  • Report:  #1090559

Complaint Review: IGS Energy - Dublin Ohio

Reported By:
Bay Area Watchdog - San Jose, California,

IGS Energy
6100 Emerald Pkwy Dublin, 43016 Ohio, USA
(888) 995-0992
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This company hires on employees under the pretense that you are to be a trainee for management. I was hired as an independent contractor and this is how they get you... you have to work 6 days a week, 8 hours a day, with no base pay, and for commissions only. The average worker that I have seen makes 3 sales a day and is compensated $10 per sale. 

In the interview and pep talks after being hired, it was stated that they are looking for people who had not gone to college and have no prior experience in business so that they could "mold them". It became very clear that they had hand picked those that were desperate and/or had not furthered their education. They offer no benefits, no overtime pay, no compensation pay for gas (since it is door to door sales and you carpool around with your fellow co-workers often times in your own vehicle for great distances), no consistent sales training, no managerial training, and no cross training of any sort. Every so often a guest speaker comes in to make more promises and keep you motivated.

It was obvious to me that they are manipulating the social networks of the "trainees" with promise of advancement. The language used to keep people selling is very cult like in its execution and intent. They even make a regular speech about how your friends and family will doubt you, your job, how they want to hold you back and keep you down... and how you just have to keep with it to reap the benefits. To illustrate the use of my metaphor; after coming to my senses I was greeted with anger and hurt feelings when attempting to bring the facts of our job to my co-workers.

It is partially true about advancement. If you somehow manage to do decent with sales, and keep a roof over your head with food on your plate, you will get to open your own branch...And you will be expected to recruit a new batch of "trainees" to go out and make sales that you will then receive commissions on. In other words, you go from being manipulated to being the manipulator.

In effort of full disclosure as to the dangers of accepting work here with high hopes; there are 40 people in the training program in San Jose. All are told that they will receive their own branch to manage. However, the bay area is only so big. Where are these people going to open up a branch? You are told you can move to other states that have deregulated natural gas...but on what income will any of them be able to afford a move to another state, or even a different city?

This job is a scam. Please heed my warning and stay away!

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