  • Report:  #1091633

Complaint Review: Tracy Bernardo Sacramento Web Design Group www.sacramentowebdesigngroup.com | teacuppigsforsale.com | Tradeventure Solutions Llc - Gold River California

Reported By:
Be Careful! - Orlando, Florida,

Tracy Bernardo Sacramento Web Design Group www.sacramentowebdesigngroup.com | teacuppigsforsale.com | Tradeventure Solutions Llc
11230 Gold Express Drive Suite 310-105 Gold River Gold River, 95670 California, USA
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Below is the message I typed back to Mr. Bernardo after he slandered an English teacher with false molestation allegations. To read what Mr. Bernardo typed, view the attachments below.

Ah Tracy Bernardo strikes again with his trademark lies, do you have some sort of mental issues? There's a whole group of people against you that you've scammed, they all coined you as a sociopath how so easily you lie. Let start by your post below and your contradicting post above. At first you refer to TeachingEng as being paid by your competitor and has never bought anything from you.

"She works for and is paid by our competitors and has never purchased anything from us."

Now on your above post you say and I quote:

"She has been the most irresponsible pet owner EVER to Purchase from us and waited until her piglet was very sick before contacting anyone.”

So first you mentioned TeachingEng never purchased anything from you, now all of a sudden she’s the most irresponsible pet owner ever to purchase from you? From “never purchased” to “ever to purchase?” A little contradicting don’t you think? Do you ever think things through before you start to lie? Or do you just spill lies so much that its second nature to you?

You've already been exposed as a pathological liar; you claimed to your clients you were a pig breeder that owned a farm only to find you're just an internet marketer using your website as a pig broker.

She has numerous email conversations from you weaving a web of lie after lie- Also a voice mail that complete contradicts your emailed promises and claimed you’ve been working on your ranch all weekend because of the rain even though you do not own nor live on a ranch. Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. No one takes anything you say seriously because you have nothing to back up anything you say other than your foul mouth, sick in the head self.

Google “Tracy Bernardo Oinkdaddy” and click on the first link, CJ used Tracy as a broker to help sell his pigs, after finding out he was scamming his clients, Tracy was terminated on January 2012. CJ then copied all the victims’ messages who had reached out to him after being scammed by Tracy and posted it on Ripoff.com. Just reading the messages will make any “sane” person blood boil.

Do you notice a trend? Tracy Bernardo has some serious underlying mental issues, everything he has said is without merit, where’s the evidence? Where’s the proof? When he gets desperate he reaches as low as you can go and oh boy, molestation allegations? Really now? You know zero about this person, the only thing you know is her name and occupation and that she was one of your clients you scammed but the minute she spoke out about you, “Oh she’s our competitor”, “Oh she’s our irresponsible client”, “Oh wait no, now she’s a child molester”.

Type her name in Google and you see over 100+ reviews of students giving her high praises as a teacher. Now type in your name, all you see are the scams and victims you left behind, you see screenshots of your court cases, you see victims going out their way to create a website solely for the purpose of warning people about your evil and disgusting ways. You see the BBB rating your site with a grade of “F”. So tell me this, are all those people just your competitors? Oh yeah he’s our competitor, let’s get lawyers and take him to court now! Oh please Tracy, just stop, it’s getting ridiculous, those are from the people you’ve scammed!

Oh and another thing, after some research we found out that you tried to sell your website on Flippa, claiming you were making 45k per month. And guess what the seller’s alias was? Yep, you’ve guessed it “Ciscokid13”, the same alias as the one you tried to slander TeachingEng with below. Now let me ask you this again, do you ever think things through before doing them? You’re really horrible at lying, you’re not fooling anyone. No one in the world would waste this much time on you if you didn’t scam, harass and slander them. There’s a whole group of us who’s exposing you, our lawyers are taking notes of your sinister behavior so if you ever try to take anyone to court for your own wrong doings, they’ll have all they need to expose your character.

Have you read the article about sociopaths? They love going to court, you know why? Because they want to feel in control and power, they want to win at all cost; they will not follow court orders, because sociopaths lie. They lie convincingly. They have no qualms about lying in court documents or on the witness stand. Unlike you or I who feel guilt, remorse, shame, sadness, regret and a host of other feelings, which fuel us to make better choices for the future, sociopaths lack such depth of emotion so they have no motivation for change. As far as they are concerned, their behavior causes them no discomfort.

Sociopaths feel no obligation to follow court orders or the law. They only follow court orders or the law if they perceive an advantage in doing so. But they are experts at figuring out ways to use the law to further their objective, which is to crush your client.

Sounds familiar? Yeah that’s right; you fit that profile to the tee.  So if you want to keep going at it, do so if you will, we have all the fire power we need while you’re just by yourself, backed up by your lies and deceit. It must be lonely place, I doubt you have a wife, either that or you’re divorce, because no one in the world would be able to stand being around you after seeing the vile person underneath your persona, which is all the reason you chase after wealth, for power and status so you can attract people into your life in order to manipulate and control them.

You’re about 50 years old, if you haven’t changed yet, it doesn’t seem like you ever will. You need to seek help.

