  • Report:  #873749

Complaint Review: TRACY BERNARDO - FAIR OAKS California

Reported By:
OINKDADDY.COM - LOCKHART, Texas, United States of America

4230 KENNETH AVE, FAIR OAKS, CA, 95628 FAIR OAKS, 95628 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Tracy Bernardo of Teacuppigsforsale.com is a cheat, liar, scammer, bait and switch thief, takes contracts and does not turn over the payment on the breeder's piglet.  He is filled with lies, deceits, misrepresentations.  He is not a breeder.  He is a broker and reseller out to make money.  He does not care about the piglet, the person buying the piglet, or the breeder from whom he may or may not turn over the contract and payment.   Over and over again.  We have been contacted by those that were cheated by Mr. Tracy J. Bernardo.  They had waited months to get a piglet from his website, he sent a completely different piglet, or as his sole supplier from 2009, would send piglets, when he would spend the client's money on his rent, car payment, etc.

He was terminated in January 2012, yet the piglet pictures on his website are the piglets produced, bred, and owned by Piggy Essence.  He refuses to take down the Piggy Essence piglet pictures. He will sell the piglet in the picture, only to send weeks and sometimes months later a piglet from another unknown breeder.  He does not have barns.  He is not a breeder.  He resells at higher prices.  He has attacked long suffering and waiting buyers in emails and at their place of work.  He threatens them and has called them as late as midnight to intimidate.  He is vicious, rude, nasty, mean, lies, smears, and will do whatever it takes to keep selling piglets as the breeder, when he is not.  Some cheated clients have hired attorneys and are pursuing this legally.  Bait and switch is a criminal offense.  We have also received calls and emails from cheated clients where it was clear that he is double selling piglets on his website.

Tracy Bernardo of Teacuppigsforsale.com has been terminated from placing Piggy Essence micro mini piglets.


IF YOU ANSWERED YES, WE CAN HELP! The story is below. The testimonies of many others like your self are below. The information to contact Tracy J. Bernardo which is public record in Sacramento County California.


Tracy Bernardo
4230 Kenneth Avenue
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
(916) 517-6070
Tracy Bernardo, Owner
Teacup Pigs For Sale
Toll Free: (916) 517-6070
[email protected]

The following are links to Tracy Bernando's additional sites


 TEACUPPIGSFORSALE.COM IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO PLACE PIGGY ESSENCE MICRO MINI PIGLETS.  Mr. Tracy Bernardo was terminated on 1-20-12 due to several of his clients realizing that he was only a broker taking their money and not contacting me with the sale or money, so they could get their piglet.  He has been repeatedly asked to take down my piglet pictures.  He refuses.  He gets contracts and payments, then does an unethical bait and switch by trying to provide another piglet from another breeder.  I provide the true size and health guarantees.  Mr. Bernardo and from where ever he gets the new piglet, do not provide these guarantees.    In October 2011, I even shipped a piglet to one of his Canadian clients, because after one month, I did not know of them, did not know of the contract between Teacuppigsforsale.com.  I had never received their payments from Mr. Bernardo.  He continued getting signed contracts and wire transfer payments.   Some sales and payments he reported, others he cheated.  He would then on these scams, not turn over the contracts or the payments minus his 15% commission.  Mr. Bernardo never notified me, the
breeder, of these sales.  His cheated clients searched on the internet until they found my piglet pictures.  Realizing that they were the same piglet, they would then contact my main adoption specialist, and then they would contact me.
Mr. Bernardo also did not provide the post arrival support to many clients.  Complaints were increasing from Teacuppigsforsale.com clients.  He would misrepresent himself as the breeder, even going as far as stating a piglet was
in his car on the way to a vet appoinkment.  He would inform that the barns were just down the street from his home outside Sacramento, CA.  BEWARE OF TRACY BERNARDO, LIGHTHOUSE MEDIA GROUP LLC, AND TEACUPPIGSFORSALE.COM. 

April 6, 2012:
Another complaint and more overwhelming evidence that Tracy Bernardo is a liar and cheat.  Beware of him:
Regarding Tracy Bernardo, I've been monitoring the situation through your postings and feel extremely lucky we didn't suffer the same fate as some others.  I'm sorry for you and the customers he caused so much trouble for!  Tracy 
mislead us as well, but we were lucky that he didn't cheat us out of our money at least.  As you may recall, he stopped answering my emails immediately after we paid him, and he mislead us regarding our pig's size, and he lead me to
believe that he was the breeder and that the pigs were nearby.  He never mentioned you or your ranch in Texas.  I discovered the truth by searching the web and recognizing our pig's photos on your site so I contacted you.  We were
fortunate that for whatever reason he must have told you of our adoption, but I knew then he had not been honest with me in the process.  I am very glad not to deal with him anymore and I hope the mess he's caused you and the others is resolved soon.  
April 5, 2012:
Tracy Bernardo, now known as TB, has again pulled another scam:  bait and switch.  Read below from one of his victims.
Hi...I am sorry sorry to bother you and know that this is not your problem, but I saw your website after I wired money (4,500.00) to teacuppiggies.com for a male white pocket nano mini pig 'Alexander' who is on my contract.  Your comments are correct about Tracy.  The only time I have actually talked with him on the phone is the day I was
sending the money.  It took weeks, but I am at least thankful that I finally actually received a piggy, although I am positive the piggy I received is not the piggy on the website.  I did not receive any paperwork for the piggy such as
any vet visit or health certificate/shots etc..He will not return my many phone calls/emails and I have no support or ideas of how to care for this piggy now that he is here.
The reason I am writing you is that the pig 'Alexander' (attached) that I thought I had purchased, is the only one on the website in this particular valentine's box and setting, and I was hoping that you could perhaps identify the photo to see if you maybe know this litter or are familiar with the breeder where I could go to get help.  There are no other piggies on his website that have the same valentines setting or anywhere online that I can find.  Alexander was born (1/8/2012), I believe around the time you posted that you were having issues with Tracy.  I was hoping perhaps you were familiar with this litter and I could start there in trying to find out if I actually received the same type/price piggy that Alexander is.  His photo is still on his website.
The piggy I received yesterday is a white male, but it is very spotted on his temples, various black spots on his body, and has black pigment on his nose. I don't believe such marked pigment would show up, but I am not familiar with it
either and if this is possible.  Alexander looks solid white with no black pigment anywhere that I can see.  The piggy I received is pretty small (4lbs) and has one blue eye, so maybe that will help to id him.  He is very cute, but I am hoping that I did not receive a pig that will be more than the 16-18lb contract we signed.  I have only had him for one day and have not taken any photos of him yet.  If I took a picture of him and sent it to you, do you think you may be able to identify if he is one from your litters or another breeder Tracy works with?  Any guidance would be very appreciated as I am at a complete loss.
I would be happy to call you if you think you can help.  I am hoping that someone may be able to tell me who/what this piggy I have is.  I am just sick over this whole ordeal and wish I would have seen your website first.  I can imagine that if I cant get Tracy to call to even make sure the piggy arrived safely, he will certainly not stand up to his contract.
Thank you so much for your time.
Donna M

Name: debby b

Email: teaching.eng@

Message: I am overjoyed!!Thrilled beyond belief that this man is being exposed. I have numerous email conversations from Tracy weaving a web of lie after lie- I have a voice mail that complete contradicts his emailed promises and claimed
he'd been working on his ranch all weekend because of the rain- after a little research I discovered he is an internet market "specialist" which explains his nicely laid out website... I had family backing me in my communications with
Tracy and was able to put enough pressure, after weeks of ridiculous lies, to allow me to speak to CJ himself. I finally felt I was getting somewhere once I spoke to CJ and I did receive my piglet.  I have to say Tracy Bernardo is a twisted delusional man who will certainly do a lot of damage to the world of mini pig lovers if he is not stopped. Thank you CJ for making efforts to stop him..I have been on my own tirade since the moment I began the pursuit of getting my much loved pig. I have used my website, twitter account and forum in my classroom to avoid purchasing from teacuppigsforsale.com I fully support your attempts of putting these beautiful animals in the hands of those that want nothing more than to love and adore them regardless of their tiny mini status... Thank you again for informing us- my day is made brighter knowing Karma has bitten back!!

