  • Report:  #1440969

Complaint Review: World Financial Group - Johns Creek GA

Reported By:
Crystal - Broussard, Louisiana, United States

World Financial Group
11315 Johns Creek Parkway Johns Creek, 30097 GA, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In Dec 2017, Agent # 42IUX hired me to be his Base Shop Coordinator, I worked 3 weeks in December.  He was to pay me on December 22 for 2 weeks of work and then every 2 weeks thereafter.  He called me on December 22 to tell me all of his teams business was rejected due to a change that his entire team was unaware of and so he was not getting paid until after the 1st.  He lead me to believe he was going to pay me $1,000 per week and told me on December 22 that he could only pay me $500 for those 3 weeks I worked.    After a lengthy conversation ad me telling Chris I could not work the hours he was needing for only $500 per week, we settled on $1,000 after the first of the year.

  We kept in contact as he was working on a lead program that was “Going to make him millions this year” (His words) and there would be no problem paying me at that point.   The first of February we spoke again about me terms of working as his BSC and I asked him “How confident are you that you will be able to pay me weekly?”  His exact words “100% sure, with this new program my entire team will be making money.”    So, I started working on this project for him (literally working from 7 am – 12/1 am).  February 16th, he was suppose to pay me $2,000, but he sent me a text saying he opened a new bank account and his money was on hold (I believed this as I know this happens when you open a new account and put a check in for a lot of money).  I was told the first hold would be released on February 26th and the rest on March 5th and from that point on I would be paid consistently.  On February 27th he sent a text saying that Tayo cancelled a policy and he was not getting paid (not sure what that had to do with the money he had in the bank and promised to pay me from).  Apparently, he lied about having all of that money in the bank pending release.   Long story short, it is April 25th and I still have not been paid.  One might ask “Why did you work with him so long?”  My husband was an agent with WFG at the time and I was referred to him by a guy we worked with in our previous business, so I trusted him that the money was there and it was just waiting to be released.   Every time I ask about my money, Chris sends me several pages of text messages about how the money will come with the leads being worked and it just takes time and he just doesn’t understand how I could quit on him and not fight through the storm.  Well, I told him upfront that since my husband was just getting started in the business and not making money yet, that I needed a job that could pay me weekly (I did not agree to work based on when he would receive HIS commission and I was VERY upfront before taking on this project). 

He agreed to pay me weekly…not based on when HE got paid, but weekly.    I spoke to his upline, Hanna Horenstein, who assured me I would get paid (this was back in March), to this day, April 30, I have written his upline Hanna Horenstein again as well as WFG Corporate office and have not so much as received a courtesy response back.  This tells me they don't care how their Agents treat their employees.     These are the various responses and lies (over the course of 45days) I get when I ask when he's going to pay me:    I'm sorry for, yet, another misunderstanding apparently:  I let you just spend last week preparing to make money.  The money will come from the lead program and we haven't even started yet.  Just try to make sure we're up to speed from day one.   So, I said two weeks, meaning,  two weeks from the day you start, which was yesterday. I thought I was clear from the beginning that you were being paid from the lead program.  We're getting the leads tomorrow.  I'm not sure what you mean by it not looking promising.  This is what we are preparing for now.  It's a little short of a notice to let me know the day before you're pulling out.  Just like you said you had planned to work, if I didn't have you in place, I had planned to look for a full time Base Shop Coordinator to have in place for the beginning of the lead program.  I didn't have you to start last week so that you and Chip could work to get through the training, so he could make money from the leads and you from this portion from day one of the lead program.  I don't have time to replace you by tomorrow.  That placed all of us in a tough position.  I have agents in 13 states, so we're getting leads from 13 states. No can't manage that without a BSC. That's like quitting the day before the grand opening.  That's going to affect everyone and it's an almost impossible position to place me in.  So, if you misunderstood and expected to get paid this Friday, by starting yesterday, that means you get paid next Friday.  I don't know your situation, but seeing the program starts this week, will the difference of one week alter things by that much?  Did I not say when the lead program began, that's what would find the position? 