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4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Tue, October 22, 2013

There you have it people, Tracy Bernardo exposing his true nature once again with his lies and slander to the vile and nastiest degree. Seriously? Molestation allegations on a victim of yours in which you know nothing about, you just sat on your computer reading her statement on you and the disgusting inner nature within you got heated and tried to get your revenge so you thought about the most disgusting acts you can to accuse someone you do not know anything about other than scamming her.

If these allegations were true, where’s the evidence? Where’s the police or court files? Where’s anything? And why the hell are you typing it on here? Why not go to the police or do something about it, oh that’s right, because you created another fake account to splatter your disgusting lies and slander because your other account was already exposed as being you, trying to cover up your tracks huh?

Look in the mirror, open your eyes, you’re a bad person, normal people have something we call a guilty conscience, we’re not able to scam dozens out of thousands then harass and slander them, not only do you burn your victims but you also throw fuel on the fire. No normal person does that or has the conscience to even think about doing something like that, we have morale’s, guilt and remorse. Unfortunately you do not and looking at your court records it seems like you enjoy trying to bring people down.

Are you not embarrassed for what you’ve done? Are you not embarrassed for your family? Oh that’s right, you’re a pathological liar, if anyone of your family questions you about what they read about you online your response would be: “That’s our competition out looking to slander me”. Oh really? The teacup pig business is a small niche, it’s not like cell phones or health and fitness, there’s a lot of business to go around, there’s no one fighting for competition within this market. Think before you type.

And the next time you’re going to threaten someone a lawsuit based on defamation of character, we’re going to start uploading your voicemails you’ve left, emails you’ve written, scanned documents and everything other thing to show that what we’re speaking on is the truth! Oh and you’re probably going to say, “That’s not my voice, that’s fake”, nice try we’ll also record the number it came from, yeah your 916 number, so don’t even try it. You need an intervention; you’re a bully of the worst kind, preying peoples finance and emotions. Keep doing what you do and you’ll keep on getting exposed.

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British Columbia,
What a lowlife!

#3General Comment

Thu, October 17, 2013

Reading what this man wrote made me sick to my stomach; it reminds me of some of the tactics that were used by Scientologist. They have a history of false molestation allegations and even went as far as coaching a boy to lie for them when in fact there was sexual abuse going on in the Church of scientology itself. So maybe you might want to look into this Tracy guy's past to see if he's one himself, and if he has any children maybe CPS should be notified.

I’ve been reading a lot of the reports on this man, I found several sources outside Ripoff as well and boy did it struck a nerve with me. A lot of victims felt really helpless like person who said she saved up that money for a year only to be scammed. Another person said after him and his wife dealt with Tracy, she started to become physically ill from the stress and another person said they had no money left for an attorney to take this man to court.

I find it really mind boggling that in this day of age, especially the digital era, how are you going to scam so many people out of thousands and no reap any repercussions? How does the mind of a scam artist work? Do they believe after being caught they can just walk away freely? And if anybody tries to speak out they’ll just counter with lies and slander? So many that they start contradicting themselves?

This is why I don’t trust people, if I meet someone I have a rule of thumb, if they ever lie to me once then I’m never trusting them again and break contact because you never know who you will bring into your life. Liars can easily turn out to be a psychopath or someone crazy and this man probably fits one of those profile after reading all the things he has done or tried to do. Let me quote some of his victims:

He has attacked long suffering and waiting buyers in emails and at their place of work.  He threatens them and has called them as late as midnight to intimidate.  He is vicious, rude, nasty, mean, lies, smears, and will do whatever it takes to keep selling piglets as the breeder, when he is not.  Some cheated clients have hired attorneys and are pursuing this legally.  Bait and switch is a criminal offense.  We have also received calls and emails from cheated clients where it was clear that he is double selling piglets on his website.

“My posts about him, has lead him to block me from seeing his website.  I have even received an anonymous death threat.  Mr. Bernardo does not tell the truth in many regards.  He represents himself as the breeder, 

as I can in emalil show many, many complaints about him.  Even one of his clients owns TracyBernardo.com and posted about the treachery of doing business with him. 

Mr. Bernardo also did not provide the post arrival support to many clients.  Complaints were increasing from Teacuppigsforsale.com clients.  He would misrepresent himself as the breeder, even going as far as stating a piglet was 

in his car on the way to a vet appointment.  He would inform that the barns were just down the street from his home outside Sacramento, CA.  BEWARE OF TRACY BERNARDO, LIGHTHOUSE MEDIA GROUP LLC, AND TEACUPPIGSFORSALE.COM.

What an evil scum bag, if he ever tried to threaten and intimidate me especially since I have a wife and kids, trust me, he’d get a one way ticket to hell where he belong. 


My story.

#4General Comment

Tue, October 15, 2013

Long....long story short.  Bought a pig for my wife for our anniversary.  Everything seemed on the up and up with this guy.  Had Trust Guard verification.  Returned phone calls and emails, until he gets your money.  As of February I've heard nothing from him.  It's now June coming fast into July.  Does not hold to the "daily if need" part of his pitch on his website which he constantly updates with "New Pigs".  He has plenty of time to scam other people but not to take care of the ones he has actually done business with.


Research before buying!

#5General Comment

Mon, October 14, 2013

Please everyone, before buying anything on the internet, especially something that cost thousands, do your research, find reviews. Just because a website is the first one to show up does not mean it's legit, it just means its been market better for the Search engines. This leaves the market open for exploits and scams.

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