March 14, 2012:
Form Response ---------------

01 - Email Address = left blank for privacy
02 - Name = J
03 - Phone Number = left blank for privacy
04 - Your Message = I have noticed message on your web site stating that you are not working together with Tracy Bernardo. Over six weeks ago I have orderd a pig from Tracy's website and I still have not got it nor any information regarding when I would get it. Can you tell me by any chance if Yoshi from Tracy's web site was one of your pigs?

Or maybe you know the breeder where Yoshi comes from? Now I am trying to get my money back so I can buy pet for my kids in more reliable place. I would really appreciate some info on it.

Thank you.
Again, one of my piglets that Tracy Bernardo of Teacuppigsforsale.com was not authorized to put on his website, or take a contract and payment.  He had them sign a contract, took payment, then never notified me of the contract.  He
did not send payment for one of my piglets that has a contract and payment.

March 23, 2012:
Mr. Bernardo acquires a piglet to replace my piglet "Yoshi" that he illegally and unethically sold to this family after I terminated him for illegal and unethical practices.  They inform him that they know it is not Yoshi, because they talked to the breeder, me.  They ask for dob, current weight, and projected adult size.  He has nothing to say or write back, except, that he is not a broker, he is not one that resells.  He is the breeder, the best breeder and seller in the country.  Again, a huge lie.  I had been placing my piglets through Teacuppigsforsale.com for almost two years.  I terminated him in January 2012 after a scam he ran on Shaela K in October 2011, and another to Susie P. in January.  We have now had three clients of Teacuppigsforsale.com and Mr. Tracy J. Bernardo contact us and try to solve the mystery of why he takes their money and does not deliver a piglet, or any real details.  He has even sold the same piglet twice.  He takes the money, promises, promises, then desparately tries to find a switch piglet from another breeder, as he is not a breeder.  He may be attempting to get a breeder pair at this point to refute that he is not a breeder.  He has been terminated as a broker with Piggy Essence.  It seems that he will lie to any length to get money out of people.

March 16, 2012:
J's wife related to me how Mr. Bernardo would give them all sorts of tales in concern to being the breeder.  One comment was that he was on his way to the vet with a piglet.  He does not breed, he does not have barns down the street as
another of his client has called me and given me more insights.J and his wife adopted Xavier from me.  They wired money on 3-15-12, and I shipped on 3-16-12, as Xavier was already neutered.  Getting a great micro mini piglet that is weaned should take a week to two weeks after payment, depending on whether it is a male or female.
January 6, 2012 to January 19, 2012:
Contract signed between Teacuppigsforsale.com and Susie.  On January 9, 2012, she wired Lighthouse Media Corp, LLC, owned by Tracy Bernardo of Teacuppigsforsale.com a nonrefundable deposit on a Piggy Essence micro mini piglet.  January 19, 2012 she provides proof that she wired the money, yet Mr. Bernardo never gave her updated pics.  Mr. Bernardo did not ask for updated pics, because he had not notified me of the contract with the $3600 in payments.
Early March 2012:
Another couple called TLCPiglet.com, due to seeing the same pics of micro mini piglets on www.teacuppigsforsale.com.  They had wired over $4000 to Tracy Bernardo, dba Lighthouse Media Corp, LLC, teacuppigsforsale.com back in late
December 2011.  The were told to be patient.  Tracy Bernardo never contact me in December at the time of their first payment or the following payments in January and February.  By the time they contacted us in March, their piglet had been sold by Trace Lovelace Cousaire of TLC Piglets, my girlfriend.  They are pursuing this legally.
October 2011:  
Contacted by a mother for her young adult daughter.  They signed a contract and wired over $4000.  After a month, He never notified Piggy Essence, the breeder for Teacuppigsforsale.com that he had placed another piglet in contract
with full payment.  I had them verify all contracts and wire transfers.  I also verified with Chase Bank, the bank that was being used by Mr. Bernardo at that time.  They verified that the funds had been in his account.  I did not want
them to litigate and pursue an acknowledgement smear of Mr. Bernardo, as he was responsible for a vast majority of my sales and placements at that time, so I had them choose another comparable piglet.  I paid for all the shipping and
health expenses to send this piglet to another country.  Mr. Bernardo agreed in email to reimburse for the piglet, as he did not have the funds.
March 20, 2012:
There is a new smear campaign initiated by an anonymous person. This posting is almost certainly from www.teacuppigsforsale.com by Mr. Tracy Bernardo.   I had to terminate my contract with him due to four people that
tracked me down, due to not receiving a piglet from him, after contract and wire transfer payments.  If you go to my website, you will see that on the home page and the available piglets page, he was terminated in January 2012.  Yet, he
refuses to remove my information and my piglets.  Three people recently have contacted me to the whereabouts of the piglet he sold them, one of my piglets.  I have a new page on my website:  Teacuppigsforsale.com.  They sent me proof of the contracts and the payment.  With much regret, Mr. Bernardo did not forward me the contracts or the payments for the Piggy Essence piglets.  He has been desparately doing a bait and switch to sell them a completely different piglet
from another broker.  My posts about him, has lead him to block me from seeing his website.  I have even received an anonymous death threat.  Mr. Bernardo does not tell the truth in many regards.  He represents himself as the breeder,
as I can in emalil show many, many complaints about him.  Even one of his clients owns TracyBernardo.com and posted about the treachery of doing business with him.  Mr. Bernardo, then called every associate in the client's office and
smeared the client and threatened. Keep in mind, we have a prescribed care program from my vet, Dr. Williams.  We do a physical examination prior to departure.  Post care advice and support is given.  Monthly Care Monitoring is required for a minimum of 12 months in guiding the client in proper care and socializing..

I strongly encourage you realize that the above posting is from a desperate individual who will lie, manipulate, scam, cheat, smear, and attempt to destroy.  He wants to take the spotlight from himself and his wrongs by any
means.  Please do not buy any piglets from Tracy Bernardo who owns www.teacuppigsforsale.com, owned by Lighthouse Media Group, LLC. March 20, 2012: Another Testimonial from a swindled Tracy Bernardo of www.teacuppigsforsale.com client:  Tracey Bernardo promised me a pig, I signed a contract and wired him $4,400. After not returning my phone calls, emails, or voicemails, I got suspicious. I searched different pig sites and found the pig I had purchased on CJ's site. CJ nicely explained what happened and I asked Tracey for my money back. Not only did he not provide me with a pig but he embezzled 3 years worth of savings from me. I have a lawyer trying to get my money back. Tracey has thrown a huge wrench in my finances and has been an incessant headache.

Brie M, los Angeles CA 
March 2012:  
I have received an anonymous death threat through my website form response.

March 2012:
Here is an email from Tracy Bernardo to one of his clients that owns TracyBernardo.com.  He attacks her, smears, lies, and tries to intimidate her.  Would you want to do business with such a vile person?  From: "Tracy@TeacupPigs" <[email protected]>
To: T Durham <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 3:01AM
Subject: Urgent Message for T D

I am offering you this chance today to talk to your husband before he loses everything you and him have worked so hard for. I am filing a libel and defamation of character suit in a court of law immediately and will be suing you, Bill, and your family of all assets for damages caused to my name and my company.  View Capital will want nothing more to do with him after being dragged into this negative limelight by your husband.
I assure you, that neither you nor I want to see this move in this direction or path that your husband has now cleared the way for.  He will experience a loss of reputation, a loss of clients, and huge financial losses because of his temper. You will be served in public, all of Dallas will know the type of person he is, and your family will quickly be well known all over Texas as well as the United States if not the world for its poor choices.
Please do what is right before its too late. I expect to see the site with my name removed immediately. The next contact from me will come from attorneys. Once this starts on the internet, it will never end and will be present for years to come for friends, family and business associates to see.
Please do what is right today and have the site tracybernardo.com taken down immediately.
Thank You,
Tracy Bernardo, Owner
Teacup Pigs For Sale
Toll Free: (916)
[email protected]
February 2012:
 CJ and Trace,
I'm writing because of the negative experience I had with Tracy Bernardo of teacuppiggiesforsale.com when purchasing a mini piglet. When making arrangements for shipping my piglet, I explained to Tracy that from where I live, there were
only two airport options.  The closest being a three hour drive, and that I would need to make arrangements at my office so I could be gone that day.  A date was set, and then I received an email from Tracy Bernardo telling me that
"his shipper" couldn't ship that day.  Then another date was set, only to be changed again.  This happened at least five times.  The last time it was changed, Tracy lied when he told me that it was too late in the day to book the
flight.  I knew this was a lie, because that particular airline didn't pre-book pet cargo.

