  • Report:  #1396839

Complaint Review: Truffoire - Waikiki Hawaii

Reported By:
Alias - Waipahu, Hawaii, USA

2168 Kalakaua Avenue Waikiki, Hawaii, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

These stores are all located in Waikiki in different locations.  The one that 'hooked' me into the financial nightmare is Tresore Rare.  The sales experience at this store was pleasing until I received the purchase notice from my credit card company about the transaction amount.  Other sales clerks from other stores are pushy, and aggressive to make a sale.  I've had used car buying experiences that were less intrusive. Please note that when I mention sales clerks, facial specialist, and professionals, these people are not trained dermatologists, or facial technicians like you would encounter at a cosmetology school, day spa or skin care clinic.  There are no cosmetology certifications in sight with anybody’s name on them.  The stores are strictly trying to sell expensive products.

At Tresore Rare, a female clerk grabbed my arm and proceeded to demonstrate a particular product.  She asked if I wanted a free facial, and set me up with a 'professional'.  The facial specialist proceeded with the facial.  We had a pleasant conversation.  He then asked if I wanted any of the stuff, while never mentioning the actual cost of any of the items.  After being suckered into over a $12K purchase of skin care products that I didn't want, I left the store feeling financially violated but blamed myself for being extra gullible.  Always ask 'how much before producing any sort of credit card or cash.  I'm an idiot!

A few weeks later, a different clerk at the same store tried to pull me in.  I explained that I already have the stuff and mentioned the specialist’s name that sold the stuff to me.  They said "Oh great, well enjoy" and left me be.  The next day, I decided to walk on the other side of the street to avoid Tresore Rare.  It was not a good plan.  People from another associated store saw me.  However, there was a third individual from the Tresore Rare store at that location who remembered me from the previous day.  He asked how I was and if I was seeing the specialist at the other store for a facial.  I said no.  He then warned me that there was another store a few feet down and to be sure to tell them that I am already a client at Tresore Rare.  Great advice, but it didn’t work.

A few feet later, a woman grabs my hand and drags me into the store.  As I am explaining to her that I don't need any more stuff, that I'm a client in another store, she interrupts me to explain that their stuff is better and that the specialist at the other store doesn't understand a woman's needs because he was a man.  This sales person tried to get me to buy some more stuff that was ‘different’ from what I already had.  I’m stupid; I gave her my debit card.  I told her that the debit card was all I had on me at the time and the money was earmarked for my mortgage, car payment and other bills.  I told her that I only had a limited amount of ‘extra’ money.  Since there was obviously not enough money in the debit account, she suggested that I call my credit card company and ask for a credit line increase.  I informed her that it was a debit card.  She charged $2350.00 on the debit card and asked if I could bring in another card later. 

As I am frantically trying to transfer funds via my banking app from my savings to my checking to ensure my bills get paid.  I said I don’t have a card with any credit left.  She again suggested that I call and ask for an increase.  I said I would not.  She then suggested that I split the additional cost between several cards.  I said I would return later with more cards.  I had no intention of returning.

While I am leaving the store, the specialist from Tresore Rare calls me on my cell.  He then explains that he told the people in that store that I was his client and that I should come see him at the date and time I told the other store I would return.  I did and I gave him all the stuff that I got from the other store.  He then tells me he is going to work a deal to ‘get me the rest of the supplies to complete my treatment regime’.  You mean there is more stuff and I have to pay more money.  He says he’ll work out a payment plan.  There isn’t enough credit for any sort of plan.  He goes into the back office and comes back with a credit card receipt for $1151.83.  I never gave anyone a card this time.  Apparently, these people save the credit card numbers for future purchases.  That’s shady!

I later receive an email with a link for a payment plan.  The plan has the first payment of $872.59 due 7/4/17 with 11 additional monthly payments of $15.40 each.  The signature line on the plan has this statement.  “You have accepted this installment plan by signing a printed copy in the store on 7/5/2017 6:23 PM”.  I was in the store getting charged over $1100 plus on 4 July 2017.  I’m guessing that that receipt signature on that transaction was the approval for the payment plan.  More shady business practices.

Fast forward a few months.  My facial 'professional' calls to schedule an appointment with me.  He is now at another store, Resveralife.  He brings me in and tells me I’m going to get the same deal he worked out for his mom.  I reportedly will receive a little over $30K in stuff for a nice price of $15K.  Okay, I’ll bite.  I just paid off all of the credit cards so I can split the amount between three cards at $5000 each. 

I get home with all my new stuff, to include some nice yoga mats and a cast iron Japanese style teapot.  These items are the only things that I actually use.  I check the credit card transactions to see what was actually charged.  Each one has a charge for $5250.60.  I chalk up the extra to tax and crap.

Now here we are with another month gone and I get a call to make an appointment and to see if it is possible to help my specialist out of a bind.  The company (which one?) is questioning the $15K purchase.  They said it was not enough for all the stuff I received.  He asked if he could charge my card an additional $1000.  I asked if he needed me to get the card and provide the number.  He said no that he has it on file.  He retrieved the number from the ‘installment plan’ from the Tresore Rare store apparently.  The actual charge shows up as $1570.68.  No appointment was scheduled.

Two weeks later, I get another call for an appointment.  When I arrive, he starts mentioning how much trouble he is in with ‘the company’ over the $15 deal.  I told him that I could show ‘the company’ the different transactions that have occurred from all the stores.  He stated that if necessary, he would pay the difference from his account.

People will probably respond stating that I am my own worst enemy when it comes to money.  Others will say that I’m stupid for continuing to return for more ‘treatments’.  I’m inclined to agree.  I’m a moron.  I should never have conducted any business with these people to start with, nor continue to return.  This whole disaster is my fault.  However, the intent of this report is not to vent my frustration but to advise and warn others that these people are predatory and should be avoided at all cost. 

I’ve read other reviews on other reports about Tresore Rare and Oceane.  I have not seen anything about the others.  I found it interesting that the company doesn’t have a traceable name and that each store seems to employ all the same people and rotate them around so tourist will not notice the fraud. 

There has never been a business or store number provided to schedule an appointment.  Instead, I was provided with the ‘personal cell number’ from my specialist.  However, he always calls me.  I never call him.  I work 5 days a week and don’t have the time.  I moved to Hawaii for employment and do not blend with the locals.  I’m a haole!  Yet, all the employees are all haoles as well.  They all have the same thick foreign accent or dialect.  One said he is from Israel, another from France, one from Italy.  Still other never mention where they are originally from.  A few speak with an American accent and say they are locals.  They may be locals but they are neither Native Hawaiian nor of Polynesian decent.  They are Caucasian like me.  Since I now live here and work here, I tend to notice details a little more than all the vacationers.  I hope this report helps many of those vacationers from being ripped off.

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