We're literally getting the leads tomorrow, so I'm not sure what your uncertainty is based on. When you asked me last week what day you were getting started, I thought you understood then, you hadn't been working yet, because you were completing the Advisorist training. That's all coming from the same place.  We haven't made money yet. That's why I went with Vanillasoft, because it gave me a 30 free trial.  I was ensuring we would be ready from day one without incurring expense.  Once we start making money from this program it won't ever stop again. This is what Joe and I were communicating on the call last night.  It's going to get a little out of hand.  We're working now to organize to manage the chaos! I haven't made money in 2018 in preparation for this moment when we will make up for anything we lost leading up to it.  We will make 3-4x's what we made in 2017, so I've just been working to get us ready to fully capitalize on everything from the start. That way we won't lose out in revenues we would have made if we had been more organized. Once we begin, NO ONE will have any cash flow gaps. Like...ever! Btw, the funds will be released on the 26 and March 5, so I will send you the other $1000 on Monday and then $2000 on the 5th.  From that point forward, it will be consistent.  Then, then the first significantly large cycle we have, I will include the remaining $1500 I owe you along with your regular pay.  Then, we'll be caught up.  I'm sure that will happen in March.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  I was not aware that would happen, but I never deposited that much at once before to a new account.  They said they won't hold it like this next time. Not sure.  But still meeting with my friends over the next couple of days to secure the other funds.  I will keep you posted.  I'm going to ensure we're funded!  Then, the grow we produce in the next couple of weeks will create a cushion so a budget this tight will be a thing of the past.  Really tired, but I am working on interviewing these teams before I go to bed. I am going to get this stabilized.  You're the overall coordinator for the overall Baseshop and it's my responsibility.  Ryan has a base shop coordinator, too.  Things just didn't time out, mainly, due to out not getting the leads that were originally scheduled for MID-DECEMBER, so there's that.  Instead they came TWO MONTHS after we expected them and I'm not sure why, but that threw everything off.  So, everything I have done has been in response to that not coming when it was scheduled to come, but still working like it was coming at each deadline that was missed for two months.  Well, that created a bind for me, because I had to prepare as though we had income, yet without income.  So, I have been finding things out of my own pocket so far.  ALL of it.  But, hopefully, you see how much we're going to all make literally within a matter of a few weeks.  Probably as soon as the week after next, when Ryan gets through a lot of appointments and all of the agents begin taking their own appointments.  As I told you before, soon we will see $20K months and by the end of the year, we will all be at $50-$100K months!  So, what we are really looking at is just carrying this for a couple of weeks.  I sent an email this morning to one of the people on my list for $20K. 

I am confident I will have what I need in a few days.  I apologize that this is affecting you.  I solved the problem last week and we should have had $7500 this week outright.  But Tyo caused that to get eaten.  When she replaces the money in her policy in a day or two, we get that back, as well.  Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience and work.  We're all going to harvest from all the hard work we've planted soon! I understand you frustration.  I am, too.  You will be caught up by Monday if we just keep working like it's coming.  That will be why it comes next week and then comes every week. I know it doesn't help, but up to now, I haven't gotten paid either.  But, I am encouraged, because have experienced how fast it comes once we set regular solid appointments.  Think about the fact that for every three appointments that show for FNA's, etc., one will pay.  When every agent has 3 appointments a week and then 3 a day, it's going to be crazy.  Until then, I will cover you. Again, I had it covered this week, but one of my agents did something stupid that screwed up all of us, just because she didn't bother t communicate with HER agent, even though she herself is an experienced agent.  That was just dumb!  That's why you didn't get paid yesterday.  I had $4500 becoming available yesterday, then another $3000 tomorrow that she wiped out!  SMH Believe me, I am frustrated about that as much or more than you.  Yet, I am still working it out to keep everything going.  That's what entrepreneurs do.  Problems arise and I solve them.  I am solving this one now.  I'll get you caught up.  Let's just keep working like it's coming and it will happen.  That's how I made $300K last year and will make over $1M this year.  So, will you two! It's just taken time to get to this point.  Now, that everything is in place, it won't take long.  You will see next week when Ryan's calendar opens up for multiple appointments a day.  The following week is when it all starts to pick up.  By the next week, it will be great!  In a month, it will be crazy!   FYI, on the phone with Tyo and her attorney renegotiated and she got a settlement of $20K instead of $12K.  This is all working out!! Crystal that major chargeback last week through off my ENTIRE budget, which was very tight before that.  I told you I had some other things in the works and that one of my guys would come through. 