By this point, I was extremely annoyed and frustrated with the runaround I was getting from Tracy Bernardo, and I became concerned about the possibility of being scammed.  I started doing some research on the internet about him.  Tracy had led me to believe that he was the breeder of the mini pigs, and that the man in Texas whom he referred to as CJ, was "his shipper". 

My research on the internet discovered that Tracy was not the breeder, but "his shipper in Texas" was actually the breeder.  This raised a huge red flag  and my concern about  being scammed grew.  I found Trace Cousaire's web site and called her.  I explained my situation with Tracy Bernardo.  She was very helpful and gave me CJ Tobler's phone number.  I then called CJ and told him about my frustrating situation regarding Tracy Bernardo changing the shipping dates so many times.  CJ then informed me that while he was away a new employee was caring for the animals and something had happened to my piglet, and it couldn't be found.  He said that he advised Tracy Bernardo of the situation, and told Tracy to tell me what had happened.  Instead of being honest and telling me the truth about my piglet, Tracy chose to withhold this very important information and instead thought it would be a better idea to keep changing the shipping date.  I don't why he could possibly think this charade or tactic could have a positive outcome.  Needless to say, my experience has caused me to question Tracy Bernardo's ethics.

After speaking to CJ and finding out the truth about the piglet I purchased, CJ was very responsive to take and send photos of piglets that were similar to the original one I purchased.  We now have our piglet and CJ has been supportive throughout the entire process and continues with his support.

Mary G
March 21, 2012:
My website was hacked with some of the accurate detailed information about Tracy Bernardo of www.teacuppigsforsale.com was removed.

March 22, 2012:
Yet another Teacuppigsforsale.com and Tracy J. Bernardo client has come forward.  He also sold her the same piglet that he sold to another client, and one month later, no piglet.  She did more research on the internet and found www.tlcpiglets.com.  There she saw the pics and bio of her piglet.  She called Tracy L. Cousaire, only to realize that Tracy Bernardo has been cheating some of his clients by not turning over the contracts and payments to the breeder, Piggy Essence.  HOW MANY MORE CHEATED TEACUPPIGSFORSALE.COM CLIENTS WILL COME FORWARD?????

26 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Additional information about Tracy B’s partner, CJ

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 07, 2020

 This is an old post but the partner and contracted breeder in crime, CJ Tolber, had an incident. If I understand, he is allegedly the real breeder of tlc pigs and piggy Essence. Here is an excerpt: "Craig "C.J." Tobler was found guilty of cruelty to animals and neglect in June; he was sentenced Thursday to 30 days in the Caldwell County Jail and up to 24 months of probation. Tobler will have to pay a $4,000 fine and do 100 hours of community service." " Tobler's sentencing came three years after a former employee, Shana Best, found an injured and neglected dog in Tobler's property.

Best had just started working for Tobler on his 46-acre ranch in Caldwell County, which has been put up for sale. Best said she found the dog, a French bulldog named Brock, resting on his right side with his front legs skinned from the elbows down, bite wounds on his back legs and face and an abscessed right eye. She scooped him up and ran off the property with the dog.” Animals seized: ‒ Roughly 125 pigs. ‒ 11 donkeys. ‒ About 30 chickens and roosters. ‒ 10 barn cats. ‒ About 56 other animals, including hedgehogs; exotic birds, such as Illiger's macaw; llamas and Neapolitan mastiffs. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.statesman.com/NEWS/20180728/Lockhart-rancher-faces-new-charges-after-deputies-seize-261-animals%3ftemplate=ampart


United States
TJ Bernardo website scams.

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2019


TJ Bernardo did a fantastic job designing our web site. The site is professional and easy to navigate. However he promises services during his sales pitch and never delivers.

He promised training which was very minimal, He promised to take pictures which he never followed up on or completed even though he was paid and when I called with problems he would not respond for several days and when he finally responded he was extremely rude.  

Lastly the cost to host our site was twice the amount most hosting companies charge. As a result of all of this I moved my web hosting from them to another company.



Report Attachments


Center Hill,
Please update info on victim

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, October 03, 2015

On this post listed below the wrong domain name is being used. Please update this as it reflects badly on my business. I am the owner or the domain www.teacuppiggies.com and have been since 2008. It has never been owned by Tracy Barnardo. There is no affliation with him and my business. I have been selling piglets since 2005 and work hard to give the best customer service and have good relationships with my customers. MY domain was used in the comment below and I'm sure it happened accidently because Bernardo copied part of my domain because I ranked high on Google for teacup pigs when he purchased his domain. Anyway I would appreciate a corrections so that It does not reflect negatively on my piglet business.

Thank You.

Joyce Wells  Angel Enterprise Farm www.teacuppiggies.com


Info that is not correct with domain name.

April 5, 2012:

Tracy Bernardo, now known as TB, has again pulled another scam:  bait and switch.  Read below from one of his victims.


Hi...I am sorry sorry to bother you and know that this is not your problem, but I saw your website after I wired money (4,500.00) to teacuppiggies.com for a male white pocket nano mini pig 'Alexander' who is on my contract.  Your comments are correct about Tracy.  The only time I have actually talked with him on the phone is the day I was

sending the money.  It took weeks, but I am at least thankful that I finally actually received a piggy, although I am positive the piggy I received is not the piggy on the website.  I did not receive any paperwork for the piggy such as

any vet visit or health certificate/shots etc..He will not return my many phone calls/emails and I have no support or ideas of how to care for this piggy now that he is here.


More info...

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, August 06, 2015

Just go look at his court records, he's been sue'd by everyone even his own neighbors, that's how much scum human being he is, even living next to this man will get you into his cross-hairs.

You could literally track this mans companies from over a decade ago and find ripoff reports with the exact same complaint, scam, harass, slander then threatens his victims with bogus legal threats. Almost everyone who had done business with this man that we've contacted were threaten with legal actions from this man after he has screwed them over! How does this fat slob sleep at night doing this to people?

His brother is also a career criminal, just type his name on Google, he was just arrested 3 months ago in El Dorado hills. Funny how he loves to make up false crimes on his victims to slander them yet we can put real crimes on him and his brother with actual proof:




11377(A) M POSSESS CNTL SUB $2,500.00



While Tracy Bernardo has over half a dozen court cases, DUI and arrest records.

What a bunch of losers, their parents must be proud.

Notice this, everything we've said about this man we're able to back it up with everything including many, many victims statements with stories that parallels one another, while the scum is nothing but all talk, lies, and bogus threats. He cannot provide any evidence to the contrary, what we say about him you can actually research it yourself, do a background check on him, track his older companies way before we even knew he existed, a lot of his victims are accessible online and if asked politely will share their stories dealing with this man.

Notice this, 4 years before we knew this scumbag existed you have victims stating this:

"Hopefully they're not longer taking advantage of people, but I highly doubt they developed a conscience."

" I contacted them stating that they have no attorney and to stop sending me threatening messages. "

"This company rebuttal will not make any sense, they will come up with ludicrous reasons to try and cover up their scam."

This was 4 years before his teacup pig scam, the fact that someone 4 years before that pig scam predicted his "WHOLE M.O" and basically predicted his future actions, EXACTLY what she said 4 years before his pig scam, and 4 years later..... IT HAPPENS! You cannot make this stuff up.

"Hopefully they're not longer taking advantage of people, but I highly doubt they developed a conscience."

4 years later, pig scam took advantage of all his pig clients, attacked them with absolutely no conscience.

" I contacted them stating that they have no attorney and to stop sending me threatening messages. "

Threaten one of his victims by the name of "Tara" legal actions, the exact same BS, claiming shes going to lose everything hard she worked for, this is his scare tactics, he wont ever follow through because the court will see through his whole facade and he's going to end up caught in a lie and have charges on himself or gets his whole case thrown out. Any public defender straight out of law school can expose this pos with ease.

"This company rebuttal will not make any sense, they will come up with ludicrous reasons to try and cover up their scam."

What happens 4 years later? His rebuttals to his pig scam: "She's our paid competitors", "She's an irresponsible customer", "She's a child molester"....ect

He's such a sociopath he had no idea who he was messing with, he's been exposed to the biggest forums online, Facebook groups, Reddit and much much more. Most of the information we've garner was actually from vigilantes online that had access to background checks and so fourth that provided their service to help expose this man.

