  • Report:  #1202330

Complaint Review: Western Dental - Rancho Cordova California

Reported By:
Williamjshields - Sacramento, California,

Western Dental
Rancho Cordova, 95821 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I walked into Western dental needing alot of work to be done and looking for an estimate to plan

getting the work done. I was told the evaluation was free. They immediately took forms of my upper and

lower teeth and once they were done told me the cost was over $100 for the forms. That money and the forms

would be applied to the overall work if I decided to follow through with them. They quoted me over $8000  to

completely remove all of my teeth and put in full dentures. I was not in a position to take on that debt nor did

I have the money on hand. I told them I was still in the planning stages and I would get back to them.

I returned about a month later with $1600 saved and inquired if my upper teeth could be done, what the total

cost to do just the upper teeth would be, and was an installment plan an option. I was told that the total for

just upper teeth was alittle over $4000. Leaving $2890. to be paid in monthly installments. I scheduled the

appointment and another set of forms was created and a charge applied for them.


I returned for the appointment and had all of my upper teeth removed within about 45 minutes. Once

removed a temporary denture was placed firmly in my mouth over the top of the stitches they had just put in.

Pulling my teeth and the stitches really was not so bad. When the temporary denture was place in my mouth I

knew immediately there was a problem. The denture absolutely did not fit at all. In fact it seemed as though

they had placed the wrong denture in my mouth. I was told not to remove the denture, take the antibiotics

and come back in 3 days. The pain was incredible. My entire jaw was off balance. I went back three days later

and told them about the issue. They removed the denture and did some adjustments with what appeared to

be a dremmel tool. Then placed the denture back in my mouth. It was alittle better but still appeared and felt

like someones elses denture. The pain went on for 2 weeks. I returned to have the stitches out and the

denture adjusted once again.


They took another form, then gave me another denture which did not fit at all. Once again they used a

dremmel tool to attempt a fit I could live with without much luck. My mouth was still swollen and honestly I

figured they knew what they were doing so I trusted they would eventually figure it out.

My last trip to the office I was being led to the chair when I noticed a worker reaching into a large box and

pulling out a set of dentures. When I was leaving I took alittle closer look and saw that the box was full of

them. I walked outside and realized that they had made forms on many people and those people had never

returned. They appeared to be using random dentures to fulfill orders for other patients.

After I read alittle about the procedure I realized that under no circumstances should dentures be place over

stitches. I was rather angry and called to discuss my issues with their practices. I was told that if would come in

they would take care of it. I chose to never return. I made one payment to the office. When I filled out my

paperwork I used my mother as an emergency contact. Western Dental began to bill my mother and when she

refused to fall into their trap they threatened to sue her. At that point I had enough.


I truly believe that the $2100 I paid was more than adequate for the work I recieved. They are currently

attempting to collect $3800. through a collection agency.

Their practices are deceptive and dangerous in my opinion.

I recently read that they are being investigated for shoddy work by the FBI

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