  • Report:  #1096546

Complaint Review: Tracy Bernardo Sacramento Web Design Group www.sacramentowebdesigngroup.com - Sacramento California

Reported By:
Pam - Indiana,

Tracy Bernardo Sacramento Web Design Group www.sacramentowebdesigngroup.com
915 L Street, Suite C-325 Sacramento, 95814 California, USA
(916) 572-8084
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Heed my warning for anyone researching this man before doing business, just read everything you can about him on this website, these are 100% factual statements left by his many victims. He preys on innocent people, he’s a leech, and he’ll try to suck as much as he can out of you then throw you away.

If you try to get your money back, expose him or try to sue him, that’s when he becomes RELENTLESS, he’s not afraid of the law because he’s a well-known pathological liar, he’ll bluntly tell the court that you’re lying, you’re a drug addict, you’re crazy…ect He'll go through any means to ruin your life.

Some members had done a background check on Mr. Bernardo and has found that he has prior arrest records and DUI’s while his brother is a career criminal, I guess the fruit don’t fall too far from the tree?  Now Tracy Bernardo has gotten desperate to the point he’s throwing out molestation allegations against a women teacher, this is how he treats his clients, why would anyone in the World want to do business with someone like this monster!

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Mental illness

#2Author of original report

Thu, November 14, 2013

I think we have to have a little compassion for this man, he has a mental illness in which he is incapable of having feelings of remorse for his fellow humans thus is the reason why he's able to con, scam, steal, threaten and slander anyone he feels the need too. Normal everyday people would find ways to make things right, would apologize and fix their immoral behavior and actions, this man is incapable of doing that, he'll fight you all the way to the court even though you're the victim he'll be excited to get you in court so that he could turn the tables around on you and play victim.

Have you seen the actions of serial killers in court? Let's take Ted Bundy and Richard Ramirez for example, both caught red handed and guilty as charge but for some reason with their talent to manipulate people they were able to manipulate some of the jurors into thinking they were innocent because they're able to lie so well and so convincingly due to not having the capability to feel compassion, guilt and remorse for others.

This is why you have to stay away from people like Mr. Bernardo, you're just going to get yourself into deep waters and feel helpless. This man is 50 years old and keeps hoping from one business endeavor to the next after his business ethics gets exposed. You can trace his footprints all over the web; search his name, online alias..Etc. You'll find a web of deception and victims. We've talked to many people who have done business with him in the past and they all tell us the same exact thing.

This man is a manipulator, he's deceptive and has anger management issues, he tries to get what he was by means of manipulation and if that doesn't work he resorts to intimidation. He'll have no problems calling your place of work and telling your employer that you're a child molester or some other horrendous story.

If you ever run into this man, do just that, run and your life will be much less stressful. Our campagin is to warn everyone about the evil that this man has done to others yet he's still out there with another business trying to portray himself as something he is not, fake articles, fake stupid smile on his face, the only smile he has is the one he has when he's scammed someone and he's smiling all the way to the bank.

Stay away from Tracy J Bernardo.

15 L Street, Suite C-325 SacramentoCA 95814

Yeah no

A man with no soul.

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2013

Check out the fictitious article he paid someone to write about him, voted best web consultant in Sacramento? 

"Web designer and well known marketing expert Tracy Bernardo was picked much more than any other recognized name in Sacramento."

Since when do web designers use templates as is? Recognized? Since when do someone recognized more than any other in this field has only "9" likes on his business page on Facebook? While other names in Sacramento have hundreds if not thousands of legit fans.

Tracy is what we call a manipulator and deceiver, he uses unethical business marketing strategies to con those web illiterate out of money. He’s not offering you anything you can’t get for free from buying a web host somewhere else, you can pay Godaddy.com less than $100 and get hosting, free Wordpress install and choose a template you like.

Stay away from this scum. 

TB exposed.

Bad business ethics!

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, November 05, 2013

Seeing all these reports on Tracy Bernardo brings a satisfaction and smile to my face, I'm glad there's an outlet like Ripoff.com to fight back, there can never be enough reports on this man as to what he has done to his clients and he's still making fake accounts to slander his victims the worst way possible.

It's actually sad, somewhat I actually feel sorry for him, someone who has that much anger, hate, and no remorse must not have a happy in life, no one in the World that is content and happy with life would act and engage in the manner he has shown, he's a desperate man trying to gain wealth by any means possible because he's getting old and no one cares about this man only when he has money.

If anyone wants to be stressed out, feel helpless, get slandered, threaten, calls to your house late at night to intimidate, calls to your place of work to harass you, calls to your associates, friends and family to slander, death threats, lawsuit threats, online harassment, nasty emails and voicemails, do business with Tracy Bernardo and I guarantee you that's what you'll receive.


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