Look at his fake article he paid for to boost his image, after exposing the article writer, the article writer took down that fake article proving we were right that it was fake! He needs to be held accountable for his actions otherwise he'll continue living his life screwing over innocent people. such a travesty.

Vigilante of justice

If you're doing business with this man....

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, July 05, 2015

And you haven't seen these reports yet, hire a lawyer ASAP! Before this fat f***, screws you over then hits you with all kinds of bogus lawsuits, this fat f*** has been doing this for years, the track record is so digusting that the FTC, federal trade comission is even stepping up to investigate him, he's been doing business, stealing, scamming clients, contractors...ect anyone that comes into contact with him, when he gets caught, he accuse his victims of false criminal actions and threatens them with bogus legal actions, this fat OLD F***! needs to be held accountable for his action!


I'll just leave this here....

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 01, 2015

So in light of the new scams Mr. Bernardo is popping up with, doesn't look like he's learned his lesson, the fact that now people in Sacramento are reporting him, people living in his city locally, although we didn't need it, it's just more proof that this man is a career conman.

I'll just leave this here so that the Search engines can pick it up.

Ripoffreport Report Image

TB exposed

Tracy Bernardo is a predator and a danger to society.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, June 28, 2015

This is sad, shows you how flawed our legal and justice system is, this fat piece of s*** scammed one of my friend and attack and harassed the vicitm afterwards, I also received a message through my Complaints.com account from a women who thanked me for exposing this sack of crap, apparently her friend was stalked and harassed by this man.

He tried to represent himself as a self-made rich man, manipulated her friend, once she found out he was a bulls*** artist and sciopath, she broke off contact with him, he then proceeded to stalk and harass her, he even tried to sabatoge her new relationships by calling her new contacts and slandering her. This is the type this man is, a piece of s*** to society, he is a predator, business, personal, or anything. This man wants to control and manipulate people at any cost because he is a short, fat and ugly piece of s**t.

Go look at his court records its public, he has many, many lawsuits and every single one he's the defendant. He's been sue'd his an actress, his neigbors, and many other people he has done business with, it's all there go look at it yourself. He's been out there trying to tell everyone that he's the "victim" of online slander and libel, bull****! The fact that you can go online and find victims and the same type of story from 8 to 10 years ago.

I mean just read this statement from a victim of his back in 2008, 7 years ago, so how does this report match all his new reports? He believes we're slandering him? Did we somehow built a time machine? Went back 7 years and write that report? Or has he been scamming peope so long that there's many victims out there? Just read this, it's a webcam company he owned in 2008.

Company: Lighthouse Media Pro. For more information contact TRACY BERNARDO, OPERATIONS MANAGER or go to www.lhmltd.com

Report from model Juliet - 2008

“Lighthouse Media Group LLC- the webcam modeling "agency." They are liars and cheaters. They supposedly went bankrupt (when they stole all the money from their models) but seem to now be running a currency swap site called Forexfacet. The story about the model scheming and stealing credit card info and taking money is a lie. It's sad they feel the need to make up lies in order to cover up their own dishonesty. Hopefully they're not longer taking advantage of people, but I highly doubt they developed a conscience.”


Notice how she said:

  • " It's sad they feel the need to make up lies in order to cover up their own dishonesty. Hopefully they're not longer taking advantage of people, but I highly doubt they developed a conscience.”

This is a report 7 years ago, you can even go look at the timestamp, this is all this fat piece of s*** does, he scams them then makes up false criminal actions against his victims.

So he is the victim? So all these people with respectable professions, such as buisness owners, actress, models, teachers, professional companies, contractors....ect Are all just writing stories about Tracy for no apparent reason? They all just decided one day to pick on him for no reason? No! This man has scammed and attacked them! 

Let's take a look at some testimonials about Tracy Bernardo aka "The supposed victim":

 Professional English Teacher:

  • I seriously felt I was being punked by the most unprofessional foul mouthed man I have ever dealt with... Many emails and voice messages left by him cursing me out and threatening me because I have been relentless in my message BUYER BEWARE!!

Actress B. Mattson:

  • Tracey Bernardo promised me a pig, I signed a contract and wired him $4,400. After not returning my phone calls, emails, or voicemails, I got suspicious. I asked Tracey for my money back. He did not provide me with a pig, I have a lawyer trying to get my money back. 

Professional company with clients such as Microsoft, Yahoo, SONY:

  • In Tracy's case, the continued threats we have received via email and phone calls made us decide to let Merchant Services handle any further direct communication.

Model Juliet:

  • The story about the model scheming and stealing credit card info and taking money is a lie. It's sad they feel the need to make up lies in order to cover up their own dishonesty. Hopefully they're not longer taking advantage of people, but I highly doubt they developed a conscience.”
  • Lighhouse Media does not follow the 2257 guidelines. All legitimate companies have this listed at the bottom of the web page. This company also requested my social security number via email "if possible". This company rebuttal will not make any sense, they will come up with ludicrous reasons to try and cover up their scam.

A man who didn't even do business with Tracy:

  • We contacted Tracy in MAY to develop our webpage and did a back-ground check on him and seen his "bad reputation" and of course we were smart enough to tell him no sale! Now he acts liking like a child he is making these false accusations towards my company. Anyone who knows me and my integrity will laugh at these complaints. Tracy J Bernardo Grow Up!

Ex-employer Chris:

  • Working with this man was one of the worst working experience I've ever dealt with in my life. This man treated his employees like crap, he has control and anger issues, all he wants to do is boss everyone around and get upset at everyone for the smallest things, he underpaid everyone.


  •  However, after completing the trial the company refused to pay the agreed amount.

This is only a few of his victims, so everyone, does this sound like a victim? Or a sack of s*** who makes his living screwing people over and once they've all came together and exposed this fat piece of s***, the only thing he can do now is play the victim role? I'll bet my life it's the latter.

What kind of "victim" has over half a dozen court cases where he's been the "defendant" in all of them?

And of course he's going to have a fake business address, he's made so many enemies and burned so many bridges that he does not want to have a locaton where he can be tracked down to, also he has a fake business address to pretend his operation is legit, to make it look like he's professional. Look at his web design company, notice he added the word "group" to his company name, when there is no "group" it's only him installing cheap templates and stock images and charging thousands for it. This has been confirmed by actual web developers we've contacted.

He also uses other companies designs to advertise for his portfolio, that's illegal. That's like if someone had a computer custom made by Apple, then open a computer company and using that computer as one of their portfolio items. That's what he's doing, the only decent looking websites on his portfolio are the ones that are his own websites, websites that are 5-6 years old that were obviously designed by someone else, not him. The ones he has done for clients, look like dog s***.

Once he has a company up and running he'll look for shortcuts to gain him clients, he has hired fake article writers to pretend he is "voted the best web consultant in Sacramento", that he's very popular....ect 

For his teacup pig company, he told everyone he was the best pig breeder in Northern California eventhough he doesn't breed pigs, knows nothing about them all he knows is that they're expensive so he created a website to rank in order to sell other farmers pigs for comission, all his work is done behind the computer not farm.

For his Model company, he hired vulnerable women to do shows and he steals and keeps their money, when they all came together and exposed him, he accused them of being thieves and competitors. He even had a fake lawyer call one of his victims.

Read this statement from one of his model victim who actually has legal knowledge:

  • I was contacted via cell phone by a illegitimate "attorney" via voice messaging stating that if I "slander" lighthouse media that I will be sued and that I will lose the case and will have to pay $100,000 in fees and would lose my home, my car, my job. I contacted them stating that they have no attorney and to stop sending me threatening messages. They still to this day do not have the 2257 Regulations Law stated on their site whatsoever. This so called lawyer did not leave a name, nor a phone number.
  • -Danyelle H

In conclusion? Tracy Bernardo is a conman, a predator, a sick fat sad excuse for a human being. This is not slander this is the truth, this man is what's wrong with the World today, the kind of people who looks to manipulate and screw people over without an inch of integrity or concious. The Federal Trade Comission doesn't have anything to investigate! His victims has done all the investigating already, just read and trace down the info given, it's all his handy work, look at the dates, some of those dates are from 7-10 years ago. 

He's trying to say he's the victim of "slander", well take that up with the City of Sacramento, they're the ones that holds his court cases and made his records public, digusting conman.