Well, he did.  It just so happens that he sold an investment property that closes today.  He is loaning me money for my business, not as much as I asked, but enough to get you the $3K told you I was aiming for.  I am waiting to hear back from him this morning about how quickly the money will transfer, but this is guaranteed.  As soon as it closes, records and the money is wired to him, he's sending it to me and I will send to you.  I will keep you updated. I am SO VERY sorry to have contributed to this situation, Crystal, but I appreciate your being flexible and resourceful , so we can keep things rolling!  You'll have your salary as soon as that process is completed.  As long as we maintain the progress we're making, soon the business will produce at a level to more than accommodate all of our needs!   Heading into meetings soon.  Thanks for your patience and, again, I will keep you posted! I am the one who should apologize.  Things happened beyond my control, but that doesn't matter, because you're depending on your check being consistent to handle your business and it's my job to ensure it is.  I understand you had to do what you had to do.  All will be consistent very soon.  You're seeing the progress and your a driving force why we're making such progress, so again, I appreciate your resilience and loyalty to the team to continue to build together a legacy for all of our families! Yes, there was a slight delay from Monday, but that's handled now and he's just waiting on the transfer.  Should happen any day now.  I'm sorry for the delay.  I need it to come in, too, for multiple business related deadlines.  I will update ASAP. It was supposed to close Monday, but the lender had not sent the payoff from his requesting it three weeks ago!  Murphy's Law, I guess.  Coming soon though. Today is the last day for the buyer to deposit the funds so I hope to get news today.   I will let you know as soon as I know.  I wish I had heard something already, but I am eagerly expecting good news!  He knows how important this is and the urgency, so as soon as it breaks he'll let me know and I will relay the good news! I'm trying to work out the transfer. 

His wife had a death in the family, so I am trying to be respectful.  We are workin through it now before the banks close.  Contact you later this evening. Trying to make sure they don't hold the funds again He didn't make the deposit, because he was with Family until after the banks closed.  Hopefully, today.  It's delicate with the death of a near relative.  He knows we need it, so I'm sure it will be today. That's why I had to postpone the meeting, because Joe and Ryan weren't available and I was trying to ensure the funds got transferred in a way they would be immediately available.  We just ran out of time. Still tied waiting to hear from him.  Again, they had a death and his family is experiencing some other personal challenges this week, but not financial.  We are all waiting on this transfer, but I encourage continued patience.  We'll get it in soon and we're already working on the next funding to ensure we have no further lapses.  I know it's tough, but we have to be patient.  Everyone and every family experiences grief differently.  I must give him a little more time.  The good news is once it comes, we will be good from then going forward! Not sure why "tied" is in there.  Still waiting... Did you mean to leave the Facebook group today? Yes, I have to find a job that will pay me.  I'm not feeling too confident I'm ever getting paid. Too many excuses and nothing happening. I can't keep waiting and hoping. This has been too stressful.  I am sorry that's the case, but do you not think we are all stressed.  Everyone is being affected and everyone is hanging in there.  I'm sure you see all the messages from our team consisting of contractors from various countries.  If you can hang in there, it won't be long.  I am doing my best to be considerate of everyone.  I can only do what I can however.  I'm not sure what you're seeing, what gives you the impression you won't get paid along with everyone else or what what you're classifying as "excuses", but we are all waiting on he same thing.  I don't think we can call someone's near relative passing away as an excuse.  If not for that, we would have had the money on Monday when her got it. 

