ann threw out. But that's okay, when you can't argue with the message, attack the deliverer. But if you feel that strongly about my posts, try this: just don't read them. And try not to get your tail in such a knot, it's bad for swimming.


Mermaid seems to need a reality check

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, August 01, 2012

ROR does not remove any comments made by anyone. The editor will edit out foul language or even remove personal information such as an email address or phone number but other than that nothing is removed.


Laugh Out Loud...

#11Author of original report

Wed, August 01, 2012

Striderq you need to find "someone who cares" about your personal history. Posters on R.O.R. don't. And it is my understanding, that reviews sites like Rip Off Report, remove the postings of trollers like you, since you don't legitimately add anything to the posters report. Rip Off Report isn't a social network for threads of boring blogs like yours. It is to assist consumers from not being victims of bad businesses, like the ones "you seem to defend" in all of your "rebuttals". Something is Phishy about you. 

Report Attachments

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
2 of the same rebutts ashlee???

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012

 Still have a drinking problem I see.

Report Attachments



#13Consumer Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012

What evidence can you present that he works for a reputation improvement company?



#14Consumer Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012

What evidence can you present that he works for a reputation improvement company?


South Carolina,
WOW, my very own ROR...

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 31, 2012

First I'll give Ann credit where it's due. My only sign in here is Striderq and she spelled in correctly unlike some others.  Yes my posts can be disregarded, but then so can everyone's like, Karl, Charles, Ann and the dweeb with the Eastwood obsession.

Now for what she got wrong.

1) Posts a picture of I guess herself because that's certainly not me. I guess she wanted face recognition for her 15 minutes of fame.

2) I use the sign in Striderq on this site only. But since Lord of the Rings is so popular, I'm not surprised that others use this variation.

3) I don't now and never have worked for "reputation defender". I'll cash the check if they want to send me one though.

4) I believe that the only company I've "claimed to have worked for" was a bank as a phone customer service representative.

5) My posts deal with the "issues" raised by the OP. In some posts I've explained how the OP can rectify the situation that they find themselves in. However, I don't coddle OPs that cause the issue by their actions. The "long winded" is in the eye of the reader. 

6) Just because a statement is "cliche" doesn't mean it's not correct and the best way to say something.

7) Please explain the exact differences between "the web, internet, www or the cloud". Seems to me you're using "cliches" to describe the same thing.

8) Actually I've not lived with my mother since I left home for college. And neither my home nor hers has a basement.

But Ann, thank you for the attention. It's good to be acknowledged, means my posts are read. Also means I must be doing something right since it seems I've struck a nerve. Please tell us which of your posts here on ROR that I responded to with an answer you didn't like.

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Golden Meadow,
United States of America
Same is true for all members of Team Rebutt

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, July 31, 2012

 Ever notice how all rebutts are from the same people?

Report Attachments


Please be specific

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, July 30, 2012

Ann exactly which companies are paying Striderq?? Do you know how SEO's work?? What exactly makes you think that Striderq actually works for these companies?

Please be specific what he said about what.

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