Tracy Bernardo's new scam!

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, June 03, 2015

Tue, February 03, 2015

Hello Folks, After the Piglet business, web site template business, here is his next scam.......Social WiFi Portal.com. Tracy Bernardo is out selling a WiFi marketing analytic device to any retail, event, or recreational area to screw the owners and sales reps he signs up or hires. He hands out the tacky orange template brochures that match his tacky orange template website. When you look closely to his operation, he displays an office address or two that does not exist.

It's a UPS store with a suite number that does not go as high as 299. They only go up to 140 as far as post office boxes. He sells the device for twice the suggested manfacturing price to the potential clients. Then the next step is his sales reps to upgrade them to his Sacramento Web site to sell people expensive web sites with the quality you can do yourself from Go Daddy.

Social WiFi portal is a company that is not listed in the state business directory,it does not have a CL entity number, or listed as an LLC or Corporation. He does have a reseller license with Air Tight Manufacturing Distributors, but it's listed under a different name. Go ahead and try to sue the MF when it comes to find out if something is not working or a sales rep does not get paid for his work. Especially an independent contractor.

He operates his business in his used BMW like a Lexington Laywer. Everything is remote. yes he micro manages and calls his people with a progress report every minute. He has tweaked his web site a bit, by representing himself as Tracy B, Mark D, and claims his office is in Sacramento. But what's the street address? There isn't. This is a heads up for everyone that might purchase the device or sales reps that represent him. I don't know of a casualty so far, but with his background from the previous companies, this is warning for things that make you go Hmmmm.


Friday, May 01, 2015

Was hired by this con artist who represents a company (Social WiFi Portal) that has no office, no CL number, not an LLC or Corporation. He hires sales reps with the last 2 ads in Craigslist to represent his company and get appointments with clients to sell devices that he does not have in stock and grabs their money like he did with his other scam businesses. Read Rip off Report link. I saw him on Rip Off Report and wanted to stay ahead of the game before he screws more sales reps and clients out of money. The main give away and why I am reporting this, was his legal contract between me and his company that has a bogus office address. It is a UPS store with a PO Box that does not go up to the numbers he puts on as suite numbers.  He has a reseller license , but as a different company or name according to Air Tight manufacturing Co. controller Paul Kearse. I notified the clients I contact not to do business and beware in case another salers rep comes by.

I have other reference material as needed as far as email contacts as far as hiring, welcome letter, brochures and email conversations with him and me. His last ads on looking for more sales reps can be seen on Craigslist dated on Jan. 23rd and February 2nd of his year. Just hit search under Social WiFi Portal. His web site isSocialWiFiPortal.com.  As far as this email letter I want to stay anonymous on this address, but feel free to call me or contact me on the other address I gave to clerk. But you'll get a great background on him on Rip Off Report, Under Social WiFi Portal or Tracy Bernardo or both.
As far I know the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) is investigating him. I don't know what's left to investigate.

Frank R. Sacramento, United States

This is a SCAM! Tracy Bernardo is as slimy as they come. Makes you feel like you are dealing with a legitimate company until he gets your money and gives your absolutely NOTHING in return. He has many other scams, google Tea Cup Pigs scam Tracy Bernardo and you can read all about his scams. This guy should be in jail!!

He showed up in person to take payment, then never did the work he said he was going to on our website. I should have researched more before I trusted this low life!


Kaysee has not provided the necessary info for her replacement

#10Author of original report

Mon, December 29, 2014

Kaysee continues to misrepresent this whole adoption and her lack of follow through on her part to validate the health guarantee and replacement.  I have continued to tell the truth and support and guide her and all my parents.  I have glowing references and testimonials that are recent.  She will not provide the necessary proof in vet records, weights, weight gain, or photos to validate that this piglet was healthy and being properly cared for, which it was not.  My vet, Dr. Mark Williams of Williams-Sebby Vet Clinic in San Marcos stated that a blocked porcine intestine would kill a piglet in one week, give or take a few days.  This happened during Kaysee's lack of attention.  The piglet does have a blocked intestine, seven weeks after leaving my ranch and care.  She continues to misrepresent saying the piglet was fine and pooping fine.  hardly the truth.

She needs to provide weight gain, current weight, and medical records for her to have a net 50% credit.  I am so saddened by her lack of ethics and integrity in this matter.  It may not be the best for one of my piglets to go to her home and not receive enought attention, only to have another crisis or death due to her actions.


More lies

#11Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2014

I did properly care for the piglets and have all vet records, weights, photos, etc. but after having to deal with "oinkdaddy" I decided to discontinue communication because of his lack of compassion and repeatedly telling me it was my fault the piglet had to be put down even though my vet says it was in no way my fault. I was not offered a 50% net price discount on a replacement piglet ( I was offered $25, then $50 after reminding the breeder that the piglet he gave me was not the piglet I purchased. he supposedly gave the piglet I purchased to someone else before I arrived and gave me the piglet that ended up having to be put down instead. He didnt even allow me to pick out a new piglet) Even if I was offered a reasonable discount I would not purchase another piglet from this breeder because he is misleading and used a bait and switch tactic on me. As my vet said - it was not my fault. the piglet was eating, drinking, and having regular bowel movements and nothing could have been done to save the piglet. I did not over feed the piglet. I fed him the exact amount of food CJ Tobler told me to feed him. I also did not change his diet in any way. I feed him the feed CJ Tobler gave me when I picked the piglets up. Blaming me for the piglets death is extremely hateful and is just the breeders way of getting back at me for reporting my experience to the public. I did not contact CJ Tobler before having the piglet put down because it was an emergency situation and quick action had to be taken. CJ Tobler is not a vet and/or an "expert" and the vet ensured me putting the piglet down was the only option so he wouldn’t have to suffer a slow painful death.


Kaysee did not properly care for her piglet, yet blames the breeder

#12Author of original report

Mon, December 29, 2014

It is so sad when a person can not take responsibility for their actions and attempts to smear and blame others.

Kaysee's piglet had a blocked intestine that turned septic and caused her piglet to crash.  She decided to euthanize rather than save this piglet.  She has two piglets for over 7 weeks, yet she did not detect in time that one of the piglets was constipated and had a blocked intestine.  The vet did not find any hereditary or congenital defect.  Kaysee refused to provide the current weight and condition of the piglet or release the medical records.  She also failed to do her monthly care monitoring with current weight, weekly weight gain, and current photos to show the physical condition of the pig.

 Excessive and rapid weight gain through overfeeding and improper treats can kill a micro mini piglet. Please note that all the siblings in this litter are alive and doing quite well, as are dozens other in new parent homes.  I even detected a blocked intestine/constipated piglet living in my home due to a change in diet and new foods/treats being fed.  I have been assisting this piglet to now have regular bowel movements.  Please keep in mind that my health guarantee does provide for a replacement based on factors that are clear and very easy to follow.  Kaysee refuses to provide the necessary information to get a replacement piglet.  

My health guaranatee states that in the event of hereditary and congenital defects, there is a 100% replacement on the piglet, except for travel and spay/neuter fees.  In the event that the piglet died from non-hereditary/congenital defects the breeder can do a 50% credit on the net value of the piglet.  Net adoption value is the adoption minus the spay/neuter fee.  The new parent must provide medical records, updated photos with weekly weight gain and current weight.  Kaysee has been very rude and threatening to me, if I would not do the replacement her way, with no regards to providing simple information on the euthanized piglet.  

I would have flushed the digestive system, hydrated the piglet, heated the piglet to regain normal body temperature, and provided antibiotics for the gastrointestinal block.  Kaysee chose to euthanize prior to even consulting or notifying me of any distress.  She was not being observant to see that he was constipated and was not pooping or pooping normally.  This is a great loss of life and love.

With all respect, Kaysee could have received a 50% net adoption credit on a new piglet, yet chose to block, withhold, and attack, threaten, and now smear me.

I love my true micro mini piglets and cherish the monthly updates with photos and weights.  I love the stories and anecdotes.  I am so very happy and proud to bring life and love into the world, yet the new parent must do their part in their home and while working with the breeder.


This guy was horrible - I had some of the same problems with the actual breeder - Piggy Essence now known as "Oinkdaddy"

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, December 29, 2014

I read several of the comments posted regarding this individual and honestly had some of the same problems with the actual breeder CJ Tobler "Oinkdaddy.com" previously "piggy essence"- Craig Tobler. He was very misleading, the piglets i picked up looked nothing like the piglets i purchased from his website, he used a bait and switch tactic on me, and one of the piglets was unhealth and had to be put down. 