He had family obligations that are a higher priority than our immediate need.  Once he sends it however, we'll be back in business.  But, ultimately you have to do what you think is best.  All I can do is update you as to what's going on.  But, I'm not sure what getting paid has to do with staying in or leaving the group.  That just causes a scene and hurts what we're working hard to accomplish overall...including you an Chip's business.  I'm sorry that you have been negatively impacted, but I help you know we all have been equally impacted negatively.  We will correct this and move on to better days, because we have a good system and tons of opportunity.  I hope you can see beyond the immediate to long term victory.  That's what's keeping us grounded through this temporary discomfort so we can win terminally. Not sure how you can judge a $500 billion dollar company based on a temporary cashflow lapse in my business.  That would be shortsighted.  I just attended an event this weekend and this is our larger team.  The company is successful.  That's what I don't waiver in my commitment.  I have made hundreds of thousands in the past and my mentors have made millions, tens of millions and hundreds of millions.  Chip is going to need your support.  Don't fail to see the forest for the trees. Thad fine if you don't want to work for me.  That's up to you.  But, don't shoot your self in the foot. Jaime built that team over 18 years.  That was without social media and all the things we are building. We will build a team that size in a fraction of the time.   Keep your eyes on long term goals and not temporary discomfort. That's a good general principle to live by.  Chip is going be PHENOMENAL at this business very soon.  You can help or hurt that.  It's all up to you. Btw, I'm going to pay you whether you stay or go.  I keep my word, even if for some reason it's delayed beyond my control. I encourage you to take some time to re-evaluate and let's talk again.  I think you may be conflating unrelated issues and that appears to be producing inaccurate conclusions about the overall company, as well as, its ability to produce what you want both short term and long term.  It really doesn't take that long to generate income in the business once we get things going in the next 24 hours.  You will see this whether you stay or go, by I am doing best advise you in advance of that so you won't feel short-changed, if you leave, when things literally EXPLODE over the next 60 days!  I am engaging you, because I want to help you accomplish your goal, so I don't want YOU to miss out over a temporary situation, especially, because I failed to explain to you how things will begin to develop in a short amount of time. We will be 1000 strong by convention in August She hasn't gotten her settlement yet, so she hasn't even replaced her premium yet. Joe's still in the hole Hers is an unusually big case That one hurt  We're holding this machine to pay us ALL BIG TIME!  When we start getting paid soon, we'll ALL get paid!  It's going soon! I am an independent Contractor.  I own my own business.  You're communicating my private business is a violation of confidentiality,  trust and proprietary secrets. The business you have with me is with me only.   I am asking you and Chip to stop calling Hanna about business you have with me.  You are affecting my business adversely.  I will pay you what I owe you, but I have not had it until, literally, a couple of hours ago.  I will settle things with you, but your speeding misinformation about me is not helping your case. I don't work for Hanna.  Your business is with me. Your supposition is correct.  I don’t, yet, have the resources.  I will contact you once I can credibly set a payment date.  As you know, I had some major setbacks that impacted my ability to generate income just when had optimized a working system, some completely unrelated to you, but others of which you are aware, including losing my assistant without notice in the middle of a revenue producing project when I didn’t have a replacement.  Otherwise, I most likely would have been able to generate the income to pay you and many others by now.   As it stands, we are working on it.  The meeting for funding that I shared with you in confidence was pushed back. 

But I won’t say when, because every time I share information about my personal business matters with you, you call up someone completely unresponsible for such matters and I get a meeting discussing such matters with - Hanna, home office, etc. - to no avail, aside from putting my personal business in the streets, since no one aside from me has jurisdiction in this matter.  So, again, I will contact you once I can a payment date that I can keep. Working with me through the problems would have been much more profitable.  You don’t seem to understand that I am an independent contractor and WFG is not responsible for any personal debt or business arrangement.  But, you’ll soon discover that.  I’ve already spoken with them about this.  So, you do what you feel you have to.  You’ll be in for a big surprise, however and you definitely won’t get what you want.  I only owed you 5,500.  If you want to fight over that instead of waiting until I can send it, you do what you feel you have to.  Whatever that is will disappoint you drastically, however.  You’ll see. You’ve made this something it never had to be.  Your loss. I used to be a licensed mediator for the state of CA court system.  I mediated cases like this all the time.  The courts would rather not deal with stuff like this.  So, I clearly know my options.  I told you I don’t have anything to give you,  it you would rather keep trying to shame me.  This is the person who uses the term Christian.  Read Matthew 18 or Romans 6 lately? I haven’t been able to pay some others and they haven’t quit.  That was your choice.  That’s not hateful.  That’s facts You betrayed my confidence  What’s the price for that? Apparently, $5500 I am broke from helping ungrateful people like you, Crystal.  And it is coming back.  Not worried about that at all.   You’re pretty juvenile, like junior high juvenile.  I’ll pay you, but you’ll get your reward elsewhere.   I didn't lie to you.  We just struggled to get things going and I'm sorry you interpreted it otherwise aside from our struggling through some unexpected challenges to get things off the ground. 

The last time I paid you, I literally paid you my last and my family did without after I paid bills to keep things going, because I know how close we are.  I'm sorry I couldn't pay you time and I'm sorry you think I wasn't telling you the truth:  I was 100% transparent with you both.  I am independent contractor and this doesn't fall under any company guidelines and they have no authority to force me to do anything.   Because you thought I was "holding out" on you, you went to my upland and sought to defame and embarrass me.  On top of that, you walked away and left me scrambling, in fact, we're still attempting to recover from that and both of you told me not to contact you any more. We were and still are having a hard time putting this business together, but instead of you guys hanging in there with us to build something that will take care of us, our children and our children's children, you walked away and left me hanging even though I was keeping you informed literally every day.  I don't appreciate that.  Now, I am sorry things didn't materialize and I couldn't pay you on time.  That was never the plan.  But, nothing in my business was Hanna's business!  You don't know our relationship or anything about anything, but you didn't consider how you might affect any of my business dealings as long as you got what you wanted!    

So, no, I didn't have all your money and I didn't rush once I got it, but choose rather to prioritize hose who were loyal to me, since you went behind my back and didn't give me any type of notice, like even a day or at least showed someone, anyway what you were doing or what your processes were.  You punished everyone in your dissatisfaction with me.  I don't appreciate it at all.   So, I will pay you out of the next round of funding we're working on procuring now.  I barley had enough to handle everything with that last amount to keep highs afloat.  So, you can try to make me look bad or whatever else you feel you need to do.  It won't make me come up with the money any faster than I am now.  I explained to you I haven't gotten paid since May, so I didn't have it.  But, I anticipated making enough to handle the growth sooner.  It didn't happen that way.  The next round, we are asking for $50K.  When I get $50K, as opposed to $5K, then I will send you your $6K.  Until then, I'll be busy working to get everyone paid in my team.  That's what I'm all about.  The last time I sent you money, Crystal, I sent you literally the LAST of my money to pay you first.  It doesn't even matter that I'm telling you that, because you won't believe it and tell other people who have nothing to do with this that I am a "liar" and "scam artist".  That's your prerogative.  God knows the truth. 

Once we get going, out company will clear over $1M 12 months from the date we get going at full capacity.  When we do, I will reward those who stuck around through the tough times, foggy along side each other, gritted it out and built an incredible company that we can be proud of and that takes care of all our families and many others.  By then, I'll long ago have sent your $6K and this conversation and any discomfort any of us felt will be a distant memory. Thank you both for the contributions you made while we were putting this together.  You really helped all of us in those initial weeks.  If you had just taken me at my word and continued to work with me like the team of contractors I still have in place who live half way around the world, but who hind in there with me, we could have built together.  If you had been willing to function as partners, I would have made you partners.  But, I guess, maybe, you don't believe things will work out as I have envisioned.  Instead, you choose to throw me under the bus like disgruntled employees.  Time will tell.  I'll pay you your money as soon as I have it.   I'll let you know coming out of this meeting with Ryan, the investor and me next week.  We'll do our best to help you meet the deadline for your move to Louisiana, even though you couldn't care less about our team deadlines.  I pray all goes as you have envisioned, as well. No one was getting paid, Crystal and I told you why.  We were all hurting You walked away, left me hanging and attempted to make me look bad.  Look.  I'm done.  All I ever do is busy my butt for everyone. 

I'll sorry you didn't get paid.  I don't appreciate how you handled it.  You don't know me.  Last year, I spent about $50-60K out of my pocket for my team.  If I had it now, I would have with no problem.  I don't have it.  When I do, you will get it.  My concern is everyone's family on my team.  That's what I'm building for.  To take care of everyone.  Not just my family.  If I were just out for me, I would have taken Jeremiah's training and done what was only good for me.  But, that's not who I am.  That's why I still have a team.  I have gone to batt for them in the past and they are loyal and they trust me.  If you stick around you would see the same.  In fact, one of the reasons I do have much liquid now if because I spent it on them, sometimes helping them out of financial jams.  That's who I am.  Not someone who abuses people.  I help them.  Well, now, I need a help and consideration.  Those who help me, help them will receive the reward of what I'm doing for them.  Others will get disgruntled, demand what belongs to them and walk away.  I can only be where I am.  When I get your money, I'll send it.

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