This is my horrible and tragic experience: I recently purchased 2 piglets from his website. I paid in advance for the 2 piglets. I drove 7 1/2 hours round trip to pick up the piglets i had selected and paid for. When i arrived, I was given 2 piglets but noticed neither of them looked anything like the online photos i had viewed and one was not even the original piglet i had selected/purchased. I was then told that he accidentally gave one of the piglets i purchased to someone else. Since i had already paid and would not receive a refund and had already drove so far i decided to just take the animals home. I took them to the vet like i was supposed to, and everything seemed fine.1 1/2 months later the replacement piglet i was given instead of the piglet i had selected/purchased had to be put down.

I sent the breeder an email the next day explaining what had happened. That the piglet seemed fine yesterday morning but when i arrived home from work he was very ill and wouldnt get up. That i immediately called the vet and took him to the emergency vet clinic. When i got there his temperature wouldnt even register. The vet said that usually means its 92 degress or lower and that at that point his organs were shutting down. I asked the vet what i should do and she said the best thing to do would be to euthanize him so he wouldnt have to suffer anymore. you could tell he was having a hard time breathing and was extremely lethargic. I cuddled him and tried to say my goodbyes. The vet performed an autopsy and determined the piglet had a 6inch bowel obstruction/blockage and that portion of his intestines had become necrotic.

I asked the vet if there was anyway i could have prevented this or if i had done something to cause this and she said no. That she only found food and gas in the piglets' intestines. I explained to her that the piglet had been eating, drinking, and having regular bowel movements. She said the obstruction was probably going on for some time since it was 6 inches and the bowel was able to pass through until now which is why he didnt seem ill before. (which means the piglet already had the bowel obstruction when the breeder gave him to me). the breeder responded to my email by sending- "that is so sad to hear, yet I would have gotten his temperature up, hydrated him, flushed him, and given him some dextrose. Most vets are quick to euthanize, and I have had people from around the country turn to me for advice. many micro mini piglets are social and need the companionship. Should you decide to get a companion for the piglet you still have, I would place Zippi, Jake, Joker, etc for a lower than posted price."

i let my vet read his email and she assured me that i did the right thing by having him euthanize. She said even if we had known of the blockage and did emergency surgery, the piglet would have passed as soon as he was given the gas to sedate him. She also commented that the breeder is not a vet and that vets are never quick to euthanize unless the animal is beyond help and suffering. i looked at the 3 piglets the breeder suggested (zippi, jake, and joker) in his email but they were much older than the piglet i had purchased. I let the breeder know that i was worried about the piglet i still have being lonely and wrote that i was interested in another pig listed on his site that was the litter mate of the piglet that had passed because she looks almost exactly like him. In the next email i received the breeder wrote I can offer you a discount for the older males that I listed, yet would still take off $25 for Ruri, Kanela, or Niro. - I responded by reminding him that i wasnt given the right piglet to start with and i honestly thought he would give more than a $25 dollar discount considering the circumstances. He emailed me back the following.

"The best price that I can do for you on Kanela is $350. I have been selling the very young piglets for $550 to $1000. IF she was two months of age, she would have been priced at $625, so there is almost $300 reduced on Kanela to get her to $350.I will place her for $350 with you, if that is agreeable with you, if not then I can offer $50 off on other piglets."At that point i was pretty upset since Kanela was listed on his website for $400 - so pricing her at $350 was only a $50 discount. She was also already over 6 months old so it didn't matter that she could have been priced higher when she was younger. I expressed that I would not be purchasing another piglet from him because i felt that all he cared about was money and advised him that i would be posting about this on several reporting websites because i honestly think its not right. I ended the email by explaining again that he gave me a different piglet than I agreed to purchase (which is honestly a bait and switch tactic and is illegal). I only had the piglet for 1 1/2 months, i took him to the vet and did everything i was supposed to do and it wasnt my fault he passed.

i wrote that i thought it was ridiculous that he would try to charge me so much for a new piglet when he should have been willing to give me a replacement of equal or lesser value or allow me to pay the difference in price for Kanela. He emailed me back saying i was threating him by saying i would post about what happened but it wasnt a threat. i simply meant i would post about my experience and allow people to make their own perception regarding the situation. He then asked for my vets information and wanted to call them and have them fax all required information regarding the piglet that had passed, which is understandable and i did give him my vets info. Then he emailed me to "read the health contract again - this was not hereditary or congenital so there is no free replacement." He never even gave me a contract nor did i sign a contract regarding the piglet that passed and I honestly thought that he would be compassionate, understanding, and willing to make this right but $50 off a piglet isnt much of a discount considering i just paid him several hundreds of dollars a month and half ago.

Report Attachments


Tracy Bernardo Contact Info

#14Author of original report

Thu, December 18, 2014

Tracy Bernardo can be emailed at [email protected]

For those of you ripped off by Tracy Bernardo, you must file a police report, and go to court in Sacramento, CA to litigate in The Justice of The Peace Court.  Your proof may get you a judgement against this con scum, but it will be almost insurmountable to get money from this liar and cheat.  You will with a court judgement be able to post all over the internet to show the cheat/stealing he has done to you.  Without punishment and notifying others of his deceits and treachery, he will continue to be emboldened with excessive greed and hubris to steal more and more from others.


Ralph, stop embarrassing yourself.

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, November 21, 2014

Stop embarrassing yourself using this "George" chatacter as a scapegoat to take the spotlight away from your crimes! It's getting very old and all you're doing is digging yourself into a deeper hole. You're not fooling anyone, no one knows how this "George" is, just stop.

  Ripoffreport Report Image


More information..

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, November 03, 2014

Below is an image attachment of the auction for Teacuppigsforsale website when Mr. Bernardo tried to sell it. Notice when he attacked the English teacher on Yelp he pretended to be someone else saying:

"This is a bad mouthed and foul mouthed teacher that has a vendetta against Tracy Bernardo".

Notice he's trying to slander her on a different alias, little did he realize when he tried to sell his pig website, he used the same alias "Ciscokid" to do so, proving it was him on another account trying to slander her.


On his website auction he listed the reason for sale:

  • Reason for Sale: I have shopping cart sites hitting top pages on Google and I need the time to promote these, setup answering services for them, and provide customer support.

He has shopping cart sites hitting top pages on Google? Then what will happen to your "farm" you worked so hard on? Answer? He had no farm, he's a marketer which is why he has so many shopping cart websites online.

Also he says:

  •  There are several breeders you can go through and mark the pigs up on your site as you deem appropriate.  

Just like Mr. Bernardo did, he marked all his pigs up very high and had to lie he was the breeder so that the client won’t go search for his broker's pigs which would save them hundreds and he has the audacity to claim his websites are cheap because he doesn't want to drain his clients wallets when in truth his websites are made from cheap templates, even the logo on his web design business is taken from a stock image.

  • A motivated website owner will be able to take the monthly business sales to $200,000 or more per month.

So a motivated website owner could potentially make $2.4 million a year? Even as a breeder, and let's say the average pig cost $4,000, you'd have to sell 50 pigs a month to make that much and for a broker which most buyers would be you'd have to sell 500 pigs to make that estimate. Sound like a fabricated claim.

  • I am an experienced marketer, and will show you how to maintain your rankings very easily with this site. I have had to do very little to keep our 50 #1 positions on Google for quite some time.

Yes you are, yet he goes on to tell his clients he's a pig breeder with a farm. Makes excuses about how it's been raining on his farm, taking the pigs to the vet...ect In order to buy more time to switch and bait.

  • We believe this coming season (Sept-Dec) that the potential to sell 100k-200k pigs per month is very likely.

If he had potential to make that much there is no way he would sell this website that for sure!

Let's take a look at the stats for the website today!

Domain Name: Teacuppigsforsale.com

  • Google Page Rank 1/10
  • Alexa Website Rank #4,663,416
  • Daily Page Views 236
  • Website Backlinks 24

It's no surprise why he tried to get rid of it, imagine if someone bought it and this happened and they tried to get a refund for false advertisement? They'd get harass and attacked like his other clients did, probably even worse. This man is someone you do not want to do business with!

Report Attachments


North Carolina,
Textbook sociopath behavior.

#17Consumer Comment

Wed, October 29, 2014

Tracy basically signed up for a service, on the pricing page not only was the pricing explained with clear black fonts but they also provided a graphic to show their pricing, Tracy picked the one he wanted, entered his credit card number and was provided that service, when he was charged for what he wanted, he tried to get out of paying by every means possible which included, harrassing the company via phone calls, emails and online slander. He even went to far as calling his credit card company to report it as a fraud charge! Hitslink should sue this man for fraud trying to get out of a payment he chosen!

He goes on to say that that company are scammers, saying they used "fine print" yet not only did they have a whole paragraph explaining everything, they also had a huge graphic! Their font on their pricing page is more clear and bigger than the font Tracy has on his business page, so if he considers that fine print, then his website is super fine print! What a double standard hypocritical man he is!

Ripoffreport Report Image

Tracy Bernardo is a sociopath, please be warned anyone who wishes to do business with him!

  • One of the very common sociopath symptoms is that the sociopath does not accept blame for his problems or problems he causes to others. The typical response is to blame everybody else and put himself in the role of victim.
  • Sociopaths can be criminals, they may be con artists, sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.
  • Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions. They rarely apologize for their behavior, and while aware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions on others, they just don't care (and may even enjoy inflicting and witnessing such effects). As a result, they betray, threaten, and harm those around them without feeling any type of remorse.
  • Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.
  • Sociopaths are only concerned with their own interests, and use compassion as a tool to manipulate others, but are not genuinely compassionate.

What irks me the most is that he has the audacity to say in his report “To put salt on the wound”, where was the wound? You chose a service and were provided it! That’s no different than me buying one of your websites, entered my credit card number, then you designed me a website then I try to get out of paying by harassing, slandering and calling my credit card company!

To put salt on the wound? Oh you mean like baiting and switching expensive pigs with another one? Then sending your victims death threats? Harassing phone calls and emails? Then when all else fails you resort to legal threats to try and scare them away? How about finding their professional and slandering them that way? Called one of your victim’s work place? Accusing an innocent teacher of child molestation?  The double standard and hypocrisy you have is utterly repulsive! And you want to write false statements of her giving alcohol to her students? Coming from a man with a DUI on his driving record! Should we post that screenshot up too? We're close to doing so, we have plenty of ammo on you, you have no idea!

One of the reasons we use Ripoff.com a lot is because they do not remove their reports because Tracy has been successful in removing some reports outside other means, the Yelp report where he accused the teacher of child molestation was removed because of what Tracy said (luckily we got a screenshot before it was), maybe that was his whole purpose? He also had her blog taken down with his lies, but Tracy listen here, for every report you have taken down, five more is going to show up with all your info and details to warn everyone, it’s over for you.

And to the victim to wrote this:

  • I am overjoyed!! Thrilled beyond belief that this man is being exposed. Thank you again for informing us- my day is made brighter knowing Karma has bitten back!!

Seeing statements like this is why we do what we do! This man believes he can out smart everyone, we have found his threats dating back from 2003. We have found his him scamming then calling his victims "competitors" and "credit card thieves" dating back to 2008. This man is dangerous to work with, notice how hard he tries to put on a fake character, he has a fake article going around claiming he’s the "best web consultant in Sacramento" that he was voted on by a poll, there was no poll listed or found on the internet and coincidentally the person who wrote that article was another internet marketer. When that article he written his domain name was only 2 years old, so your business is only 2 years old yet you're so popular? Karma is real and you're experiencingit right now!

On the outside he tries to come off as friendly and professional but if you want to know what people are like look at their actions behind the scene, let's take a look at another quote from a victim:

  • I seriously felt I was being punked by the most unprofessional foul mouthed man I have ever dealt with... Many emails and voice messages left by him cursing me out and threatening me because I have been relentless in my message BUYER BEWARE!! 

How can you scam someone, then curse them out via emails and phone? How sick can you be? A lot of his victims couldn't do anything about him because many people don't have the means or money to take legal actions and also many people do not know how the legal process works and this is what Tracy banks on! Tracy has been to court many, many times, he knows the process, he has a lawyer, he’s confident! So there are a lot of helpless victims out there which is why Tracy’s last means of defensive is threating them with legal actions even though he’s the monster that has caused all the problems.

Take the BTK Killer for example, he was stalking and preying on one of his victims, harassing and intimidating her making up false citations and she finally had enough and took him to court, and the BTK being the sociopath he was, was so meticulous and manipulative he was able to win the case and she ended up having to pay him! This was before he was found to be the BTK Killer.

Here is the video I’m talking about fast forward to 34:00


So if you by chance are going to do business with Tracy, you better document every single detail and record every phone call you have with him because when sh*t hits the fan he will turn the tables around on you and do it convincingly because he lacks compassion. I mean look at his actions, he tried to get off paying for a service he picked to the point he actually called his credit card company and convinced them he was scammed! When they did absolutely NOTHING wrong on their part; a whole paragraph and a huge pricing graphic on their website, what more does he want? Does he want them to send an employee to his house equipped with a PowerPoint presentation to show him the pricing? What a joke!


Another gem from Tracy Bernardo

#18General Comment

Sat, October 25, 2014

So apparently Tracy signed up for a link service with a Hitslink, a very reputable company that has done business with giants such as Microsoft, Yahoo and Sony. Tracy looked at all the pricings and chose the one he wanted and entered his credit card information. When he get's charged after they provided him the service he has chosen he flipped out, not only did he slandered them online but harassed and threaten them via emails and phone calls to the point they had to transfer his calls elsewhere.

"In Tracy's case, the continued threats we have received via email and phone calls made us decide to let Merchant Services handle any further direct communication."


You see this? What is WRONG with this man? He never takes fault for his own actions, he just finds anyone or anything to point a finger at. People there you have it! A huge company confirming Tracy's nasty character that we're all too familiar with! If that was a person he'd go around lying implying that's one of his "competitors" slandering him but not this time! This is a legit company showing us that this is someone to stay away from!

Keep embarrassing yourself for the world to see Tracy, you're a flawed human being, you're a scum to society and you know that but are too scared to look at yourself in the mirror to see your flaws so instead you project your flaws screwing with others as a defensive mechanism.


New Jersey,
Tracy Bernardo is one twisted and evil sob!

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, June 21, 2014

So let me get this straight, this man threatens to sue someone for character defamation? The same man who scammed an English teacher, then she told her story, he then calls her a child molester?????

He also loves to send his victims “death threats” through their website form but the second someone message him through his website form, he threatens to prosecute them for spam amounting to 11k????

He steals his broker pig photos which are used in his bait and switch scam and ignores request to take it down but the moment someone takes his pictures and post it online and suddenly he files a DCMA complaint????

He complains about being attacked online, the SAME man who has scammed victims then threatens them, intimidates them, and harasses them through phone calls, emails, website forms and any other means of communication he can get ahold of.

Also if you go on Flippa where he tried to sell his Teacuppigsforsale website you can see where he states it’s all about the money.

“I am an experienced marketer, and will show you how to maintain your rankings very easily with this site. I have had to do very little to keep our 50 #1 positions on Google for quite some time.”

“There are several breeders you can go through and mark the pigs up on your site as you deem appropriate.  Imagine a business in which every new potential client is happy, excited and wanting to learn more about your product!”

As you can see he was marking his broker’s pigs up by hundreds to make more commission to the point he wanted more money so he started to bait and switch them taking the whole contract and payments. What a scumbag. He also pretends to be the breeder when in fact knows absolutely nothing about the pigs or how to take care of them. He doesn’t even own a farm when he’s telling his clients he does.

This man is a disgusting, deceitful, hateful and outright vile human being. In all my years of doing business online I have not seen someone who is so brazen to commit the acts in which this man has, there is clearly something wrong with him. Please everyone, heed the warning and stay away, you’ll run into more trouble you can imagine.

Report Attachments


It's a shame..

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, May 01, 2014

It's a shame that there are people like Tracy Bernardo out there doing this to people. Hopefully from now on everyone does their research before getting into business with anyone online. They're alot of scumbags out there who will not think twice to rip you off.


This man is evil and believe hes above the law!

#21General Comment

Mon, April 14, 2014

This should serve as a blueprint for anyone who might feel like they've been cheated by Mr. Bernardo. History has shown Tracy is not to be trusted, he is not a man of his words, his words hold no value as he is a manipulator and pathological liar. Lying to him is second nature as it is shown from his past and current actions. In this post lets examine his lies.

Quote: Tracys lies

Mr. Tracy Bernardo was terminated on 1-20-12 due to several of his clients realizing that he was only a broker. He lies about being the breeder. His is a broker and reseller. He has been repeatedly asked to take down Piggy Essence piglet pictures.

It took weeks, but I am at least thankful that I finally actually received a piggy, although I am positive the piggy I received is not the piggy on the website. I did not receive any paperwork for the piggy such as any vet visit or health certificate/shots etc..He will not return my many phone calls/emails and I have no support or ideas of how to care for this piggy now that he is here.

I have numerous email conversations from Tracy weaving a web of lie after lie- I have a voice mail that complete contradicts his emailed promises and claimed he'd been working on his ranch all weekend because of the rain- after a little research I discovered he is an internet market "specialist" which explains his nicely laid out website.

They ask for dob, current weight, and projected adult size. He has nothing to say or write back, except, that he is not a broker, he is not one that resells. He is the breeder, the best breeder and seller in the country. Again, a huge lie. 

J's wife related to me how Mr. Bernardo would give them all sorts of tales in concern to being the breeder. One comment was that he was on his way to the vet with a piglet. He does not breed, he does not have barns down the street as another of his client has called me and given me more insights.

A date was set, and then I received an email from Tracy Bernardo telling me that "his shipper" couldn't ship that day. Then another date was set, only to be changed again. This happened at least five times. The last time it was changed, Tracy lied when he told me that it was too late in the day to book the flight. I knew this was a lie, because that particular airline didn't pre-book pet cargo.

Here's one of my favorites, Tracy contradicting himself on the same page, so which one is it? She never bought anything from you then all of a SUDDEN she was the most irresponsible person to have bought something from you? Make up your mind!

Quote: Tracy Bernardo

This is a bad mouthed and foul mouthed teacher that has a vendetta against tracy bernardo. She works for and is paid by our competitors and has never purchased anything from us. She is slandering us all over the internet and is the last person you want take advice from.

TeachingEng below is a neurotic, crazed and broken down woman. She had a nervous breakdown and apparently molested some children in her English class in Long Beach, CA. She has been the most irresponsible pet owner EVER to Purchase from us and waited until her piglet was very very sick before contacting anyone. She cares nothing about the piglet she received. Her only intent is to ruin our business reputation and continue to put in scam reports, and to post derogatory and slanderous material all over the internet. She is dangerous, deranged, and apparently likes to have her students over for drinking parties when her husband is gone.

If you notice how easily this man lies to attack his clients, he stated that she has been the most irresponsible pet owner EVER to purchase from him? Yet she had a blog documenting her whole experience with her pig, from thinking about her pig, setting up the room and toys for her pigs arrival, anticipating her arrival, getting anxious because of Tracy's run around, then after her pig arrived she took care of her pig as if it was one of her own kids. In my mind she's probably the best pig owner I've seen to date but Tracy doesn't care, he doesn't research anything, he doesn't look around, he just wants to slander and attack at the spare of the moment with all the nasty lies he can because he is a sociopath who got his panties in a bunch. He wants his cake and eat it too!


TB is a sociopath.

#22Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2014

Sociopaths have no heart, no conscience and no remorse. They will lie, cheat and steal from you, and then tell everyone that it is all your fault.

Why is it so critical for you to know about sociopaths? Because millions of sociopaths, also called psychopaths, are living among us. Yes, many of them are criminals, locked up in jail. But far more are on the street, hurting people without breaking laws, operating in the gray areas between legal and illegal, or simply eluding the authorities. They can appear to be normal, but they pose a tremendous threat to us all. 

Sounds exactly like Tracy Bernardo.

He has lied, cheat and stole from his clients then when they spoke out about him, he called them liars, he called them his competitors, he's called them irresponsible customers, he's called them thieves and child molesters.

He was basically operating in the illegal areas because bait and switching is illegal. Many customers have said he appeared to be normal until they handed over the money, that’s when he stops picking up phones and responding to emails. Be careful anyone who might run into Tracy Bernardo.

I believe sociopaths needs to be exposed especially the ones that are online doing business to warn others.

If he didn't get exposed like he did he would still be out there slandering his victims, harassing them, accusing them of being his competitors, and threatening them. It's sad when you realize lunatics like him are out there doing business with people for selfish reasons. He's trying so hard to cover up his tracks by buying multiple domain names with his name on it in order for it to cover his Ripoff reports on Google search engines when someone types his name. You reap what you sow, you cannot have over 22+ victims and think you can create a new business with a clean slate knowing d**n well you make your living deceiving others with no care in the World for them only to bring them down!

He plays mind games with his victims, he lies in a snap of a finger, he says whatever it takes for you to feel comfortable so that you won't question him but all he's doing is stringing you along with his lies and deceit. This is his whole motive, he's a sociopath, he has crafted his speech and words to manipulative people because generally people are good and trusting and Tracy Bernardo knows that fact and takes advantage of it! After he lies and screws his victims over he does not care nor has a worry in the World, it takes a real nasty SOB to have over 22+ victims and have never once apologized or shown remorse for his own actions, instead he goes on the defense and attack.

He also tried to sell his broker pig website on Flippa with the following. 

URL: http://www.teacuppigsforsale.com/

Basic stats:

Page views per month: 412,101

Uniques per month: 80,374

Gross monthly revenue (avg): 0

Net monthly profit (avg): 0

Current price: $50,000

BIN price: $200,000

Once again he's a liar trying to scam people, he claimed in one month he made $45k alone. That's impossible from a broker, which it was proven he was! He said his commission from each pig was $500, so let's do the math, 500x90 = 45k. He'd have to sell 90 teacup pigs to make $45k, once again this monster was caught in a lie trying to sell a tainted website that isn't worth much for $200k. Pathetic, he tried the same thing with his financial broker website. He resulted to scamming his customers because the $500 commission wasn't enough for him and he wanted the full money. Good thing no one bought the tainted website! A lot of people started to question his supposed revenue and Tracy got defensive and started deleting comments, if his statements were true he shouldn't get offensive and prove them wrong, yet he knew they were catching onto his scam so he started deleting comments, sick!

Read his auctions here.


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Thank you for the page!

#23Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2013

Thank you "Protect our pigs" for making that FB page. Tracy Bernardo has been known to send out sick pigs and then blame them on the owner.

protect our pigs

carmel valley,
New FB page to report Bad piggy breeders

#24Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 18, 2013


Above is the link to a new face Book page where you can report bad piggy breeders. We are hoping people will share their stories to help 'out' these bad/ dishonest breeders and help perspective buyers avoid these sad situations. please consider sharing your stories.

Miniature Teacup Pigs-Bad Breeder Warnings


Tracy Bernardo (TB) is a con artist.

#25Consumer Comment

Mon, October 07, 2013

I'm sitting here reading the reports to where Mr. Bernardo writes:

"I am offering you this chance today to talk to your husband before he loses everything you and him have worked so hard for. I am filing a libel and defamation of character suit in a court of law immediately and will be suing you, Bill, and your family of all assets for damages caused to my name and my company.  View Capital will want nothing more to do with him after being dragged into this negative limelight by your husband."

I'm completely and utterly baffled, you have got to be kidding me, you scam someone, not only that person in context but many, many others yet you threaten a lawsuit for defamation of character? It's not defamation when it's the honest truth to warn others about your bait and switch scam you've been running.

"In order to show that there is a defamation that has occurred, you have to prove that there was a false statement of fact about you or your business. Now, what is a false statement of fact? A false statement of fact in a defamation claim, whether it’s slander or libel is a statement that can be proven either true or false, or is false by implication."

Everything I have read about Mr. Bernardo seems to fit him down to a tee, and how dare he talks about character, something that he lack so severely.

Mr. X

New York,
Sacramento Web Design Group

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, July 04, 2013

He now runs Sacramento Web Design Group sacramentowebdesigngroup.com , www.sacramentowebdesigngroup.com Hopefully people see's his true nature before doing business with him.


New Jersey,
Thank you!

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, June 18, 2013

Thank you for exposing this piece of sh*! He feel so tough behind his computer intimidating people, if I ever see this piece of sh* in real life, he's getting knocked the f*k out, then spitted on like the piece of trash he is. Mark my words.

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